JD: This did have to happen and it looks like it’s been a success.
BM: Well it has been a success we’ll see what the after math is Jimmy. 59 cruise missiles launched from the eastern Med at a military base there near Homs Syria was intended to send a number of messages. Certainly one to President Bashar al-Assad there in Damascus that the sort of behavior that we saw on the 4th of April by gassing with the nerve gas of innocent women, men, children, and babies is intolerable something that no human being should tolerate.
The second message I think is that it sent a message to
Moscow saying look you gave us guarantees that all the poisonous gas was
removed years ago. Obviously that didn’t happen, our trust in you has waned, and
oh by the way why don’t you back down in your confrontations in Ukraine, as well
as, along the green line from the Baltics to the stands. So, there were other
messages as well.
JD: Talk to me, how in the world do they know that for sure it
was Syria that did this? In other words Bob, Russia is denying that Syrians are
involved in this that they actually bombed a warehouse where some of the opposition
rebel groups trying to take down Bashar al-Assad had stored some chemical
weapons some Syrian gas. How do you determine is that the case or was Russia
BM: I will tell you that we have, obviously, satellite imagery
that we track aircraft. We track where various munitions would be stored and
how they were uploaded. You put all that together in an intelligence analysis
and then you present that to the leader of the country and he makes the
decision accordingly.
JD: Colonel Bob Maginnis from the Pentagon with the information
about the US attack on the Syrian airbase that originated the Syrian aircraft
and it’s chemical attack on its own people.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The United States strike on the airbase in Syria that was
the origin for the Syrian chemical attacks is a signal to major players in this
world today. Notice if you will the two major nations that received this
message Syria and Russia. When you look at Ezekiel 38:2 that’s Russia and then
Daniel 11:40 mentions the king of the north which is modern day Syria.
These two nations are very much connected to the alignment
of nations that will come against the Jewish state of Israel in the last days.
Russia, Ezekiel 38, will be the leader of this alignment of nations and Syria, Daniel chapter 11 will be the first nation to make its move against the Jewish
state. Presently both Russia and Syria at Israel’s northern border are in a
position to fulfill these prophetic scenarios found in God’s word.