JD: As I understand it Jim your
theme is evidence that demands a verdict. Boy that’s a great theme. How are the
young people there in Romania taking to that theme?
JD Jr: You know
our theme verse this year for the camp this summer comes from I Peter 3:15.
Sanctify the Lord God in your heart and be ready always to give an answer to
every man that ask if you a reason of the hope that is within you. You know a
lot of these kids will come from Romanian churches so they have a background. A
lot of them come from Christian homes but they’ve never really been challenged
as to what they believe and how to put it to use.
So from all walks of life we’re really giving the evidence
that God indeed did send His son to die for mankind. That He came on this
earth. That the miracles that He did were truly miracles. That He lived in a
real place in a real place in time in history. That He taught disciples, he
hand picked them, he taught them. As a matter of fact how God used 40 authors
over 1,500 years to compile the inspired word of God. And just going through
that with the young people really helps them to understand the message that God
is giving.
I also like the fact that I taught from the aspect of one of
the questions that Jesus asked Peter when He said whom do men say that I am?
And who do you say that I am? And that‘s the platform from which I jumped off.
And of course we know that Peter recognized Him as the Christ. And then he just
gave some more information about taking up your cross, denying yourself, what
is it when a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. And those are all
words and it’s interesting how Peter later on after even denying he knew Jesus
right before Christ went to the cross Peter later on gave those very words
about being ready to give an account, a reason for that hope that is within
JD: Jim Jr, my
oldest son with the details on how we as Christians are able always to be ready
to give the reason for the hope we have for the future.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.