March 31, 2021

The European Union, Turkey and Russia are all setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled

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JD: The European Union leaders will discuss relationships with Turkey.

JR: The EU leaders are responding to Turkey's movements towards a more normalized relations. Turkey had created an enormous amount of tensions in the Eastern Mediterranean with Greece and Cyprus. Now its the friendly time to see how to make some progress but it appears Turkey is a winner in a lot of this so the EU is very concerned. Turkey is a very powerful country and is going to be exercising their influence in the European Union area more and more. 

JD: And at the same time the Foreign Minister of Russia making the statement that Moscow really has no relationship with the European Union.

JR: Yes that's how Russia sees it. The Russian Foreign Minister has come out with some very very strong statements when he was speaking with his Chinese counter part saying there's no relations with the EU as an organization and this has been destroyed by unravel decisions from Brussels. The EU has been breaking off relations with Moscow for years and they don't want to be isolated but by imposing sanctions and creating quite a tension there. So the Russian Foreign Minister is being quite vocal about the ineffectiveness of the European Union and showing their strength with China and of course Russia and China are both a concern for the European Union.

JD: John Rood explaining how Russia, Turkey, and the European Union are setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Russia, Turkey, and the European Union all have a place in the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy. Russia and Turkey are both members of an alignment of nations that come to destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the first half of the seven year Tribulation period, that's Ezekiel 38. The European Union today will become the Revived Roman Empire, Daniel 7, who will come to power after Russia and the Islamic states are defeated by God, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. God is moving these players onto the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

March 30, 2021

Israeli's fail to elect a government which makes Israel's enemies eager to attack the Jewish State

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JD: Winkie the fourth election is taking place. It's not really that good of an election for the opportunity to set up a stable government. This fourth election in two years did not work out as well as everybody was hoping.

WM: No it did not because Mr. Netanyahu his natural coalition and his usual coalition partners are not at the present moment it seems he just cannot come across above the 61 necessary for to set up a government. I would like to try to explain to our listeners here in Israel we have a Parliamentary Democracy and we have a lot of parties running because you only need to pass a threshold which is about 140,000 - 145,000 votes and too many parties think they can make it. I can try to compare it for our listeners who aren't quite familiar. Think of a high wall and you need a ladder of 120 rungs to get up there but if you get 61 rungs of that ladder you jump all the way to the top immediately. However, those rungs of the ladder are divided among various parties. So they all have to get together and make that ladder get to at least 61 so they can pop up and get the pot of gold at the top of the wall.

JD: Does that mean a fifth election is on the horizon?

WM: First of all Mr. Netanyahu is going to try to pull some other people off their parties or convinced one or two parties that they portrayed themselves as right wing but anti Netanyahu he says well you have a choice. Do you want to go to elections of shift time within two and a half years as the case may be or do you want to support me? What's the choice? But that's a very difficult thing Jimmy because these two parties ran on a very anti Netanyahu platform even though they claim to be more right wing than left wing which leaves things very mixed up not only for me but for a lot of the politicians that are taking place in the negotiations as we speak.

JD: Winkie Medad with the details of Israel's most recent election which fell short of forming a government.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Israel's recent election fell short of being able to form a new government with the possibility of going to a fifth election within two and a half years. With an unstable Israeli government Israel's enemies believe that this may be the time to attack the Jewish state as foretold in Ezekiel 38, Psalm 83, and Daniel 11. These prophecies are close to being fulfilled.

March 29, 2021

Jews around the world are celebrating the Jewish Feast Days of Passover

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JD: Please if you will rehearse the first Passover so that those listening maybe for the first time not familiar with the Passover this Jewish holy day how it all came about.

SH: For your listeners sake when they read through the Torah the first five books they'll come to book of Exodus. Its a very important story, a very important historic event and that is when the children of Israel were in bondage and had been for over 400 years we read in Exodus chapter 12 from the Scriptures that it was God who had already selected Moses, who was to go toe to toe with Pharaoh the most powerful nation on the planet. After those years of bondage went to Pharaoh let my people go. 

In Exodus chapter 12 is that place where we read about exactly what has to take place for that to happen. That is when the Passover was instituted. It's an amazing chapter because it talks about the children of Israel are together together with the lamb. They're to get that lamb put the blood on the two sides, on the upper door post and the two of their house and when God saw the blood He was going to Passover. So that meant the invisible God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob the God of Moses was competing against these false gods and each time proved himself superior. In this case to preserve his people who put the blood of the lamb on the door post would be spared where as Pharaoh's people and Pharaoh was considered god himself amongst his people that meant that Pharaoh lost that battle could not defeat the god of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Therefore as a remembrance of that one day event from then on it was to be a memorial. 

JD: Steve Herzig with the details of how Jews around the world are celebrating Passover.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Each of the Jewish Feast days, and there are seven of them found there in Leviticus 23 have a prophetic significance with the first of the Feast days Passover. Then following the Feast of Unleavened Bread and thirdly the Feast of First Fruits. The prophetic significance of these three Feasts was fulfilled by Jesus Christ. Jesus was crucified on Passover, Matthew 27:35. The Lord was buried on Unleavened Bread, Matthew 27:59 & 60. And then Jesus resurrected from the dead on First Fruits, Matthew 28:1-6. Jesus Christ fulfilled these Jewish Feast day prophecies. 

March 26, 2021

Transgenderism has become a global issue

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JD: We're just slowly being conditioned to accept the perversion of human sexuality, would you agree with that?

DJ: I would and I think the fact that we now live in such a global society with instantaneously transfer and some information and ideas around the globe. Literally within seconds has started pulling all books that discuss any sort of conversion therapy or anything that disparages the LGBTQ community. it recently removed their three year old book about transgender issues from its platform because they decided not to sell the books that frame transgender and other sexual identities as mental illnesses.  

JD: And since inevitably it is coming what do you think churches and ministries need to be doing to prepare people for what seems to be coming and very quickly?

DJ: Well I think several things can be done. There are preemptive steps and I don't know how effective they'll be but we need to start being on the move and being prepared. I think the majority of believers and at least most conservative evangelical churches are personally committed to Biblical values concerning human sexuality. But I also think most may not be equipped to answer challenges by those who are committed to the range of LGBTQ arguments by those who have carefully developed gender identity ideology and language. Are parents equipped to speak about these things with their children especially to effectively counter with Scripture arguments that kids are going to be exposed to. I think churches and Christian schools and parents are going to need to be more proactive in dealing with these things. And I think some of us as we keep on keeping on and reaching the truth we may faced with spending jail time for our convictions and we need to be prepared for that.

JD: David James helping us to understand the global issue of transgenderism.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

David's report brings to our attention a very controversial issue. An issue that must be dealt with in our world today especially in our churches and our families. The basic source for Godly information has to be the word of God the Bible therefore let's look at what the apostle Paul's thoughts were which are found in II Timothy 3:1-3. Paul says that in the last days men will be lovers of their own selves without natural affection and then Paul says from such turn away, that's verse 5. Paul's words are describing our day, a day when Jesus could come.

March 25, 2021

The Biden Administration may be making political decisions that explain why the United Sates is not included in Bible Prophecy for the End Times

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JD: Why do you say that in less than two months in office President Biden is guilty of rank malfeasance when it comes to America's security. 

BM: Well it seems that social engineering is something that Democrat that occupy the White House like to do in the military. The first thing that Biden did when he walked into the door of the White House was to say we need to have more transgenders and we need to take non warrior experienced women and have them run our combats and commands. It's all about this leftist agenda and nothing about defending this country. Of course we've seen what's happened in the Southwest border which endangers all Americans.

JD: Is it not true that the main purpose of a national government is to secure our nation from an external attack?

BM: Well certainly, a simple reading of the Constitution of the United States would bring you to the conclusion that the primary purpose of this country is to defend us against foreign and domestic enemies. Domestic I would argue is people coming in across an open border. Foreign would be the Chinese, Russians, or whomever would want to attack us. And yeah this government has completely gotten out of reigns and is going in a very bizarre what I would argue as a marksus direction. Given what we've seen in the former Soviet Union and what we see today in Communist China that's the direction they want to take this country. Believe it or not the Democratic party are in the back pocket of the Communist Chinese have a lot of history that people need to appreciate. This is truly a threat and this could easily explain why the United States is not in Biblical end times prophecy.

JD: Colonel Bob Maginnis explaining how the Biden Administration's political decisions may be the reason why the United States is not in Bible prophecy for the end times.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Bob's report is significant both politically and prophetically. Bob is correct America is not mentioned in the prophetic scenario of the Bible. Revelation 17:17 reveals that God will put into the hearts and minds of political leaders to make political decisions that will fulfill God's plan for the future.

March 24, 2021

At the Dead Sea in Israel archaeologist have found what may well be the greatest archaeological find in all of history

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JD: Let me insert some good news here in your report if you will David. This last week a report of some Bible Scroll fragments being found near the Dead Sea area and the Dead Sea caves where we had the original Dead Sea Scrolls. Can you talk to us about this? This is great news possibly one of the great archeological finds of all time.

DD: Well Jimmy they started in 2017 to search hundreds of caves that were known to exist but were so hard to get to. They are very high up in gorges and sheer wall cliffs and all of this but the antiquities department launched a campaign to try and get to all of them and see what else might still be in there. Of course the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran and some caves in the late 40s and early 50s but nothing really has been found since then. Well for the last three years they've been looking and indeed they found quite a few things including some scrolls that contain Scriptures from Zechariah and the prophet Nahum. They found other Jewish writings. They found a lot of coins and they even found an old woven basket they say is ten thousand years old, but it's definitely very old. And only the conditions of the desert could allow that to still be around after all these centuries. 

So very difficult meaning that thieves, we won't call them that but people that go out and try and find these things mostly Palestinians and then sell them and make quite a profit they haven't been able to get to most of these places. They're using drones, propelling equipment and high advanced things. They say there are about 600 caves that have been examined and there's more to come so this will continue and they will make another announcement of what they find. But just a reminder the Jews were there in ancient times, Jewish coins were found, Hebrew was found, and more of the Bible, the ancient prophets were found. So it is very exciting indeed.

JD: David Dolan will the details on the recent Biblical Scrolls found in the Dead Sea area of Israel.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

David's report gives us some very good news in a time of mostly bad news. David's report also helps us to authenticate the authority of God's word, the Bible. The recent discovery at the Dead Sea included the scroll of the book of Zechariah which as you remember is prophetic in information both in the first coming and the second coming of Jesus Christ. Remember the last three chapters of Zechariah detail the Lord's return to the Mount of Olives.  

March 23, 2021

There are nations in the Middle East that are aligned and ready to destroy the Jewish State

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JD: Everybody is aware of the fact that Russia has military personal and armament and even bases in Syria. It now looks like Russia is trying to play the king maker as well over in Lebanon. What do we know?

KT: Well this past week a Hezbollah delegation came to Moscow and was publicly acknowledge by the Russian Foreign Ministry that's pretty significant. What we learned in addition to this is that the Russians have in fact been arming Hezbollah in Syria for at least the past 6 years. They began doing so in 2015 at the specific request of the then Quds force commander Qassem Soleimani. So this is pretty significant where Hezbollah which is challenging the stability of Lebanon is now supported by Russia. I think this is something we need to keep on our radar screen and see what the Russian's are really trying to do in Lebanon right on Israel's doorstep.

JD: We will stay on top of it keeping our eye on this situation there in the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, and Israel and of course Russia. But Iran is there in Syria. Iran is putting together a new ballistic missile launch area firmly committed to developing a missile capable of really causing some real bad problems in the region. 

KT: Well its really remarkable to see the advances of satellite technology. So they discovered one of these private satellite agencies this Iranian missile site close to the Persian Gulf about in the center part of Iran. These are six fixed missile sites. This is where Iran will put its big missiles. It's a new generation missile. It may be nuclear capable we don't know that yet. They have not put missiles in the silos. But the Iranian regime and their military leadership is talking about expanding their missile capability. So this is something also which is troubling.

JD: Ken Timmerman explaining how there are Middle Eastern nations aligned and ready to destroy Israel.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Ken's report includes the mention of five players in the Middle East who will come into a conflict in the near future. Let's think just a moment through these end of times players. Russia - Ezekiel 38:2, Daniel - 11:40, Lebanon - Psalm 83:7, Iran - Ezekiel 38:5, and Israel - Psalm 83:4. These nations listed will form an alliance to destroy the Jewish state in the near future.

March 22, 2021

The upcoming Israeli elections are key to the stability in the Middle East

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JD: Winkie, what is wrong with the political process there in Israel?

WM: Well what is wrong is that we cannot seem over the past three elections to firmly have one coalition set in government with no possibility for being juggled around or dislodged or people breaking off for the regular four year period. The voting electric has not given either the Likud or any other large party a significant number of seats in Israel. It's a Parliamentary Democracy. A coalition of 61 seats is required as the majority out of the 120 seats in the Knesset. You always have shop around for coalition partners and that always leads to a certain amount of instability. This last government was horrendous to tell you the truth.

JD: Do you think this fourth try will do the trick this time?

WM: Well it depends on two major relatively new center right parties both of them claiming not to join with Netanyahu after the elections. And so the question is if I can shorten my answer these two gentlemen will have to make a decision. Do they stay away from Mr. Netanyahu or do they come in and under what circumstances? Because according to the latest polls we're seeing this past week Netanyahu has with one of those two parties over 60 seats of his coalition. I would presume Jimmy that there will be a lot of pressure on either one of them to quite fulling around and join Netanyahu. Let's get four years of government and argue only at that end of that four year period rather than immediately after the elections getting into arguments one with another.

JD: Winkie Medad explaining why the upcoming Israeli elections are key to stability in the Middle East. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

This fourth Israeli election within a two year period of time reveals how the Lord uses human government and political leaders to put His end of times plan into place. In Genesis 9:6 tells us of how the Lord created human government and Revelation 17:17 reveals how the Lord then uses political leaders to accomplish His will for the end times. We can stand on the sidelines watching all of this happen as Israel goes to the polls once again the fourth time in two years.

March 19, 2021

Many prophecy students say that the Pope is the Antichrist

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JD: A number of people who tend to think that the Pope will be the Antichrist. Your thoughts from a Biblical prospective?

DJ: Well Jimmy even going back to the reformers many thought the Pope is the Antichrist. But John says in I John that the Antichrist is someone who denies that Jesus is coming in the flesh but Roman Catholicism affirms Jesus did. And one reason people think the Pope will be the Antichrist is because of the harlot in Revelation 17. The Antichrist will be a political and military leader who will rise from obscurity. The little horn of Daniel 7 and He will revive the Roman Empire based on chapter 2 and 7 of Daniel. 

Many don't realize there will actually be two world religions during the Tribulation period. The first global false religious system seems to be centered in Rome as described in Revelation 17. The global apostate ecumenical Christianity with perhaps a Roman Catholic foundation which will likely absorb most other religions around the world. But in Revelation 17, "and the 10 horns which you saw on the beast these will hate the harlot, maker her desolate and naked, eat her flesh and burn her with fire." So the leaders of the revived Roman Empire will destroy the first world religion around the mid point of the Tribulation. Then the second world religious system begins when the Antichrist defiles the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem as described in Daniel 9 and Matthew 24, and he will declare himself to be God as foretold in II Thessalonians 2. This all happens after the Rapture and the world is being prepared and the stage is being set for what's coming.

JD: David James, Bible in hand explaining what the Bible says about the Antichrist. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The bottom line is that nobody knows who the Antichrist is today, that world leader of the future. What we can know for sure is what God's word says about the Antichrist. Revelation 13:2 reveals that Satan will energize a man and give him his power and seat of authority as Antichrist. When the Antichrist goes into the Temple in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 claims to be God which is the abomination of desolation he will establish a new religion Satan worship which will be destroyed at the second coming of Jesus Christ, Revelation 19:11 and following. Today we do not need to know who the Antichrist is. What we need to know is that we are prepared for the next event, the Rapture of the church.   

March 18, 2021

Turkey has a map of the area that they would like to rule over which includes the entire Middle East with the exception of Israel and Iran

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JD: We often talk about Turkey, though they are not a member in the European Union they are a part of NATO which is the military operation for the EU. Turkey this last week seems to be signaling a sweeping regional ambition all the way from Southeast Europe to Central Asia. Those ambitions for Tayyip Erdogan wanting to be the Pan Islamic leader of the world, give us the latest.

JR: Yes the regional ambitions of Turkey has never subsided but they come to surface regularly. The latest issue was a map that had come out from George Freedom's book "The Next 100 Years". He is the founder of strait for which was sort of a paid for an intelligence type organization. They have many many good things. I've read the book, "The Next 100 Years". It's just a projection but it shows that the Turkish influence and the map of Turkish influence in 2050 is essentially the entire Middle East, all the Middle East except Israel and Iran. And so it sort of turning heads in Iran and then as well in Russia because this paved way Turkey had the influence in that entire southern region of the former Soviet Republic then they can basically take from Central Asia all the way to Turkey and expand their influence at the expense of Russia. So now Russia and Turkey are at a bit of a confrontation because of Turkey's reference to this map which is published from this intelligence organization. 

JD: John Rood with the details on Turkey's ambitions to control the entire Middle East with the exception of Israel and Iran.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

For a number of years Tayyip Erdogan, President of Turkey has expressed his desire to be the Pan Islamic leader of the world today. Now there is a map that demonstrates that ambition. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel revealed that ambition some 2,500 years ago, that's Ezekiel 38:2 & 6. That passage of prophetic Scripture mentions Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, and Togarmah which is modern day Turkey. Turkey on the verge of fulfilling Bible prophecy. 

March 17, 2021

The Saudi Arabians reject any Islamic claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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JD: Saudi Arabia is saying that they are actually rejecting the claim to the Temple Mount. Can you give us more detail about this story?

WM: Up until 1924 they were the ruling family in what we now known as Saudi Arabia and were the custodians of Mecca and Madina the first two holy sites for the Islamic religion. Israel signed the Peace Treaty in 1994 granted special relationship to the Temple Mount without really defining it, the religious Islamic trust on the Temple Mount which is known as the Waqf. 

JD: The argument is all about the Saudi's wanting to make certain the Islamic world in their daily prayers focus on Mecca. Is that pretty much on target?

WM: Very much so Jimmy. In addition there has always been a centuries old argument about where that furthest mosque in the Quran happens to be. Where the Muhammad went to it doesn't say. So there are many Islamic scholars who claim that its not in Jerusalem at all.

JD: As I hear you telling us what is going on I think that its very interesting that the Saudi's reject any Islamic claim to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and I think I read something that said they were encouraging the Jews to go ahead and build a Temple up there. 

WM: Well I'm not quite sure Jimmy whether that is an official Saudi Arabian policy or it maybe some individuals are trying to move that in what we call social media platforming. Or maybe Saudi's are sending them out as a chess to try the water and see what's going on. It's a very interesting development on the Temple Mount.

JD: Winkie Medad explaining that Saudi Arabia rejects any Islamic connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The fact that Saudi Arabia rejects any Islamic connection to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem opens the way for the Jews to move forward in building their Temple on the Temple Mount. That is exactly what the ancient Jewish prophets reveal. Zechariah 6:12, Ezekiel 40-46, and II Samuel 7:10-18. With all preparations in place the Jews could start construction of their next Temple in the next few days.

March 16, 2021

The Nation of Jordan is fighting to keep control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem

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JD: David this last week Prime Minister Netanyahu was to have flown into the United Arab Emirates but that flight was cut off because he had to fly over the air space of Jordan and Jordan denied that opportunity. Get into the details behind why that happened. 

DD: This was the fourth time, on Thursday he was to fly down there for several days in the end it was the Jordanians that prevented it. The Jordanian Crown Prince Hussein Bin Abdullah he was on his way to the Temple Mount and a leader of the Jordanian Monarchy has not visited there in many many years so this was going to be a historic visit. He showed up at the border crossing over the Jordan River with a huge contingent of armed men that were to accompany him. So the Israelis were offended by that and said no we're not going to let all of these people in we'll let in the original number only. So the Crown Prince became insulted and said no I want all of these people and the Israeli's saw this as a show of force that Jordan wanted to reassert its control over the Temple Mount so he was turned back. 

This is the worst crisis between Joran and Israel in many years Jimmy and it just shows how tenuous those relations are and how important still the Temple Mount is. And of course the Jordanians were earlier insulted at President Trump's suggestion that possibly the Saudis should now be given a role in running the Temple Mount from the Muslims side. King Abdullah's relatives, his ancestors were the custodians of the Saudi holy sites as well in Jerusalem and they lost the most important places in Islam, they lost that control and they don't want to lose control over the Temple Mount so this is really yet again another dispute over that holy piece of ground that is the most contested place in the world. 

JD: David Dolan with the details behind how the nation of Jordan is fighting to keep control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Since 1948 the nation of Jordan has had custodial responsibility of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that is still the case today. However Israel has sovereignty over this site the most sacred piece of real estate to the Jewish people. There has been and will continue to be a conflict over this very controversial location, that's Zechariah 12:2. God promised the Jews this site forever, that's II Samuel 7:28 & 29 which is the Davidic Covenant a Covenant that cannot be broken, an eternal Covenant. 

March 15, 2021

A U.S. military leader says that China could be the worlds number one military in a very short time

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JD: China could invade Taiwan in the next 6 years and assume global leadership that's according to a US Admiral warning that this could be the case. 

KT: Well Jimmy it sounds to me that Admiral Philip Davidson who is the commander of the Indo-Pacific Command must be at the end of his tour to become so candid in his testimony before Congress. The things that he said earlier this week are absolutely extraordinary I think. Number one he said that the threat to Taiwan by Communist China is extreme. He said Taiwan is clearly one of their ambitions. He said the threat is manifest during this decade "in fact in the next 6 years". So he is expecting an invasion of Taiwan within the next 6 years by Communist China. 

He also pointed out that China's Navy is now bigger than the US Navy. They have over 350 surface ships. We may have better quality ships, we certainly have more aircraft carriers. They only have two today but their building another two and the number four in that list will be their first nuclear powered aircraft air carrier. People think of China as a regional power. You do not need a nuclear powered aircraft carrier that allows you to stay at sea for basically forever without refueling. You don't need that unless you want to go beyond the South China Sea even beyond even the Indian Ocean. You need that to steam around the world like we do with our aircraft carrier group. So this naval expansion of Communist China is very worrying. 

JD: Ken Timmerman explaining how China could assume world military leadership in a very short time. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Both the United States and China are vying to be number one militarily in our world today. Now with China having the largest Navy in the world it sets this Communist nation in a position to be number one militarily as well. With America not mentioned in Bible prophecy and China foretold to be a major force in the last days, Revelation 16:12 and then add to that China having a partnership with the antichrist in the last days Ken's report of China's aggressive moves in our world today is helping us to understand how this Communist nation is set to fulfill Bible prophecy very very quickly.

March 12, 2021

A member of the US Congress says that God's Will is of no concern for the US Congress

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JD: David this last week you sent me several articles by Conservative commentators who have deep concerns that this is a game changer. I think this could really have a major impact for churches and ministries. 

DJ: Well I think you're undoubtedly right Jimmy. In the federalist Margo Cleveland wrote this, "The statutory language provides for an extreme remaking of all aspects of society, destroys equality for women and threatens religious liberty in the privacy rights for all Americans especially children. The proposed law also will upend the protections of the unborn as the Equality Act is about abortion too." And then she goes on to note this, the Equality Act provides that an individual shall not be allowed access to a shared factuality including a restroom, a locker room and a dressing room that is in accordance with an individuals identity. 

In a blog on answers in Genesis Ken Ham wrote this, "It's being described as the most comprehensive assault on Christianity in America ever written into law, a dangerous threat to our nation and the new heresy code". Franklin Graham warrant this, the Equality Act designates schools, churches, and healthcare organizations as public accommodations and with this schools, churches, and hospitals could be forced to except the governments beliefs and mandates about sexual orientation and gender identity. Then he went on to say this, "the Equality Act will use the force of law across all 50 states to strip Christian and other religious ministries of their right to hire people of shared faith to pursue a shared mission". I think we're closer than ever to a time when pastors, Bible teachers, and other ministry leaders may face serious consciousness including incarceration for taking a stand for the word of God. During last Thursday's debate Jerry Nadler of New York said God's Will is of no concern for this Congress.

JD: David James with the details on the Equality Bill in the United States Congress for approval at this time. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

United States representative Jerry Nadler's statement the other day is a contradiction on Biblical truth. Remember the Lord brought human government into existence some 4,500 years ago, that's Genesis 9:6. God will use human world leaders to accomplish His Will, that's Revelation 17:17. God's Will has everything to do with the United States Congress. Political leaders will make political decisions that will set the world stage to fulfill God's plan for today and the future.

March 11, 2021

A growing number of Israeli leaders are concerned about being able to defend themselves against Iran

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JD: David, long time journalist in the Middle East over 30 year and has knowledge of what's happening insight into whatever we may bring to his attention to respond to. David let me start with this, there is a rising understanding in Israel that they may not be able to assume they can crush Iran in any type of conflict in the near future. What are your about that statement and do you believe it's correct?

DD: Well Jimmy it's a much debated issue obviously in Israel because Iran has been making clear now for several decades that they intend to go to war against Israel at some point. They claim wipe the Jewish state off the world map so they have to take that pretty seriously. But Iran is a very large country about 10 times the size of Israel in population. It's much larger geographically. Their nuclear program is spread out in many locations and so that alone makes it difficult to take them on. Israel is still talking about that is clear. 

The latest was Benny Gantz on Thursday on a telephone call with Vice President Harris in the United States in which he reiterated that plans are afoot and have been afoot for such an operation against Iran's nuclear program by Israel if indeed it feels it has no other choice he made that again plain. So they're saying out loud that there could well be a full military clash with Iran and of course Iran keeps pushing having its militia attack different sites again that happened this week in Iraq and Syria. Israel is prepared as they can be but they would certainly would want the help of other nations and that's the question mark at the present.

JD: David Dolan explaining why there is a growing concern in Israel if they can actually defend the Jewish state against Iran.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. 

I can tell you an Israeli-Iranian war is enviable, that's Ezekiel 38:5. The question of who wins that war is absolute, Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6 that passage reveals God destroys Israeli's enemies and that includes Iran. 

March 10, 2021

Al Qaeda says that America will collapse in the near future

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JD: It seems that Al Qaeda is making a statement whoever thinks that somebody can stop the collapse of America is mistaken. What do you think about that comment?

KT: Well Jimmy I take this with a grain of salt this is from an Al Qaeda leader in North Africa. He shows if nothing else that Al Qaeda is still around by making this kind of comment. I don't think this guy Batarfi is really a major player. He is not in a position as far as I have seen to launch terror attacks on the United States. So I would chalk this one up to a bit of bravado and the efforts by an Al Qaeda offshoot in the Arabian Peninsula sorry not North Africa to show the world that their still there.

JD: Ken just to add to that what do you think about the possible collapse of America? Should that be in the future a possible event?

KT: Well Jimmy this is something long term I'm very much concerned about. I think the election of Joe Biden and America last policy that he is promoting is desperate effort to revive the Iran deal, his caving in to Communist China. All of these things I think bode ill for the future of a strong united America. And you add to that his efforts really across the board to divide us as a people to pit us as groups against each other inside America. Yes, I am worried about a collapse of American greatness and potentially a collapse of America as a country. 

If we have another election such as the one we had in 2020 that was I believe won by President Trump I think there's 74 million Americans who are convinced that the election was some how unfair, it was illegal, the results were not accurate. If you have another election like that I think the American people are going to rise up and revolt against those who are stealing their freedom and stealing their government from them. So yes I am worried about the future and I do not see the current President of the United States as a uniter as he claims to be.

JD: Ken Timmerman explaining how America could indeed collapse in the near future.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Ken does not believe that the terrorist organization Al Qaeda could cause the collapse of America. However, Ken sees it as a viable possibility for America to collapse in the near future. What I know for sure is that America is not mentioned in Bible prophecy therefore some how America will be off the scene in the last days either through a collapse or the Rapture.

March 09, 2021

Pastors and Christians in America may need a Romans 8:28 moment

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JD: Give me a quick overview of what he had to say and why its so key for the pastors of America.

SR: Well Jimmy one of the great points that he made was we over the past 50 years have lived in an exceptional era of Christianity. Being Christians in the United States of America we have had more liberty and more prosperity and quite frankly we're the only Christians in Biblical history that haven't been persecuted for our faith. As a consequence we've probably gotten a little lazy and a little lethargic. You look throughout church history and whether it be William Tyndale burned at the stake for translating the Scriptures. Whether it be the Separatist in England being persecuted for wanting to have their house church and not wanting to participate in the official Church of England. Or quite frankly whether it be the first church that was continuing to hang around Jerusalem in Acts 8 when God said no I'm sending you into Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria yet they weren't going anywhere. Well God wound up to me using in Romans 8:28 moment and allowing a little persecution on the church to get the people out of their comfort zone and to actually take the gospel into the four corners of the Earth.

We have enjoyed incredible freedom. Being a Christian in America hasn't cost us anything. As a consequence there are probably a lot of people I think you would agree that identify as Christians that probably aren't born again. Now we're coming into a time where Christianity is not in fact we may suffer. It may come at a cost and they are going to do everything they can and are beginning to now with such bills like the Equality Act in Congress to get us to compromise our standards to compromise truth. Dr. Luther had written on this and he spoke to our combined groups we have to be prepared to know what the truth is and be willing to die for it. We cannot compromise on the truth. That begins with Jesus being the way the truth and the life. But we cannot compromise on truth we have to be the light in the darkness. Dr. Luther has of course written on this and has been a real blessing to all the attendees. 

JD: Dr. Paul Blair explaining what a Romans 8:28 moment is all about.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Paul Blair a former lineman for the NFL team the Chicago Bears now a pastor in Oklahoma knows how tough it can be on the playing field for pastors and Christians in the real world today. As the church approaches the time of the Tribulation, a real time of trouble the body of Christ must put on the whole armor of God to stand against the devil, that's Romans 6:12-19. We as Christians must stand for truth. 

March 08, 2021

God has chosen the location of the next Temple in Jerusalem and it is not where some men say that it will be located

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JD: Where was Herod's Temple located?

WM: According to my studies and learning exactly where the Temple Mount is today. It has not moved. It is exactly geo physically sitting to the rabbinical distributions in the town wood. The fact that it's on top of a mountain and I cannot accept that the location is where some people are trying to put it closer to the City of David which is way down in the valley.

JD: Why do you say it cannot be in the City of David?

WM: First of all let's put aside any sort of "biblical knowledge". The archeological finds that have been discovered over a half a century including the ritual baths at the southern end of the current Temple Mount, the descriptions of the walls, the underground diggings that have been done especially all along the Western Wall all the way to the Northern Wall underground, we use to call it the Hasmonean Tunnel. And other evidence combined with the fact that over the past almost 2,000 years we have a constant testimony from Roman sources, from Jewish sources, from Byzantine all point to the fact that the Temple Mount is where it is today just above and behind the Western Wall.  

JD: It's a place where God wants it to be and God will play the big role in where that Temple is rebuilt.

WM: That is definitely the case. That is what all the instructions are and that's all the indications are at the present moment. As we always say man has to do the best he can based on his heritage, legacy, his relationship with God and the historical element that will all point us in the direction as you mentioned of this what we call the Third future Temple in our redemption time. 

JD: Winkie Medad with 50 years of study and research on the location for the next Temple in Jerusalem.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Biblical details for the next Temple to be built in Jerusalem are absolute. Past, present, and future Temples in Jerusalem are under God's direct authority. Future Temple's like the Tribulation Temple and the Messiah's Temple must conform to God's word on Temples. The Tribulation Temple, Daniel 9:27 and Matthew 24:15 and the Messiah's Temple, Ezekiel 40-46. Jewish Temple's in Jerusalem play a key role in God's prophetic plan.

March 04, 2021

Pope Francis will visit Ur of the Chaldees and Babylon in order to unite religions into a one world religion

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JD: Pope Francis is on the road again. He's going into a portion of modern day Iraq to a place called Ur of the Chaldees. The birth place of Abraham the patriarch. It's quite an interesting archeological site. 

MG: Yes it is and in fact its often considered an ancient site of child sacrifices. The focus of his trip is to bring harmony between religious groups and some of them are very well known. We have the Muslims and the Catholics that are seeking unity but there's also some smaller religious groups. I think what the Pope is attempting to do is find religious unity among all religions. The Pope has chosen this site to visit. I'm wondering now if his next visit might be an inter religious prayer meeting in the land of Shinar where the sons of men built a Tower of Babel into the heavens. That seems like an appropriate site to have religious unity, don't you think?

JD: Oh absolutely, that would be the city of Babylon. It's not too far from Ur the Chaldees all in the nation of Iraq. You know it seems to me the Pope's taking this show on the road however Mike I've got to say it still smells much like Revelation 17.

MG: Well we know from Revelation 13 & 17 that there will be two men that will unite the world. There will be a false Messiah, a false prophet and he will unite the world in a global religion that will worship the other figure which is referred to as the antichrist or the man of lawlessness. So these two men together will usher in a time of peace and prosperity. And it's really interesting Jimmy if you study Catholic eschatology they really believe there will be a Catholic Pope and a Catholic patriarch that will come together to fulfill prophecy.

JD: Mike Gendron with the details behind the Middle East visit by Pope Francis in a trip to bring together a one world religion. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Mike's report reveals how Pope Francis is traveling the world to put together a one world religion as foretold in Revelation 17. This one world religion will be headquartered in Rome Italy, Revelation 17:9 and be led by the antichrist mentioned as the beast used 9 times in Revelation 17. That stage is set for these prophecies to be fulfilled.

March 03, 2021

The Jews believe they are living in the days, as in the days of Esther, when the world wanted to annihilate them

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JD: Winkie because of the rise in Anti-Semitism not only in the Middle East but actually across the world do you not see in the near future possibly more days like in the days of Esther when there is a desire to eliminate the Jewish people for the earth? Are those days ahead? 

WM: Well Jimmy I have to divide my answer into two. There is as you pointed out a resurgence of irrational anti-Jewish feeling in many places or shall I say too many places. Even on campuses of universities where you would think people study rationally and research and get to the facts but I'm not going to get into that. It's very disturbing what's happening between professors and students in today's universities. 

The second aspects is that in the sense of elimination I'm always amazed out of all the nations of the world I think the United Nations now is like I don't know, they're pushing 200. The only people who constantly have to defend their right to be a state, the right to be a national group with its own culture and history, language, literature and customs is the Jewish people in the Middle East in a small state called Israel. So yes we do feel sometimes that there is a ganging up or an attempt not all the borders or to do this or that but its just let's get rid of Israel and everything will be ok. That still is as I see it a problem the world has to deal with so many years after they tried to deal with it in a very different way in the middle of Europe.

JD: Winkie Medad with the details why Jews believe they are living in days like the days of Esther. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The rise of Anti-Semitism across the world is a precursor to the days of Jacobs trouble as described in Jeremiah 30:7. There is a time when the world system in the future plus the antichrist and his evil angels will try to annihilate the Jewish people, that's Revelation 12:7-17. In Zechariah 13:8 the ancient Jewish prophet reveals that two out of every three Jews will be killed in that time. Anti-Semitism today is setting the stage for these prophecies to be fulfilled.

March 02, 2021

The Israeli's are preparing for a preemptive strike on Iran's nuclear program if the Biden Administration will not work with the Israelis

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JD: If Iran tries to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel similar to what Haman in the book of Esther tried to do you will fail just exactly like Haman. It's a pretty strong statement.

DD: It was quite a strong statement Jimmy. He called the government of Iran an oppressive Persian regime that he said tried to annihilate the Jewish nation and just like they failed then so they will fail today. He went on to say we will not allow your extremist brutal regime to obtain nuclear weapons. And Jimmy the issue of Iran's nuclear program was again discussed by Netanyahu and his top ministers this week. They are openly talking about a strike against that program, a military strike preemptive to take out the program that of course after Iran has issued some more defiant statements and continues to enrich uranium far above the limit that was permitted under the now broken 2015 deal. 

JD: It does not seem that the Prime Minister has gotten very far with President Biden in trying to convince him to not renew that deal. "If the United States does not help us Israel will go on its own a preemptive strike or whatever it takes to stop Iran."

DD: Well they don't want to go alone but they are prepared to do that if they have no choice. The White House continues to say that it will insist that Iran comply with the Accord before all the sanctions are lifted. Iran continues to say the sanctions must be lifted first. We can clearly see the Biden administration tilting against Israel's interest and towards Iran and that is not a good thing.

JD: David Dolan explaining why the Israeli's are preparing for an preemptive strike against Iran's nuclear development of a weapon of mass destruction.

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Israeli's are serious about stopping the Iranians from acquiring a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. The Israeli's believe that would be a game changer in the Middle East in fact, in the entire world. Though the Biden administration seems dead set on renewing the Iranian nuclear deal Israeli leadership says that cannot happen. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel agrees with Israeli leadership. Ezekiel says that God will destroy the Iranian nuclear program, that's Ezekiel 38:18-23. 

March 01, 2021

The Biden Administration will allow Wall Street to invest in the Chinese military in order to make them combat ready

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JD: China is doing everything to boost its military build up while at the same time pushing a dialog with the United States.

KT: Well what the Chinese have been doing recently is actually a much needed revamping of their military training regimen. They have had problems building advanced weapons in their army, in their fast attack forces, in their assault forces. So they are not trying to upgrade these more high tech weaponry and to upgrade their training regimen so their troops are more combat ready. 

The United States has been able to train our military to the point of exhaustion really in foreign wars over the past 25 years. The Chinese have not. So they do not have the combat experience that the US military has. They do not have Generals and executive officers who have been battle tested, battled hardened. They are going to be using more modern training techniques, more intensive military training techniques to try to bring their forces up to snuff with the United States as they negotiate with them. It's not much of a negotiation. 

The Chinese now are really laying down demands upon the Biden regime. You must lift restrictions on Wall Street from investing in Chinese military companies. That is a really big demand from the Chinese Communist leadership. They are very intent on getting Wall Street's support because they know if the big companies, the hedge funds, the big banks, and the investment companies are putting money into the Chinese companies. There's very little that the US government can do. Now President Biden is already lifting those. So we will be ok for Americans and hedge fund to invest in the Chinese military. I happen to think its a disastrous mistake. I'm again only in bolden the Chinese leadership.

JD: Ken Timmerman with the details behind the report that the Biden administration will allow Wall Street to finance the Chinese military to bring them up to a point of being combat ready. 

We report this information because it is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

America's number one challenge militarily is the Chinese military operation. With the Biden administration allowing Wall Street to finance China's military build up doesn't seem right. However, the prophetic scenario for China reveals China will be a partner with the antichrist to become number one militarily in the last days, that's Revelation 16:12-16. Political decisions will help set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.