JD: Ken we often focus on Turkey and Tayyip Erdogan who is the President of Turkey he has an upcoming election June I think the 24th of this month. I’ve got to ask you, he seems like he’s in a fight for his political life the race is really tightening up, what do you know?
KT: Well Bloomberg did a survey, the first one by a western news agency inside Turkey recently. It showed Erdogan with just over 50%, 50.8% I think and his nearest competitor was 30%. There were four of them I believe running. And what happens if one person does not get a clear 50% majority in the first round? There will be a second round and then there will just be two competitors and I think Erdogan will clearly win that one with a large number perhaps 70% or 75% of the vote. So, I don’t think he’s really endangered.
Where it becomes more interesting is in the Parliament
because there are different blocks in Parliament. In addition to his AK party
there’s a Nationalist party, there’s a pro-Kurdish party, and then there’s sort
of a Liberal party as well. And Erdogan needs to forge a majority, he can do so
easily according to this latest opinion poll just by uniting the votes of his
own party and the Nationalist Turkish party. And frankly I would call this a
step towards fascism. Turkey is clearly on the road towards Islam fascism as a
state as state policy and I think that was Erdgoan’s intent in calling these
elections it was to solidify his base to solidify coalition and to get by in
from in particular the Nationalist party to his agenda which is anti-American,
anti-Kurdish for sure, from time to time pro-Iranian, and very definitely
JD: Yeah and wanting to revive the Old Ottoman Empire.
KT: And for he himself to
become the new caliph absolutely.
JD: Ken Timmerman with the details on the upcoming election in Turkey.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As Ken Timmerman told us Tayyip Erdogan President of Turkey
called an early election for President for the purpose of giving himself more
power, absolute power in fact. Tayyip Erdogan wants to revive the Old Ottoman
Empire which was an Islamic caliphate an Islamic kingdom. If he gets the vote
in the upcoming election Erdogan could become the new caliph the pan Islamic
leader of the Islamic world. This scenario actually fits into the prophetic
scenario for the last days as found in Ezekiel 38:2 & 6. This is where the
prophet reveals that Turkey is a major power in the alignment of nations that
will rise up to destroy Israel.