JD: How did the Palestinian media get its go ahead for this operation of both the print and the electronic media?
IM: The Palestinian media is a result of the Oslo Accords. It’s with the permission of Israel. The media was supposed to be something that was to enable them to create the institutions of the state. It was not supposed to be the source for promoting hatred, terror and violence and that’s exactly what it’s turned into.
JD: And when we think about the Palestinian media are we talking about media that is focused and directed towards all age groups?
IM: Exactly. The one main Palestinian Authority’s page has different times that are set aside programing for adults. But you also have children’s programing which are some of the most problematic things we find in the Palestinian official media.
JD: Describe what you’re talking about.
IM: The children are very often reciting poems, the way they are taught to aspire to be martyrs, aspire to shot, aspire to grab a gun; very violent. And not only violent against Israeli’s and Jews but violence against themselves from children on children’s program. Then the moderator will of course after they recite these poems about how much they want to be martyrs the moderator will say bravo bravo.
One of the worst messages ever we heard recently on Fatah’s
Facebook page, now Fatah is the movement that belongs to Mahmoud Abbas who
heads the Palestinian Authority and on their Facebook page they had a little
tale which was recited by a little girl in which a mother tells her son
literally the following, you are ammunition you are meant for martyrism. This
is a mother telling her son, I think the full sentence was our weapon is Islam
and you my son are the ammunition you are meant for martyrism. It’s a horrific
statement. No child should ever think that his parents that his mother thinks
that he is merely ammunition, that he is merely a means to an end, that he has
no value in and of himself.
JD: Itamar Marcus with the details behind the origins and
operation of the Palestinian media.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Itamar’s team the Palestinian Media Watch monitors the
Palestinian media both the print and electronic media. In the process it has
been observed that the Palestinian leaders use the Palestinian media which
conforms to what Bible prophecy said would happen. Malachi chapter 1 says the
Palestinian people would return. Ezekiel 35 reveals that the Palestinian people
known as Mt. Seir in that passage would kill the Jews and steal their land.
Land that God has given to the Jews. Obadiah states that because of these
actions the Palestinians would be destroyed as if they had never been.