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The annual priestly blessing chanted by thousands of kohanim, the male descendants of the brother of Moses, Aaron the Levite who was the first high priest, these chants went forth from the ancient Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem recently.The participants, members of the priestly class of Jews, echoed Israel's chief rabbis in blessing the Jewish people both in Jerusalem, the nation of Israel and actually Jews around the world.The recent blessing at the Western Wall was viewed by millions of Jews around the world via web cameras installed at the Western Wall Plaza in Jerusalem.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsTens of thousands of Jews gathering at the Western Wall of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to receive the priestly blessing is a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the end of times.Recently, tens of thousands of Jews from around the world gathered at the Western Wall in Jerusalem to receive the priestly blessings from the thousands of Jewish men who claim to be priests. These men say they are of the tribe of Levi, a direct descendant of the brother of Moses, Aaron who was actually the very first high priest. The Bible directs priests to gather at the Temple three times a year and to pray for all of the Jewish people. This event happens on the three pilgrim feast days for the Jews: Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. The Old City of Jerusalem and the Western Wall Plaza was packed with 50,000 people who either received the priestly blessings or perform this special prayer. This happens however without a Temple in Jerusalem, but at the same time it looks ahead to the fulfillment of prophecy when there will be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah revealed that the Messiah will come to Jerusalem and build His Temple there, Zechariah 6:12. That Temple, Messiah's Temple, is described in the book of Ezekiel 40-46 with 202 verse of meticulous information for how to build that Temple and operate the Temple services. However, there will be another Temple in Jerusalem before Messiah's Temple according to Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1, and may I remind you that preparations have been made for this next Temple to be built, it is ready to be built right now.Tens of thousands at the Temple Mount gathering to receive the priestly blessing is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Once a year on the Jewish feast day of Tabernacles, Jews and Christians from around the world come together in Jerusalem to celebrate the 7 day Feast of Tabernacles with large gatherings for concerts and the parade of the nations in Jerusalem. The Jews, during the 7 days of the feast, live at least a portion of each day in their succas - that's the Hebrew word for a tabernacle or a thatched hut like the ones that the Jewish people used during their 40 years of wondering in the wilderness some 3500 years ago.
This Feast of Tabernacles is also a reminder of what all the world will do yearly in a kingdom to come when they will celebrate the feast as required by the Lord foretold in the Biblical book of Zechariah.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Each year as the Jews celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles it is a reminder of the kingdom to come, a time when Jesus Christ will be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that is according to Bible prophecy.
For 7 days during the Feast of Tabernacles each Fall, Jews build their succas, their thatched huts, and will live a portion of each day in the succa as a reminder of how their forefathers lived as they traveled for 40 years on their way to the promised land. This Jewish celebration of Tabernacles has an interesting connection to an event in the life of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 17 we have the record of the Transfiguration of Jesus which took place on Mt. Hermon near Caeserea Philippi in northern Israel. Peter, James, and John, all disciples of Jesus, joined the Lord as did the glorified bodies of Elijah and Moses at the Transfiguration of Jesus when He also was in His resurrected glorified body. Peter wanted to build 3 tabernacles or succas for the Lord, Elijah, and Moses (Matthew 17:4). Peter thought that the Lord Jesus had set up His kingdom which is what the Feast of Tabernacles foretells prophetically.
Jesus did not set up His kingdom at that time and its not in operation even today. Jesus Christ will be given the kingdom by God the Father when the Lord Jesus returns to the earth (Daniel 7:13-14). At that time, Jesus will be known as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16). The kingdom will indeed be set up after the 7 years of judgment on the earth at the Second Coming of Jesus. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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The last of the seven Jewish feast days, the Feast of Tabernacles, is being observed by Jews in Jerusalem and around the world by building a "succa", a thatched hut, and then living in this succa for the entire week long Jewish holy days as they complete the annual cycle of Jewish holy days given to them by God some 3,500 years ago.The succa, a thatched hut similar to the dwelling place of the Children of Israel during their 40-year long wandering in the wilderness on their trip to the promised land, will be erected near their homes and apartments so that the family may use this succa in celebration of this annual event. Thousands of Christians from around the world will join the Jews in Israel to celebrate the feast because of the Biblical directive for all, both Christians and Jews, to observe the Feast of Tabernacles on a yearly basis.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles by Jewish people in Jerusalem and around the world has not only a historic significance but a prophetic significance as well according to Bible prophecy.Since the end of the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, Jewish families in Israel and around the world have been erecting their succas, a thatched hut, to have it ready for the week long celebration of Succoth, the Feast of Tabernacles.The succa was the transportable housing for the Children of Israel as they wandered in the wilderness during that forty year period traveling from Egypt to the promised land. Jewish families will eat their meals, visit with family and friends and some even sleep in their thatched huts, the succa, for the entire seven days of the feast. The historic significance of this feast is to remind the Jews of their travels to the promised land.Prophetically, this seven day feast is the time when Jews will look forward to the Kingdom Period promised by the Lord and revealed by the ancient Jewish prophets. At the Transfiguration recorded in Matthew 17, when Peter saw Jesus in His glorified body, along with Moses and Elijah, he wanted to build three tabernacles, three succas, because he thought the Kingdom had arrived. That physical earthly Kingdom will begin on a future Feast of Tabernacles when Jesus Christ sets up His Kingdom.Jews celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles today, looks forward to a future Feast of Tabernacles and the Kingdom to come.
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In a Paris cafe in 1881, a group met to have a conversation, a conversation using the Hebrew language and it may have been the first modern conversation in Hebrew in some 2000 years.Eliezer Ben Yehuda was one of the group speaking in Hebrew and Ben Yehuda would use this conversation to launch an effort to revive the Hebrew language as a spoken language a language that would become the mother tongue of the Israeli people today.Ben Yehuda would during his lifetime establish an institution which would create new Hebrew words for today's society and give the Jewish people the language of their forefathers that is a spoken language once again in our world.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe revival of the Hebrew language, the mother tongue of Israelis today, is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled.Eliezer Ben Yehuda, a European Jew in the late 1800's who immigrated to Israel to raise his family would become the man credited with reviving the ancient Hebrew language. For almost 2000 years, Hebrew was not a spoken language with the exception of a few phrases used in religious activities. Ben Yehuda, starting with a conversation with friends in Paris, France developed a modern day usage of the language of the Jewish people for the first 2000 years of their existence.Modern day Hebrew is made up of Biblical Hebrew which is 80% of modern day Hebrew and 20% of new Hebrew words that have been created over the last 130 years. Ben Yehuda put together the first Hebrew dictionary for modern Hebrew and developed the way to teach the language which is called "Ulpan". This account of how Hebrew was revived for usage today is an evidence of how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled today.Jeremiah, an ancient Jewish prophet wrote 2500 years ago that when the Jews would return to the land of their forefathers, Jeremiah 31:8-17, the Lord would give them back the language of their forefathers, the language they would use to bless the Lord, Jeremiah 31:23. Another Jewish prophet, Zephaniah, also predicted that the pure language of Hebrew would be revived in the last days, Zephaniah 3:9.Israelis speaking Hebrew today proves that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Recently, as many as ten thousand Moslem children were on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to demonstrate the next generation of Moslems that will defend and continue the safekeeping of the Temple Mount, the Al Aqsa Mosque, as the Moslem world refers to this piece of real estate sacred to both Jews and Moslems.The Mufti, Sheik Sabri, told the thousands of children swearing by Allah that the Jews will never return to take the Temple Mount and build their Temple there which is the Jewish dream, and the Mufti said that dream will never be fulfilled.Jewish worshippers gather at the Western Wall surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and pray their Temple will be rebuilt and then the Messiah will come to lead them into the kingdom promised three thousand years ago to King David.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsA statement by the Mufti in Jeruslaem to thousands of Moslem children that there will never be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is contradictory to Bible prophecy for the End Times.As the controversy over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem intensifies, the Mufti, a high ranking Moslem cleric, Sheik Sabri, told up to ten thousand Moslem children recently gathered on the Temple Mount that they must defend Al Aqsa and never allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on this sacred site. For the Mufti to tell thousands of Moslem children that the Jews must not be allowed to build a Temple on the Temple Mount is in total contradiction of what God's Word reveals for the End Times.Jesus Christ said there would be a Temple on the Temple Mount, Matthew 24:15. Apostles Paul and John said one day a Jewish Temple would be rebuilt in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1-2. These passages of Scripture speak of the next Temple to stand in Jerusalem, the Tribulation Temple, and all preparations have been made for that Temple to be erected. The Jews could start construction at any time, but do remember that Zechariah 6:12 tells us that Jesus Himself, will return to the earth and build His Temple which will be there on the Temple Mount forever, Ezekiel 37:26, 28.The Mufti in Jerusalem is wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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As Jewish people in Jerusalem and around the world stop for a fast day to mark Judaism's Holiest Day, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, Israel shuts off the Palestinian territories and at the same time remembers the surprise assault by Egypt and Syria that sparked a war some years ago.The entire nation of Israel shuts down for the twenty-five hour fast as the Jews seek forgiveness from God for the last years transgressions, using the fast day in lieu of the Yom Kippur sacrifice at the temple since there is no temple in Jerusalem.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsYom Kippur, the Jewish Holy Day of Atonement, looks back to Biblical times. It also has a prophetic significance, that is according to Bible prophecy.As Jews in Jerusalem and around the world stop to observe the Jewish Holy day of Yom Kippur, they are reminded how the High Priest at the temple in Jerusalem would enter into the Holy of Holies with the sacrificial blood to pour it on the Mercy Seat of the Ark of the Covenant.During the ten days leading up to Yom Kippur, starting on Rosh Hashana, Jews were to seek forgiveness from family, friends, loved ones and neighbors for any trespass over the last year.This act of seeking forgiveness is a part of the Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, as the Jews seek to be included in the Book of Life and during temple times their sins would be covered for one year, until the next Yom Kippur.Now without the Temple, Jews give money, do good deeds and pray, along with the twenty-five hour fast on Yom Kippur. Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah, will in the future fulfill the prophetic aspect of Yom Kippur as He did the other Jewish Feast Days, in the spring, 2,000 years ago.Jesus was crucified on Passover, buried on Unleavened Bread, and rose from the dead on the Feast of First Fruits. Jesus, in the future, will come back to earth on Rosh Hashana, and ten days later will enter the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, for the purpose of giving salvation to all Jews at that time, Zechariah 3:9 and Ezekiel 43:1-7. Indeed Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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The Dutch political leader, Geert Wilders, addressing the British House of Lords told them that liberal political leaders are facilitating the spread of Islamic jihad, Islamic holy war, because they consider Islam as being equal to the culture of the West. Wilders believes that Islam is not compatible with the Western way of life and is a threat to the West - Islam and freedom, Islam and democracy are not compatible - Islam wants to dominate all aspects of life from the cradle to the grave.Wilders has a film that warns the world of Islam's desire to set up a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom under Islam and holy war as the means to that end.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe spread of radical Islam with the help of liberal politicians is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.Today one in every four people on the earth are of the Islamic faith and that number is increasing daily. There are several voices in our world that are shouting out a warning to humankind to be alert to the global designs of Islam. One such voice is that of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders who with his documentary film and lectures around the world, is warning the world that there may be moderate Moslems, the people of Islam, but there is no moderate Islam, the religion. Wilders says that the Islamic holy book, the Koran, calls for a worldwide kingdom under the god of Islam, Allah, and Islamic jihad, holy war, as the means to reaching that goal.Bible prophecy itself calls for a worldwide kingdom under Jesus Christ, the holy One of the Holy Bible. In fact, God made a promise to King David many years ago that that would happen. It is called the Davidic Covenant recorded in II Samuel 7. The Bible says that there will be a kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem (Zechariah 6:12-13) and it will last for 1000 years (Revelation 20:4-6). The Bible actually contradicts the Koran. The Koran says that the Islamic god Allah had no son. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the coming King of the worldwide kingdom.The liberal politicians helping the spread of Islam is indeed helping to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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Dr. Max Singer a senior research fellow at the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies says the only chance for real peace in the Middle East is if the western nations convince the Arabs that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring about peace in the region.Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
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It almost seems like a contradiction of terms to read the headline for this story that life, in fact, new life has been discovered in the Dead Sea by a team of Israeli and German scientists and this report comes at a time when the Dead Sea is dangerously low due to evaporation of the salty Dead Sea water.Deep beneath the sea bed of a body of water long believed incapable of sustaining life, Israeli scientists have found deep fresh water springs and German scientists have discovered microorganisms growing on the sea floor.While researchers have known for decades that the Dead Sea is a misnomer, the rich variety of life evidenced in the underwater springs and the microorganisms at the bottom of the Dead Sea may lead to new life for this body of water.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsFreshwater springs at the bottom of the Dead Sea and newly discovered microorganisms in this body of water set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.For a number of years, I have been reporting on the death of the Dead Sea as this famous body of water has been going down in level almost 3 feet per year. There have been major discoveries that may also be used to save the Dead Sea from death. These underwater springs and even the microorganisms discovered by the marine scientists could well be a lifeline needed for this project.What is so interesting to a student of Bible prophecy is that two ancient Jewish prophets foretold of freshwater flowing into the Dead Sea and making this body of water, which is ten times saltier than any ocean on earth, a freshwater lake.Zechariah wrote of what happens after Jesus Christ returns to the earth, how living waters flow from Jerusalem to the former sea in the text which is the Dead Sea, Zechariah 14:8. Ezekiel, in the 47th chapter of his prophecy, wrote of water flowing from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, actually from the Temple itself, down the Kidron Valley, all the way to the Dead Sea, Ezekiel 47:1-8. Verse 8 reveals that the saltwater in the Dead Sea will be healed and the fishermen will dry their fishing nets at Ngedi.The Dead Sea will indeed be healed.
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In a recent gathering of authors and academics at the royal palace in Jordan, King Abdullah told his guests that Israel's position in the Middle East had deteriorated in the wake of the wave of Arab uprisings, a statement that is in opposition of the Israeli officials who believe that the Arab Spring would serve Israel's interests. Abdullah said that Israel's position is more problematic that it has been in the past and the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians must be resolved or Israel will continue to face major problems.
King Abdullah rejected any proposal that Jordan was the Palestinian state, he said it was a fantasy plan and the king believes that the Palestinians now have a more secure future than does Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah believes that the Palestinians have a better future that the Jews which is totally in contradiction to Bible prophecy.
In recent statements to a gathering at the royal palace in Amman, Jordan, King Abdullah told his guests that the fate of the Jewish state of Israel had so deteriorated it seemed to him that the Palestinian people have a promise of a much better future than the Jews. The Jordanian king also termed the idea of Jordan as a Palestinian state as pure fantasy and rejected it outright. Jordan is an Arab state with 70% of its population being Palestinian which has caused problems for the Hashemite Kingdom. In fact there are more and more Israeli political and military leaders calling for Jordan to be the state for the Palestinian people. The Bible is the source of history and prophecy that actually deals with this issue.
Genesis 25 records the two sons of Isaac and Rebekah who God said would become two states in the last days (Genesis 25:23). Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the book of Jeremiah all reveal the prewritten history that does call for the Edomites, the Palestinians today, to come to prominence in the end of days. The Palestinians, who are Biblical Edomites, these Palestinians say that they will return, rebuild, and regain power. However, the little book of Obadiah says that they will be as if they have never been a people.
Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Dr. Hussein Ibish, a senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, said in Washington recently, that the Bible is an ancient holy book that is totally irrelevant to the Palestinian Authority's aim to take over all of Judea and Samaria from the Jews to establish their state called Palestine. The Palestinian Authority has claimed that Jews have stolen the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and Rachel's Tomb near Bethlehem and many other Jewish holy sites which have a Biblical history dating back over 4000 years. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe Palestinian official who claims that the Bible has no authority in the decision process to determine who lives in Judea and Samaria or any other part of Israel is absolutely wrong that is according to Bible prophecy.Dr. Hussein Ibish, senior fellow at the American Task Force on Palestine, makes a claim that contradicts the Bible when he said recently that the decision makers working to determine who has a right to live in the Biblical lands of Judea and Samaria should not use the Bible in this process. Ibish says the Bible is an ancient Jewish holy book that is irrelevant to the discussions on the ownership of these ancient Biblical lands even though the Bible has an undeniable record of 4000 years of Jewish history in the land that God gave to the Jewish people. In Leviticus 25:23, Moses wrote, directed by God, that the land in question was actually His land, God's land, never to be sold or given away, and it says that God gave to the Jews the responsibility as caretakers of His land. Though the Jews did not control this land for almost 2000 years, God had Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, to write that He, God, would give the land to the Jews when they returned to the land of their forefathers in the end of times (Ezekiel 34:14, 36:10-11). In fact, the Lord said that He did not make this promise and fulfill it because of the Jews, but because He, the Lord did this for His holy namesake (Ezekiel 36:22). The Palestinians can continue to claim their ownership of a land promised to the Jewish people and even use an armed struggle in order to take the land from the Jews but in the end, the Jewish people will get this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Speaking at a large gathering of Christians, meeting to show their support for the state of Israel and the Israeli government, the radio and television personality Glenn Beck told the audience that "when we see Jews being persecuted we must see Jews as us - let us declare that we're Jews, the Jewish enemies cannot kill all of us." Beck told the gathering that there is one message; "Israel today, Israel tomorrow, and Israel forever."This annual gathering of what is called Christian Zionist also heard the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu say that the enemies of the Jewish state are the enemies of Christians as well. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsA so-called Christian leader making the statement that he is a Jew in order to protect the Jewish people may be honorable but it is not Biblically correct and it does cloud the issue of Bible prophecy.Radio and television personality Glenn Beck told a gathering of Christians who stand with the Jewish state of Israel against the world that he wants people to call him a Jew in order to protect the Jewish people. Beck's thought was that if we're all Jewish then the enemies of the Jewish people cannot kill all of us and must rethink their strategy. This is excellent rhetoric especially to a group of Christian Zionists however, it is not Biblically correct. When I say that it is not Biblically correct, I'm not trying to be picky. It does matter what the Bible says about these issues. There is a difference in God's plan for the Jewish people and Christians and we must recognize that plan from the scriptures. Christians must protect the Jewish people (Genesis 12:3) but we must not stand with the secular humanistic Israeli government. No human government is or will ever do all that the Lord wants them to do. However, God does use these governments to accomplish His will (Revelation 17:17). The Jewish people will be protected not by humankind or human governments but by the Lord's intervention (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6) and there will even be angelic protection as well (Daniel 12:1). As Christians, we have a responsibility to the Jewish people to present to them the truth of the Jewish Messiah Jesus Christ (Romans 1:16). God's plan and protection for the Jewish people will be played out. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is emphatic that there will be a motion at the United Nations General Assembly for the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state and the Palestinian leader believes he has the votes in the United Nations to see the establishment of a Palestinian state on the land that is under the sovereign control of the Jewish state of Israel.Israel has said they will reject a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the United Nations and fear that the Palestinians will then take to the streets which could very well break out into a full fledged war that could spread across the entire region.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East will not come any closer to resolution with a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state but instead it will lead to war - that is according to Bible prophecy.Mahmoud Abbas, the President of the Palestinian Authority, has determined that there will be a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state at the General Assembly of the United Nations and refuses to return to the negotiating table with the Israelis to come to some type of an agreement. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu says he is ready to continue the peace process with the Palestinians if Mahmoud Abbas will only recognize the right of the Jews to have a state in the Middle East. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders and terrorist organizations and both claim that there must be a resolution to the conflict before there can be peace in the Middle East. According to the ancient Jewish prophets, resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will only come when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to Earth. The prophet Ezekiel stated that the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today, will continue to kill Jews and take their God given land (Ezekiel 35). Malachi reveals that the Palestinians will return to rebuild but God will call their borders the "borders of wickedness" (Malachi 1). Obadiah foretold of how when Jesus comes, the Jews will defeat the Palestinians and Esau's descendants will be as if they had never been a people (Obadiah 15-18). I must remind you that as you watch this Israeli-Palestinian conflict continue, Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.
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The World Council of Churches, and ecumenical church body based in Geneva, Switzerland and boasting 590 million worshipers, recently held a conference in Greece declaring that the Jewish state is a sin, and occupying power, and it accused Israelis of dehumanizing the Palestinians and they called for resistance to Israel and the Jewish people as a Christian duty. The attendees at the international conference of the World Council of Churches even legitimized terrorism as a means of resistance to the evil Jewish occupation calling it a Christian right and duty to eliminate the Jewish state.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe declaration by 590 million churchgoers that terrorism should be used in their efforts to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.The World Council of Churches, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, held an international conference recently where the attendees, representing around 590 million worshipers, said that the use of terrorism is a legitimate means to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel from the Middle East. This declaration speaks of the theology of these thousands of churches around the world and it has been described as "Replacement Theology". Replacement Theology basically states that God has replaced his program for the Jewish people with the church. They believe that because the Jews rejected Jesus at His First Coming, God has stopped His plans for the Jews and has given all of these promises to the Church. Replacement Theology is not only non-Biblical, but it is a dangerous doctrine that will lead to disaster. God's program for the Jewish people has not been cancelled unless God is a liar, which He is not. God gave the Jewish people 4 covenants, unconditional promises that will be fulfilled in the future, and in fact, forever. Genesis 15 is the Abrahamic Covenant that says there will always be a Jewish nation with a piece of real estate in the Middle East according to the Land Covenant in Deuteronomy 30. The Davidic Covenant in II Samuel 7 and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31, states that the Messiah Jesus Christ will give the Jewish people the city of Jerusalem and a temple in the city for their kingdom which is eternal. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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A well known and very prominent member of Israeli society has called for a civil war between the leftists in Israel and the Jewish settlers of Judea and Samaria which is echoing the desires of many left wing politicos who have said in the past that they will fight the violence of extremist settlers and use every kind of self defense necessary even exchange of open fire. This alarming call for civil war in Israel comes at a time when the Jewish settlements of Judea and Samaria are the main sticking point in the the Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations that are not coming together.
Israel's left wing of the body politic believes that civil wars are globally accepted, they happen everywhere, and that they are good for a nation as the war straightens out the power imbalance between the sides.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The potential for a civil war among the Jews in Israel is not only a viable political possibility but a prophetic certainty as well - that is according to Bible prophecy.
The left wing of the body politic of Israel has become very outspoken in the call for a civil war focused on the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. This issue of the Jewish settlements has been the major obstacle to the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict according to the United States, the United Nations, and the European Union.
The Palestinian Authority said that if the Israelis would withdraw almost 500,000 Jews from the territories of Judea and Samaria, there could be peace between the two parties. The Jewish settlers have long contended that they are not the obstacle to peace but instead, their presence in the territories is an assurance of a lasting peace.
Bible prophecy seems to agree in that it states a Jewish presence in all of Israel will be the Lord's plan for true peace in the future when the Messiah rules and reigns in Jerusalem from a piece of real estate, the Temple Mount, which is actually part of Judea and Samaria (Zechariah 6:12-13). This potential for civil war is actually a part of a prophetic scenario for the last days as well when the prophecy of Ezekiel 37:15-23, the prophecy of the two Jewish states in Israel will be fulfilled.
The thought of Jews fighting Jews in their God given land is an issue that no one really wants to think about - but the Bible says, it will happen. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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The lack of rain, entrenched poverty, and lack of investments by other nations has pushed 12 million Africans into a fight for survival in the Triangle of Hunger where the borders of Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia come together causing thousands of families to walk for days in search for food. Thirsty livestock are dying by the thousands and food prices, which are at an all time record high across the world, have resulted in food prices rising beyond what families can afford in the African triangle. Africans from Somalia, desperate for food, are overrunning the world's largest refugee camp located in Kenya as 10,000 new refugees per week flee violence and hunger in their country resulting in a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsWith millions of Africans fighting for their very survival from violence and hunger, the stage is being set for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. The United Nations has recently released a report that food prices across the world have risen to an all time record high which is part of the problem for the massive hunger that has hit the triangle in Africa where Ethiopia, Kenya, and Somalia all come together. The reports of millions of Africans fighting for their own survival from hunger are almost unbelievable but may not even tell the whole story. This area of Africa has long been a major drought area causing both livestock and vegetation to be limited in its production of food stuffs in order to be able to feed people. There are official government reports that the situation is not getting better but instead getting worse and headed for a major human tragedy. This present scenario is actually a precursor to what Bible prophecy calls for in the end of times. Jesus, in His Olivet Discourse - Matthew 24, told His disciples that hunger and its increase around the world was one of the signs of His Second Coming to Earth. Remember His Second Coming follows 7 years of Tribulation which is horrific judgment on the Earth, which by the way, follows the Rapture of the Church. The book of Revelation reveals that hunger and famine will increase during this Tribulation period with farmland being burned up, the waters of the Earth being contaminated, and war running rampant across the Earth (Revelation 6:5-6, 8:3-9, 16:19). What we see happening in the Triangle of Africa today is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled in a future tomorrow that may well be very soon.
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The International Monetary Fund, the IMF, recently dropped a bombshell and most of the world is yet to notice that for the first time, this international organization has set a date when the age of America will end and the United States economy will be overtaken by that of China. According to the latest IMF official forecast, China's economy will surpass that of America in real terms, in 2016 which will bring an end to America's leadership in this world. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsAmerica's leadership role in our world today is coming to an end and it could be sooner rather than later, according to Bible prophecy. For the last several years America has been on a downward spiral economically and it does not seem like any of our political leaders know how to stop the economic disaster that is on the horizon for the United States. A recent report by the International Monetary Fund reveals that by 2016, China will surpass the United States economically and become the world's superpower. In light of the prophetic scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy for the end of times, the IMF report is right on target. America has been great because it has been the launchpad for world evangelization with the manpower, materials, and money needed to reach the world with the gospel message that Jesus Christ is the Savior. The United States has also played the major role in protecting the Jewish people but that key role for America is about to come to and end one way or another. The IMF forecast is one very viable possibility but I believe the Rapture of the Church, true born again Christians, leaving this world for the heavens will render America inoperative. America has kept the Middle Eastern Islamic nations from attacking and destroying Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. The rise of the European Union which I do believe is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire and the appearance of the world dictator out of the Revived Roman Empire, the Antichrist, as foretold in Daniel 7:7-24 has been held back by a strong United States. With America on the sidelines, end time Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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An independent producer in Israel has a short documentary that can be seen on Youtube which reveals the real truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the relationship of the Jews and the Palestinians to this very sacred piece of real estate which has become the center of controversy in our world today. This video presentation documents the fact that the Temple Mount is the focus of Jewish worship while Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the focus of Moslem worship and in fact when Jews pray they look towards the Temple Mount while Moslems face Mecca in their prayers with their backs toward the Temple Mount. Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsA Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots. In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13). The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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King Abdullah, Jordan's king and chief political leader, says that the peace process is dead and the prospects for a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not going to happen in the near future which could mean Israel will be surrounded by hostile Arab governments. Abdullah said that the Israelis and the Palestinians missed an opportunity during the Arab Spring, to come to an agreement because that window will close and bring about new changes in the Middle East. The Jordanian king believes that the new Arab leaders who will come to power in the Middle East will seek to exploit popular resentments in the Arab street against Israel which could place the Jewish state in a dangerous position. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsJordan's King Abdullah is telling the world that Middle East peace will not come about in the near future which is in line with the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the last days. The Arab nation of Jordan is one of two Arab states that has signed a peace treaty with the Jewish state of Israel - the other being Egypt. Jordan's King Abdullah understands the Israeli-Palestinian conflict since almost 70% of Jordan's population is Palestinian. Therefore, when the king warns the world that peace in the Middle East is not possible in the near future, he knows of what he speaks. The peace process is dead at this time and with both the Israelis and the Palestinians not wanting to make concessions there seems to be no time in the near future for an agreement between the two peoples. Couple that with the Arab Spring and the battle for power in the Arab world and the prophetic scenario that is found in the Bible seems to be coming into better focus. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel prewrote history when he wrote the prophecy about a world leader coming to power and bringing peace to the Middle East (Daniel 9:27). This passage speaks of the Antichrist, that world leader who will bring about peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, a peace that will be short lived and actually a pseudo - a false peace. It is during the time of that short period of peace that the Arab world will attack Israel (Ezekiel 38:8,11). King Abdullah's warning of no Middle East peace in the future is right on target because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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When the United Nations General Assembly meets there will be many countries that will recognize a Palestinian state and Israeli political leaders warn that a Palestinian state within the present borders of the nation of Israel would be a political tsunami to quote the former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak who in 1998 offered Yasser Arafat 98% of Judea, Samaria, and the Gaza Strip.Prime Minister Netanyahu warned in 2002 that a Palestinian state would demand the powers of any nations, for example controlling borders and air space be allowed to stockpile military weapons and to have a standing army that could be used in military action against the state of Israel. Many of the Israeli political leaders including Prime Minister Netanyahu say a Palestinian state would be the result of the Israelis creating with their own hands a threat to the very existence of the Jewish people.Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe Israeli government allowing for and even creating a Palestinian state would in fact be like committing suicide according to Bible prophecy.The debate in political capitals continues to intensify for the creation of a Palestinian state within the present borders of of the Jewish state of Israel. United States and European leaders are working towards having the two sides, the Israelis and the Palestinians come to the table and work out an agreement that would in essence create the first Palestinian state ever. Now that statement is based upon over 2000 years of history when there never was a Palestinian state anywhere in the world much less the Middle East. There are no facts in history that there ever was a Palestinian state, a notion that seems contradictory to all the Palestinian propaganda.As the world watches this conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, I must take you to the prophetic passages in God's Word for the end times scenario for these two peoples. Genesis 25:23 declares that the two boys born to Rebekah and Isaac would one day become two nations. Jacob and his 12 sons have become the Jewish state of Israel. Esau, twin brother of Jacob, has become the Palestinian people of today according to their own history and a thorough study of the Bible. Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah reveal that Esau's descendants, the Palestinian people of today, will in the last days kill the Jews and try to take their land. This conflict will continue until the Messiah Jesus Christ comes back to earth and destroys the Palestinian people forever (Obadiah 18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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There are reports coming out of the Gaza Strip that Hamas, the Islamic terrorist organization, looks at record turnout for the summer camp training program, a program which combines Islamic indoctrination, paramilitary training, and social activities. Children are an important target demographic for Hamas from which its future army of terrorists will be recruited using summer camps as the means for indoctrinating Gaza's youth with Hamas jihadist ideology. Hamas terrorists give children paramilitary training by hanging banners on walls calling for jihad, death for the sake of Allah, and the capture of the city of Jerusalem. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsTraining children in summer camps to grow up to be terrorists is a scenario that fits the prophetic passages of Bible prophecy for the end of times. The Islamic terror organization Hamas, for many years, has held summer camps for children and have used the camps to indoctrinate these young people with an Islamic ideology that calls for the killing of Jews and the demise of the Jewish state of Israel. There is great evidence that young terrorists committing terrorism today were trained in the summer camps how to use military weapons to kill Jews. Hamas has made it clear that these summer camps are for preparing the next generation for their armed struggle against the Jewish state of Israel. A number of ancient Jewish prophets wrote of this end times scenario which is actually being played out today. Malachi revealed that the Palestinians, descendants of Biblical Esau, would return to rebuild their nation (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote of the judgment to come on the Palestinians as they rise up to kill Jews and take the land that God has given them (Ezekiel 35). Jeremiah the prophet wrote wrote in Jeremiah 49:18 that the Palestinian people, the Edomites of Biblical times, will be destroyed and be as if they never have been. Obadiah foretold of the end of this Palestinian violence when Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18). Hamas summer camps are indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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Financial experts say the confusion in both money markets and the worldwide monetary system and the volatility of all the markets has caused the economic community to call for a new global financial architecture and monetary system and the viable possibility for a single world currency. Many world leaders have already embraced such a system with others looking favorably to the soon coming of this one world currency, the problem now is what would that currency be and what if any would be the possibility for a present currency to be used. The one thing for sure in most economic circles is that the United States dollar is at the point of being replaced by a more stable currency in our world and that to happen very soon. Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsThe coming one world currency is about to appear on the stage of this world just as foretold in the pages of Bible prophecy. Economist after economist keep telling world leaders that a one world currency is a part of the fix for the global economic crisis. The financial experts in our world today keep saying that the United States dollar is no longer strong enough to sustain its position as the present world currency. The forecast for a brighter economic situation in America and around the world is not really in play today. G-20, the organization of the top 20 economic powers among all the nations, continues to call, not only for a new single currency, but also a global economic structure that can resolve this financial crisis. There is an end of times scenario that is found in Bible prophecy that will be the solution to the economic crisis now in place. Revelation 18 describes a one world economic headquarters to be found in the Middle East in fact in the city of Babylon where all financial woes will be resolved. Revelation 13:16-17 lays out a method to be followed in all financial dealings where each person will receive an identification mark in order to be able to buy or sell using a one world currency. This global economic structure actually comes on the scene after the Rapture of the Church. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.