JD: Do you know basic I guess when we’re talking about natural disasters or attacks by maniacs like there in Nevada, Texas, Kentucky, and now in Florida over the last couple of months? The question comes to mind by many people could not God have created a world without evil and without suffering?
DJ: Well the fact is he did create a world without evil and suffering that was the original creation. In Genesis chapter 3 Adam and Eve disobeyed God and so introduced sin into the world. Those who are descendants of Adam and Eve we have inherited a sin nature and now we live in a world where Jeremiah says that the heart is deceitful above all things in desperately wicked in chapter 17.
Paul writes in Romans chapter 3 there’s none righteous no
not one there is none who understands there is none who seeks after God. Later
in the book of Romans Paul says, therefore just as through one man sent entered
the world in death through sin and thus death spread to all men because all sinned.
So, we are reeling from the consequences and not just simply of Adams and Eves
disobedience to God we too disobey God. We are all sinful. And ultimately
because we are sinners we are all capable of some of the most heinous types of
crimes and violence and if it weren’t for having a personal relationship with
the Lord Jesus Christ who changes us into a new creation. There is no hope for
this world and so God did create a perfect world.
JD: There are all kinds of thinking that comes to the table from
different areas. For example, atheist they often will try to argue against the existence
of God by saying either God is not all good or he is not all powerful because
an all good all powerful God would not allow these kinds of things to really happen.
DJ: Well I think they’re thinking about it wrongly. If God were
to exercise his will to the point where he restrained all sinful acts of all
people atheist would also be the first to object to that. The fact is they have
a choice and God does not prevent them he gives them the freedom to make those
choices. And the fact is they would not want to be robots either so the kind of
God that they are demanding or that they are trying to use as an argument
against the existence of God simply doesn’t follow in that. And the sword that
they are using trying to use against the existence of God is actually a two-edge
sword and they end up falling on their own sword and cutting themselves with
their own argument.
JD: David James with a Biblical answer to the question why God
did not create a perfect world.
David James was right, God did create a perfect world we are
the ones that made it imperfect with our sin. Remember, God takes care of that
sin problem that we all have.