JD: Do you think there is any value in having people with different beliefs and different world views sit down to have discussions?
DJ: Well I think it’s important for us to consider the end goal. What is the purpose of this? You know part of the problems we run into in the world comes from misunderstandings about what other people believe and we often hold to characters that are represented by rather extreme in the various groups. I think it’s helpful to understand where someone else is coming from however let me say this that’s completely different then assuming that we’re going to achieve some kind of theological unity and spiritual unity and that we’re going to have some fellowship around some common important and fundamental beliefs about God and spirituality and what it means to enter into a relationship with God.
JD: David one of the main problems that I believe many who promote interfaith dialog that there’s an underline assumption that the similarities between different religions are greater than the differences that may exists.
DJ: I agree completely I think that’s probably the main thing that’s driving a lot of this and that is going back even to the late 1890’s when there was a world religion parliament. They kind of got this started in modern era and out of that came the world council of churches and the national council of churches and interfaith dialog. We’ve seen it especially accelerating in the last 20 or 30 years and I think it comes to the idea that ultimately all religions worship the same God.
For I would say the Bible actually characterizes that there are two God’s. There is the one true creator God and then there is the God of this world. And only Biblical Christianity is God is revealed it leads to the one true God of the Bible and all other religions lead up the other mountain to the God of this world. And certainly even in Genesis 11 Satan inspired the building of the Tower of Babel, which I would contend is the mountain made of human hands whose top is heaven and all religions ultimately around the world have their root in what happened their in Genesis 11.
JD: David James with Biblical reasons against interfaith dialog in the church today.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The practice of interfaith dialog in the church today is
dangerous if it does not have the proper end game. That end game must not be a compromise
of Biblical beliefs and doctrines. The end game must be to bring all to Jesus
Christ as Lord and Savior that is God’s will, II Peter 3:9.
If this is not the end game interfaith dialog is not
Biblical and it leads to the one world church that was foretold in Revelation
chapter 17.