JD: Itamar I watched from the Government Press office some 25 years ago, September 13, 1993, when Yasser Arafat and the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin along with President Bill Clinton there at the White House there in Washington signed the Oslo Accords. That was total subterfuge as we have been watching the last 25 years and in fact still there is no Palestinian recognition of Israel. How can the Palestinians expect to have a coexistence much less a peace agreement to accomplish any other goals with that type of reception to this peace treaty?
IM: Well the Palestinian Authority as you say never really wanted to achieve peace. They tell their people that their goal the goal of the entire process is eventually eliminating Israel. And by the way not only do they tell their people but they’re people that we’ve reported Palestinian Media Watch has documented and this is the message they get.
There was a poll taken a few years ago the Palestinians were
asked what is the goal of the Palestinian leadership in seeking a settlement of
Israel. Close to 70% said the leaderships goal is to get Israel to certain
borders, close to the 67 ceasefire line and then from there to go an liberate what
they called all of Palestine meaning to destroy Israel.
So the Palestinian Authority has given there people the
message. This is a stagiest plan we’re going to make Israel smaller and smaller
until there is no more Israel. And the people understand that this is the
message that the leadership and this is the goal that the Palestinian leadership
is working for.
JD: Itamar Marcus with the details and the truth about the Oslo
Accords and the Palestinian intent to destroy the Jewish state.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Itamar Marcus’s report is right on target with how the
Palestinian people have in the past and in the future will use this Oslo
Accords for what God’s word says will happen in the Israeli-Palestinian
Malachi chapter 1 says that the Palestinians will return to
Israel. Ezekiel chapter 35 says that these Palestinian people will kill the
Jews and then steal their land. The end game in this 4,000 year old conflict is
foretold in Obadiah verses 15-18. The Palestinians decedents of Esau will be
destroyed as if they had never been. That prophecy is close to fulfillment.