JD: Looks like a very important meeting took place David, there in Paris when the Prime Minister of Israel and Vladimir Putin President of Russia had some talks but the ties between the two countries are not very good. This was probably a time of trying to make up do you think?
DD: Well it certainly is significant that they met Jimmy although it wasn’t a formal meeting they just sort of passed each other and stopped and talked for a few minutes. But that was more than we were hearing was going to happen. We heard that Putin didn’t want to talk to Netanyahu at all and that wasn’t obviously the case. Israeli press reports said Jimmy that naturally enough they’ve focused on the situation in Syria. Israeli jets have not flown any operations that we know of over Syrian skies since the Syrian army shot at a Russian jet, a Russian spy plane on September 17th. So that’s been quite a ways now, 2 months.
Israel wants to have the right to attack Iranian positions
that are still springing up there and certainly in Lebanon as well where Israel
issued another warning actually saying it was their final warning Jimmy that
they will strike Hezbollah positions in Beirut in and around the airport and
other places where they know that rockets are being upgraded to high precision
rockets by Iranian supplies. Israel is saying they will strike there but they
haven’t done that either because this new Russian anti-aircraft system is in
operation and also the electronic jamming equipment that Russia brought in is
still there. The Israeli’s are worried obviously about their ability to do
anything up there. So that’s probably what they discussed. That’s what the
Israeli media said they did. Whether Netanyahu got any commitments from
Vladimir Putin or not we don’t know but again the fact that they did at least
talk was more than we were expecting and so that’s a sign that something is
happening. But still as you said a lot of tension between the two powers.
JD: David Dolan with insight into the conversation held in Paris
between President Putin and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The relationship between the President of Russia and the
Prime Minster of Israel is very tense these days. The ancient Jewish prophets
said some 2,500 years ago that that would be the case. Ezekiel revealed that
Russia would lead a coalition of Middle Eastern states to try to wipe Israel
off the face of the earth. Russia with its partnership with Syria, Turkey and
Iran in Syria and the Palestinians in Israel seem to be at the point the
prophets called for in the last days. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11 and Psalm 83 could
be fulfilled very soon now.