JD: Well speaking of Germany they have just erected November the 9th a statue of Ronald Reagan. It was unveiled to mark the fall of the Berlin Wall which took place some 30 years ago. It started a chain of activities that would end up with Vladimir Putin become President of Russia. Very interesting the statue of Ronald Reagan put up, he’s the one who said those six words “Tear that wall down Mr. Gorbachev”. It did start all of this.
JR: Yes, Berlin falling was such a dramatic event at the time. In 1988 I was walking along the Berlin Wall with a colleague who was resident and he told me this wall could never fall it would be absolute chaos and it was less than a year that it was down. So its good to see a commemoration. Again as you said Jimmy it was just absolutely dramatic. Tear down this wall Mr. Gorbachev, what a statement. So Germany is grateful for the role of the United States. The values in which Europe is founded freedom, democracy, equality, rule of law these things must be defended.
JD: John Rood with the details of the erection of a statue of Ronald Reagan at the location of the Berlin Wall on the 30th Anniversary of that historic event.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In 1987 President Reagan stood at the Berlin Wall and said
six words that changed the history of the world. The US President said, “Tear
that wall down Mr. Gorbachev”. Those six words started a chain affect in the
European Union and Russia. Reagan made that speech in 1987. The wall actually
came down in 1989. And because of the fall of the wall in 1991 the Soviet Union
fell and communism in Russia was destroyed. In its place the Russian Republic came
to power with Boris Yeltsin as the President. He served until 1999 when
President Yeltsin appointed his Presidential assistant as the President of
Russia. That mans name was Vladimir Putin. And you know the rest of that story.
A United States President, Ronald Reagan, made a political decision
that actually set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. God uses human government
to fulfill His will, that’s Revelation 17:17.