A recent report by the World Health Organization says that abortions
worldwide are putting women's health at risk with one half of all
abortions unsafe, even dangerous, and abortion is one of the main
reasons for maternal death worldwide.
This data reveals that women who
wish to terminate unwanted pregnancies will seek abortion at any cost
and thus these women will continue to die in significant numbers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The number of maternal deaths related to unsafe abortion is on the
increase, a disturbing statistic for the World Health Organization but
it's blasphemy according to the Bible and abortion is a precursor to the
end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
WHO, World Health Organization, in a recent report, revealed the
increase in maternal deaths, a result of unsafe abortions. They say now
50% of all worldwide abortions are unsafe and a major cause for these
maternal deaths. This number goes as high as 95% in Latin American
countries and 97% in Africa. However, what about the death rate among
the children that are aborted. That would be at 100% of all abortions
of unwanted pregnancies end in death to the babies - and that's the real
Abortion is very dangerous for all unborn children, and I say children
because life does not begin at birth. In fact, it does not begin at
conception. Life begins in the mind of God in eternity past. In
Jeremiah 1:5, the Lord told Jeremiah that he had been chosen to be the
prophet to the nations of the world not at birth, not even at
conception, but Jeremiah was chosen before he was formed in his mother's
womb in eternity past. All of life began in the mind of God before the
creation of the world.
Abortion is murder according to Exodus 21:22-23. If someone takes
another life, Genesis 9:6, then they must give their life in return.
That's capital punishment which is called for in the Bible. Abortion is
most dangerous for the unborn with a 100% mortality rate and murders
through abortions will increase in the last days (Revelation 22:15).