JD: What were your initial impressions as you read this book?
DJ: Well I’m not a fan of Christian fiction I think as you know because either its fictional theology which is heresy or its theological fiction meaning its intended to convey what the author believes to be true. And I don’t care for the literary devices he uses which is visions from God in the interpretation of those visions by “The Oracle”. The reason I don’t like it is because Jonathan Cahn believes that God is revealing these things to him personally something he has referred to as “downloads” that he gets from God.
Sometimes his theology does represent a good understand of
the Bible in certain areas but then in other places he just goes off the rails
especially when it comes to eschatology. He says, but the times of the Gentiles
came to an end in 1967 with the capture of Jerusalem. He also says that Spall
intent was restored at that time. But the fact is Biblically both of those will
only be fulfilled when Christ sets up his millennial kingdom after the
Since 2012 he’s
refused to take a public position concerning the timing of the Rapture. For
someone who is considered by many to be a great prophecy teacher I would say
he’s very confused about almost everything when it comes to the end times. He’s
confusing other people while being heavy promoted on a number of programs that
have serious problems by themselves. He has a long track record of manipulating
and misrepresenting historical and other facts. So at this point I just don’t
know about those.
JD: David James with his Bible in hand giving us a review on
Jonathan Cahn’s latest book “The Oracle”.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
There are some additional thoughts on the new book by
Jonathan Cahn, “The Oracle” that I would add to what David James had to say. I
agree with David that you do not get Biblical information on eschatology from a
Christian novel. God’s prophetic word is the absolute truth on Bible prophecy.
I would suggest that you have your Bible at your side when you are reading
anyone’s prophecy book including mine. If the writer contradicts God’s word the
writer is wrong not the Bible.
Remember all scripture is given by inspiration
of God and is profitable for correct Biblical doctrine, that’s II Timothy 3:16.
If a writer does not use the proper prophetic passage or misinterprets that
passage he is a false teacher. And by the way false teachers will be prevalent
in the last days at least that’s what Jesus said.