JD: Why is the city of Jerusalem so important to the Jewish people?
WM: Jimmy, Jerusalem is the center of the Jewish religion and cultural experience. You’re well acquainted with Jewish ritual and I remind our listeners almost every single holiday in every single daily prayer all sorts of customs Jerusalem is there. You take Jerusalem out and you don’t have Judaism; you don’t have a Jew.
From the Temple to belief in various levels of sanctity of
the land of Israel Passover seders, the festive meal, the festivals,
weddings, funerals all sorts of cycle of life events that a Jew goes through
there’s always a connection to Jerusalem. Zion is the hill on which the Temple
Mount was built.
Jerusalem is in the Bible it is God’s chosen city. You know
probably the prophets at least as much as I do and probably a lot more but
almost every single prophet talks about the city, the walls being rebuilt,
strangers coming from a far, people from all around the world streaming to Jerusalem
not only the Jews. So, without it we’d be more than limping in our existence
and so I think I’ve tried to explain to you and our listeners that this is not
the matter of Washington vs. Philadelphia or some other country and its
capitol. It’s more than a capitol it’s the essence of what Jewish national
identity is.
JD: Winkie Medad with a very profound statement about Jerusalem
and the Jewish people.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Winkie Medad’s statement says it all about the meaning of
Jerusalem for the Jewish people today. Jerusalem is God’s chosen city where he
will dwell among the Jewish people forever, that’s Psalm 132:13 &14.
Zechariah 2:8 says that Jerusalem is the apple of the Lord’s eye. The center of
the earth is also the city of Jerusalem, that’s Ezekiel 5:5.
The mount from which the Word of the Lord will go forth is
Jerusalem, Isaiah chapter 2 and Micah chapter 4. Jerusalem is where we on white
horses will accompany Jesus when He comes back to the earth to rule and reign
forever and that’s Zechariah 14:4.