JD: Iran said they could restart their nuclear program within hours and then within weeks have a nuclear weapon. The President of Iran Rouhani said that if America keeps putting those sanctions on Iran they’ll break agreement with that program and go after restarting their nuclear program and develop a nuclear weapon of mass destruction. That’s not good news for Israel is it?
DD: No, certainly not at all Jimmy and I would say it was the most under reported important news item that I’ve seen in many months now that’s hardly got any attention in the world media. The United States is planning as the congress made clear to stiffen the sanctions against Iran precisely because they are taking the money that was immediately released well over a billion dollars immediately and then more exploded since.
Under the deal that was signed under President Obama they
took that and directed it into terrorism as the Israeli’s were warning that any
nuclear cord with Iran would be so easy for Iran to abrogate. They can just
toss it out when ever they wanted for whatever reason they came up with and
they could go back to production of nuclear weapons in a short order. Well now
President Rouhani has stated that out loud that they can do this very quickly
and Israel will be once again in the cross hairs of any nuclear program. So,
it’s a disaster something again hardly reported in the world but I think one of
the most important declarations made by any world leader this year and an ominous
one indeed.
JD: David Dolan with this report on the possibility of a restart
of the Iranian nuclear program to develop a weapon of mass destruction.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
From a political perspective the announcement from Iran’s
President Rouhani that if more sanctions are applied to Iran that they will
restart their nuclear program and can do it within hours. This is a real threat
not only to Israel and the Middle East but the entire world. This Islamic
republic Iran who is sponsoring radical Islam across the world is driven by its
Islamic faith and eschatology. They want to be the leader of a worldwide
kingdom a caliphate and every action that they take moves them closer to that
By the way, ancient Jewish prophets foretold this scenario
thousands of years ago. That can be found in Ezekiel 38:5, Joel 2:3, and
Revelation 6:3 & 4. The stage is set for these prophecies to be fulfilled.