JD: You had the distinct pleasure of being at the inauguration of Donald Trump and pretty close to where the President was standing when he took the oath of office.
KT: You know Jimmy it’s really something I’ve been to many inaugurations before but just amazing to be in the midst of so many people who are so enthusiastic. It’s just amazing, Jimmy, seeing our country coming together again, in a common purpose and in stability.
JD: Well this was indeed a history-making event. I mean one of the great political phenomenons of all time, a man coming from no where to the most powerful position in all the world, we’re of course talking about Donald Trump.
I was watching it on television. I didn’t have the emotion
of being there as both Mike Pence and Donald Trump were sworn into office. It
was really moving wasn’t it?
KT: It was and you could see this in the crowd there was such
pint up expectation as both Pence and Trump were taking the oath of office you
could have heard a pin drop and then when he got to the end this explosion of
joy and applause for him. It’s a great relief, I think, for so many Americans to
know that the government once again belongs to them, the people of the United
JD: Give me some more thoughts about that inaugural address.
KT: He started right off the bat saying we’re going to rebuild
our country; we’re going to look forward and restore the economy. He was saying
to his predecessor you know what have you been doing for the past 8 years,
you’ve left our country a wreck and we have to rebuild it.
In his speech he was very gracious to President Obama
personally and applauded him for the transition and the graciousness that Obama
and his wife extended to the Trumps at the White House. Just in terms of
politics it was as you say, it was a repudiation of politics as usual, and Donald
Trump said this extraordinary thing that today will go down in history as the
day the power was transferred from Washington DC back to the people of the
United States. That certainly was the line that leaped out at me as he was
delivering the speech.
JD: Ken Timmerman who was an eye witness to the inauguration of
Donald Trump.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.
Revelation 17:17 says, that the Lord will use human world
leaders to direct the scenario of the end time events found in Bible Prophecy.
The now President of the United States, President Trump will indeed be the
instrument of God to play a key role in leading the nation and in fact the
world into God’s plan for the future.
As Christians, our duty is subjection; subjection to the
higher authority, Romans 13, and supplication in other words pray for this
world leader, Donald Trump, and that’s I Timothy Chapter 2.