JD: What do the Israeli’s thinking about this North Korean situation and their connection to the Middle East?
DD: Well Jimmy I’ve had some correspondents from some of my friends there has some insecurity and their extremely concerned. Not only did North Korea help Syria on their chemical weapons program as they did but they also were helping them build a nuclear reactor that Israel destroyed in 2006. Israel’s role with Syria and Iran is very deep don’t forget that President George W. Bush named this the axis of evil between North Korea, Iran, and Syria and he said from the gecko that the United States suspected that North Korea was playing a large role in Iran’s attempts to develop nuclear weapons. Iranian’s program was supposedly shutdown although so was North Korea’s in 1994.
The two worst most powerfully armed rogue regimes on earth,
their twins North Korea and Iran; Iran’s bigger. Russia makes that possible and
the concern in Israel is that we may be facing a world war if this breaks out Jimmy
and that the other main center of it would be them, the Middle East. So, I can
tell you that they will be on full military alert watching what’s going on. And
of course how could Israel deal with that best? By being ready. As President
Trump has said about America Israel certainly doesn’t want war but they see
this as a real strategic possibility Jimmy and they’ll be watching and ready
for any possibilities.
JD: David Dolan reporting on Israel’s concern about both North
Korea and Iran.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As the world watches North Korea a possible attack on the
United States the Israeli Defense Force is preparing for the twin nuclear
powered nations that may make strikes against the big Satan and the little
Satan. Iran referring to the United States as the big Satan and Israel as the
little Satan.
Both of these rogue regimes Iran and North Korea are ready
to attack. Iran is ready to follow the lead of North Korea. This worldwide
crisis could lead to a major world war, a nuclear war. Both Iran and North
Korea have key roles in the future wars according to Bible prophecy. Iran at
the beginning of the tribulation period, that’s Ezekiel 38 and North Korea at
the end of the seven year period of judgment, that’s Revelation 16:12. The
stage is set for both of these prophecies to be fulfilled.