In protest of a documentary film being shown in the US depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad in a derogatory way, Islamists attacked the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, burned the building and killed four Americans including the US ambassador to Libya.
In another Islamic protest in Cairo, Egypt, the rioters stormed the US embassy, tore down the US flag and replaced it with an Islamic flag.
The US has put all of its embassies in the Middle East on high alert as Muslims threaten to attack other US properties in protest of this controversial film that Muslims say is demeaning to the Islamic faith.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Muslim attacks on US embassies in the Middle East are evidence of the part religion plays in our world today and foretells of the key role it will have in the future, that is according to Bible prophecy.
With the attack on the US embassy in Cairo, Egypt and the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the world has witnessed the power of religion in our society today. The Muslim attackers claimed a documentary film being shown in the US depicted the Islamic prophet Muhammad in a derogatory way and they said they had to defend the honor of Muhammad and the Islamic god, Allah. Though the US was not responsible for the film, the Islamists blamed America and took out their revenge on US properties.
This is absolute evidence of the role of religion in our world today. Bible prophecy reveals an even larger role for religion in the future. Revelation 17 foretells of a world-wide religion that will rule the world during the first half of the Tribulation Period, that coming seven years of judgment. This mother-son cult, the result of the false religion established in Babylon 4500 years ago will be led by the Antichrist.
What is very interesting to me is that Islam will not be a part of that one-world religion. Because they are an exclusive religion, they will not collaborate with any other religions. The role for Islam will be limited because the Islamic faith will be wiped out early in the Tribulation Period, Ezekiel 38:18-39:6.