JD: Do you think having a mixture of good and bad prophecy teachers at a conference like this presents any problems for those who are there in attendance?
DJ: Well I think it does. Since prophecy is not taught that much in the local churches a lot of people who go to these different prophecy conferences they’re not well taught and they don’t know how to handle the word of God accurately. In many cases if you have a situation where you have a very good prophecy teacher followed or proceeded by a bad one or a sensationalist somebody who is off the wall in their understanding and get off into speculation for one thing it comes across as a tasked endorsement and I think the average person may not be able to figure out how to sort it out. And they would assume naturally that a lot of these men are all on the same page and would be in agreement.
When you get on stage with someone that you don’t agree with
you have really one of two choices. You either contradict them which introduces
confusion into the audience or you agree to not talk about things that you
disagree with them on and that actually gives credence to the false teaching
that they may be receiving. And I know that you’ve been a prophecy teacher in
many large conferences over the years and I know that you are being much more
careful in the invitations that you accept.
JD: Would you agree that one reason why prophecy conferences
like this are regaining popularity is because of the lack of sound teaching on
prophecy in our churches today?
DJ: It seems to be that it has become a topic that is now
avoided because people have concluded that it’s divisive and not that important.
But you know we can’t understand our present unless we understand where we’re
going in the future and what God is doing. And I would also say not only is it
a problem in the churches I think it also starts in our academic institutions,
our Bible institutes, Bible colleges, Christian Universities and Seminaries who
are not accurately teaching eschatology to the guys they’re training to become
pastors. So, I think it’s almost an epidemic problem and I think if they were
getting good solid teaching in their churches that they wouldn’t be chasing
after anybody who may have the next sensational prospective on future events.
JD: David James comes to this broadcast table with his Bible in
hand for the purpose of explaining that headline.
David James Bible in hand with a warning to Christians about
some major prophecy conferences being held here in America today.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Since thirty percent of the Bible is prophecy we must study God’s
plan for the future. However, we at the same time must remember the words of
Jesus, Matthew 7:15 and then again in Matthew 24:11 and beware of false
prophets and teachers. Remember God’s word is the absolute.