JD: In the Scriptures we find that God created the animals in pairs with just two genders and he also created humans in the same way.
DJ: Well that’s right and we find this in two very clear accounts. One with regard to the animals in Genesis chapter 6 leading up to the flood. In verse 18 of Genesis chapter 6 God says, I will establish my Covenant with you and shall go into the Ark and of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the Ark to keep them alive with you, they shall be male and female.
JD: I recall that you brought out a great point and
that has to do with the resurrection of the body.
DJ: Well we understand that the first resurrection will be at
the rapture of the church. All believers will have a resurrection into a
physical body. But we also know there is a second resurrection spoken of in
Revelation chapter 20 in conjunction with the great white throne judgment.
Unbelievers will also be resurrected in a physical body. So, that means that no
matter what somebody might do to their body for example, taking hormones to
alter their physical appearance or even going through sex reassignment surgery
to alter their physical bodies.
The fact is this, that they are conceived and
they are the gender that they are when they were born; their DNA, their
genetics correspond to that gender. And at the resurrection whatever has been
done to our physical bodies whether they be tattoos or any other modification
the fact is we will be resurrected with the physical gender that we had at
birth. And so we will spend all eternity with the gender that corresponds to
what came into being at conception.
JD: David James with a Biblical prospective to the transgender
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
David James basically gave us the Biblical insight into the
transgender lifestyle. Today it is not politically correct to speak against
that alternative lifestyle of the transgender. But in reality it doesn’t matter
if I’m politically correct or not as a Christian I must be Biblically correct.
Let me remind you that the death spiral of humanity which is
found in Romans chapter 1 is key to understanding this issue. As well as that
passage in Luke chapter 17 where the Lord says as it was in the days of Lot so
shall it be in the days that I return to the earth.
The transgender lifestyle that is spreading across the world
today is indeed setting the stage as it was in the days of Lot for the return
of Jesus Christ.