The Temple Institute, a Jewish organization who is preparing to build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, produced a 90 second video promoting the project and it used the images of two children at the beach building a sand model of the Jewish Temple.
The video concluded the short presentation with the Temple made out of sand and the caption reading, "The children are ready", indicating even the Jewish children are looking for the next Temple.
This promotional piece supposedly irritated the Islamist Egyptian President Morsi who has said in the past that there will not be a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem but instead the Temple Mount will be the headquarters for an Islamic global kingdom.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Islamist Egyptian President Morsi does not want a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem as called for in a new promotional video, evidence that Bible prophecy is getting very close to being fulfilled.
The Temple Institute, the leaders of the Jewish community who want to build a Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, produced a promotional video that encourages the Jewish people to move ahead with this project. The video depicts two children on the beach building what seems to be a sand castle but instead, the finished product is a sand model of the Temple. The final scene of this 90 second video has the caption, "The children are ready". This video was seen by Egyptian officials who say that it irritated the Islamist Egyptian President Morsi who in the past has called for a global Islamic caliphate, a worldwide kingdom to be headquartered in Jerusalem, not a Jewish Temple.
However, Bible prophecy is absolute that there will be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount. Zechariah 1:16 says that the Messiah will return to Jerusalem and build a Temple. Ezekiel 40-46, 202 verses, describe the Kingdom Temple where the Messiah will rule and reign forever, Zechariah 6:13. Even before the Kingdom Temple, the ancient Jewish prophets foretold of a Temple in Jerusalem, Daniel 9:27, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1.
Arab world leaders may not like it, but there will be a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.