After a massive internet campaign used to pressure the popular social networking site Facebook into removing the Moslem page calling for the third uprising against Israel, another page has surfaced entitled "Subscribe Now to the Palestinian Intifada" - a Palestinian uprising against Israel. On the page, "Make the Prophet Number One on Facebook", there are numbers of links to sites of other Facebook pages promoting a massive attempt to carry out the destruction of the state of Israel.
Facebook is also being used to summon millions of Moslems to march into Israel with additional pages calling for one billion Moslems to destroy Israel and exterminate the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The social network Facebook has been used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel and destroy the Jewish state, a page which is actually right out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
It has become common knowledge that the social network Facebook has been used very effectively in the organization of the street demonstrations throughout the Arab world. Now this same communications vehicle is being used to call for one billion Moslems to march into Israel to destroy the state and exterminate the Jews. There are Facebook fan pages that are promoting the popularity of Allah the Islamic god and to make him number one on Facebook. Though the media has been very vocal in praising the use of Facebook in the popular uprisings in the Arab world, they have been very silent on condemning the use of Facebook calling for the extermination of the Jewish people.
This misuse of Facebook by radical Moslems is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy. The Psalmist in Psalm 83:4 wrote that the enemies of Israel will indeed call for their total destruction and that the memory of the Jewish people might be blotted out. Zechariah 13:8, Revelation 12:13-17, and other prophetic passages foretell of a time during the Tribulation, the Time of Jacob's Trouble, that there will be many Jews killed, up to two out of every three Jews on the Earth. The Lord will intercede to protect the Jewish people from total extermination however, until this heavenly intervention, the Jews will suffer persecution and death as called for on Facebook. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
March 31, 2011
March 30, 2011
The Iranian government has produced a film that says the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah is about to appear
Listen to Today's Program 
A feature length documentary film produced by a top adviser to Iranian President Ahmadinejad claims that the cataclysmic events which will usher in the time of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, the 12th Imam is upon us.
According to this documentary and the belief system of the Shiite Muslims in Iran, the 12th Imam is a Muslim messianic figure whose appearance will make Islam victorious over the entire world and will lead the fight to go to Jerusalem to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
The film is called "The Coming is Upon Us" and it has been shown to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary core and released in the Arabic language for mass distribution in the Arab world.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The mass distribution to the Muslim and Arab world of a documentary film telling of the soon coming of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, is evidence that we are quickly approaching the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
A top adviser to Iranian President Ahmadinejad has produced a documentary film called, "The Coming is Upon Us", which tells of the cataclysmic events that will usher into the world the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, and the time of Islam's victory over the entire world. The documentary lays out a scenario that calls for the assassination of the Saudi King Abdullah, Iranian President Ahmadinejad leading an army into Jerusalem to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and a worldwide caliphate, a global kingdom under Islamic law. This documentary being distributed across the Muslim and Arab world is calling for Muslims to rise up to meet the Mahdi and join him in this world conquest.
This scenario is actually almost the same description found in Bible prophecy for the last days. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 list the names of Islamic nations that will indeed rise up to destroy Israel in the last days. Joel 2 mentions the largest military militia ever formed on the earth who will attack the Jewish state which could only be from the Muslim world. Ezekiel 38:18 - Ezekiel 39:6 reveals that this mighty army will be destroyed when they make their move towards Israel.
A documentary film of the coming Mahdi, the Muslim messiah is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.

A feature length documentary film produced by a top adviser to Iranian President Ahmadinejad claims that the cataclysmic events which will usher in the time of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, the 12th Imam is upon us.
According to this documentary and the belief system of the Shiite Muslims in Iran, the 12th Imam is a Muslim messianic figure whose appearance will make Islam victorious over the entire world and will lead the fight to go to Jerusalem to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.
The film is called "The Coming is Upon Us" and it has been shown to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards and paramilitary core and released in the Arabic language for mass distribution in the Arab world.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The mass distribution to the Muslim and Arab world of a documentary film telling of the soon coming of the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, is evidence that we are quickly approaching the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
A top adviser to Iranian President Ahmadinejad has produced a documentary film called, "The Coming is Upon Us", which tells of the cataclysmic events that will usher into the world the Mahdi, the Muslim messiah, and the time of Islam's victory over the entire world. The documentary lays out a scenario that calls for the assassination of the Saudi King Abdullah, Iranian President Ahmadinejad leading an army into Jerusalem to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and a worldwide caliphate, a global kingdom under Islamic law. This documentary being distributed across the Muslim and Arab world is calling for Muslims to rise up to meet the Mahdi and join him in this world conquest.
This scenario is actually almost the same description found in Bible prophecy for the last days. Ezekiel 38, Daniel 11, and Psalm 83 list the names of Islamic nations that will indeed rise up to destroy Israel in the last days. Joel 2 mentions the largest military militia ever formed on the earth who will attack the Jewish state which could only be from the Muslim world. Ezekiel 38:18 - Ezekiel 39:6 reveals that this mighty army will be destroyed when they make their move towards Israel.
A documentary film of the coming Mahdi, the Muslim messiah is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy is about to be fulfilled.
March 29, 2011
Israel's PM says that the Middle East is in a period of turmoil that is historic but could it be the revolution of darkness?
Listen to Today's Program 
Israel's PM Netanyahu recently gave his evaluation of the unrest spreading across the Middle East and said that this is a period of turmoil that is historic akin to the great revolutions that have taken place in modern times, but he quickly cautioned the world to watch very closely as Arab leaders are deposed and those who may fill the power vacuum created by these revolutions. Netanyahu was most concerned about the direct neighbors of the Jewish state, the nations of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, of which all three are facing differing degrees of unrest even after many political changes have been made.
The Israeli PM warned world leaders that the Islamist element involved in this unrest of all the Arab world could very quickly position themselves to take political control of Israel's neighbors which could bring harm to the Jewish state in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Political unrest in the nations that surround the Jewish state of Israel could bring about a political leadership that would fulfill the end time prophecies for this region that are found in Bible prophecy.
The political leadership of Israel has been watching very closely the ever changing landscape in the Middle East, a result of the unrest in the Arab street throughout the entire region. Israeli PM Netanyahu has been most concerned about what is happening with the direct neighbors of his nation, countries like: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. With the removal of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, plus the unrest in Syria and the almost civil war in Jordan, things are changing.
These changes were foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel 2500 years ago. In Daniel 11:40-43, the Jewish prophet revealed the activities of all three Israeli neighbors: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt for the last days. Syria, referred to as the King of the North in verse 40, will make the first move against Israel. Jordan, mentioned as Ammon, Moab, and Edom in verse 41, will provide protection for the Jewish people, Isaiah 63.
Egypt, found in Daniel 11:42-43, will join Syria to try and destroy the Jewish state. Truly, unrest in the Middle East is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Israel's PM Netanyahu recently gave his evaluation of the unrest spreading across the Middle East and said that this is a period of turmoil that is historic akin to the great revolutions that have taken place in modern times, but he quickly cautioned the world to watch very closely as Arab leaders are deposed and those who may fill the power vacuum created by these revolutions. Netanyahu was most concerned about the direct neighbors of the Jewish state, the nations of Egypt, Jordan, and Syria, of which all three are facing differing degrees of unrest even after many political changes have been made.
The Israeli PM warned world leaders that the Islamist element involved in this unrest of all the Arab world could very quickly position themselves to take political control of Israel's neighbors which could bring harm to the Jewish state in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Political unrest in the nations that surround the Jewish state of Israel could bring about a political leadership that would fulfill the end time prophecies for this region that are found in Bible prophecy.
The political leadership of Israel has been watching very closely the ever changing landscape in the Middle East, a result of the unrest in the Arab street throughout the entire region. Israeli PM Netanyahu has been most concerned about what is happening with the direct neighbors of his nation, countries like: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. With the removal of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood, plus the unrest in Syria and the almost civil war in Jordan, things are changing.
These changes were foretold by the ancient Jewish prophet Daniel 2500 years ago. In Daniel 11:40-43, the Jewish prophet revealed the activities of all three Israeli neighbors: Syria, Jordan, and Egypt for the last days. Syria, referred to as the King of the North in verse 40, will make the first move against Israel. Jordan, mentioned as Ammon, Moab, and Edom in verse 41, will provide protection for the Jewish people, Isaiah 63.
Egypt, found in Daniel 11:42-43, will join Syria to try and destroy the Jewish state. Truly, unrest in the Middle East is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
March 28, 2011
Almost half of the population of Israel wants to see the holy temple rebuilt in Jerusalem
In a recent nationwide poll taken by the Knesset Israel's legislative body, 49% of the body politic of Israel said they want to see the holy temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where there once stood two previous Jewish temples. The last one, Herod's temple, was destroyed in 70AD by the Roman soldiers led by General Titus.
The Israeli public is about evenly split on whether they believe the temple will be rebuilt with a slight edge 42% - 39% to those who believe that the third temple will be rebuilt. Given the current political climate, the onset of construction of the temple is not likely to go over quietly in the Islamic world which currently has day to day control of the Temple Mount.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The almost 50% of Israelis who want to see the holy Jewish temple rebuilt in Jerusalem are in perfect harmony with what the Bible reveals will happen in the last days.
In a recent national poll carried out in Israel, 49% of the Israelis said that they want to see the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount has been the location of two previous temples, the one built by King Solomon some 3000 years ago and the one built by Zerubbabel 2500 years ago. The second temple, known as Herod's Temple, because it took Herod 46 years to refurbish Zerubbabel's temple, was referred to by the rabbis as the temple that if you had never seen it, you had never seen a beautiful building.
Since 70AD, when Herod's Temple was destroyed, there have been countless efforts to rebuild it on the Temple Mount. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel said that there will be a third temple in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27). Jesus confirmed Daniel's prophecy in his Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15) when He said, when you see the abomination of desolation in the temple, flee Jerusalem. That abomination will be the Antichrist entering the temple and claiming to be God (II Thessalonians 2:4). Revelation 11:1 guarantees that there will be a temple in Jerusalem. John the Revelator was told to measure the location for the next Jewish temple.
50% of Israelis are right - there will be a temple in Jerusalem and maybe very soon now. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The Israeli public is about evenly split on whether they believe the temple will be rebuilt with a slight edge 42% - 39% to those who believe that the third temple will be rebuilt. Given the current political climate, the onset of construction of the temple is not likely to go over quietly in the Islamic world which currently has day to day control of the Temple Mount.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The almost 50% of Israelis who want to see the holy Jewish temple rebuilt in Jerusalem are in perfect harmony with what the Bible reveals will happen in the last days.
In a recent national poll carried out in Israel, 49% of the Israelis said that they want to see the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount has been the location of two previous temples, the one built by King Solomon some 3000 years ago and the one built by Zerubbabel 2500 years ago. The second temple, known as Herod's Temple, because it took Herod 46 years to refurbish Zerubbabel's temple, was referred to by the rabbis as the temple that if you had never seen it, you had never seen a beautiful building.
Since 70AD, when Herod's Temple was destroyed, there have been countless efforts to rebuild it on the Temple Mount. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel said that there will be a third temple in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27). Jesus confirmed Daniel's prophecy in his Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15) when He said, when you see the abomination of desolation in the temple, flee Jerusalem. That abomination will be the Antichrist entering the temple and claiming to be God (II Thessalonians 2:4). Revelation 11:1 guarantees that there will be a temple in Jerusalem. John the Revelator was told to measure the location for the next Jewish temple.
50% of Israelis are right - there will be a temple in Jerusalem and maybe very soon now. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 25, 2011
Israeli Politicians Warn Against a Palestinian State
When the United Nations General Assembly meets there will be many countries that will recognize a Palestinian state and Israeli political leaders warn that a Palestinian state within the present borders of the nation of Israel would be a political tsunami to quote the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who in 1998 offered Yasser Arafat 98% of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in 2002 that a Palestinian state would demand the powers of any nations, for example controlling borders and air space be allowed to stockpile military weapons and to have a standing army that could be used in military action against the state of Israel. Many of the Israeli political leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu say a Palestinian state would be the result of the Israelis creating with their own hands a threat to the very existence of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Israeli government allowing for and even creating a Palestinian state would in fact be like committing suicide according to Bible prophecy.
The debate in political capitals continues to intensify for the creation of a Palestinian state within the present borders of of the Jewish state of Israel. United States and European leaders are working towards having the two sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians come to the table and work out an agreement that would in essence create the first Palestinian state ever. Now that statement is based upon over 2000 years of history when there never was a Palestinian state anywhere in the world much less the Middle East. There are no facts in history that there ever was a Palestinian state, a notion that seems contradictory to all the Palestinian propaganda.
As the world watches this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I must take you to the prophetic passages in God's Word for the end times scenario for these two peoples. Genesis 25:23 declares that the two boys born to Rebekah and Isaac would one day become two nations. Jacob and his 12 sons have become the Jewish state of Israel. Esau, twin brother of Jacob, has become the Palestinian people of today according to their own history and a thorough study of the Bible. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah reveal that Esau's descendants, the Palestinian people of today, will in the last days kill the Jews and try to take their land. This conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to earth and destroys the Palestinian people forever (Obadiah 18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in 2002 that a Palestinian state would demand the powers of any nations, for example controlling borders and air space be allowed to stockpile military weapons and to have a standing army that could be used in military action against the state of Israel. Many of the Israeli political leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu say a Palestinian state would be the result of the Israelis creating with their own hands a threat to the very existence of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Israeli government allowing for and even creating a Palestinian state would in fact be like committing suicide according to Bible prophecy.
The debate in political capitals continues to intensify for the creation of a Palestinian state within the present borders of of the Jewish state of Israel. United States and European leaders are working towards having the two sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians come to the table and work out an agreement that would in essence create the first Palestinian state ever. Now that statement is based upon over 2000 years of history when there never was a Palestinian state anywhere in the world much less the Middle East. There are no facts in history that there ever was a Palestinian state, a notion that seems contradictory to all the Palestinian propaganda.
As the world watches this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I must take you to the prophetic passages in God's Word for the end times scenario for these two peoples. Genesis 25:23 declares that the two boys born to Rebekah and Isaac would one day become two nations. Jacob and his 12 sons have become the Jewish state of Israel. Esau, twin brother of Jacob, has become the Palestinian people of today according to their own history and a thorough study of the Bible. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah reveal that Esau's descendants, the Palestinian people of today, will in the last days kill the Jews and try to take their land. This conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to earth and destroys the Palestinian people forever (Obadiah 18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 24, 2011
Thousands of Jews gather at the Temple Mount to declare this sacred piece of real estate belongs to the Jewish people
Thousands of Jews gathered recently at the gates to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to declare their allegiance to this holy site and to declare the city of Jerusalem is the united, undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people.
Speakers at the rally march said that discrimination has severely restricted the ability of Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount while at the same time Moslem rules forbid Jews from praying on this site which is Judaism's most holy site.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Thousands of Jews marching around the Temple Mount to say that this sacred piece of real estate is Jewish is an event that speaks to the past and to the future that is according to Bible prophecy.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the location of the gold domed building, the Dome of the Rock that is seen on the Jerusalem skyline, is the same as the spot that Abraham took his son Isaac to offer as a sacrifice. This place is Mount Moriah where King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple 3000 years ago, II Chronicles 3:1. The Temple Mount, as it is known today, is also where the Jews returning from the Babylonian captivity rebuilt the Temple, Ezra 1-6.
Today, the Temple Mount is a place of controversy as the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah said that it would be in the last days, Zechariah 12:2. The Islamic Trust controls the Temple Mount today and they refuse to allow the Jewish worshipers to pray there on the mount, and often they will not even allow the Jews to enter the Temple Mount compound.
By the way, that same Jewish prophet Zechariah also predicted that the Lord was jealous for Jerusalem, aggressively possessive for the city that He chose to dwell among His people forever and He is sore displeased about the heathen control of this sacred spot and He also said that one day He will come back to Jerusalem and to the Temple Mount there to build His Temple that will be on that spot forever, Zechariah 1:14-16 and this is Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Speakers at the rally march said that discrimination has severely restricted the ability of Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount while at the same time Moslem rules forbid Jews from praying on this site which is Judaism's most holy site.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Thousands of Jews marching around the Temple Mount to say that this sacred piece of real estate is Jewish is an event that speaks to the past and to the future that is according to Bible prophecy.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the location of the gold domed building, the Dome of the Rock that is seen on the Jerusalem skyline, is the same as the spot that Abraham took his son Isaac to offer as a sacrifice. This place is Mount Moriah where King Solomon built the first Jewish Temple 3000 years ago, II Chronicles 3:1. The Temple Mount, as it is known today, is also where the Jews returning from the Babylonian captivity rebuilt the Temple, Ezra 1-6.
Today, the Temple Mount is a place of controversy as the ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah said that it would be in the last days, Zechariah 12:2. The Islamic Trust controls the Temple Mount today and they refuse to allow the Jewish worshipers to pray there on the mount, and often they will not even allow the Jews to enter the Temple Mount compound.
By the way, that same Jewish prophet Zechariah also predicted that the Lord was jealous for Jerusalem, aggressively possessive for the city that He chose to dwell among His people forever and He is sore displeased about the heathen control of this sacred spot and He also said that one day He will come back to Jerusalem and to the Temple Mount there to build His Temple that will be on that spot forever, Zechariah 1:14-16 and this is Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
March 23, 2011
President Obama's war on Libya has no basis on US law but was authorized by the New World Order
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The title of a Washington Times editorial states that US President Obama's illegal war on Libya was authorized by a UN resolution, not the Constitution of the US which calls for the US Congress to authorize any military activity undertaken by the US military, a point that can be argued by both sides of the issue.
Some analysts are saying this is a dangerous precedent when the US takes military action with authorization from the UN not the US Congress, a step many claim to be a move towards a New World Order.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US military action against Libya under the authorization of the UN is a precursor to the New World Order that will come to power in the last days according to Bible prophecy.
There are many on both sides of the political spectrum that accused President Obama of making an "illegal move" when he decided to go ahead with the military action against Libya. Those opposed to Obama's decision for military action are not on the side of Libya's Colonel Gadhafi, a treacherous dictator, but say that all military action by US troops must be authorized by the Constitution and the US Congress, not by the president alone. There indeed are good arguments on both sides of this issue which will be debated, however a move by the US President under authorization from the UN is a step very close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
There will be a New World Order in place during the seven year tribulation period which will be led by a leader referred to in the scriptures as the Antichrist, Revelation 13 and 18. In Daniel 11:38 the ancient prophet revealed that this Antichrist will be a military genius who worships the god of forces. This New World Order, a one-world, governmental, economic, political system will be headquartered in the Middle East, Revelation 18:1-3, and will rule all of humankind, even the buying and selling of essential items needed for life.
A US president taking military action authorized by an international governmental body is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The title of a Washington Times editorial states that US President Obama's illegal war on Libya was authorized by a UN resolution, not the Constitution of the US which calls for the US Congress to authorize any military activity undertaken by the US military, a point that can be argued by both sides of the issue.
Some analysts are saying this is a dangerous precedent when the US takes military action with authorization from the UN not the US Congress, a step many claim to be a move towards a New World Order.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US military action against Libya under the authorization of the UN is a precursor to the New World Order that will come to power in the last days according to Bible prophecy.
There are many on both sides of the political spectrum that accused President Obama of making an "illegal move" when he decided to go ahead with the military action against Libya. Those opposed to Obama's decision for military action are not on the side of Libya's Colonel Gadhafi, a treacherous dictator, but say that all military action by US troops must be authorized by the Constitution and the US Congress, not by the president alone. There indeed are good arguments on both sides of this issue which will be debated, however a move by the US President under authorization from the UN is a step very close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
There will be a New World Order in place during the seven year tribulation period which will be led by a leader referred to in the scriptures as the Antichrist, Revelation 13 and 18. In Daniel 11:38 the ancient prophet revealed that this Antichrist will be a military genius who worships the god of forces. This New World Order, a one-world, governmental, economic, political system will be headquartered in the Middle East, Revelation 18:1-3, and will rule all of humankind, even the buying and selling of essential items needed for life.
A US president taking military action authorized by an international governmental body is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
March 22, 2011
On an Israeli news site the headline read, new immigrants fulfill prophecy of the ingathering of the Jewish people
Listen to Today's Program 
The headline on the Arutz 7 news website in Israel says that new immigrants recently arriving in Israel are part of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy that foretold the in-gathering of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers in the days before the coming of the Messiah. Among the most recent new Israeli citizens were a group from the United States, actually 21 different states, and the group included a 5 month old baby and a 95 year old grandmother, all citizens of the United States that have a Jewish background and wanted to spend the rest of their lives in the land that they say God has provided for the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jews returning to the land of Israel today to become citizens of the land of their forefathers is a part of the process of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Recently on a very popular Israeli news website, Arutz 7, the headline of one of the major stories was, new immigrants fulfill prophecy of the in-gathering. It was a photo story showing hundreds of Jews from America that had decided to come home to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel. Many of them carried signs telling of their love for Israel and a number of these new Israeli citizens even got off of the airplane and kissed the ground of the Jewish state. The web news site wanted to feature the story of Jews coming home to Israel because they believe it is a part of Bible prophecy being fulfilled and they are correct.
Over the last 100 years, out of 100 nations of the world, Jews have been making their way into the Jewish state of Israel even before it became a state. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that the Lord, in the last days, will bring the Jews from wherever they are in the world into the land that He had promised them. That prophecy is found in Ezekiel 34 where 18 times the Lord says that He will find the Jews where they had been scattered some 2000 years ago and bring them into the land of their forefathers. Ezekiel 37:8 foretells of the Jewish state being revived and Ezekiel 36 tells the Jews of the land that God will give them in the last days.
The arrival of Jews in Israel to immigrate, to come home, is, as the Israeli website reported, the proof that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.

The headline on the Arutz 7 news website in Israel says that new immigrants recently arriving in Israel are part of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy that foretold the in-gathering of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers in the days before the coming of the Messiah. Among the most recent new Israeli citizens were a group from the United States, actually 21 different states, and the group included a 5 month old baby and a 95 year old grandmother, all citizens of the United States that have a Jewish background and wanted to spend the rest of their lives in the land that they say God has provided for the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jews returning to the land of Israel today to become citizens of the land of their forefathers is a part of the process of the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Recently on a very popular Israeli news website, Arutz 7, the headline of one of the major stories was, new immigrants fulfill prophecy of the in-gathering. It was a photo story showing hundreds of Jews from America that had decided to come home to the land of their forefathers, the land of Israel. Many of them carried signs telling of their love for Israel and a number of these new Israeli citizens even got off of the airplane and kissed the ground of the Jewish state. The web news site wanted to feature the story of Jews coming home to Israel because they believe it is a part of Bible prophecy being fulfilled and they are correct.
Over the last 100 years, out of 100 nations of the world, Jews have been making their way into the Jewish state of Israel even before it became a state. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that the Lord, in the last days, will bring the Jews from wherever they are in the world into the land that He had promised them. That prophecy is found in Ezekiel 34 where 18 times the Lord says that He will find the Jews where they had been scattered some 2000 years ago and bring them into the land of their forefathers. Ezekiel 37:8 foretells of the Jewish state being revived and Ezekiel 36 tells the Jews of the land that God will give them in the last days.
The arrival of Jews in Israel to immigrate, to come home, is, as the Israeli website reported, the proof that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.
March 21, 2011
An Israeli scientist has developed a tool to help determine damage potential from earthquakes in the future
Professor Shmuel Marco of Tel Aviv University in Israel has created a new tool to help understand the patterns of ancient earthquakes, a tool called the fossil seismograph, that will help engineers understand what is at risk when they plan new hydroelectric power plants. This seismograph will provide an essential bit of information and wisdom given the tragic events in Japan because of a 9.0 earthquake and the 30 foot high tsunami that caused so much damage to Japan's atomic energy plants.
The fossil seismograph will be relevant to areas where earthquakes affect bodies of water like the west coast of the United States and the northeastern coast of Japan with its most recent devastating earthquake and tsunami.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the development of the new fossil seismograph, scientists can determine potential damage from future earthquakes in our world which Bible prophecy has already determined will be devastating to the extent that man will call for God to deliver them from His wrath.
The catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan not only was the cause of massive death and destruction, it damaged the atomic energy plants in Japan which resulted in another national emergency but potentially a global problem as well. This natural disaster has been a reminder to us today that we really don't know enough to even predict earthquake activity in order for peoples and nations to prepare for the massive destruction that may result from such an event. The development of the fossil seismograph will assist in planning for future building near these areas prone to earthquakes.
However, Bible prophecy says that future earthquakes will be so bad that men will hide in fear and even call for the mountains and rocks to fall upon them to hide them from the wrath of God (Revelation 6:12-16). This passage speaks of the great earthquake at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period with additional prophecies about earthquakes in Revelation 8:5 and 11:13-19. We realize that earthquakes continue throughout the seven years of judgment and culminate with the greatest earthquake to ever hit the earth. It will destroy the modern day nation of Iraq which is Biblical Babylon, the headquarters for the worldwide economic, political and governmental activities of the Antichrist (Revelation 16:17-21).
Each and every earthquake to happen in our world today is indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The fossil seismograph will be relevant to areas where earthquakes affect bodies of water like the west coast of the United States and the northeastern coast of Japan with its most recent devastating earthquake and tsunami.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the development of the new fossil seismograph, scientists can determine potential damage from future earthquakes in our world which Bible prophecy has already determined will be devastating to the extent that man will call for God to deliver them from His wrath.
The catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan not only was the cause of massive death and destruction, it damaged the atomic energy plants in Japan which resulted in another national emergency but potentially a global problem as well. This natural disaster has been a reminder to us today that we really don't know enough to even predict earthquake activity in order for peoples and nations to prepare for the massive destruction that may result from such an event. The development of the fossil seismograph will assist in planning for future building near these areas prone to earthquakes.
However, Bible prophecy says that future earthquakes will be so bad that men will hide in fear and even call for the mountains and rocks to fall upon them to hide them from the wrath of God (Revelation 6:12-16). This passage speaks of the great earthquake at the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period with additional prophecies about earthquakes in Revelation 8:5 and 11:13-19. We realize that earthquakes continue throughout the seven years of judgment and culminate with the greatest earthquake to ever hit the earth. It will destroy the modern day nation of Iraq which is Biblical Babylon, the headquarters for the worldwide economic, political and governmental activities of the Antichrist (Revelation 16:17-21).
Each and every earthquake to happen in our world today is indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 18, 2011
Jews in Jerusalem and around the world celebrate God's protection from one Persian ruler as they face a threat from another
Jews around the world celebrate Purim, the record of God's protection from total destruction by a Persian leader named Haman. This took place 2500 years ago and at the same time, the Jewish state of Israel prepares for an attack from another Persian ruler, the modern day Haman, named Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. The book of Esther, in the Bible, gives the account of how wicked Haman wanted to eliminate all Jews from the face of the earth and how the Jewish Queen Esther had come into the Persian kingdom at the right time and was instrumental in saving her people from total destruction.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad is today leader of the nation known as Persia until 1936 and this modern day Haman has on numerous occasions called for the total destruction of the Jewish people a replay of history.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to Bible prophecy, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, a modern day Haman who was the wicked political leader of Persia 2500 years ago, Ahmadinejad will also fail to destroy all of the Jewish people in our world today.
The wicked Persian leader Haman 2500 years ago was set to kill all the Jewish people alive in his day and would have done so had not God used a Jewish queen - Queen Esther - to save her people. The account of this intervention by God to protect his chosen people, the Jewish people, can be found in the Biblical book of Esther. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has compared the present Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Biblical Haman, as Ahmadinejad has continually called for the Jews to be wiped off the earth and their name be forgotten forever.
As one reads the book of Esther you can see the hand of God protecting His people, the Jewish people, from total destruction. According to Bible prophecy, once again the Lord will protect the Jews from total destruction by a Persian leader. Remember, modern day Iran was known as Persia until 1936. Persia, or Iran today, is mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as one of the nations that will align with other enemies of Israel and endeavor to destroy the Jewish people in the last days. At that time the Lord will again intervene to protect the Jews and destroy the Persians and their leader whoever it may be.
As Jews celebrate the holy day of Purim, remember Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Iranian President Ahmadinejad is today leader of the nation known as Persia until 1936 and this modern day Haman has on numerous occasions called for the total destruction of the Jewish people a replay of history.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to Bible prophecy, the Iranian President Ahmadinejad, a modern day Haman who was the wicked political leader of Persia 2500 years ago, Ahmadinejad will also fail to destroy all of the Jewish people in our world today.
The wicked Persian leader Haman 2500 years ago was set to kill all the Jewish people alive in his day and would have done so had not God used a Jewish queen - Queen Esther - to save her people. The account of this intervention by God to protect his chosen people, the Jewish people, can be found in the Biblical book of Esther. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has compared the present Iranian President Ahmadinejad to Biblical Haman, as Ahmadinejad has continually called for the Jews to be wiped off the earth and their name be forgotten forever.
As one reads the book of Esther you can see the hand of God protecting His people, the Jewish people, from total destruction. According to Bible prophecy, once again the Lord will protect the Jews from total destruction by a Persian leader. Remember, modern day Iran was known as Persia until 1936. Persia, or Iran today, is mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as one of the nations that will align with other enemies of Israel and endeavor to destroy the Jewish people in the last days. At that time the Lord will again intervene to protect the Jews and destroy the Persians and their leader whoever it may be.
As Jews celebrate the holy day of Purim, remember Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 17, 2011
A senior research fellow at the Hudson Institute says that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East
Dr. Max Singer a senior research fellow at the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies says the only chance for real peace in the Middle East is if the western nations convince the Arabs that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring about peace in the region.
Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.
In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.
Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.
As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.
In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.
Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.
As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
March 16, 2011
Many Americans expect Jesus to return to earth by 2050
In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 41% of the Americans polled believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the next 40 years and 46% of those polled said that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will probably or definitely not happen. The poll suggests that 58% of evangelicals believe that Jesus will return by 2050 and respondents with no college education were 3 times as likely as those with a college degree to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the next 40 years.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.
The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.
Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).
The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.
The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.
Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).
The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 15, 2011
A British astronomer says that the end of the world as we know it could happen at any time
The British astronomer Chris Impey says astronomical intruders could provide a serious threat to our world as we know it and could cause global earthquakes, mile high tidal waves and the immediate killing of all large land animals.
The astronomer says that the "big one" as he described such an astronomical event happens every 100 million years which Impey said sounds like a safe buffer but he says there is good evidence that the next "big one" could happen at any time which has astronomers setting up ground based telescopes that scan the skies in search of some type of astronomical intruder.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The report from a British astronomer who says the end of the world is near is pretty much on target according to Bible prophecy.
The British astronomer Chris Impey who believes that astronomical intruders may be about to alter our world as we know it today and bring the world to an end has an interesting and informative paper that discusses what many have talked about for centuries. Although such an astronomical invasion happens only every 100 million years according to the astronomer, he still believes the next such event is about to happen.
Any student of Bible prophecy that has an understanding of the end of time events as revealed in the book of Revelation knows that the end of the world is at least 1,007 years into the future.
John, who received the message of his prophecy in Revelation from Jesus Christ, revealed that the next main event in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled will be the Rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1. Revelation 4-19 is 16 chapters of detailed information about that seven year Tribulation Period that follows the Rapture. At the end of that seven years of tribulation, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to the earth to defeat all of His enemies, Revelation 19, and He then will setup His Kingdom for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6.
That Kingdom is not now in place. It will be in place when Jesus returns to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He will rule and reign for that 1,000 years and then forever into eternity future.
The astronomer says that the "big one" as he described such an astronomical event happens every 100 million years which Impey said sounds like a safe buffer but he says there is good evidence that the next "big one" could happen at any time which has astronomers setting up ground based telescopes that scan the skies in search of some type of astronomical intruder.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The report from a British astronomer who says the end of the world is near is pretty much on target according to Bible prophecy.
The British astronomer Chris Impey who believes that astronomical intruders may be about to alter our world as we know it today and bring the world to an end has an interesting and informative paper that discusses what many have talked about for centuries. Although such an astronomical invasion happens only every 100 million years according to the astronomer, he still believes the next such event is about to happen.
Any student of Bible prophecy that has an understanding of the end of time events as revealed in the book of Revelation knows that the end of the world is at least 1,007 years into the future.
John, who received the message of his prophecy in Revelation from Jesus Christ, revealed that the next main event in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled will be the Rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1. Revelation 4-19 is 16 chapters of detailed information about that seven year Tribulation Period that follows the Rapture. At the end of that seven years of tribulation, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to the earth to defeat all of His enemies, Revelation 19, and He then will setup His Kingdom for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6.
That Kingdom is not now in place. It will be in place when Jesus returns to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He will rule and reign for that 1,000 years and then forever into eternity future.
March 14, 2011
The Mufti of Jerusalem says that Israeli control of Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem could start a religious war
Jerusalem's Mufti Mohammed Hussein, the highest ranking Islamic cleric in Jerusalem, says that Israeli sovereignty over Hebron, Bethlehem, and Jerusalem, three of the most important holy sites in Judaism, could start a religious war.
Hebron is the location of the burial site of the Jewish patriarchs. Bethlehem is where Jacob buried his wife, Rachel and in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount is the holiest site for the Jewish people and the location where Jews want to build a temple in the near future.
The mufti's says Israel's claim to these Jewish holy sites is an attempt to take over the religious sites and Moslems are now in a period of war, not with tanks and rockets, but a religious war.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the mufti of Jerusalem that Israel's claim to their holy sites is a declaration of a religious war is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
The Israeli government has established a list of heritage sites in Israel, sacred sites that are a part of Jewish history. Included in that list are three locations that the mufti of Jerusalem says will be the cause for a religious war if Israel stands firm on their claims to these sites. The sites include Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, Rachel being Jacob's wife who died in childbirth, Genesis 35. Genesis 23 is the record of Abraham paying cash money for the Machpelah Cave, the burial site for the patriarchs of the Jewish people: Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Israel's King David also paid cash money to Ornan the Jebusite for his threshing floor on Mt. Moriah, the site for the two previous Jewish temples in Jerusalem, I Chronicles 21.
The threat of a religious war between the Jews and the Moslems is setting the stage for an end of times conflict between these two peoples. The ancient prophet Joel, in Joel 2:2-3, warned that the largest militia ever formed on the earth will come to Jerusalem to take control of the Jewish holy sites. There is only one group of people today who could form such a militia and also people who want to control Hebron, Bethlehem, and the holy city of Jerusalem, that would be the Moslem people.
The Jerusalem mufti is right. There will be a religious war.
Hebron is the location of the burial site of the Jewish patriarchs. Bethlehem is where Jacob buried his wife, Rachel and in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount is the holiest site for the Jewish people and the location where Jews want to build a temple in the near future.
The mufti's says Israel's claim to these Jewish holy sites is an attempt to take over the religious sites and Moslems are now in a period of war, not with tanks and rockets, but a religious war.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the mufti of Jerusalem that Israel's claim to their holy sites is a declaration of a religious war is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
The Israeli government has established a list of heritage sites in Israel, sacred sites that are a part of Jewish history. Included in that list are three locations that the mufti of Jerusalem says will be the cause for a religious war if Israel stands firm on their claims to these sites. The sites include Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem, Rachel being Jacob's wife who died in childbirth, Genesis 35. Genesis 23 is the record of Abraham paying cash money for the Machpelah Cave, the burial site for the patriarchs of the Jewish people: Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Israel's King David also paid cash money to Ornan the Jebusite for his threshing floor on Mt. Moriah, the site for the two previous Jewish temples in Jerusalem, I Chronicles 21.
The threat of a religious war between the Jews and the Moslems is setting the stage for an end of times conflict between these two peoples. The ancient prophet Joel, in Joel 2:2-3, warned that the largest militia ever formed on the earth will come to Jerusalem to take control of the Jewish holy sites. There is only one group of people today who could form such a militia and also people who want to control Hebron, Bethlehem, and the holy city of Jerusalem, that would be the Moslem people.
The Jerusalem mufti is right. There will be a religious war.
March 11, 2011
A major earthquake and tsunami hits Japan and the entire Pacific region
What seismologists call a great earthquake, one of 8.8 magnitude on the Richter Scale, has hit the coastline of Japan causing a catastrophic tsunami in Japan and affecting more than 20 Pacific Rim nations bringing about much death and destruction. The initial earthquake, felt as far away from the epicenter of the quake as Beijing, China, brought with it a tsunami with waves over 20 feet high and traveling at around 500 miles per hour which is a natural disaster and in the early stages hitting the coast of Japan with no advanced warning.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The latest earthquake off the coast of Japan not only caused mass destruction and death but it is a tangible evidence that we are coming close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Reports are still coming in and will continue to do so revealing the amount of death and destruction that has happened as a result of the massive earthquake and the tsunami that followed originating just off the coast of Japan. People along the coastline of Japan and in fact the more than 20 nations effected by the tsunami, these people have been eyewitness to what can happen in a matter of hours and in fact in some places a matter of minutes, a result of natures destructive capability. This most recent earthquake in Japan is the greatest earthquake in that nations history and the seventh most powerful earthquake ever recorded in history.
The word "earthquake" is used 19 times in the Bible, 13 times in the prophetic passages of the Word of God. In the Olivet Discourse, the most profound prophetic message ever given, a message preached by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives three days before He was crucified, when the Lord said that earthquakes in many different places would be a sign of His Second Coming (Matthew 24:7). In the prophetic book of Revelation, the word "earthquake" is used seven times between Revelation 6 - 16. The great earthquake in Revelation 6:12 is the sixth seal judgment happening in the first half of the seven year Tribulation period. Near the midway point of the Tribulation, there will be a number of earthquakes that cause great damage and death and they are foretold in Revelation 8:5 and 11:13,19. The greatest earthquake to ever hit the earth will happen at the end of the Tribulation period when Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be destroyed (Revelation 16:18).
The recent earthquake off the coast of Japan is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The latest earthquake off the coast of Japan not only caused mass destruction and death but it is a tangible evidence that we are coming close to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. Reports are still coming in and will continue to do so revealing the amount of death and destruction that has happened as a result of the massive earthquake and the tsunami that followed originating just off the coast of Japan. People along the coastline of Japan and in fact the more than 20 nations effected by the tsunami, these people have been eyewitness to what can happen in a matter of hours and in fact in some places a matter of minutes, a result of natures destructive capability. This most recent earthquake in Japan is the greatest earthquake in that nations history and the seventh most powerful earthquake ever recorded in history.
The word "earthquake" is used 19 times in the Bible, 13 times in the prophetic passages of the Word of God. In the Olivet Discourse, the most profound prophetic message ever given, a message preached by Jesus Christ on the Mount of Olives three days before He was crucified, when the Lord said that earthquakes in many different places would be a sign of His Second Coming (Matthew 24:7). In the prophetic book of Revelation, the word "earthquake" is used seven times between Revelation 6 - 16. The great earthquake in Revelation 6:12 is the sixth seal judgment happening in the first half of the seven year Tribulation period. Near the midway point of the Tribulation, there will be a number of earthquakes that cause great damage and death and they are foretold in Revelation 8:5 and 11:13,19. The greatest earthquake to ever hit the earth will happen at the end of the Tribulation period when Babylon, modern day Iraq, will be destroyed (Revelation 16:18).
The recent earthquake off the coast of Japan is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 10, 2011
Saudi Arabia has declared war against the Islamic terror group al Qaeda
The leadership of Saudi Arabia has been targeted by the Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda as have a number of Arab regimes in the Middle East and al Qaeda claims the reason for this focus on Arab leaders and their governments is because Arab leaders have become atheists and no longer abide under the leadership of Allah, the Islamic god. Al Qaeda points out that Saudi King Abdullah has implemented a massive building project in the heart of Mecca, the Moslem holy city, and al Qaeda jihadist websites are calling for the king to be killed saying that the death of this leader of atheism would be among the most pious acts for a Moslem. Meanwhile the Saudi kingdom has activated its powerful intelligence and security agencies to kill or capture its Islamist foes.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
It is ironic that the founding nation for the Islamic faith, Saudi Arabia, has now called for the end of the Islamic jihadist group al Qaeda especially in light of the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The king of Saudi Arabia and and many of his family members are under the threat of death by the radical Islamic terror organization al Qaeda and basically because King Abdullah has become an atheist according to the al Qaeda leaders. Radical Islam has become more and more a threat to Arab leaders in the Middle East mainly because they are perceived to be secular and are even moving away from the Islamic faith and becoming atheists. Ironically, Saudi Arabia has been the home base and the financial provider for many of the most radical terror organizations including the group that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. It is also ironic that the Islamic faith was founded by Mohammad in the 7th century in Arabia and at that time Mohammad said that he was a direct descendant to Ishmael, the first son of the patriarch Abraham.
The Biblical record does reveal that Ishmael did go to start one nation in the place that we know today as Saudi Arabia (Genesis 25:18, 17:20). Ishmael did not father the Arab world according to Genesis 10:6-10 but he did father the Islamic faith according to its prophet. Ultimately Saudi Arabia will be radicalized and play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
It is ironic that the founding nation for the Islamic faith, Saudi Arabia, has now called for the end of the Islamic jihadist group al Qaeda especially in light of the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The king of Saudi Arabia and and many of his family members are under the threat of death by the radical Islamic terror organization al Qaeda and basically because King Abdullah has become an atheist according to the al Qaeda leaders. Radical Islam has become more and more a threat to Arab leaders in the Middle East mainly because they are perceived to be secular and are even moving away from the Islamic faith and becoming atheists. Ironically, Saudi Arabia has been the home base and the financial provider for many of the most radical terror organizations including the group that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. It is also ironic that the Islamic faith was founded by Mohammad in the 7th century in Arabia and at that time Mohammad said that he was a direct descendant to Ishmael, the first son of the patriarch Abraham.
The Biblical record does reveal that Ishmael did go to start one nation in the place that we know today as Saudi Arabia (Genesis 25:18, 17:20). Ishmael did not father the Arab world according to Genesis 10:6-10 but he did father the Islamic faith according to its prophet. Ultimately Saudi Arabia will be radicalized and play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.
March 09, 2011
Two global strategists, both advisors to President Obama, call for the United States to break ties with Israel
Listen to Today's Program 
George Friedman, the publisher of Stratfor, a newsletter on strategic global planning, in his most recent book, "The Next Decade" has called for the Obama administration to have the United States to break ties with its main Middle East ally Israel, and increase its cooperation with the Islamic world especially Iran and Pakistan. Friedman's comments are in concert with a former consultant to President Obama, Tony Cordsman, who argues that the United States strategic alliance with Israel was harming Washington's interests in the Middle East.
Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.
George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible they can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

George Friedman, the publisher of Stratfor, a newsletter on strategic global planning, in his most recent book, "The Next Decade" has called for the Obama administration to have the United States to break ties with its main Middle East ally Israel, and increase its cooperation with the Islamic world especially Iran and Pakistan. Friedman's comments are in concert with a former consultant to President Obama, Tony Cordsman, who argues that the United States strategic alliance with Israel was harming Washington's interests in the Middle East.
Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.
George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible they can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
March 08, 2011
A Jewish rabbi has called for the Jewish settlers to take up arms against Jewish soldiers
Listen to Today's Program 
Rabbi Dov Wolpo, Chairman of the organization SOS Israel has called for Jewish settlers to react in kind when under attack by the Israeli Defense Forces saying when Jewish soldiers come to destroy their homes and shoot rubber bullets, the settlers need to return fire with rubber bullets against the Israeli soldiers.
The rabbi said he believes Israel is headed towards a civil war, especially in light of the new Israeli government policy of using weapons and munitions that kill in the conflict of Jews against Jews.
Wolpo is the rabbi who a year ago called for a second Jewish state because the government of the one Jewish state today, Israel seems to ignore the rights of the religious Jews living in a land that they say God has given them.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The call by a rabbi to have Jews take up arms against other Jews and at the same time say that Israel is on the verge of a civil war, Jew against Jew, is a page out of Bible prophecy.
You might consider this story as the evidence that Israeli Jews are divided today. They may well go into a civil war, Jew against Jew, in a very near future tomorrow. The call by Rabbi Dov Wolpo for the Jewish settlers to take up arms against Jewish soldiers seems to be a very radical statement however when you understand Rabbi Wolpo's position, that God gave the Jewish people this land in question that they are fighting for, you realize that the rabbi is on more solid ground for his call to arms for the Jewish settlers.
God's Word does back the rabbi in Ezekiel 34 where God tells the prophet 18 times that He the Lord will find the Jewish people wherever they have been scattered over the last two thousand years and bring them back into their promised land.
Ezekiel 37:15-23 reveals a prophetic scenario that does actually call for a second Jewish state which will be titled, "Judah". Rabbi Wolpo has already called for the Jewish people to be in place in Israel and ready to establish a second Jewish state that is, as I mentioned, called for in Bible prophecy. There will be a second Jewish state in Israel soon after the Rapture, before Jesus Christ comes back to the earth.
Rabbi Wolpo's actions are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Rabbi Dov Wolpo, Chairman of the organization SOS Israel has called for Jewish settlers to react in kind when under attack by the Israeli Defense Forces saying when Jewish soldiers come to destroy their homes and shoot rubber bullets, the settlers need to return fire with rubber bullets against the Israeli soldiers.
The rabbi said he believes Israel is headed towards a civil war, especially in light of the new Israeli government policy of using weapons and munitions that kill in the conflict of Jews against Jews.
Wolpo is the rabbi who a year ago called for a second Jewish state because the government of the one Jewish state today, Israel seems to ignore the rights of the religious Jews living in a land that they say God has given them.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The call by a rabbi to have Jews take up arms against other Jews and at the same time say that Israel is on the verge of a civil war, Jew against Jew, is a page out of Bible prophecy.
You might consider this story as the evidence that Israeli Jews are divided today. They may well go into a civil war, Jew against Jew, in a very near future tomorrow. The call by Rabbi Dov Wolpo for the Jewish settlers to take up arms against Jewish soldiers seems to be a very radical statement however when you understand Rabbi Wolpo's position, that God gave the Jewish people this land in question that they are fighting for, you realize that the rabbi is on more solid ground for his call to arms for the Jewish settlers.
God's Word does back the rabbi in Ezekiel 34 where God tells the prophet 18 times that He the Lord will find the Jewish people wherever they have been scattered over the last two thousand years and bring them back into their promised land.
Ezekiel 37:15-23 reveals a prophetic scenario that does actually call for a second Jewish state which will be titled, "Judah". Rabbi Wolpo has already called for the Jewish people to be in place in Israel and ready to establish a second Jewish state that is, as I mentioned, called for in Bible prophecy. There will be a second Jewish state in Israel soon after the Rapture, before Jesus Christ comes back to the earth.
Rabbi Wolpo's actions are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
March 07, 2011
Christians are under attack in the MIddle East and are being killed because of their faith
A number of Christian communities and churches in the Middle East have been the target of attacks by radical Islamist terrorists with many of the attacks deadly and scores of Middle Eastern Christians have been killed for no other reason that that they are Christians. These attacks are widespread throughout the Middle East, however the Christian communities in Iraq and Egypt are the main focus of these horrific attacks with both nations reporting that these attacks have taken place against churches during weekly services with many Christian worshipers being killed.
Radical Islamist websites have been circulating lists of churches with instructions on how to attack them with one al Qaeda video calling for the jihadist to blow the church up at a time when they are packed with worshipers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A campaign to attack the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East by radical Islamists is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Christian communities and churches in both Iraq and Egypt have come under attack by radical Islamists who are calling for the destruction of the cross in their internet communications to followers of the Moslem faith. The call on videos produced by al Qaeda to blow up churches while they are celebrating special holy days or anytime when the churches are packed with worshipers is evidence of the intense campaign going on by the radical Islamists to destroy the Christian community in the Middle East.
One radical Islamist website has been calling for attacks against the churches in Europe as well with instructions on how to attack the churches. This report is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to attacks on Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
A study of Bible prophecy reveals that people of faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ, will be under attack with great force during the seven year Tribulation period to come. Revelation 6:9-10 talks about those who will be slain because of their testimony and their love for the Word of God, the Bible. Verse 10 of Revelation 6 says that those who are being killed for their faith will ask God to intervene for their safety because it will be so bad.
The ever increasing attacks on Middle Eastern Christians by radical Islamists is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Radical Islamist websites have been circulating lists of churches with instructions on how to attack them with one al Qaeda video calling for the jihadist to blow the church up at a time when they are packed with worshipers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A campaign to attack the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East by radical Islamists is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Christian communities and churches in both Iraq and Egypt have come under attack by radical Islamists who are calling for the destruction of the cross in their internet communications to followers of the Moslem faith. The call on videos produced by al Qaeda to blow up churches while they are celebrating special holy days or anytime when the churches are packed with worshipers is evidence of the intense campaign going on by the radical Islamists to destroy the Christian community in the Middle East.
One radical Islamist website has been calling for attacks against the churches in Europe as well with instructions on how to attack the churches. This report is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to attacks on Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
A study of Bible prophecy reveals that people of faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ, will be under attack with great force during the seven year Tribulation period to come. Revelation 6:9-10 talks about those who will be slain because of their testimony and their love for the Word of God, the Bible. Verse 10 of Revelation 6 says that those who are being killed for their faith will ask God to intervene for their safety because it will be so bad.
The ever increasing attacks on Middle Eastern Christians by radical Islamists is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
March 04, 2011
An expert says that oil supplies are running out very fast
According to a leading energy economist, the world is heading for a catastrophic energy crunch that could cripple a global economic recovery because most of the major oil fields in the world have passed their peak production.
Dr. Fatih Birol, the chief economist at the International Energy Agency in Paris, says most governments are oblivious to the fact that the oil on which modern civilization depends is running out faster than previously predicted and that global production is likely to peak in ten years, at least a decade before most governments had predicted.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the oil supplies of this world running out faster than what was previously thought, the stage is being set for the Middle East to move ahead quicker with its last days plan for this world which is found in Bible prophecy.
The discovery of oil in the early 1900's in the Middle East has played a key role in the policies and politics of both the Arab and Moslem world. The major suppliers of oil to the world, both the West and the far East, are the Middle Eastern states that have become rich and powerful because of this ever increasing need for oil products. With the report that these oil supplies are now running out, there is a very interesting development taking place in the Middle East.
Iraq which has a vast amount of oil under their surface has only extracted two percent of their total oil resource. As the other oil producing nations run out of oil, Iraq will become the greatest source for oil and thus they could well become the richest nation in the world, which fits a prophetic scenario for the end times. Iraq, Biblical Babylon, will be the headquarters for a one-world economic power that will be led by the Antichrist, Revelation 18.
This passage in Revelation reveals the economic power base will come into existence three and a half years before the return of Jesus Christ. The Messiah will return to destroy Babylon, modern day Iraq, as foretold in Bible prophecy, Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 16.
This report of oil running out faster than previously thought does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Dr. Fatih Birol, the chief economist at the International Energy Agency in Paris, says most governments are oblivious to the fact that the oil on which modern civilization depends is running out faster than previously predicted and that global production is likely to peak in ten years, at least a decade before most governments had predicted.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the oil supplies of this world running out faster than what was previously thought, the stage is being set for the Middle East to move ahead quicker with its last days plan for this world which is found in Bible prophecy.
The discovery of oil in the early 1900's in the Middle East has played a key role in the policies and politics of both the Arab and Moslem world. The major suppliers of oil to the world, both the West and the far East, are the Middle Eastern states that have become rich and powerful because of this ever increasing need for oil products. With the report that these oil supplies are now running out, there is a very interesting development taking place in the Middle East.
Iraq which has a vast amount of oil under their surface has only extracted two percent of their total oil resource. As the other oil producing nations run out of oil, Iraq will become the greatest source for oil and thus they could well become the richest nation in the world, which fits a prophetic scenario for the end times. Iraq, Biblical Babylon, will be the headquarters for a one-world economic power that will be led by the Antichrist, Revelation 18.
This passage in Revelation reveals the economic power base will come into existence three and a half years before the return of Jesus Christ. The Messiah will return to destroy Babylon, modern day Iraq, as foretold in Bible prophecy, Isaiah 13-14, Jeremiah 50-51 and Revelation 16.
This report of oil running out faster than previously thought does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
March 03, 2011
Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair says there will be serious trouble if the Middle East peace talks do not resume soon
The special Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, told CNN that Israel and the Palestinians will be in serious trouble if they do not resume peace talks in the near future and said that behind the scenes, a lot of work was being done to restore direct negotiations.
Blair acknowledged that the level of confidence between the two sides was low, but said that talks can be put back on track. Blair noted that the efforts by the Palestinians to garner support for an independent state, which he said would indeed put pressure on Israel but he added such unilateral steps are never as effective as steps taken in mutual agreement.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning by Peace Envoy Tony Blair that there will be serious trouble in the Middle East if Israeli-Palestinian peace talks do not resume soon is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain and now the Peace Envoy for the Middle East peace process representing the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia, the Quartet; the Quartet peace envoy has warned of serious trouble in the Middle East if the Israelis and the Palestinians do not come back to the table soon to get the peace talks back on track. Blair does not believe a unilateral announcement of an independent Palestinian state will help the process and certainly will not bring about peace between the two parties. Blair has been working behind the scenes with both the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus the US and the EU in an effort to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This report is very similar to a prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible where it speaks of the quest for peace in the Middle East in the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of a world leader coming to power, one from the European community that would then bring peace to the Middle East, howbeit a short-lived peace, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27. This is not an effort to name the personalities of this prophetic scenario, but only to draw attention to God's pre-written history that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Once again, current political events are setting the stage for prophetic events to come to past.
Blair acknowledged that the level of confidence between the two sides was low, but said that talks can be put back on track. Blair noted that the efforts by the Palestinians to garner support for an independent state, which he said would indeed put pressure on Israel but he added such unilateral steps are never as effective as steps taken in mutual agreement.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning by Peace Envoy Tony Blair that there will be serious trouble in the Middle East if Israeli-Palestinian peace talks do not resume soon is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain and now the Peace Envoy for the Middle East peace process representing the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia, the Quartet; the Quartet peace envoy has warned of serious trouble in the Middle East if the Israelis and the Palestinians do not come back to the table soon to get the peace talks back on track. Blair does not believe a unilateral announcement of an independent Palestinian state will help the process and certainly will not bring about peace between the two parties. Blair has been working behind the scenes with both the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus the US and the EU in an effort to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This report is very similar to a prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible where it speaks of the quest for peace in the Middle East in the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of a world leader coming to power, one from the European community that would then bring peace to the Middle East, howbeit a short-lived peace, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27. This is not an effort to name the personalities of this prophetic scenario, but only to draw attention to God's pre-written history that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Once again, current political events are setting the stage for prophetic events to come to past.
March 02, 2011
The leader of the nation of Islam says Jews are a cover for Satan
Listen to Today's Program 
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam says that the Jews who dominate the US government and the banking system are always working to push America into war and he says that he is trying to pull the cover off of Satan, referring to the Jews as the cover for Satan.
Farrakhan told his followers that American Zionists are trying to push the US and Israel into a war with Iran and that he must pull the cover off of Satan so that Satan will never deceive the people of this world again.
Abe Foxman who is the National Director for the Anti Defamation League said Farrakhan is the bigot in chief of the nation of Islam, an Anti-Semite who is the pied piper of hatred towards the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam, has the characters of the last days correct but not the facts, according to Bible prophecy.
In a speech to his followers, members of the nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation, spewed out his radical rhetoric against the Jewish people and referred to them as the "cover for Satan". He said that the Jews in America who Farrakhan said controls the US government and the banking system in America, that US Jews were trying to push America and Israel into a war with Iran. Farrakhan earlier also made the statement that the revolution in the Middle East among the Arab states will spread to the US. Again, I say Farrakhan has the right characters for the end of times, but the details are wrong.
The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history, better known as prophecy, and they have the characters and the details of the future all correct. Satan will indeed be the one behind the scene orchestrating the events of the last days, Daniel 10 and Revelation 12. The Jews will be the prime focus of persecution during the days of judgment, the seven year Tribulation Period, Revelation 4-19. Islam will play a key role in how this persecution unfolds, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. There will also be a war between the Jewish state of Israel and Iran as foretold in Ezekiel 38:5 where Iran is mentioned by the name Persia.
Farrakhan does have the characters right for the end of times drama, but he must learn from the Bible all of the details.

Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam says that the Jews who dominate the US government and the banking system are always working to push America into war and he says that he is trying to pull the cover off of Satan, referring to the Jews as the cover for Satan.
Farrakhan told his followers that American Zionists are trying to push the US and Israel into a war with Iran and that he must pull the cover off of Satan so that Satan will never deceive the people of this world again.
Abe Foxman who is the National Director for the Anti Defamation League said Farrakhan is the bigot in chief of the nation of Islam, an Anti-Semite who is the pied piper of hatred towards the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective
Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation of Islam, has the characters of the last days correct but not the facts, according to Bible prophecy.
In a speech to his followers, members of the nation of Islam, Louis Farrakhan, the leader of the nation, spewed out his radical rhetoric against the Jewish people and referred to them as the "cover for Satan". He said that the Jews in America who Farrakhan said controls the US government and the banking system in America, that US Jews were trying to push America and Israel into a war with Iran. Farrakhan earlier also made the statement that the revolution in the Middle East among the Arab states will spread to the US. Again, I say Farrakhan has the right characters for the end of times, but the details are wrong.
The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history, better known as prophecy, and they have the characters and the details of the future all correct. Satan will indeed be the one behind the scene orchestrating the events of the last days, Daniel 10 and Revelation 12. The Jews will be the prime focus of persecution during the days of judgment, the seven year Tribulation Period, Revelation 4-19. Islam will play a key role in how this persecution unfolds, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11. There will also be a war between the Jewish state of Israel and Iran as foretold in Ezekiel 38:5 where Iran is mentioned by the name Persia.
Farrakhan does have the characters right for the end of times drama, but he must learn from the Bible all of the details.
March 01, 2011
Russia's military is launching its biggest rearmament since Soviet times
Listen to Today's Program 
Russia's government will spend 650 billion dollars to rearm its military in the biggest makeover for the Russians since the times of the Soviet Union, a project that they say is needed because for two decades they have had no modernization in order to really protect their country.
Russia is the world's 5th largest military spender. They need, according to analysts, a strong conventional force to reduce its reliance on its aging Soviet missile nuclear deterrent. Russia's military leaders say this rearmament project will finally give them a modern top level arm of forces that are capable of protecting their homeland. The "Big Bear" is sharpening its teeth.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
For decades, during the Cold War, Russia was a major world military power and now as Russia's military rearms itself, it moves now onto the world stage in order to fulfill Bible prophecy for the last days.
The recent nonproliferation treaty signed by the US and Russia brought attention to the fact that Russia has fallen behind in military hardware to a place where Russia's leaders say they are not now prepared to defend their country. The recent announcement that Russia is planning to spend 650 billion dollars to rearm their military forces is evidence that the Russian leaders recognize their need to make preparations to defend the homeland but also to become once again a major world military power. This is a prerequisite to the prophetic scenario that can be found in the prophetic passages of God's Word.
Bible prophecy for the last days mentions a nation that will play the key role in forming a coalition of nations that will align themselves against the Jewish state of Israel. This scenario is laid out in the prophecies of Ezekiel written 2500 years ago. Ezekiel 38:2 mentions Gog in the land of Magog. Gog is the person, Magog, the place. Magog was a grandson of Noah, Genesis 10:2, who took his family and started a nation, Genesis 10:5, in what is today known as Russia. Ezekiel 38 reveals that Russia will lead a coalition of nations who will try and destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the first six months of the seven year Tribulation Period.
A rearmed Russian military does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Russia's government will spend 650 billion dollars to rearm its military in the biggest makeover for the Russians since the times of the Soviet Union, a project that they say is needed because for two decades they have had no modernization in order to really protect their country.
Russia is the world's 5th largest military spender. They need, according to analysts, a strong conventional force to reduce its reliance on its aging Soviet missile nuclear deterrent. Russia's military leaders say this rearmament project will finally give them a modern top level arm of forces that are capable of protecting their homeland. The "Big Bear" is sharpening its teeth.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
For decades, during the Cold War, Russia was a major world military power and now as Russia's military rearms itself, it moves now onto the world stage in order to fulfill Bible prophecy for the last days.
The recent nonproliferation treaty signed by the US and Russia brought attention to the fact that Russia has fallen behind in military hardware to a place where Russia's leaders say they are not now prepared to defend their country. The recent announcement that Russia is planning to spend 650 billion dollars to rearm their military forces is evidence that the Russian leaders recognize their need to make preparations to defend the homeland but also to become once again a major world military power. This is a prerequisite to the prophetic scenario that can be found in the prophetic passages of God's Word.
Bible prophecy for the last days mentions a nation that will play the key role in forming a coalition of nations that will align themselves against the Jewish state of Israel. This scenario is laid out in the prophecies of Ezekiel written 2500 years ago. Ezekiel 38:2 mentions Gog in the land of Magog. Gog is the person, Magog, the place. Magog was a grandson of Noah, Genesis 10:2, who took his family and started a nation, Genesis 10:5, in what is today known as Russia. Ezekiel 38 reveals that Russia will lead a coalition of nations who will try and destroy the Jewish state of Israel in the first six months of the seven year Tribulation Period.
A rearmed Russian military does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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