JD: The Temple
Institute has established a school for the priest and my broadcast partner,
Winkie Medad, who keeps us up to date on what’s happening at the Temple
Institute, tells us that the Temple Institute has now established a school for
“hands on” responsibilities for the priest that will be on the Temple Mount in
WD: Yes, first of
all, the Jews have always studied the sacred texts whether it be the Bible the
Talmud or Rabbinic commentaries. We know that in the early 20th
century there was a famous Rabbi imploring his fellow Kohanim, his fellow
Levitical priest, to study them so that when Messiah comes we don’t have to
wait around and say, “wait a second, we have to figure out how to take this
calf, how not to take this goat, and how we are going to use the knife … oh
wait a minute, let’s open up the book again, as if you have a tv, and read our
instruction manual while the kids are waiting for everything to get fixed.” In
other words, it’s incumbent upon us not only to study the laws of the Sabbath,
but also the special dietary laws, the laws of kosher food; but also the Temple
service. So the Temple Institute is doing this and it is to be commended for
doing this, and hopefully it won’t be to far in the future when practice
becomes real.
JD: When practice
becomes real. What a statement, unbelievable. Thai was Winkie Medad reporting.
We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy
to be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The school for the priest, established by the Temple
Institute is about the last thing that has to happen before the Temple can be built.
God’s Word says there will be a Temple on the Temple Mount
in Jerusalem during the Tribulation Period, that’s Daniel 9:27, where it says
the antichrist will cause the sacrifice to cease in that Temple, thus, there
has to be a Temple there. Jesus Christ confirmed that, Matthew 24:15, when He
said, “When you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the Prophet
Daniel, get out of town.” 2 Thessalonians 2:4 talks about the antichrist
walking into a Temple on the Temple Mount at the mid-way point of the
Tribulation and claiming to be god, as he goes into the Holy of Holies, that is
the abomination of desolation. And John
the Revelator, told in Revelation 1&2 to measure the spot for the Temple
that will be in Jerusalem at the mid-way point of the Tribulation.
All these preparations have been made, the implements are in
storage, they know where the ark of the covenant is; four thousand harps have
now been made and are ready to be played when that Temple does stand in
Jerusalem. And now they have a school for the priest so that everything is
ready for them to rebuild that Temple right after the Rapture of the Church. That is my prophetic prospective on the news today.