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Jean-Claude Trichet, the president of the European Central Bank, has called for global governance of all financial institutions saying it is extremely necessary if the world wants to prevent another financial crisis like what is happening today. Trichet emphasized that politicians, economists, and financiers must work together and collaborate on methods to create an international set of standards and that through this global governance the resiliency of the global financial system can be assured.
This call for global governance of all financial operations even national governments has been motivated by the economic problems of Greece and many other European nations as well as the United States.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A call for global governance of all worldwide financial operations by the president of Europe's central bank is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
At the height of the present world economic crisis there were many world leaders calling for an international economic structure to be put in place even though many world leaders say we are better off today financially, there are also many who doubt we can come back. The recent bail out of Greece with a record breaking total of 146 billion dollars is evidence that this world still is in bad shape economically. European economists say Greece was only the tip of the iceberg and that Spain, Portugal, and Italy may be next to fall financially with Great Britain and even the United States who could also follow suit.
This call for global governance of all financial operations is setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that can be found in the book of Revelation. Revelation 18 foretells of a one world economic structure that will be in place in the last half of the seven year Tribulation period and it will be headquartered in Babylon located in modern-day Iraq. The world leader - the Antichrist - will require all who want to buy or sell, in other words, to sustain life, they will be required to have an identification mark on their forehead or the back of their hand (Revelation 13:16-17). It seems very possible that a worldwide economic crisis could cause humankind to take this mark under an economic global governance. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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In a recent nationwide poll taken by the Knesset Israel's legislative body, 49% of the body politic of Israel said they want to see the holy temple rebuilt on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where there once stood two previous Jewish temples. The last one, Herod's temple, was destroyed in 70AD by the Roman soldiers led by General Titus. The Israeli public is about evenly split on whether they believe the temple will be rebuilt with a slight edge 42% - 39% to those who believe that the third temple will be rebuilt. Given the current political climate, the onset of construction of the temple is not likely to go over quietly in the Islamic world which currently has day to day control of the Temple Mount.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The almost 50% of Israelis who want to see the holy Jewish temple rebuilt in Jerusalem are in perfect harmony with what the Bible reveals will happen in the last days. In a recent national poll carried out in Israel, 49% of the Israelis said that they want to see the rebuilding of the third temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount has been the location of two previous temples, the one built by King Solomon some 3000 years ago and the one built by Zerubbabel 2500 years ago. The second temple, known as Herod's Temple, because it took Herod 46 years to refurbish Zerubbabel's temple, was referred to by the rabbis as the temple that if you had never seen it, you had never seen a beautiful building. Since 70AD, when Herod's Temple was destroyed, there have been countless efforts to rebuild it on the Temple Mount. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel said that there will be a third temple in Jerusalem during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27). Jesus confirmed Daniel's prophecy in his Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:15) when He said, when you see the abomination of desolation in the temple, flee Jerusalem. That abomination will be the Antichrist entering the temple and claiming to be God (II Thessalonians 2:4). Revelation 11:1 guarantees that there will be a temple in Jerusalem. John the Revelator was told to measure the location for the next Jewish temple. 50% of Israelis are right - there will be a temple in Jerusalem and maybe very soon now. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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The internet information highway platform known as Google which sometimes seems like a technological octopus with its tentacles reaching out in every direction, is simply the concept that is trying to organize the world's information on any device and in any way they can figure out how to do it.The strategy of the leaders of Google is based upon the talk for years of our society being mobile which is right now finally taking off and Google wants to see if their strategy of compiling the information of the world and making it available to the world will actually work.Google recognizes the privacy issues involved in such an operation but they believe the users of these services will determine whether Google is infringing on this privacy. Google says, "Trust us with your data".Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe plea for the world to trust Google, the platform that will control all the information of the world, is a precursor to an end of days scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.The leadership of Google wants society to trust them with all of their private data. Google believes that if they violate that trust, people will move immediately to someone else. Thus, Google says they have a very high interest in maintaining the trust of those users of their information gathering operation.You may question, "How does this scenario fit into Bible prophecy that will be played out in the last days". Well that's a great question and I believe the answer is found in the plan of the Antichrist to control the world from a one world, economic, governmental, and political power base that will be located in the literal city of Babylon, Revelation 18. Revelation 13:16-17 reveals that in the last days, everybody left on the earth after the Rapture, when Jesus Christ calls Christians into the heavenlies, that during this time to follow, during the Tribulation Period, all who want to buy or sell will have to have an identification mark on the forehead or the back of the hand.As world leaders meet to bring an end to the global economic crisis of today, they are calling for just such a global economic structure.Trust me! The world is ready for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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With the different meetings being held at the White House between US President Obama and the Israeli PM Netanyahu there has emerged the question of the unwavering support for the Jewish state of Israel that has been the mainstay down through the years of America's intimate alliance with Israel as being good for both the US and Israel.The condemnation of the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, the insistence by Israel that they have a right to defend their borders including the area of the Gaza Strip, and the controversy surrounding the city of Jerusalem have been the sticking points that have caused these questions by US leaders as to whether their support is as strong as it has been for the Jewish state.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe US starting to waver on its support for the Jewish state of Israel is done at its own peril and does set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.For over 200 years, the US has been one of the major supporters and protectors of the Jewish people and since 1948 America has been the mainstay of support for the Jewish state. Over the last several years and moving towards a low mark in US support for Israel, which has been good for both countries, we are seeing this relationship drift apart more and more almost on a daily basis.America's disapproval of Jewish settlements has been a focus of US critics as well as the right for Jews to buy, build, and live in any section of the city of Jerusalem. I mentioned earlier that America breaks these ties with Israel at its own peril. God told Abraham, Genesis 12:3, I will bless those who bless thee and I will curse those who curse thee. I do not mean that Israel is right all of the time, but when Israel does what God's Word says and God rewards the Jewish people, all peoples must support themThe ancient Jewish prophets wrote of God returning the Jews to their land, Ezekiel 34:35. He promised to give them a state, Ezekiel 37. These prophecies are in the process of being fulfilled.If America or any other nation of the world decides to drop their support for the Jewish state, they do it at their own peril.
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In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 41% of the Americans polled believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the next 40 years and 46% of those polled said that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will probably or definitely not happen. The poll suggests that 58% of evangelicals believe that Jesus will return by 2050 and respondents with no college education were 3 times as likely as those with a college degree to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the next 40 years.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsAccording to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Geert Wilders is the political leader of the Party for Freedom in Holland and he believes that Jordan should be renamed Palestine, because this would end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East and provide the Palestinian people their own homeland.Wilders believes that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not a conflict over territory but rather an ideological battle between the mentality of the liberated West and the ideology of Islamic barbarism.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe statement by a Dutch political leader that Jordan should change its name to Palestine is actually very close to what the Bible says about this piece of real estate.There has been a number of Israeli political leaders who have suggested that there is a Palestinian state and it is the state of Jordan. The facts are that over 2/3 of Jordan's population is Palestinian and if Jordan was a true democracy and not a monarchy, the Palestinians would indeed have a state in our world. This report thus far has been based upon political reality, but the past and the prophetic of this issue does say that Jordan should be Palestine In Genesis 36, God sent Esau to Mount Seir which was at that time, the lower third of what we know as modern day Jordan. In Biblical times, God changed the name of this area from Mount Seir to Edom and God did this after He changed the name of Esau to Edom. As you trace through the Bible the history of Esau who was Jacob's twin brother, up and until today you will see that Esau's descendants are indeed the Palestinian people.God told Rebbecca, the mother of Jacob and Esau before they were born as they struggled in her womb, that the two brothers would become two nations, Genesis 25:23. Jacob, of course, became the nation of Israel and Esau, the Palestinian people of today. God gave Esau and his descendants, the Palestinian people, at least a portion of modern day Jordan, Genesis 36:8.The Dutch politician is pretty much on target. Jordan should be called Palestine, the homeland for the Palestinian people who are key players in the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
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In a recent public opinion poll taken in Israel, a lop sided plurality of 42% of Israelis viewed President Obama as pro-Arab and only 7% see him as pro-Israel.Meanwhile, a rabbi who served in the Israeli Knesset, Rabbi Chaim Druckman, says that US President Barack Obama thinks he holds the wheel in his hand and leads the world, but according to the rabbi, the people of Israel deal with the Almighty who leads this world.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe Israeli rabbi who says the Almighty, not Barack Obama, leads this world and controls Israel is right on target that is according to Bible prophecy.For more than a year, US President Obama has been dictating to the Israeli government what must be done in order for the peace process to work and to bring an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. President Obama first addressed the Islamic world from Cairo, Egypt and said that the Israeli Jewish settlements are illegal and must be removed. The recent flap over Jewish building in Jerusalem is the absolute evidence that President Obama wants to control the Israeli government and its prime minister. This motivated one very prestigious Israeli rabbi, Chaim Druckman, to say the obvious, that Barack Obama is not the Almighty and that the Jewish state does not take direction from President Obama but the Jews take their orders from the Almighty.God's Word, the Bible, does agree with the rabbi that the Almighty is still in charge. God brought the Jews into existence and they are His chosen people, Deuteronomy 7:6-8. God has chosen to dwell among His people, the Jewish people, in Jerusalem and that He will do forever, Psalm 132:13-14.Today, all of Judaism does not look to the God of the Bible as their leader, however, there is a large segment of Jewish people who believe in the new covenant of Jeremiah 31 which says that the Lord will be their God and the Jewish people, His people, the Almighty's people, and that will happen in the future, Jeremiah 31:31-34.
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The British astronomer Chris Impey says astronomical intruders could provide a serious threat to our world as we know it and could cause global earthquakes, mile high tidal waves and the immediate killing of all large land animals.The astronomer says that the "big one" as he described such an astronomical event happens every 100 million years which Impey said sounds like a safe buffer but he says there is good evidence that the next "big one" could happen at any time which has astronomers setting up ground based telescopes that scan the skies in search of some time of astronomical intruder.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe report from a British astronomer who says the end of the world is near is pretty much on target according to Bible prophecy.The British astronomer Chris Impey who believes that astronomical intruders may be about to alter our world as we know it today and bring the world to an end has an interesting and informative paper that discusses what many have talked about for centuries. Although such an astronomical invasion happens only every 100 million years according to the astronomer, he still believes the next such event is about to happen.Any student of Bible prophecy that has an understanding of the end of time events as revealed in the book of Revelation knows that the end of the world is at least 1,007 years into the future.John, who received the message of his prophecy in Revelation from Jesus Christ, revealed that the next main event in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled will be the Rapture of the Church, Revelation 4:1. Revelation 4-19 is 16 chapters of detailed information about that seven year Tribulation Period that follows the Rapture. At the end of that seven years of tribulation, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will return to the earth to defeat all of His enemies, Revelation 19, and He then will setup His Kingdom for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6.That Kingdom is not now in place. It will be in place when Jesus returns to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He will rule and reign for that 1,000 years and then forever into eternity future.
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Internet giant Yahoo and the Apple computer firm have decided not to wait for the Israelis and the Palestinians to decide on the final status talks and the determination of the borders of a Palestinian state and the status on the holy city of Jerusalem. In practice, these two giant firms have made the decision to divide Jerusalem into East and West.On Yahoo weather page the iPhone user is offered two Middle East options when requesting weather information for Jerusalem, East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem, preempting the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations and the dividing of the holy city of Jerusalem.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe action by Yahoo and the Apple computer firm to divide the holy city of Jerusalem is another evidence that this world is entering into the end of times as foretold in Bible prophecy.As world leaders endeavor to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the issue of the final status of Jerusalem is at the top of every agenda in the peace process. The Palestinians say that they must have at least a portion of Jerusalem as the capital of their state called Palestine. The Israelis contend that Jerusalem is the undivided, eternal capital of the Jewish people and the holy city will not be divided again.By the way, I must remind you that there is not a city called East Jerusalem or West Jerusalem, there is only Jerusalem. Once again the issue of Jerusalem and the controversy surrounding the holy city is front and center. King David named Jerusalem as the political capital of the Jewish people 3000 years ago, II Samuel 5. God has selected Jerusalem to dwell among the Jewish people forever, Psalm 132:13-14. Jesus Christ told the Jewish prophet Zechariah that He would return to Jerusalem to build His Temple where He would rule and reign in His Kingdom to come, Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13.God's plan for Jerusalem will override the division of the holy city by Yahoo and iPhone. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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The Minister of Jerusalem Affairs in the Palestinian Authority(PA) says the PA favors transferring control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to the Organization of Islamic Conference made up of the 57 member states of this global Islamic organization.The PA would accept the management of the Temple Mount by the Saudi based Organization of Islamic Conference whose 57 member states includes Iran and other Islamic members who have called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the earth. The Israeli government officially has the sovereign control of the old city of Jerusalem which includes the Temple Mount, but Israel has given custodial responsibilities to the PA of this site, the most sacred site in all of Judaism.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe question of control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the major controversy in the Last Days according to Bible prophecy.For the PA and the Organization of Islamic Conference to even consider taking control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the al Aqsa Mosque as they refer to this site, is beyond imagination in our world today. The Temple Mount is the most sacred piece of real estate in the world to the Jewish people and for the Global Islamic Community to claim sovereign control of this holy site in the heart of the capital city of Israel is considered by the Jewish state to be outrageous.The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that what we see happening today would be the case when Jesus Christ returns to the earth to build His Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Zechariah 12:2 says that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy at this time. Zechariah 1:14-16 reveals that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will be aggressively possessive of Jerusalem, He will be angered by the arrogant security of those who think they control the Temple Mount and Jesus will come and build His Temple on this holy site and rule and reign from that Temple forever.Any claim by the global Islamic community will be set aside. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Jordan's King Abdullah is warning the world that the situation in the Middle East could explode due to Israel's building of settlements in the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem. The king said that Israel is playing with fire by carrying out unilateral actions in eastern Jerusalem which the Jewish state captured from Jordan in the 1967 war.
King Abdullah also said that Israel must choose between living in an isolated fortress in the region or reaching peace with all of the Arab Islamic states in accordance with the Arab peace initiative.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah's warning of an explosion in the Middle East, an all out war, is prophetic - in fact, that is the scenario that is called for in Bible prophecy for the last days.
The most recent warning from Jordan's King Abdullah about a major war in the Middle East is not the first time the king has made these statements. King Abdullah believes that Israel's actions pertaining to Jerusalem are the flash point that could trigger what the king refers to as an explosion in the Middle East. The Jordanian king is especially concerned about the moves that Israel makes as it relates to the Palestinians since almost 70% of his population is made up of Palestinians. The king's focus on Israel action in Jerusalem is a precursor to Bible prophecy as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a lead up to the prophetic scenario for the last days being played out today.
Zechariah, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote some 2500 years ago that Jerusalem would be the center of controversy in the last days (Zechariah 12:2). Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, and Obadiah also wrote about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Malachi said that the Palestinians would return and endeavor to build a nation that would be the scorn of the Lord (Malachi 1). Ezekiel said that the Palestinians would rise up and kill the Jewish people as they stole their land (Ezekiel 35). Obadiah says that when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to the earth, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will be resolved (Obadiah 14-18).
Basically, King Abdullah's warning is correct - Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Recently, as many as ten thousand Moslem children were on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to demonstrate the next generation of Moslems that will defend and continue the safekeeping of the Temple Mount, the Al Aqsa Mosque, as the Moslem world refers to this piece of real estate sacred to both Jews and Moslems.The Mufti, Sheik Sabri, told the thousands of children swearing by Allah that the Jews will never return to take the Temple Mount and build their Temple there which is the Jewish dream, and the Mufti said that dream will never be fulfilled.Jewish worshippers gather at the Western Wall surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and pray their Temple will be rebuilt and then the Messiah will come to lead them into the kingdom promised three thousand years ago to King David.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsA statement by the Mufti in Jeruslaem to thousands of Moslem children that there will never be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is contradictory to Bible prophecy for the End Times.As the controversy over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem intensifies, the Mufti, a high ranking Moslem cleric, Sheik Sabri, told up to ten thousand Moslem children recently gathered on the Temple Mount that they must defend Al Aqsa and never allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on this sacred site. For the Mufti to tell thousands of Moslem children that the Jews must not be allowed to build a Temple on the Temple Mount is in total contradiction of what God's Word reveals for the End Times.Jesus Christ said there would be a Temple on the Temple Mount, Matthew 24:15. Apostles Paul and John said one day a Jewish Temple would be rebuilt in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1-2. These passages of Scripture speak of the next Temple to stand in Jerusalem, the Tribulation Temple, and all preparations have been made for that Temple to be erected. The Jews could start construction at any time, but do remember that Zechariah 6:12 tells us that Jesus Himself, will return to the earth and build His Temple which will be there on the Temple Mount forever, Ezekiel 37:26, 28.The Mufti in Jerusalem is wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Iraqi officials say a severe drought is threatening Iraq's southern marshes, the traditional site of the Biblical Garden of Eden, just as the region was recovering from Saddam Hussein's draining of its lakes and swamps to punish a political rebellion in that region several years ago. This marsh Arab culture has existed for thousands of years in the 8,000 square miles of wetlands fed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where hundreds of species of birds fish have lived in these fertile farmlands.This vast expanse of cracked earth has been coming back to life with the help of the United Nations but the debilitating drought has ravaged much of southern Iraq and neighboring countries in the last two years and thus reeked havoc in this traditional site for the Biblical Garden of Eden.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsIraq's claim to the traditional site of the Garden of Eden is wrong but the true site is significant in the end times Bible prophecy scenario for this Biblical site.For years, the people of Iraq have claimed that in the southern marsh lands of their country could be found the Biblical Garden of Eden. This claim was based upon the location of the two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates that flow together in this region. Iraqi officials made the claim based upon the mention of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2. A closer look at the passage will reveal that these two rivers were not in the Garden of Eden but somewhere outside of the garden.One must remember that the Garden of Eden existed prior to the worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-8, at which time the total topography was changed. The Biblical text says that there was only one river in the Garden of Eden. That was the Gihon river (Genesis 2:10) and that river today is located in Jerusalem. Bible prophecy says that enemies of Israel will try to take the Garden of Eden for the headquarters of its caliphate or worldwide kingdom in the last days (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3).Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled at the true Garden of Eden in Jerusalem.
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Dr. Max Singer a senior research fellow at the Beagan Sadat Center for Strategic Studies says the only chance for real peace in the Middle East is if the western nations convince the Arabs that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring about peace in the region.Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
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The Financial Times, a London based international newspaper, says, in its news coverage and its editorial pages over the last year, that Israel is the cause for all problems in the Middle East. The Financial Times believes the role of the Jewish settlements in Israel's Judea and Samaria, above any other single factor, is affecting the conflict and the newspaper, at the same time, downplays the other factors in the conflict such as terrorism and the political split between Hamas and Fatah, the two Palestinian factions.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsAn international opinion forming newspaper says that Israel is the main cause for problems in the Middle East and they may be correct according to Bible prophecy.The Financial Times newspaper, based in London, England, has been taken to task by a media monitoring organization about their bias reporting about Israel as the publication claims that the conflict in the Middle East is all Israel's fault. The main source of agitation is the Jewish settlement activity in the area of Judea and Samaria according to The Financial Times.I must say that to some extent The Financial Times is correct. Israel's presence in the Middle East is indeed a cause for that conflict that continues to unfold day by day. With 23 Arab states surrounding the 1 Jewish state and a population of 350 million Arabs and only about 5 million Jews, this little state has become more and more of an irritant every day to the Arabs and the Moslems in the Middle East.However, you must remember that the land of the Jewish state is God's land (Leviticus 25:23) and God has given the land to the Jewish people. The Lord, through His ancient Jewish prophets, said that there would be trouble between Israel and her neighbors (Joel 2, Ezekiel 35, and Isaiah 17 - plus many other passages). In fact, the armies of the world will gather at Jerusalem in the last days to destroy the Jewish state and it is at that time that Jesus Christ comes back to save His chosen people, the Jewish people.The Financial Times is correct. Israel is the cause of the Middle East conflict and that is based on Bible prophecy - that will be fulfilled.
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There is a new film being introduced to the Christian community that states, "God does not take sides with certain people groups, nations, or agendas" and the film is rebutting pro-Israel Christians and trying to persuade them to champion the Palestinian cause.The film demonstrates a theology that does not favor one people group over another, but instead promotes peace for both Jews and Palestinians.Critics of the film say that the film maker misuses scripture and wrongly manipulates the facts in the film and never answers many questions including, "How will the dwindling number of Palestinian Christians fair under a victorious new Islamic dominated Palestinian state?"Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsIn spite of the fact that a newly released film says that God did not choose the Jews over other people groups and that He does not have an agenda for the Jews, a true study of God's Word says the opposite, according to Bible prophecy.The new film, "With God on Our Side" produced by film maker Porter Speakman, is an effort to say Christians must not look at the Jews as God's chosen people and that the Lord does not have an agenda for the Jews in the future. The film accuses pro-Israel Christians as having no concern for the poor, that they stand for wars, that they want to be rich and more powerful, and that they have a self-promoting end of times agenda. These are pretty tough claims that have no real basis for being made in this attack on Christians who are pro-Bible and the agenda that God does have for the end times.Moses wrote under inspiration in Deuteronomy 7:6-8 that God did choose the Jewish people to be a special people unto Himself and He did this because He loved them, not for any other reason. Down through history, God has preserved the Jewish people and used them as an illustration to the rest of humankind. The Lord does have an agenda for the Jews that He revealed in four covenants to them: the Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 12, the Land Covenant, Deuteronomy 30, the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31.These promises from God reveal the Jews will be a nation with a piece of land and a Messiah ruling from a Temple in Jerusalem forever.
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Under pressure from the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations, the Israeli government has not only implemented a construction freeze in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, but the Netanyahu government in Israel is considering evacuating some of the Jewish settlements. In light of these political decisions, there is a growing number of the Jewish settlers who are now saying all means must be employed to resist the evacuation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and that would include the use of arms. In a recent poll carried out by Hebrew University, thousands of Jewish settlers say that they would take up arms to stop their own government from evacuating their families from their homes and real estate where they have lived for over four decades and believe this is land that God has given to them. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe pressure from the United States, the European Union, and United Nations on the Israeli government to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Almost on a daily basis some leader from the United States or the European Union or United Nations makes a statement to apply pressure on Israel to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. The term "to deal with" is code for stop all building in the settlements and make plans to evacuate the settlers from these Israeli communities. Moment by moment the Israeli government is starting to yield to the pressure and many settlers feel that their own government will give the order to evacuate the Jews from what they consider God given land. In fact, 21% of all Jewish settlers, now you're talking about 100,000 Jewish settlers, these people are ready to take up arms against their own government and against the Jewish people. This situation is motivating many settlement leaders to consider the alternative - a second Jewish state in the Middle East. Bible prophecy actually calls for a second Jewish state during the Tribulation period to come, that's the seven years of judgment after the Rapture and before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. The prophecy of this second Jewish state is actually found in Ezekiel 37:15-23. This second Jewish state would be called Judah and there are right now those at work in Israel to bring this prophecy to pass. Continuing pressure to evacuate the Jewish settlements is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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The Dutch political leader, Geert Wilders, addressing the British House of Lords told them that liberal political leaders are facilitating the spread of Islamic jihad, Islamic holy war, because they consider Islam as being equal to the culture of the West. Wilders believes that Islam is not compatible with the Western way of life and is a threat to the West - Islam and freedom, Islam and democracy are not compatible - Islam wants to dominate all aspects of life from the cradle to the grave. Wilders has a film that warns the world of Islam's desire to set up a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom under Islam and holy war as the means to that end. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe spread of radical Islam with the help of liberal politicians is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Today one in every four people on the earth are of the Islamic faith and that number is increasing daily. There are several voices in our world that are shouting out a warning to humankind to be alert to the global designs of Islam. One such voice is that of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders who with his documentary film and lectures around the world, is warning the world that there may be moderate Moslems, the people of Islam, but there is no moderate Islam, the religion. Wilders says that the Islamic holy book, the Koran, calls for a worldwide kingdom under the god of Islam, Allah, and Islamic jihad, holy war, as the means to reaching that goal. Bible prophecy itself calls for a worldwide kingdom under Jesus Christ, the holy One of the Holy Bible. In fact, God made a promise to King David many years ago that that would happen. It is called the Davidic Covenant recorded in II Samuel 7. The Bible says that there will be a kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem (Zechariah 6:12-13) and it will last for 1000 years (Revelation 20:4-6). The Bible actually contradicts the Koran. The Koran says that the Islamic god Allah had no son. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the coming King of the worldwide kingdom. The liberal politicians helping the spread of Islam is indeed helping to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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Recently, a new Jewish interfaith group launched a project to diffuse religious strife by showing that the end of times vision of the Jewish people, a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, could be fulfilled without destroying the Islamic Dome of the Rock. Yacov Frankel, director of the initiative, believes that the Jewish temple can be built alongside the Dome of the Rock and this would transform the Temple Mount from a place of contention to a place of worship shared by Jews, Moslems, and Christians.Islamic cleric Sheik Abdulla Darwish says that as long as there is one Moslem alive, there will be no Jewish temple and the Jewish activist Baruch Ben-Yosef, made it clear that the Temple must be built where the Dome of the Rock now stands.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe continuing debate between Moslems and Jews about what has the right to occupy the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the Dome of the Rock or a Jewish Temple, is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.3000 years ago the Jewish King Solomon built the first Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. A second Jewish temple was also erected there after the Babylonian captivity and Jews returned to Jerusalem some 2500 years ago.The destruction of the city of Jerusalem and the Jewish temple by the Romans in 70AD left the Temple Mount empty of a Jewish worship center. The Moslems, in 691AD, built the Dome of the Rock on the site where the two Jewish temples had once stood. For the last 2000 years, Jews have prayed daily for the temple to be rebuilt on the exact spot where the first two temples stood and where the Islamic building now stands. A growing number of religious Jews are preparing to erect the third temple on the Temple Mount and they believe that the Dome of the Rock must come down.Many ancient Jewish prophets wrote of the temple being rebuilt in the last days - Daniel, (Daniel 9:27) Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 40-46) Zechariah, (Zechariah 1:16,6:12-13) and even the Apostle John (Revelation 11:1-2).Any suggestion of building the Jewish temple alongside the Islamic Dome of the Rock contradicts prophecy.Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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An archaeological team led by Dr. Eliat Mazar has unearthed an ancient wall in Jerusalem that dates back to the third king of Israel, King Solomon, the son of King David, and this team believes this discovery gives proof to the Biblical account of the presence of the Jewish people in Jerusalem 3000 years ago.Dr. Mazar cited the book of I Kings in the Bible as she explained the archaeological significance of this wall which surrounded the central city of the monarchy, the House of King Solomon and the first Temple of the Jewish people.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe archaeological discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to the Jewish King Solomon is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.The archaeological dig in the city of David, the original site of the city of Jerusalem, has unearthed important artifacts that give proof of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem back through history. With the recent discovery of a wall between the city of David and the Temple Mount that dates back 3000 years ago, there is further proof of a Jewish presence in the period of the first Jewish Temple. That first Temple was built in the time of King Solomon, the third king of the Jewish people. The fact that this wall is evidence of a Jewish leadership capable of building this massive fortress wall is evidence that King Solomon had the capacity to build the first Temple as well, as is recorded in I Kings 6.The building of this Jewish Temple 3000 years ago by King Solomon was the first installment of the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, which was God's promise to King David that one of his sons would build that Temple, II Samuel 7:12-13. However, the Davidic Covenant also looked into the future, beyond King Solomon to the last days when another in the lineage of King David, the Messiah, Jesus Christ would build a Temple in Jerusalem and become the King of the Kingdom that will be forever, II Samuel 7:10-16.The discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to King Solomon is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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A spokesman for Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, said that the Jihadist movement is loyal to Palestinian principles in its policy of terrorism against the Jews until Israel ceases to exist and said that any offer by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas to establish a Palestinian state, even with temporary borders, is rejected by Hamas.Osama Hamdan, the Hamas spokesman, said the Hamas plan is based on obtaining a Palestinian state by force of arms, not by way of a grievance, a path which has failed and that Hamas will fight to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel altogether.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe statement by Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, that they plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel, is a page out of Bible prophecy.The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders over the last several decades as they have worked to bring about a resolution to this conflict. However, the truth be known, as revealed in the recent Hamas declaration, the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel is a Palestinian principle. Both Bible history and prophecy confirm this Palestinian principle. In the book of Genesis, we have the record of the birth of Jacob and Esau, Genesis 25:23-26.In Genesis 27, the account of Jacob stealing the birthright and blessing from Esau reveals that Esau then made a pledge to kill Jacob. History down through 4000 years has revealed to us the conflict continues even until today with Jacob, the Jewish people of today, and Esau, the Palestinian people of today, still in that conflict of 4000 years. Bible prophecy foretold of this conflict during the end times. Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote that the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today, would want to kill the Jews, the descendants of Jacob, and then take the land that God had given to them, Ezekiel 35.The Hamas plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.