JD: Ken, I want to talk about an article that you have in Front Page Magazine but first let me introduce it with this thought, the United States has just announced non nuclear sanctions on Iran. Now they said they would do it and now they’ve moved to do exactly that.
KT: Well that’s right and this followed General Flynn, the new national security advisor, on Wednesday saying, that the US was “official putting Iran on notice” because of its bad behavior, its attacks on US warships, and this latest ballistic missile test.
The US has also announced it is moving
the USS Cole to patrol off the coast of Yemen. This is extremely significant
given that the Cole was blown up in December of 2000 by a suicide bomber from
al-Qaeda, but with support in the logistics from the Iranian regime, in the
article that I just did at Front Page Mag, talking about the next steps with
Iran. I outlined a series of things that the United States could do if this
administration harnesses all of the power of the United States government
behind a new strategy.
JD: Well Ken, for sure these sanctions are
not going after the nuclear deal that was signed with Iran. But do you see in
the future that may be the case as far as the Trump administration is
KT: To go after the nuclear deal per say
would run a foul of a UN security council resolution. It would anger our alias
in Europe But I think for the time being the administration wants to walk this
fine line and to look at the ways it can tie Iran into a thousand knots;
stepping up the military pressure on them in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian
Sea off the coast of Yemen. Increasing the sanctions on them, on individuals, preventing senior Iranian officials from traveling internationally.
Another thing we could do is to
increase the Persian language broadcasting from the voice of America and radio
for Europe, to provide Iranians with the type of free press and accurate information
that they don’t normally get from their own media. We have lots of tools Jimmy;
and really the astonishing thing is why the Obama administration never used any
of these.
JD: Ken Timmerman from Washington DC with
the details on our lead story.
We report this information because it
is setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.
You know the Bible says Iran is a major
player in the last days, that’s Ezekiel 38:5. In that passage Persia is modern
day Iran. Iran’s desire to be nuclear powered is in order for them to be able
to control the entire Middle East. Iran’s eschatology also plays into the end
times scenario. The threat of Iran to Israel, the United States, and in fact
the entire Middle East is setting the stage for Bible Prophecy to be fulfilled.