JD: David earlier this week you sent me an article about an open letter that was actually sent to Beth Moore back in June by several Christian women leaders who called Beth Moore out for her silence concerning homosexuality even though she’s been very outspoken about racism and misogyny.
DJ: That article was posted on the Christian headlines website. And it carried a headline Beth Moore’s beliefs on homosexuality were called into question in an open letter from Bible teachers. That articles opening paragraph stated in an open letter signed by Susan Heck, Debbie Lynne, Tess Berk, Michelle Lesley, Martha Peace and Elizabeth Prata the women ask more why she has not spoken out on the issue of homosexuality despite being allowed voice against as you said misogyny and racism.
Now I’ll quote a few exhorts from that letter. They said
this, “we as female Bible teachers ourselves write this letter to you in hopes
of receiving clarification of your views on an important issue homosexuality.
One factor promoting our open letter to you is the very public mutual affection
and admiration between you, Jen Hatmaker and Jonathan Merritt.” In October of
2016 Jen Hatmaker said she was a left leaning moderate came out as fully
supportive of homosexual marriage saying it can be holy and said practicing
homosexuals can be part of the regenerate body of Christ.
On April 9, 2019 Jonathan Merritt tweeted “I know longer
believe Beth Moore is a human. I think she is an angelic being having a human experience.”
Today by his own admission he rejects Biblical inerrancy and says his sexual orientation
he no longer views as broken. So I would say that all this suggest that like
much of evangelism Beth Moore’s views are evolving to be more excepting of same
sex relationships which is a problem.
JD: David James with the details behind our headline today.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
David James revealed to us the open letter to Beth Moore
from several lady Bible teachers with a legitimate request. Since Beth Moore is so
popular in the Christian world today these ladies wanted to know where Beth
Moore stands on this very important issue. We know where God stands as
explained in Roman chapter 1. We know what God did to a sodomite community. He
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, that’s Genesis 19.
Beth Moore must explain her stand on homosexuality as well
because these perverted activities set the stage for the end times, that’s
Matthew 24:37.