Iranian President Ahmadinejad told a crowd of thousands in Southern Iran recently that the world will see a new Middle East without the US and the Jewish state of Israel and the Iranian president said this new Middle East without Israel will emerge out of the unrest that has reached into all Arab nations in the Middle East.
The Iranian president said that Israel is nearing its end and he called on all Middle East nations to continue their fight against the very existence of the Jewish state of Israel in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by Iranian President Ahmadinejad that the new Middle East will not include the US or Israel is half right and half wrong, according to Bible prophecy.
The outspoken, radical President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, has spewed from his mouth ludicrous statements like, "There was never a Holocaust" and that "Israel must be wiped off the earth" and now he claims that the new Middle East will be without the US and Israel. Ahmadinejad has repeated his statement that the demise of Israel is very close at hand and could happen in the near future. Iran still remains the number one threat to the Jewish state of Israel especially as Iran continues to develop its Nuclear Weapons of Mass Destruction.
As to Ahmadinejad's statement that the new Middle East will be absent the US and Israel, this is half right and half wrong. At the rapture of the Church, the backbone of America, the born-again Christians, will depart this world leaving the US as a nation bent for destruction, thus no America in a new Middle East after the rapture. However, the Jewish state of Israel will be a part of the Middle East, in fact the new Middle East forever as promised in Bible prophecy.
The Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 15, promises that the Jews will have a nation and a land in the Middle East forever. The Land Covenant, Deuteronomy 30, says that the Jewish state will be ten times as large as it is right now. This means then that the nations missing from the new Middle East will be Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, three quarters of Iraq and three quarters of Saudi Arabia and half the state of Egypt.
Israel will be a nation in the new Middle East forever.