JD: Well I sent you an article Ken. I want to see what your thoughts are. US Congressional Representative Omar is now Turkey’s President Tayyip Erdogan’s agent in Washington. What are your thoughts about this article?
KT: Well I’ve got to tell you that certainly got my attention and it’s something I was not aware of and I appreciate you sending it to me. But it’s pretty extraordinary the close relations that Representative Omar has forged with the Turkish government. She’s traveled to Turkey to meet with President Erdogan. She apparently has gone several times to meet a Turkish diplomat in Chicago, their Constable General there who has posted photographs of her visiting him.
In major Turkish newspaper just this past week called on
Turks to donate money to her campaign. Something obviously illegal to people
who are not citizens or permanent residence of the United States. By the way
there are ways of tracking that. We won’t have her campaign finance reports for
a couple of weeks. But we’ll be able to find out if she had people from Turkey
donating to her campaign and if she indeed declared it. But it’s a big deal.
It’s a big deal to have a member of Congress in the pocket
of a foreign state in this case Turkey where Erdogan wants to create the
caliphate. He’s spending billions of dollars in the United States to recruit
members of Congress. This is something that’s been going on for quite some
time. He brings their top staff members on all expenses paid first class
trips to Turkey. They get indoctrinated by members of his political party. And
then in the United States Turkey is building the largest mosque certainly in
North America right in suburban Maryland to be able to reach out to that local Muslim
community. I think this is disturbing to see a member of Congress with that
kind of relationship with Turkey’s Erdogan.
JD: Ken Timmerman with the details on Representative Omar as an
agent in Washington for the Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The very controversial member of the United States House of
Representatives, Representative Omar has become a favorite to the Turkish
people and especially the Turkish President Erdogan. In fact the Turkish people
are donating to Omar’s political campaign, which by the way is illegal under
Federal law. As President Erdogan spends millions of dollars on influence among
the political community in America we see that Turkey has become a major force
in the Middle East which is exactly what the ancient Jewish prophets said would
happen in the last days, that’s Ezekiel 38:2 & 6. We are in those last