The geopolitical events of 2011 like the United States military pullout from Iraq, Iran's continued development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction, the Afghan War, and the continuation of the Arab Spring have a connection to the prewritten history that can be found in Bible prophecy. However, the most significant indicator that we are entering the times of the end is what has unfolded in the Middle East in 2011 and what 2012 seems to hold for our world. This is dramatic evidence of the soon fulfillment of all of Bible prophecy that can be found in God's Word.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Even though the prophetic evidence from God's word seems to say that the return to earth by Jesus Christ is very close at hand, there are still those who deny that Jesus will come back very soon.
The Bible teaches that no one can know for sure when the prophetic scenario found in God's word will be fulfilled and Jesus will return to the earth to set up His kingdom. However, Jesus in His Olivet Discourse found in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 reveals that He gave to His disciples just before His death, a number of significant indicators to look for which would signal the Lord's return to the earth. A short list of these events during 2011 as they relate to Bible prophecy can help us to truly recognize the time in which we are living.
The Arab Spring, as foretold in Daniel 11:40-45, the US troop pullout from war torn Iraq (Revelation 18), plus the continuing threat from Iran of the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction (Ezekiel 38:5) all point to the fact that we are living in the last days. However, if an honest observer of current events unfolding in the Middle East will compare these present activities to the end times scenario found in God's word, they will understand how close we are to the Lord's return in 2012.
The evidence can be seen as we watch Iran and its partners, the Moslem nations, aligning themselves against Israel which was foretold in Ezekiel 38. In Ezekiel 35 and the little book of Obadiah we can see foretold that the Palestinians will take the land from the Jewish people and kill the Jews and there will be the ever increasing desire among the Jewish people to see a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. This was foretold in Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, and Revelation 11:1.
Everything that I've talked about on this report is absolute evidence to indicate that all of Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.