Global civilization is on the verge of World War III(WWIII), a massive conflict in which the Islamic world will attempt to impose its ideology on Western nations, that is according to Meir Amit, a former director of Israel's Mossad Intelligence Agency.
Amit, one of the most esteemed figures in the International Defense Establishment, warned Islamic nations and global Islamic groups will continue launching all kinds of attacks against Western states. The former Mossad leader has urged the international community to immediately unite and coordinate a strategy to fight against the Islamic war, but he said that the world is not uniting; they are ignoring the problem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A warning from a former director of Israel's Mossad Intelligence Agency that the world is on the verge of WWIII is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. Recent terror attacks against Israel, attacks in Europe and the US, plus Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions, the insurgency in Iraq and the worldwide Muslim riots over the cartoon of Mohammed, have been cited by the former Chief of the Mossad as evidence that the world is on the eve of WWIII.
As I mentioned before, this report is actually a page out of the scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days. The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel, in Daniel 11, Ezekiel, Ezekiel 38, and Joel, in Joel 2, all speak of a time when nations will align themselves against Israel; nations that are today the Islamic nations in our world.
The prophet Joel even reveals that a mighty militia will form to complete the mission to take out Israel. This type of action would draw all the other nations into the battle and thus a world war; by the way that is found in Joel 2:2-3.
The warning of World War III coming soon made by the former Israeli Mossad Chief is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, seemingly moving towards fulfillment very soon now.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.