JD: A very important meeting took place there in the Black Sea area where Vladimir Putin, President of Russia got together with Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu. And I believe Netanyahu really laid some red lines down did he not? Was this a key meeting between these two leaders?
WM: Well Jimmy, Iran has been on Israel’s radar for many years now. Mr. Netanyahu even took on the President of the United States if we remember going to Congress speaking his mind about whether or not various diplomatic moves, or treaties, or negotiations were beneficial first and for most of course to Israel because that’s his main concern but also to many other countries. As you say, the top two leaders in this part of the world over the Syria issue to make sure red lines are there, that they’re understood both in terms of tactical measures that either Russia or anybody else is taking. But strategic measures which means keeping Iran as far away as possible from Israel.
JD: Well in essence does not the Israeli government and the spokesperson of course the Prime Minister want Iran out of Syria and for sure not on its northern border? And that causes him to be very bold when he addresses the President of Russia.
WM: Well I think the facts on the ground are very clear. As far as I understand he put it to Mr. Putin that as ISIS the Islamic State is being forced back Iran is moving into the vacuum and it’s sending troops. So, I think Mr. Putin coming from where he did from KGD is very much able to understand what Mr. Netanyahu is talking about.
JD: Winkie Medad with the report on the Netanyahu-Putin meeting in Russia.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Putin and Netanyahu have met a number of times but this most
recent meeting was the most tense between these two leaders. Both Russia and
Israel are key nations today. But Bible prophecy tells of their significance in
the end of times. Ezekiel 38:2 mentions Russia by its Biblical name Magog. Psalm
83:4 tells us that the Russian lead alignment of nations will endeavor to destroy
the Jewish State of Israel, that her name be forgotten forever. That stage is
set; Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled seemingly in the very near future.