The courts in NY state issued a warrant forcing an auction house to
return the fossil bones of what they call a 70 million year old dinosaur
unearthed in the nation of Mongolia where it was discovered in the last
The bones of the dinosaur were sold at auction in NY for one million
dollars, but the court said that the sale was illegal because the fossil
was illegally imported into the US.
The transaction for the sale of this dinosaur fossil has also been
termed a fraud since there are those who say that the bones are not 70
million years old as claimed, thus the value of the bones is way over
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur fossil for one million
dollars is not only a fraud in the world of collectors, but totally
contradicts the Bible account of Creation as well as the end time
scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
A recent news report of the sale of a 70 million year old dinosaur
fossil for one million dollars motivated the US government to stop the
sale and actually confiscate the bones to return them to their rightful
owner in Mongolia. When I read the story, I was taken back by the fact
that someone was naive enough to pay one million dollars for a bunch of
bones not nearly as old as claimed but also not as rare either since
there are vast numbers of these bones across the world and even some
dinosaurs still alive in our world today. The alligators found in the
Everglades in Florida are the living species of dinosaurs that can be
found in America. For sure, these bones are not 70 million years old
having been created around 6000 years ago, Exodus 20:11 and Genesis 1:24
- 25.
This report is evidence of how God's Word is absolute in its record of
Creation as found in Genesis 1. As one adds up the number of years
between Creation and the Flood, Genesis 5 and the years total between
the Flood and Abraham, you get approximately a 2000 year period of time.
We know that Abraham lived about 4000 years ago, thus a 6000 year
period of time from Creation until today. The connection between the
Creation account recorded in Genesis 1 and Bible prophecy for the end of
times is found in many biblical accounts of both Creation and Bible
prophecy. Let me give you one example. Zechariah 12:1 speaks of Creation
and the rest of Zechariah 12 lays out a prophetic scenario for the end
The Biblical account of Creation, absolute truth is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.