JD: Tell me about
the book just an overview if you will talk to me about the book and the
benedict option.
MG: Well sure
Jimmy. The benedict option calls for people of all faith to emulate a 6th
century Catholic monk as an example of how to live in a collapsing culture. In
the book almost all of the heroes are Roman Catholic monks. And so Rob Dryer is
a major promoter of Roman Catholicism, ecumenical unity, and contemplative prayer. Three areas that will all introduce the global church that will worship
the antichrist in the last days.
It’s interesting that Dryer the author of the book is a
former Catholic who converted to the Eastern Orthodox religion and he converted
not because of the false and fatal gospel of Catholicism but because of the
Roman Catholic priestly sexual abuse scandal. And so this author Rob Dryer
promotes subjective spiritual experiences in order to win the cultural war.
Rather than using the two tools that the Lord Jesus gave us that is the power
of His word and the power of His gospel; he uses these subjective ritualistic
religious experiences such as contemplative prayer. Also, he’s one who
advocates praying the Rosary he enjoyed that as a Roman Catholic.
And so Jimmy I think as we look at prophetic events taking
place today this is again a move toward the one-world religion where apostate
Christianity is united together to fight the cultural war. And so we have to recognize
there’s much more at stake then winning cultural wars. We’re also fighting an
age-old war against truth, which is waged by the power of darkness. The very
power of darkness that will one day usher in the global church.
JD: Mike Gendron
with a report on a book the Benedict Option a book that is being used to
prepare this world for a one world religion.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Bible does talk about a one-world religion that comes to
power in Rome Italy. It is know as the mother son cult that was founded 4,500
years ago in Babel, which is known today as Babylon. Revelation 17 is the
prophecy of this one world religion and verse 5 refers to Babylon the mother of
all harlots and in the context the harlot is referring to the one world
religion that will be headquartered in the city of Rome.
This new book the Benedict Option is very dangerous because
instead of a plan supposedly revealing to us how to fight the present day cultural
war is actually helping us to understand how this world can be formed into a
one world religion.