Police in Germany have uncovered a gang of extremists which is believed to be the tip of the iceberg in the existence of a brown shirt faction symbolic of Hitler's brown shirt police who stalked the streets of Germany after Hitler's ascension to power and his persecution of the Jews.
For the first time since the reunification of East and West Germany, the nation faces large scale extremist right extremism according to the leading newspaper in Berlin.
Legislators in Germany have urged a ban on the radical national democratic party which is called a political arm of the Nazi scene and is behind the Nazi brown shirt faction now secretly at work to eliminate Jews.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The return of the brown shirts in Germany brings back memories of the horrific times of the Holocaust but it also reminds us of the worst holocaust yet to come according to Bible prophecy.
During WWII in Germany, Adolf Hitler used an army of his Nazi regime, the brown shirt police, to stalk the streets gathering up Jews to be transported to the Nazi death camps. Now, there are reports that the resurgence of the brown shirts in Germany may mean this extremist right wing group well be secretly at work. In fact, some German officials believe that the reunification of East and West Germany may have brought about the brown army faction which has been responsible for the death of a number of Jews recently in Germany.
This report is evidence that the hate for Jews in this world has not gone away, but may well be on the rise again. Bible prophecy does tell of a time in the future when two out of every three Jews on the earth will be killed simply because they are Jewish, Zechariah 13:8. This future Holocaust will be the worst ever because Hitler's Holocaust only killed one third of the Jews at that time. Satanic forces will endeavor to kill all Jews during the coming time of Jacob's Trouble, Revelation 12:7-17.
The plan of Satan is to kill all Jews, thus keeping God from fulfilling His promises to the Jewish people to make them a nation and give them a land forever.