JD: The Prime Minister said that he was talking with the White House about the possibility of annexation. What about annexation? Now we’re talking about as I understand it annexing Judea and Samaria is that correct?
WM: The area that we’ll talk about of course is Judea and Samaria the heart of the homeland of the Jewish National home. Annexation I would prefer the phrase extending Israeli sovereignty to these areas because I want you and the people to be reminded again all the area west of the Jordan River was supposed to become the Jewish National home by decision of the League of Nations in 1922 after they divided the original territory and trans Jordan that is the territory east of the Jordan River eventually became what we know as the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
People should know that the Jewish people already gave up a
large part of what they were to suppose to receive originally. It’s not a
matter of annexation because there was no state there before 1967. Jordan was
an illegal occupier. As to the aspect of what Mr. Netanyahu and anybody in the
White House were discussing I know the White House has said we’re not
negotiating annexation. I have a funny feeling the Mr. Netanyahu at one point
in time had said to a White House staffer or a under Secretary of State or even
maybe the President that we have several options on the table. I’m sure he
mentioned it one way so maybe Mr. Netanyahu was a little bit imprecise in
exactly using a term negotiating rather than simply reporting or discussing.
And the White House was correct they said we’re not negotiating this aspect of
it my guess of how the situation went down.
JD: Winkie Medad with his explanation of the discussion between
Israel and the White House on the sovereignty of the settlements in Judea and
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Most world leaders say that the Jewish settlements in Judea
and Samaria are a hindrance to the peace process. Now the Israeli government
wants to annex this disputed territory. In fact, for Israel to annex this real
estate means that it will be under Israeli sovereignty. In reality that’s
exactly what God’s word said would happen. Ezekiel chapter 34 says that the
Lord will give this land to the Jewish people. Ezekiel 36:22 says that the Lord
does this for his holy namesake. And Ezekiel 37:7-11 says that the Lord does
this in the of end times. Any discussion between the Israeli Prime Minister and
President Trump only matters if it conforms to God's word.