Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
May 31, 2016
A world renowned scientist has warned mankind not to speak to aliens from outer space
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World renowned scientist Stephen Hawking has warned humankind to avoid any contact with aliens from outer space which Hawking believes do exist among the 100 billion galaxies each containing hundreds of millions of stars in the universe. Hawking says alien life is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe not just in planets but perhaps in the center of stars or even floating in interplanetary space and may even exist in massive ships and be looking for resources on other planets.

World renowned scientist Stephen Hawking has warned humankind to avoid any contact with aliens from outer space which Hawking believes do exist among the 100 billion galaxies each containing hundreds of millions of stars in the universe. Hawking says alien life is almost certain to exist in many other parts of the universe not just in planets but perhaps in the center of stars or even floating in interplanetary space and may even exist in massive ships and be looking for resources on other planets.
May 30, 2016
Many Americans expect Jesus to return to earth by 2050
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In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 41% of the Americans polled believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the next 40 years and 46% of those polled said that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will probably or definitely not happen. The poll suggests that 58% of evangelicals believe that Jesus will return by 2050 and respondents with no college education were 3 times as likely as those with a college degree to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the next 40 years.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.
The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.
Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).
The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

In the latest Pew Research Center survey, 41% of the Americans polled believe that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in the next 40 years and 46% of those polled said that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will probably or definitely not happen. The poll suggests that 58% of evangelicals believe that Jesus will return by 2050 and respondents with no college education were 3 times as likely as those with a college degree to expect the Second Coming of Jesus Christ in the next 40 years.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
According to the latest survey many Americans expect Jesus Christ to return to the earth within the next 40 years which is confirmed by Bible prophecy.
The latest Pew Research Center poll indicates a large number of Americans believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to earth and that it could happen within the next 40 years. If the numbers in the survey results are correct, that means millions of Americans do believe what Jesus had to say before He left the earth almost 2000 years ago - that was that He would return.
Though this survey is not a vote on whether Jesus will return or not, those who believe that He will are in alignment with what Bible prophecy says except that it may be sooner than 2050. In fact, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ could happen in just 7 years because the second coming scenario found in Bible prophecy reveals that a 7 year time of judgment will precede the Lord's return to earth. That 7 years, the Tribulation period, will be recognized by events foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets. For example, the Jews will return to their homeland, Middle Eastern nations will align themselves against Israel, while at the same time there will be an effort to bring about peace in the Middle East, and talk and preparations to build a temple in Jerusalem will also be very prevalent (Ezekiel 37 - 46).
The next event is the Rapture when Jesus Christ calls all Christians into heaven before worldwide judgment breaks out and that could happen today because Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 28, 2016
A high ranking Islamic cleric tells thousands of Moslem children on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem that Jews will never build a temple on that site
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Recently, as many as ten thousand Moslem children were on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to demonstrate the next generation of Moslems that will defend and continue the safekeeping of the Temple Mount, the Al Aqsa Mosque, as the Moslem world refers to this piece of real estate sacred to both Jews and Moslems.
The Mufti, Sheik Sabri, told the thousands of children swearing by Allah that the Jews will never return to take the Temple Mount and build their Temple there which is the Jewish dream, and the Mufti said that dream will never be fulfilled.
Jewish worshippers gather at the Western Wall surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and pray their Temple will be rebuilt and then the Messiah will come to lead them into the kingdom promised three thousand years ago to King David.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A statement by the Mufti in Jeruslaem to thousands of Moslem children that there will never be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is contradictory to Bible prophecy for the End Times.
As the controversy over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem intensifies, the Mufti, a high ranking Moslem cleric, Sheik Sabri, told up to ten thousand Moslem children recently gathered on the Temple Mount that they must defend Al Aqsa and never allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on this sacred site. For the Mufti to tell thousands of Moslem children that the Jews must not be allowed to build a Temple on the Temple Mount is in total contradiction of what God's Word reveals for the End Times.
Jesus Christ said there would be a Temple on the Temple Mount, Matthew 24:15. Apostles Paul and John said one day a Jewish Temple would be rebuilt in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1-2. These passages of Scripture speak of the next Temple to stand in Jerusalem, the Tribulation Temple, and all preparations have been made for that Temple to be erected. The Jews could start construction at any time, but do remember that Zechariah 6:12 tells us that Jesus Himself, will return to the earth and build His Temple which will be there on the Temple Mount forever, Ezekiel 37:26, 28.
The Mufti in Jerusalem is wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Recently, as many as ten thousand Moslem children were on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to demonstrate the next generation of Moslems that will defend and continue the safekeeping of the Temple Mount, the Al Aqsa Mosque, as the Moslem world refers to this piece of real estate sacred to both Jews and Moslems.
The Mufti, Sheik Sabri, told the thousands of children swearing by Allah that the Jews will never return to take the Temple Mount and build their Temple there which is the Jewish dream, and the Mufti said that dream will never be fulfilled.
Jewish worshippers gather at the Western Wall surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and pray their Temple will be rebuilt and then the Messiah will come to lead them into the kingdom promised three thousand years ago to King David.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A statement by the Mufti in Jeruslaem to thousands of Moslem children that there will never be a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount is contradictory to Bible prophecy for the End Times.
As the controversy over the Temple Mount in Jerusalem intensifies, the Mufti, a high ranking Moslem cleric, Sheik Sabri, told up to ten thousand Moslem children recently gathered on the Temple Mount that they must defend Al Aqsa and never allow the Jews to rebuild their Temple on this sacred site. For the Mufti to tell thousands of Moslem children that the Jews must not be allowed to build a Temple on the Temple Mount is in total contradiction of what God's Word reveals for the End Times.
Jesus Christ said there would be a Temple on the Temple Mount, Matthew 24:15. Apostles Paul and John said one day a Jewish Temple would be rebuilt in Jerusalem, II Thessalonians 2:4 and Revelation 11:1-2. These passages of Scripture speak of the next Temple to stand in Jerusalem, the Tribulation Temple, and all preparations have been made for that Temple to be erected. The Jews could start construction at any time, but do remember that Zechariah 6:12 tells us that Jesus Himself, will return to the earth and build His Temple which will be there on the Temple Mount forever, Ezekiel 37:26, 28.
The Mufti in Jerusalem is wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 26, 2016
The world's Moslem population is now at one in every four people on Earth, that's 1.57 billion people
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The global Moslem population now stands at 1.57 billion people meaning that one in four people on the Earth practice Islam according to a report by the Pew Forum, the most comprehensive of its kind, a survey that has provided precise numbers for a population whose size has long been subject to guesswork.
The project also presents a portrait of the Moslem world with some surprises including information that there are more Moslems in Germany, China, and Russia than there are in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Libya.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The latest global survey that reveals one in every four people on the Earth practice Islam is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment that ever before.
For a number of years the size of the Moslem population in our world has been subject to guesswork with estimates ranging anywhere from 1 billion to 1.8 billion people. Now we have been provided with the precise numbers by the Pew Forum on religion and public life, a report that indicates the total population of the Moslem world is 1.57 billion people on Earth, that's one in every four people of the global population.
It is also interesting to note that only 40% of Moslems live in the Middle Eastern Arab countries with the rest scattered around the world with large numbers living in Asia. This information is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment in light of the prophecies for the last days. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 list the nations that will come against Israel in the last days to wipe the Jewish state off the Earth. The lowest common denominator of these nations that align themselves against Israel is that they are Moslem. The ancient Jewish prophecy Joel states that a mighty militia will be formed to attack Israel (Joel 2:3-4) and the hate that radical Islam has for the Jews sets that prophecy in motion. This latest report on the global population of the Moslem world is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to being fulfilled that ever before.

The global Moslem population now stands at 1.57 billion people meaning that one in four people on the Earth practice Islam according to a report by the Pew Forum, the most comprehensive of its kind, a survey that has provided precise numbers for a population whose size has long been subject to guesswork.
The project also presents a portrait of the Moslem world with some surprises including information that there are more Moslems in Germany, China, and Russia than there are in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Libya.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The latest global survey that reveals one in every four people on the Earth practice Islam is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment that ever before.
For a number of years the size of the Moslem population in our world has been subject to guesswork with estimates ranging anywhere from 1 billion to 1.8 billion people. Now we have been provided with the precise numbers by the Pew Forum on religion and public life, a report that indicates the total population of the Moslem world is 1.57 billion people on Earth, that's one in every four people of the global population.
It is also interesting to note that only 40% of Moslems live in the Middle Eastern Arab countries with the rest scattered around the world with large numbers living in Asia. This information is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment in light of the prophecies for the last days. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 list the nations that will come against Israel in the last days to wipe the Jewish state off the Earth. The lowest common denominator of these nations that align themselves against Israel is that they are Moslem. The ancient Jewish prophecy Joel states that a mighty militia will be formed to attack Israel (Joel 2:3-4) and the hate that radical Islam has for the Jews sets that prophecy in motion. This latest report on the global population of the Moslem world is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to being fulfilled that ever before.
May 25, 2016
There is a severe drought that threatens the traditional site of the Garden of Eden
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Iraqi officials say a severe drought is threatening Iraq's southern marshes, the traditional site of the Biblical Garden of Eden, just as the region was recovering from Saddam Hussein's draining of its lakes and swamps to punish a political rebellion in that region several years ago. This marsh Arab culture has existed for thousands of years in the 8,000 square miles of wetlands fed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where hundreds of species of birds fish have lived in these fertile farmlands.
This vast expanse of cracked earth has been coming back to life with the help of the United Nations but the debilitating drought has ravaged much of southern Iraq and neighboring countries in the last two years and thus reeked havoc in this traditional site for the Biblical Garden of Eden.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Iraq's claim to the traditional site of the Garden of Eden is wrong but the true site is significant in the end times Bible prophecy scenario for this Biblical site.
For years, the people of Iraq have claimed that in the southern marsh lands of their country could be found the Biblical Garden of Eden. This claim was based upon the location of the two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates that flow together in this region. Iraqi officials made the claim based upon the mention of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2. A closer look at the passage will reveal that these two rivers were not in the Garden of Eden but somewhere outside of the garden.
One must remember that the Garden of Eden existed prior to the worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-8, at which time the total topography was changed. The Biblical text says that there was only one river in the Garden of Eden. That was the Gihon river (Genesis 2:10) and that river today is located in Jerusalem. Bible prophecy says that enemies of Israel will try to take the Garden of Eden for the headquarters of its caliphate or worldwide kingdom in the last days (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3).

Iraqi officials say a severe drought is threatening Iraq's southern marshes, the traditional site of the Biblical Garden of Eden, just as the region was recovering from Saddam Hussein's draining of its lakes and swamps to punish a political rebellion in that region several years ago. This marsh Arab culture has existed for thousands of years in the 8,000 square miles of wetlands fed by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers where hundreds of species of birds fish have lived in these fertile farmlands.
This vast expanse of cracked earth has been coming back to life with the help of the United Nations but the debilitating drought has ravaged much of southern Iraq and neighboring countries in the last two years and thus reeked havoc in this traditional site for the Biblical Garden of Eden.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Iraq's claim to the traditional site of the Garden of Eden is wrong but the true site is significant in the end times Bible prophecy scenario for this Biblical site.
For years, the people of Iraq have claimed that in the southern marsh lands of their country could be found the Biblical Garden of Eden. This claim was based upon the location of the two rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates that flow together in this region. Iraqi officials made the claim based upon the mention of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in the Biblical account of the Garden of Eden in Genesis 2. A closer look at the passage will reveal that these two rivers were not in the Garden of Eden but somewhere outside of the garden.
One must remember that the Garden of Eden existed prior to the worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-8, at which time the total topography was changed. The Biblical text says that there was only one river in the Garden of Eden. That was the Gihon river (Genesis 2:10) and that river today is located in Jerusalem. Bible prophecy says that enemies of Israel will try to take the Garden of Eden for the headquarters of its caliphate or worldwide kingdom in the last days (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3).
Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled at the true Garden of Eden in Jerusalem.
May 24, 2016
A senior research fellow at the Hudson Institute says Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East
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Dr. Max Singer a senior research fellow at the Beagan Sadat Center for Strategic Studies says the only chance for real peace in the Middle East is if the western nations convince the Arabs that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring about peace in the region.
Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.
In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.
Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.
As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.

Dr. Max Singer a senior research fellow at the Beagan Sadat Center for Strategic Studies says the only chance for real peace in the Middle East is if the western nations convince the Arabs that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring about peace in the region.
Singer believes that the continual denial by the PA leadership of the Jewish people's ancient connection to the land of Israel and the sacred significance to Jerusalem and the Temple Mount where once stood two Jewish temples will hinder any peace efforts to the two peoples to coexist in the Middle East and thus only enhance the continuing conflict.
In spite of the fact that the PA Mufti Sheikh Sabri, the high ranking Islamic cleric, claims there has never been a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount, Jewish scholars cite many historic and Biblical sources to confirm that Jews have a 3000 year old connection to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the senior Jewish research fellow that Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will bring peace to the Middle East is right on target according to Bible prophecy.
Dr. Max Singer, the founder and senior fellow at the Hudson Institute, believes that if Jewish ties are restored to the Temple Mount and Jerusalem, there will be peace in the Middle East. Bible prophecy reveals that Dr. Singer is correct in the final outcome in the end of time scenario written by ancient Jewish prophets 2500 years ago. The prophet Samuel wrote in II Samuel 7 that one of King David's descendants would rule the world from a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, that descendant will be Jesus Christ, the Jewish Messiah. Isaiah wrote that when the Temple, the house of the Lord, will be established in Jerusalem, nations would turn their military weapons into farming equipment and they would learn of war no more, thus peace in the world, Isaiah 2:1-4.
As the quest for peace in the Middle East continues, all must agree with the Bible, Jewish ties to the Temple Mount will indeed bring about peace.
May 23, 2016
Pro-Israel Christians are under attack
Listen to Today's Program 
There is a new film being introduced to the Christian community that states, "God does not take sides with certain people groups, nations, or agendas" and the film is rebutting pro-Israel Christians and trying to persuade them to champion the Palestinian cause.
The film demonstrates a theology that does not favor one people group over another, but instead promotes peace for both Jews and Palestinians.
Critics of the film say that the film maker misuses scripture and wrongly manipulates the facts in the film and never answers many questions including, "How will the dwindling number of Palestinian Christians fair under a victorious new Islamic dominated Palestinian state?"
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
In spite of the fact that a newly released film says that God did not choose the Jews over other people groups and that He does not have an agenda for the Jews, a true study of God's Word says the opposite, according to Bible prophecy.
The new film, "With God on Our Side" produced by film maker Porter Speakman, is an effort to say Christians must not look at the Jews as God's chosen people and that the Lord does not have an agenda for the Jews in the future. The film accuses pro-Israel Christians as having no concern for the poor, that they stand for wars, that they want to be rich and more powerful, and that they have a self-promoting end of times agenda. These are pretty tough claims that have no real basis for being made in this attack on Christians who are pro-Bible and the agenda that God does have for the end times.
Moses wrote under inspiration in Deuteronomy 7:6-8 that God did choose the Jewish people to be a special people unto Himself and He did this because He loved them, not for any other reason. Down through history, God has preserved the Jewish people and used them as an illustration to the rest of humankind. The Lord does have an agenda for the Jews that He revealed in four covenants to them: the Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 12, the Land Covenant, Deuteronomy 30, the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31.
These promises from God reveal the Jews will be a nation with a piece of land and a Messiah ruling from a Temple in Jerusalem forever.

There is a new film being introduced to the Christian community that states, "God does not take sides with certain people groups, nations, or agendas" and the film is rebutting pro-Israel Christians and trying to persuade them to champion the Palestinian cause.
The film demonstrates a theology that does not favor one people group over another, but instead promotes peace for both Jews and Palestinians.
Critics of the film say that the film maker misuses scripture and wrongly manipulates the facts in the film and never answers many questions including, "How will the dwindling number of Palestinian Christians fair under a victorious new Islamic dominated Palestinian state?"
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
In spite of the fact that a newly released film says that God did not choose the Jews over other people groups and that He does not have an agenda for the Jews, a true study of God's Word says the opposite, according to Bible prophecy.
The new film, "With God on Our Side" produced by film maker Porter Speakman, is an effort to say Christians must not look at the Jews as God's chosen people and that the Lord does not have an agenda for the Jews in the future. The film accuses pro-Israel Christians as having no concern for the poor, that they stand for wars, that they want to be rich and more powerful, and that they have a self-promoting end of times agenda. These are pretty tough claims that have no real basis for being made in this attack on Christians who are pro-Bible and the agenda that God does have for the end times.
Moses wrote under inspiration in Deuteronomy 7:6-8 that God did choose the Jewish people to be a special people unto Himself and He did this because He loved them, not for any other reason. Down through history, God has preserved the Jewish people and used them as an illustration to the rest of humankind. The Lord does have an agenda for the Jews that He revealed in four covenants to them: the Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 12, the Land Covenant, Deuteronomy 30, the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, and the New Covenant, Jeremiah 31:31.
These promises from God reveal the Jews will be a nation with a piece of land and a Messiah ruling from a Temple in Jerusalem forever.
May 20, 2016
Thousands of Jewish settlers say they will use all forms of force to stop evacuation of the Jewish settlements
Listen to Today's Program 
Under pressure from the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations, the Israeli government has not only implemented a construction freeze in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, but the Netanyahu government in Israel is considering evacuating some of the Jewish settlements. In light of these political decisions, there is a growing number of the Jewish settlers who are now saying all means must be employed to resist the evacuation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and that would include the use of arms.
In a recent poll carried out by Hebrew University, thousands of Jewish settlers say that they would take up arms to stop their own government from evacuating their families from their homes and real estate where they have lived for over four decades and believe this is land that God has given to them.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The pressure from the United States, the European Union, and United Nations on the Israeli government to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Almost on a daily basis some leader from the United States or the European Union or United Nations makes a statement to apply pressure on Israel to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. The term "to deal with" is code for stop all building in the settlements and make plans to evacuate the settlers from these Israeli communities.
Moment by moment the Israeli government is starting to yield to the pressure and many settlers feel that their own government will give the order to evacuate the Jews from what they consider God given land. In fact, 21% of all Jewish settlers, now you're talking about 100,000 Jewish settlers, these people are ready to take up arms against their own government and against the Jewish people. This situation is motivating many settlement leaders to consider the alternative - a second Jewish state in the Middle East.
Bible prophecy actually calls for a second Jewish state during the Tribulation period to come, that's the seven years of judgment after the Rapture and before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. The prophecy of this second Jewish state is actually found in Ezekiel 37:15-23. This second Jewish state would be called Judah and there are right now those at work in Israel to bring this prophecy to pass.
Continuing pressure to evacuate the Jewish settlements is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Under pressure from the United States, the European Union, and the United Nations, the Israeli government has not only implemented a construction freeze in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria, but the Netanyahu government in Israel is considering evacuating some of the Jewish settlements. In light of these political decisions, there is a growing number of the Jewish settlers who are now saying all means must be employed to resist the evacuation of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and that would include the use of arms.
In a recent poll carried out by Hebrew University, thousands of Jewish settlers say that they would take up arms to stop their own government from evacuating their families from their homes and real estate where they have lived for over four decades and believe this is land that God has given to them.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The pressure from the United States, the European Union, and United Nations on the Israeli government to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Almost on a daily basis some leader from the United States or the European Union or United Nations makes a statement to apply pressure on Israel to deal with the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria. The term "to deal with" is code for stop all building in the settlements and make plans to evacuate the settlers from these Israeli communities.
Moment by moment the Israeli government is starting to yield to the pressure and many settlers feel that their own government will give the order to evacuate the Jews from what they consider God given land. In fact, 21% of all Jewish settlers, now you're talking about 100,000 Jewish settlers, these people are ready to take up arms against their own government and against the Jewish people. This situation is motivating many settlement leaders to consider the alternative - a second Jewish state in the Middle East.
Bible prophecy actually calls for a second Jewish state during the Tribulation period to come, that's the seven years of judgment after the Rapture and before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth. The prophecy of this second Jewish state is actually found in Ezekiel 37:15-23. This second Jewish state would be called Judah and there are right now those at work in Israel to bring this prophecy to pass.
Continuing pressure to evacuate the Jewish settlements is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
May 19, 2016
A Dutch political leader says that liberal politicians are facilitating the spread of Islamic holy war
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The Dutch political leader, Geert Wilders, addressing the British House of Lords told them that liberal political leaders are facilitating the spread of Islamic jihad, Islamic holy war, because they consider Islam as being equal to the culture of the West. Wilders believes that Islam is not compatible with the Western way of life and is a threat to the West - Islam and freedom, Islam and democracy are not compatible - Islam wants to dominate all aspects of life from the cradle to the grave.
Wilders has a film that warns the world of Islam's desire to set up a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom under Islam and holy war as the means to that end.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The spread of radical Islam with the help of liberal politicians is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Today one in every four people on the earth are of the Islamic faith and that number is increasing daily. There are several voices in our world that are shouting out a warning to humankind to be alert to the global designs of Islam. One such voice is that of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders who with his documentary film and lectures around the world, is warning the world that there may be moderate Moslems, the people of Islam, but there is no moderate Islam, the religion. Wilders says that the Islamic holy book, the Koran, calls for a worldwide kingdom under the god of Islam, Allah, and Islamic jihad, holy war, as the means to reaching that goal.
Bible prophecy itself calls for a worldwide kingdom under Jesus Christ, the holy One of the Holy Bible. In fact, God made a promise to King David many years ago that that would happen. It is called the Davidic Covenant recorded in II Samuel 7. The Bible says that there will be a kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem (Zechariah 6:12-13) and it will last for 1000 years (Revelation 20:4-6). The Bible actually contradicts the Koran. The Koran says that the Islamic god Allah had no son. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the coming King of the worldwide kingdom.
The liberal politicians helping the spread of Islam is indeed helping to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The Dutch political leader, Geert Wilders, addressing the British House of Lords told them that liberal political leaders are facilitating the spread of Islamic jihad, Islamic holy war, because they consider Islam as being equal to the culture of the West. Wilders believes that Islam is not compatible with the Western way of life and is a threat to the West - Islam and freedom, Islam and democracy are not compatible - Islam wants to dominate all aspects of life from the cradle to the grave.
Wilders has a film that warns the world of Islam's desire to set up a caliphate, a worldwide kingdom under Islam and holy war as the means to that end.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The spread of radical Islam with the help of liberal politicians is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Today one in every four people on the earth are of the Islamic faith and that number is increasing daily. There are several voices in our world that are shouting out a warning to humankind to be alert to the global designs of Islam. One such voice is that of the Dutch politician Geert Wilders who with his documentary film and lectures around the world, is warning the world that there may be moderate Moslems, the people of Islam, but there is no moderate Islam, the religion. Wilders says that the Islamic holy book, the Koran, calls for a worldwide kingdom under the god of Islam, Allah, and Islamic jihad, holy war, as the means to reaching that goal.
Bible prophecy itself calls for a worldwide kingdom under Jesus Christ, the holy One of the Holy Bible. In fact, God made a promise to King David many years ago that that would happen. It is called the Davidic Covenant recorded in II Samuel 7. The Bible says that there will be a kingdom headquartered in Jerusalem (Zechariah 6:12-13) and it will last for 1000 years (Revelation 20:4-6). The Bible actually contradicts the Koran. The Koran says that the Islamic god Allah had no son. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and the coming King of the worldwide kingdom.
The liberal politicians helping the spread of Islam is indeed helping to set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
May 18, 2016
Israeli archaeologists have unearthed a 3000 year old wall that is archaeological evidence to verify the Jewish king of Israel, King Solomon
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An archaeological team led by Dr. Eliat Mazar has unearthed an ancient wall in Jerusalem that dates back to the third king of Israel, King Solomon, the son of King David, and this team believes this discovery gives proof to the Biblical account of the presence of the Jewish people in Jerusalem 3000 years ago.
Dr. Mazar cited the book of I Kings in the Bible as she explained the archaeological significance of this wall which surrounded the central city of the monarchy, the House of King Solomon and the first Temple of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The archaeological discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to the Jewish King Solomon is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The archaeological dig in the city of David, the original site of the city of Jerusalem, has unearthed important artifacts that give proof of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem back through history. With the recent discovery of a wall between the city of David and the Temple Mount that dates back 3000 years ago, there is further proof of a Jewish presence in the period of the first Jewish Temple. That first Temple was built in the time of King Solomon, the third king of the Jewish people. The fact that this wall is evidence of a Jewish leadership capable of building this massive fortress wall is evidence that King Solomon had the capacity to build the first Temple as well, as is recorded in I Kings 6.
The building of this Jewish Temple 3000 years ago by King Solomon was the first installment of the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, which was God's promise to King David that one of his sons would build that Temple, II Samuel 7:12-13. However, the Davidic Covenant also looked into the future, beyond King Solomon to the last days when another in the lineage of King David, the Messiah, Jesus Christ would build a Temple in Jerusalem and become the King of the Kingdom that will be forever, II Samuel 7:10-16.
The discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to King Solomon is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

An archaeological team led by Dr. Eliat Mazar has unearthed an ancient wall in Jerusalem that dates back to the third king of Israel, King Solomon, the son of King David, and this team believes this discovery gives proof to the Biblical account of the presence of the Jewish people in Jerusalem 3000 years ago.
Dr. Mazar cited the book of I Kings in the Bible as she explained the archaeological significance of this wall which surrounded the central city of the monarchy, the House of King Solomon and the first Temple of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The archaeological discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to the Jewish King Solomon is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The archaeological dig in the city of David, the original site of the city of Jerusalem, has unearthed important artifacts that give proof of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem back through history. With the recent discovery of a wall between the city of David and the Temple Mount that dates back 3000 years ago, there is further proof of a Jewish presence in the period of the first Jewish Temple. That first Temple was built in the time of King Solomon, the third king of the Jewish people. The fact that this wall is evidence of a Jewish leadership capable of building this massive fortress wall is evidence that King Solomon had the capacity to build the first Temple as well, as is recorded in I Kings 6.
The building of this Jewish Temple 3000 years ago by King Solomon was the first installment of the Davidic Covenant, II Samuel 7, which was God's promise to King David that one of his sons would build that Temple, II Samuel 7:12-13. However, the Davidic Covenant also looked into the future, beyond King Solomon to the last days when another in the lineage of King David, the Messiah, Jesus Christ would build a Temple in Jerusalem and become the King of the Kingdom that will be forever, II Samuel 7:10-16.
The discovery of an ancient wall in Jerusalem dating back to King Solomon is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 17, 2016
An international financial newspaper says that Israel is the main cause of Middle East problems
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The Financial Times, a London based international newspaper, says, in its news coverage and its editorial pages over the last year, that Israel is the cause for all problems in the Middle East. The Financial Times believes the role of the Jewish settlements in Israel's Judea and Samaria, above any other single factor, is affecting the conflict and the newspaper, at the same time, downplays the other factors in the conflict such as terrorism and the political split between Hamas and Fatah, the two Palestinian factions.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
An international opinion forming newspaper says that Israel is the main cause for problems in the Middle East and they may be correct according to Bible prophecy.
The Financial Times newspaper, based in London, England, has been taken to task by a media monitoring organization about their bias reporting about Israel as the publication claims that the conflict in the Middle East is all Israel's fault. The main source of agitation is the Jewish settlement activity in the area of Judea and Samaria according to The Financial Times.
I must say that to some extent The Financial Times is correct. Israel's presence in the Middle East is indeed a cause for that conflict that continues to unfold day by day. With 23 Arab states surrounding the 1 Jewish state and a population of 350 million Arabs and only about 5 million Jews, this little state has become more and more of an irritant every day to the Arabs and the Moslems in the Middle East.
However, you must remember that the land of the Jewish state is God's land (Leviticus 25:23) and God has given the land to the Jewish people. The Lord, through His ancient Jewish prophets, said that there would be trouble between Israel and her neighbors (Joel 2, Ezekiel 35, and Isaiah 17 - plus many other passages). In fact, the armies of the world will gather at Jerusalem in the last days to destroy the Jewish state and it is at that time that Jesus Christ comes back to save His chosen people, the Jewish people.
The Financial Times is correct. Israel is the cause of the Middle East conflict and that is based on Bible prophecy - that will be fulfilled.

The Financial Times, a London based international newspaper, says, in its news coverage and its editorial pages over the last year, that Israel is the cause for all problems in the Middle East. The Financial Times believes the role of the Jewish settlements in Israel's Judea and Samaria, above any other single factor, is affecting the conflict and the newspaper, at the same time, downplays the other factors in the conflict such as terrorism and the political split between Hamas and Fatah, the two Palestinian factions.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
An international opinion forming newspaper says that Israel is the main cause for problems in the Middle East and they may be correct according to Bible prophecy.
The Financial Times newspaper, based in London, England, has been taken to task by a media monitoring organization about their bias reporting about Israel as the publication claims that the conflict in the Middle East is all Israel's fault. The main source of agitation is the Jewish settlement activity in the area of Judea and Samaria according to The Financial Times.
I must say that to some extent The Financial Times is correct. Israel's presence in the Middle East is indeed a cause for that conflict that continues to unfold day by day. With 23 Arab states surrounding the 1 Jewish state and a population of 350 million Arabs and only about 5 million Jews, this little state has become more and more of an irritant every day to the Arabs and the Moslems in the Middle East.
However, you must remember that the land of the Jewish state is God's land (Leviticus 25:23) and God has given the land to the Jewish people. The Lord, through His ancient Jewish prophets, said that there would be trouble between Israel and her neighbors (Joel 2, Ezekiel 35, and Isaiah 17 - plus many other passages). In fact, the armies of the world will gather at Jerusalem in the last days to destroy the Jewish state and it is at that time that Jesus Christ comes back to save His chosen people, the Jewish people.
The Financial Times is correct. Israel is the cause of the Middle East conflict and that is based on Bible prophecy - that will be fulfilled.
May 16, 2016
The Palestinian Authority president says that Jerusalem will be the Palestinian capital city
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Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the American peace envoy that the Palestinian people will not accept any other city for the capital for their Palestinian state except Jerusalem and the Palestinians would insist on receiving control over the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority president says it is very important that it would be clear which part of the capital, Jerusalem, belongs to the Palestinians and which part belongs to Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the President of the Palestinian Authority that Jerusalem will be the capital of a Palestinian state is in contradiction to Bible prophecy for the last days and the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The Palestinians since 1967 have been claiming that their state, Palestine, that this state will have Jerusalem as its capital city. Meanwhile, the Israeli leaders say that Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people. There seems to be no middle ground for the Jews and the Palestinians and neither side is ready to compromise.
There are several thoughts that come to mind as I consider this complex situation. First of all, history reveals that there never has been a Palestinian state and thus Jerusalem has never been its capital. Secondly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about more than Jerusalem. The Palestinians don't want a Jewish state they want all of the land of Israel as their Palestinian state.
Bible prophecy speaks to both issues. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah, and Obadiah say that in the end the Palestinians will be destroyed (Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah. Zechariah says that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy in the last days (Zechariah 12:2). But Zechariah also quotes Jesus in chapter 1:14-16 where it says Jesus will come back to Jerusalem and build His temple in the city.
The final solution for Jerusalem will be resolved by Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the American peace envoy that the Palestinian people will not accept any other city for the capital for their Palestinian state except Jerusalem and the Palestinians would insist on receiving control over the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem. The Palestinian Authority president says it is very important that it would be clear which part of the capital, Jerusalem, belongs to the Palestinians and which part belongs to Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the President of the Palestinian Authority that Jerusalem will be the capital of a Palestinian state is in contradiction to Bible prophecy for the last days and the Israelis and the Palestinians.
The Palestinians since 1967 have been claiming that their state, Palestine, that this state will have Jerusalem as its capital city. Meanwhile, the Israeli leaders say that Jerusalem is the eternal, undivided capital of the Jewish people. There seems to be no middle ground for the Jews and the Palestinians and neither side is ready to compromise.
There are several thoughts that come to mind as I consider this complex situation. First of all, history reveals that there never has been a Palestinian state and thus Jerusalem has never been its capital. Secondly, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is about more than Jerusalem. The Palestinians don't want a Jewish state they want all of the land of Israel as their Palestinian state.
Bible prophecy speaks to both issues. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah, and Obadiah say that in the end the Palestinians will be destroyed (Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, Jeremiah 49, and the little book of Obadiah. Zechariah says that Jerusalem will be the center of controversy in the last days (Zechariah 12:2). But Zechariah also quotes Jesus in chapter 1:14-16 where it says Jesus will come back to Jerusalem and build His temple in the city.
The final solution for Jerusalem will be resolved by Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
May 13, 2016
The cataclysmic explosion of a giant star is the most distant object ever detected by telescopes
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NASA's Swift space observatory which is tuned to see high energy gamma ray emitted from extreme events has picked up a colossal blast, the cataclysmic explosion of a giant star, the most distant single object ever detected by telescopes.
Other telescopes that followed up on the signal confirmed the source to be more than 13 billion light years away and scientists say the star's destruction probably resulted in what astronomers call a black hole.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The cataclysmic explosion of a giant star at the most distant location ever detected by scientists has a past significance as well as a prophetic significance according to Bible prophecy.
With the power of a satellite that can see farther into outer space than ever before, the scientific world has observed the most distant single object ever detected by a telescope, the cataclysmic explosion of a giant star. The scientific world believes this event will give them more information on the origins of our universe, a quest for truth that is not looking to the right source for the truth when all they must do is look to the source for this knowledge written by the only One who observed it happen and could do it again, and in fact will do it again.
Let me explain. The Bible, Genesis chapter 1, tells how God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them including this star that exploded deep in space., Genesis 1:1-16. In the future, God will destroy this whole universe, II Peter 3:10, and create, as He did the first time, new heavens and a new earth, Revelation 21:1. The Apostle Peter wrote that very brilliant people will be dumb on purpose at the time of the end and they will deny the truth of Creation given to us by God, the One who did it, observed it and then had Moses write about it, II Peter 3:5-7.
The Apostle Peter also said people who deny God created the heavens and the earth and all that in them is will also deny that Jesus Christ is coming back, but I must remind you that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

NASA's Swift space observatory which is tuned to see high energy gamma ray emitted from extreme events has picked up a colossal blast, the cataclysmic explosion of a giant star, the most distant single object ever detected by telescopes.
Other telescopes that followed up on the signal confirmed the source to be more than 13 billion light years away and scientists say the star's destruction probably resulted in what astronomers call a black hole.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The cataclysmic explosion of a giant star at the most distant location ever detected by scientists has a past significance as well as a prophetic significance according to Bible prophecy.
With the power of a satellite that can see farther into outer space than ever before, the scientific world has observed the most distant single object ever detected by a telescope, the cataclysmic explosion of a giant star. The scientific world believes this event will give them more information on the origins of our universe, a quest for truth that is not looking to the right source for the truth when all they must do is look to the source for this knowledge written by the only One who observed it happen and could do it again, and in fact will do it again.
Let me explain. The Bible, Genesis chapter 1, tells how God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them including this star that exploded deep in space., Genesis 1:1-16. In the future, God will destroy this whole universe, II Peter 3:10, and create, as He did the first time, new heavens and a new earth, Revelation 21:1. The Apostle Peter wrote that very brilliant people will be dumb on purpose at the time of the end and they will deny the truth of Creation given to us by God, the One who did it, observed it and then had Moses write about it, II Peter 3:5-7.
The Apostle Peter also said people who deny God created the heavens and the earth and all that in them is will also deny that Jesus Christ is coming back, but I must remind you that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 12, 2016
The Jewish State of Israel is Celebrating It's 68th Anniversary as a Nation Among the Nations of the World
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All across the Jewish state of Israel, Israeli's are celebrating their 68th Independence Day. It started out with a major fireworks demonstration last night and will continue throughout the day with family celebrations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the occasion of Independence Day, said that Israel's enemies must know that the Jewish state is here to stay.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The fact that there is a Jewish state in the Middle East today is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.
The Lord used two World Wars to set the stage for the fulfillment of the Jews coming back to the land of their forefathers. World War 1 prepared a land for the Jewish people and World War 2 and the Holocaust prepared a people for that land.
God has used and will continue to use human government down through the years even until the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to accomplish His will.
The fact that the Jews would return is written in the Bible by the ancient Jewish prophets many years ago. Deuteronomy 28 foretold the Jews being scattered to the four corners of the earth, which did happen, and for two thousand years they were out of their homeland. Deuteronomy 30 said that God had promised the Jews a piece of real estate that they would have forever.
There are a number of Jewish prophets, who when inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, wrote about the return of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers. The book of Ezekiel 37:7-11 is the prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones. The Bible says in verse 7 that the Jews would be gathered from the four corners of the earth; in verse 8 they would be restored as a Jewish state; and verses 9-10 talks about ultimately Jewish people turning to the Messiah Jesus Christ.
In fact, in Ezekiel 34, 18 times the Lord says I will find my people wherever that have been scattered. I will bring them back into the land, I will feed them like a good shepherd feeds his flock and the Messiah will come to rule and reign over my people.
In 1948, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy took place when David Ben Gurion announced to the world that there was a Jewish state among the many other states around the world. Today the 68th Birthday of the Jewish State of Israel is absolute tangible evidence of Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
All across the Jewish state of Israel, Israeli's are celebrating their 68th Independence Day. It started out with a major fireworks demonstration last night and will continue throughout the day with family celebrations.
Prime Minister Netanyahu, at the occasion of Independence Day, said that Israel's enemies must know that the Jewish state is here to stay.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The fact that there is a Jewish state in the Middle East today is tangible evidence that Bible prophecy has been fulfilled.
The Lord used two World Wars to set the stage for the fulfillment of the Jews coming back to the land of their forefathers. World War 1 prepared a land for the Jewish people and World War 2 and the Holocaust prepared a people for that land.
God has used and will continue to use human government down through the years even until the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to accomplish His will.
The fact that the Jews would return is written in the Bible by the ancient Jewish prophets many years ago. Deuteronomy 28 foretold the Jews being scattered to the four corners of the earth, which did happen, and for two thousand years they were out of their homeland. Deuteronomy 30 said that God had promised the Jews a piece of real estate that they would have forever.
There are a number of Jewish prophets, who when inspired by the Holy Spirit of God, wrote about the return of the Jewish people to the land of their forefathers. The book of Ezekiel 37:7-11 is the prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones. The Bible says in verse 7 that the Jews would be gathered from the four corners of the earth; in verse 8 they would be restored as a Jewish state; and verses 9-10 talks about ultimately Jewish people turning to the Messiah Jesus Christ.
In fact, in Ezekiel 34, 18 times the Lord says I will find my people wherever that have been scattered. I will bring them back into the land, I will feed them like a good shepherd feeds his flock and the Messiah will come to rule and reign over my people.
In 1948, the fulfillment of Bible prophecy took place when David Ben Gurion announced to the world that there was a Jewish state among the many other states around the world. Today the 68th Birthday of the Jewish State of Israel is absolute tangible evidence of Bible prophecy being fulfilled.
May 11, 2016
A Russian Middle East expert says there will be no peace in the Middle East in the next decade - or longer
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A Russian expert on the Middle East at the Institute of Strategic Studies says that the Middle East peace process is unlikely to produce any tangible results in the next decade or two, meaning that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highly unlikely to be settled either by 2020 or 2030.
Serge Demidenko says that there must be a solution for three vital issues before there can be resolution to the conflict. Those issues are the status of Jerusalem, the refugee problem, and the Israeli settlement construction. Demidenko says that the current political situation on both sides does not allow the ability to bring the sides to the negotiating table.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Russians are correct if they mean there will be no true peace in the Middle East in the near future. But according to Bible prophecy a pseudo, short-lived peace could be in place in the very near future.
As has been the case for numbers of years in the Middle East, there are world leaders working to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and bring peace to this war-torn region. Now a Russian expert on the Middle East says there will be no peace in the foreseeable future, most likely not in the next two decades.
If we look at the history of the peacemaking process, the Russians are most likely correct; however, when you look at current events in light of Biblical prophecy, you will realize how close we could be to peace in the Middle East; howbeit, a pseudo, short-lived peace.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel, wrote that there would come out of the Revived Roman Empire, a world leader that will confirm a peace agreement in the Middle East, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27.
The recent ratification of the European Union treaty and the election of the two main leaders for the European Union has put in place all that is needed to revive the old Roman Empire.
The leader of that powerful political structure will be the one to confirm, not sign, but to confirm the three peace treaties that Israel has already on the table with their neighbors, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians.
Again I must say, the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 will be fulfilled.

A Russian expert on the Middle East at the Institute of Strategic Studies says that the Middle East peace process is unlikely to produce any tangible results in the next decade or two, meaning that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is highly unlikely to be settled either by 2020 or 2030.
Serge Demidenko says that there must be a solution for three vital issues before there can be resolution to the conflict. Those issues are the status of Jerusalem, the refugee problem, and the Israeli settlement construction. Demidenko says that the current political situation on both sides does not allow the ability to bring the sides to the negotiating table.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Russians are correct if they mean there will be no true peace in the Middle East in the near future. But according to Bible prophecy a pseudo, short-lived peace could be in place in the very near future.
As has been the case for numbers of years in the Middle East, there are world leaders working to bring a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and bring peace to this war-torn region. Now a Russian expert on the Middle East says there will be no peace in the foreseeable future, most likely not in the next two decades.
If we look at the history of the peacemaking process, the Russians are most likely correct; however, when you look at current events in light of Biblical prophecy, you will realize how close we could be to peace in the Middle East; howbeit, a pseudo, short-lived peace.
The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel, wrote that there would come out of the Revived Roman Empire, a world leader that will confirm a peace agreement in the Middle East, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27.
The recent ratification of the European Union treaty and the election of the two main leaders for the European Union has put in place all that is needed to revive the old Roman Empire.
The leader of that powerful political structure will be the one to confirm, not sign, but to confirm the three peace treaties that Israel has already on the table with their neighbors, Egypt, Jordan and the Palestinians.
Again I must say, the prophecy of Daniel 9:27 will be fulfilled.
May 10, 2016
The Palestinian terrorist group Hamas plans to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel
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A spokesman for Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, said that the Jihadist movement is loyal to Palestinian principles in its policy of terrorism against the Jews until Israel ceases to exist and said that any offer by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas to establish a Palestinian state, even with temporary borders, is rejected by Hamas.
Osama Hamdan, the Hamas spokesman, said the Hamas plan is based on obtaining a Palestinian state by force of arms, not by way of a grievance, a path which has failed and that Hamas will fight to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel altogether.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, that they plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel, is a page out of Bible prophecy.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders over the last several decades as they have worked to bring about a resolution to this conflict. However, the truth be known, as revealed in the recent Hamas declaration, the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel is a Palestinian principle. Both Bible history and prophecy confirm this Palestinian principle. In the book of Genesis, we have the record of the birth of Jacob and Esau, Genesis 25:23-26.
In Genesis 27, the account of Jacob stealing the birthright and blessing from Esau reveals that Esau then made a pledge to kill Jacob. History down through 4000 years has revealed to us the conflict continues even until today with Jacob, the Jewish people of today, and Esau, the Palestinian people of today, still in that conflict of 4000 years. Bible prophecy foretold of this conflict during the end times. Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote that the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today, would want to kill the Jews, the descendants of Jacob, and then take the land that God had given to them, Ezekiel 35.
The Hamas plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

A spokesman for Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, said that the Jihadist movement is loyal to Palestinian principles in its policy of terrorism against the Jews until Israel ceases to exist and said that any offer by the PA President Mahmoud Abbas to establish a Palestinian state, even with temporary borders, is rejected by Hamas.
Osama Hamdan, the Hamas spokesman, said the Hamas plan is based on obtaining a Palestinian state by force of arms, not by way of a grievance, a path which has failed and that Hamas will fight to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel altogether.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by Hamas, the Palestinian terror group, that they plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel, is a page out of Bible prophecy.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been the focus of world leaders over the last several decades as they have worked to bring about a resolution to this conflict. However, the truth be known, as revealed in the recent Hamas declaration, the elimination of the Jewish state of Israel is a Palestinian principle. Both Bible history and prophecy confirm this Palestinian principle. In the book of Genesis, we have the record of the birth of Jacob and Esau, Genesis 25:23-26.
In Genesis 27, the account of Jacob stealing the birthright and blessing from Esau reveals that Esau then made a pledge to kill Jacob. History down through 4000 years has revealed to us the conflict continues even until today with Jacob, the Jewish people of today, and Esau, the Palestinian people of today, still in that conflict of 4000 years. Bible prophecy foretold of this conflict during the end times. Ezekiel, the ancient Jewish prophet, wrote that the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the Palestinian people today, would want to kill the Jews, the descendants of Jacob, and then take the land that God had given to them, Ezekiel 35.
The Hamas plan to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy, Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
The Syrian President tells Islamic leaders that his country will take the Golan Heights away from Israel by military force
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Speaking at the Organization of Islamic Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, the Syrian President Bashar Assad told the attendees that Syria will take the Golan Heights from Israel by force and he said that this is a national duty for his country - its a legitimate and moral obligation to do so. Assad also slammed Israel for the situation at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem saying that for forty years since the Israelis tried to set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque, there have been reoccurring attempts to destroy the mosque and to Judaize Jerusalem by expelling Palestinians from their homes.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The threat by Syrian President Bashar Assad that his country will take the Golan Heights from Israel by military force is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
During the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel was under attack on three sides; Egypt in the south, Jordan in the east, and Syria from the north, the Israeli military forced Syria out of the Golan Heights and set up a buffer zone between Israel and Syria in this high plateau. This was part of a strategy that helped bring somewhat of a peace in the region if not on paper at least in the conflict on the ground.
In 1973, Syria once again tried to occupy the Golan Heights but Israel stopped that military action and it remained status quo. Since that time, Syria has made numerous threats of war on the Golan but now the latest threat is the most serious especially in light of the fact that Syria now has military personnel on Mount Hermon at the head of the Golan Heights ready for action.
It is interesting to note that God gave the Golan Heights to the half tribe of Manassah 3500 years ago when the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land (Joshua 20:8, 21:27). Bible prophecy says that Syria, King of the North in Daniel 11:40-42, will make the first move by the alignment of nations to try to destroy the Jewish state of Israel during the Tribulation period.
This threat by Syrian President Bashar Assad is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

Speaking at the Organization of Islamic Conference in Istanbul, Turkey, the Syrian President Bashar Assad told the attendees that Syria will take the Golan Heights from Israel by force and he said that this is a national duty for his country - its a legitimate and moral obligation to do so. Assad also slammed Israel for the situation at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem saying that for forty years since the Israelis tried to set fire to the Al Aqsa Mosque, there have been reoccurring attempts to destroy the mosque and to Judaize Jerusalem by expelling Palestinians from their homes.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The threat by Syrian President Bashar Assad that his country will take the Golan Heights from Israel by military force is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
During the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel was under attack on three sides; Egypt in the south, Jordan in the east, and Syria from the north, the Israeli military forced Syria out of the Golan Heights and set up a buffer zone between Israel and Syria in this high plateau. This was part of a strategy that helped bring somewhat of a peace in the region if not on paper at least in the conflict on the ground.
In 1973, Syria once again tried to occupy the Golan Heights but Israel stopped that military action and it remained status quo. Since that time, Syria has made numerous threats of war on the Golan but now the latest threat is the most serious especially in light of the fact that Syria now has military personnel on Mount Hermon at the head of the Golan Heights ready for action.
It is interesting to note that God gave the Golan Heights to the half tribe of Manassah 3500 years ago when the Children of Israel entered the Promised Land (Joshua 20:8, 21:27). Bible prophecy says that Syria, King of the North in Daniel 11:40-42, will make the first move by the alignment of nations to try to destroy the Jewish state of Israel during the Tribulation period.
This threat by Syrian President Bashar Assad is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
May 06, 2016
Jordan's King Abdullah warns Israel about disastrous repercussions if it crosses a red line on Jerusalem
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The Monarch of Jordan, King Abdullah, has urged the international community to act firmly against any Israeli action aimed at changing the identity of what the king called the holy city as he referred to the city of Jerusalem which he said is holy to both Moslems, Jews, and Christians. Abdullah said that Jerusalem is a red line and any manipulation of this city would have disastrous repercussions on the security and stability of the Middle East region since the status of Jerusalem is one of the most sensitive issues in the decades old Middle East conflict.
The Jordanian King stated that Israel captured Jerusalem in the Six Day War of 1967 and reunited the city and now considers the entire city to be its eternal indivisible capital.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah, in a recent warning to Israel, said that if the Jews crossed a red line on Jerusalem, it could cause disastrous repercussions which is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.
For 19 years, from 1948 to 1967, the Jordanians controlled the Old City of Jerusalem which is the location of the Temple Mount, a very controversial peace of real estate. With the reunification of the city of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War, the Jews took control of the Old City and thus the Temple Mount. King Abdullah's warning to the Jews about changing the status quo of Judaism's most sacred site sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
2500 years ago, Zechariah wrote that Jerusalem would be the center of controversy and a heavy burden to those associated with it (Zechariah 12:2-3). The ancient Jewish prophet had much to say about Jerusalem for the last days including the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to build His temple on the Temple Mount, the location where He would rule and reign over a worldwide kingdom (Zechariah 1:16;6:12-13).
The warnings from King Abdullah about Jerusalem are indeed a page out of Bible prophecy for the end times - prophecy that will be fulfilled.

The Monarch of Jordan, King Abdullah, has urged the international community to act firmly against any Israeli action aimed at changing the identity of what the king called the holy city as he referred to the city of Jerusalem which he said is holy to both Moslems, Jews, and Christians. Abdullah said that Jerusalem is a red line and any manipulation of this city would have disastrous repercussions on the security and stability of the Middle East region since the status of Jerusalem is one of the most sensitive issues in the decades old Middle East conflict.
The Jordanian King stated that Israel captured Jerusalem in the Six Day War of 1967 and reunited the city and now considers the entire city to be its eternal indivisible capital.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordan's King Abdullah, in a recent warning to Israel, said that if the Jews crossed a red line on Jerusalem, it could cause disastrous repercussions which is actually a page out of Bible prophecy.
For 19 years, from 1948 to 1967, the Jordanians controlled the Old City of Jerusalem which is the location of the Temple Mount, a very controversial peace of real estate. With the reunification of the city of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War, the Jews took control of the Old City and thus the Temple Mount. King Abdullah's warning to the Jews about changing the status quo of Judaism's most sacred site sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
2500 years ago, Zechariah wrote that Jerusalem would be the center of controversy and a heavy burden to those associated with it (Zechariah 12:2-3). The ancient Jewish prophet had much to say about Jerusalem for the last days including the return of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, to build His temple on the Temple Mount, the location where He would rule and reign over a worldwide kingdom (Zechariah 1:16;6:12-13).
The warnings from King Abdullah about Jerusalem are indeed a page out of Bible prophecy for the end times - prophecy that will be fulfilled.
May 05, 2016
As Israel marks the slaughter of six million Jews, the prime minister warns Israelis that they must stop another Holocaust from happening
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Holocaust Remembrance Day is a solemn day in Israel and in fact across the whole Jewish world as all Jews mark the slaughter of six million people who were guilty of one thing, they were Jewish.
Under the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, Jews in Europe were put in concentration camps and then many of them were exterminated in crematoriums and large furnaces so that the world could be rid of this plight to society.
Memories of the Holocaust haunt the present-day leadership of Israel which motivated the prime minister to tell all Israelis that their nation must stop the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction by Iran or the alternative could lead to another horrific Holocaust.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Holocaust Remembrance Day is a constant reminder of a terrible past for the Jewish people and it must be a warning of a horrific future Holocaust worse than the first according to Bible prophecy.
As Jews in Israel and around the world literally stand in silence for two minutes to honor the victims of the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day, the warning goes forth of another Holocaust that may not be too far into the future.
At ceremonies in Jerusalem at Yad Veshem, the Holocaust remembrance museum, Israeli PM Netanyahu honored the victims of the Holocaust under Hitler during WWII, but he also warned that Iran and its radical leadership today could launch another Holocaust as they have threatened to do.
Netanyahu reminded Israelis that there could never be another Holocaust and he told his nation that they must lead the way in stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction that could be used to destroy the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah foretold of a time in the future, the time of Jacob's trouble, Zechariah 30:7 when two out of every three Jews will be slaughtered, Zechariah 13:8. This future Holocaust will be so bad that God will dispatch Michael the Archangel to protect the Jewish people from total annihilation, Daniel 12:1.
Marking the slaughter of six million Jews is a reminder of the past, but it must be a warning for the future.

Holocaust Remembrance Day is a solemn day in Israel and in fact across the whole Jewish world as all Jews mark the slaughter of six million people who were guilty of one thing, they were Jewish.
Under the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, Jews in Europe were put in concentration camps and then many of them were exterminated in crematoriums and large furnaces so that the world could be rid of this plight to society.
Memories of the Holocaust haunt the present-day leadership of Israel which motivated the prime minister to tell all Israelis that their nation must stop the development of a nuclear weapon of mass destruction by Iran or the alternative could lead to another horrific Holocaust.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Holocaust Remembrance Day is a constant reminder of a terrible past for the Jewish people and it must be a warning of a horrific future Holocaust worse than the first according to Bible prophecy.
As Jews in Israel and around the world literally stand in silence for two minutes to honor the victims of the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day, the warning goes forth of another Holocaust that may not be too far into the future.
At ceremonies in Jerusalem at Yad Veshem, the Holocaust remembrance museum, Israeli PM Netanyahu honored the victims of the Holocaust under Hitler during WWII, but he also warned that Iran and its radical leadership today could launch another Holocaust as they have threatened to do.
Netanyahu reminded Israelis that there could never be another Holocaust and he told his nation that they must lead the way in stopping Iran from developing a nuclear weapon of mass destruction that could be used to destroy the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah foretold of a time in the future, the time of Jacob's trouble, Zechariah 30:7 when two out of every three Jews will be slaughtered, Zechariah 13:8. This future Holocaust will be so bad that God will dispatch Michael the Archangel to protect the Jewish people from total annihilation, Daniel 12:1.
Marking the slaughter of six million Jews is a reminder of the past, but it must be a warning for the future.
May 04, 2016
Scientists in China say they have discovered reptile fossils dating back over 150 million years ago
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Researchers in China say they have discovered the fossils of a new type of flying reptile that lived more than 160 million years ago and it provides the first clear evidence of a controversial idea called Modular Evolution.
The twenty new fossils found in Northeastern China show similarities to both the primitive and more advanced flying reptiles and date back to the time when flying reptiles flourished between 65 and 220 million years ago.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The discovery of the fossils of the supposed missing link in the family of the flying reptiles actually proves the Bible as it relates to the prophecies for the last days.
Once again, scientists rush to the media world with information about a supposed link in the evolutionary chain, this time with the latest research on the ancient creature, a flying reptile. The report coming out of China is that a discovery of twenty new fossils of a flying reptile, that is a combination of both the primitive and more advanced flying reptiles, is actually what they call the "missing link". These new found fossils set a date for this flying reptile at between 65 and 220 million years ago.
This latest report from the scientific world is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled even today. The Apostle Peter in his last writing, II Peter 3, wrote that in the last days, there would be those that deny God had created the world as recorded in Genesis 1. The Genesis 1 account says that God created the heavens, the earth and all that in them is in six 24 hour days not over millions of years, that is if you take the Bible literally.
God told Moses in Exodus 20:9-11 that He created the heavens, the earth and everything in them in six 24 hour days, again that is if you take the Bible literally. We must take the Bible literally or how can we believe what it says about Jesus, His death and resurrection and our salvation.
Supposed scientific fact that contradicts the Bible is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Researchers in China say they have discovered the fossils of a new type of flying reptile that lived more than 160 million years ago and it provides the first clear evidence of a controversial idea called Modular Evolution.
The twenty new fossils found in Northeastern China show similarities to both the primitive and more advanced flying reptiles and date back to the time when flying reptiles flourished between 65 and 220 million years ago.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The discovery of the fossils of the supposed missing link in the family of the flying reptiles actually proves the Bible as it relates to the prophecies for the last days.
Once again, scientists rush to the media world with information about a supposed link in the evolutionary chain, this time with the latest research on the ancient creature, a flying reptile. The report coming out of China is that a discovery of twenty new fossils of a flying reptile, that is a combination of both the primitive and more advanced flying reptiles, is actually what they call the "missing link". These new found fossils set a date for this flying reptile at between 65 and 220 million years ago.
This latest report from the scientific world is evidence that Bible prophecy is being fulfilled even today. The Apostle Peter in his last writing, II Peter 3, wrote that in the last days, there would be those that deny God had created the world as recorded in Genesis 1. The Genesis 1 account says that God created the heavens, the earth and all that in them is in six 24 hour days not over millions of years, that is if you take the Bible literally.
God told Moses in Exodus 20:9-11 that He created the heavens, the earth and everything in them in six 24 hour days, again that is if you take the Bible literally. We must take the Bible literally or how can we believe what it says about Jesus, His death and resurrection and our salvation.
Supposed scientific fact that contradicts the Bible is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 03, 2016
There are Jews in Israel preparing for service in the rebuilt Jewish temple
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A group of religious Jews who live in the Jordan Valley near the ancient city of Jericho are taking practical steps to prepare for the building of the third temple in Jerusalem by preparing descendants of the Kohanim, the priests, and the Levites for service in this next temple. These Jewish leaders have established a training center where temple priests can learn exactly how to conduct the daily temple services and offer the required sacrifices as dictated by the Jewish laws from the Biblical book of Leviticus.
The training center will include an exact replica of the temple where the student-priests can learn to do their duties which are required and this training center, the organizers believe, comes at an historic time marking the beginning of the work for the third temple.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the establishment of a training center in Israel to prepare the Jewish priests to operate a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem we see Bible prophecy ever so close to being fulfilled.
Recently, the Moslem violence on the Temple Mount focused the world on a controversial piece of real estate and an even more controversial project on this site - the rebuilding of a Jewish temple. Moslem concerns about the Jews taking the Temple Mount to build a temple there have been fueled by the number of projects going on to prepare for the eventuality of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Institute, for example, has prepared all the implements to be used in the next temple. The Harrari Harp Factory has made the harps to be used when the next temple is erected on the Temple Mount. Gershon Solomon's Temple Mount Faithful have the cornerstone by which they hope to start construction of the next temple. Now, near Jericho in the Jordan Valley of Israel, there is a training center to teach the priests and the Levites how to serve in the next temple.
Bible prophecy says that there will be a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the last days (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). This a temple that will be built during the seven year Tribulation period, that time of testing yet in the future.

A group of religious Jews who live in the Jordan Valley near the ancient city of Jericho are taking practical steps to prepare for the building of the third temple in Jerusalem by preparing descendants of the Kohanim, the priests, and the Levites for service in this next temple. These Jewish leaders have established a training center where temple priests can learn exactly how to conduct the daily temple services and offer the required sacrifices as dictated by the Jewish laws from the Biblical book of Leviticus.
The training center will include an exact replica of the temple where the student-priests can learn to do their duties which are required and this training center, the organizers believe, comes at an historic time marking the beginning of the work for the third temple.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the establishment of a training center in Israel to prepare the Jewish priests to operate a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem we see Bible prophecy ever so close to being fulfilled.
Recently, the Moslem violence on the Temple Mount focused the world on a controversial piece of real estate and an even more controversial project on this site - the rebuilding of a Jewish temple. Moslem concerns about the Jews taking the Temple Mount to build a temple there have been fueled by the number of projects going on to prepare for the eventuality of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Institute, for example, has prepared all the implements to be used in the next temple. The Harrari Harp Factory has made the harps to be used when the next temple is erected on the Temple Mount. Gershon Solomon's Temple Mount Faithful have the cornerstone by which they hope to start construction of the next temple. Now, near Jericho in the Jordan Valley of Israel, there is a training center to teach the priests and the Levites how to serve in the next temple.
Bible prophecy says that there will be a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the last days (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). This a temple that will be built during the seven year Tribulation period, that time of testing yet in the future.
As evidenced by this report, the next temple has been prepared for and construction could start very soon. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
May 02, 2016
Palestinian leaders accuse Jews of spending billions of dollars to Judaize the city of Jerusalem
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Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is claiming that Israel and world Zionism are acting everyday to Judaize the city of Jerusalem by spending billions of dollars on behalf of the holy city as the Jews are buying more and more land in this controversial city.
The Palestinian leader also said that the Arab world must spend more to protect the city of Jerusalem as a Moslem city that will be the capital of a Palestinian state and Mahmoud Abbas said the Moslem world must do more militarily for Jerusalem.
The recent riots in Jerusalem over access to the Temple Mount by Moslems and Jews seem to have been a preplanned event and comes with calls by the PA to have Palestinians continue clashes on the Temple Mount in order to protect al Aqsa, the Temple Mount, and to prevent the Judaizing of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Violent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in Jerusalem over the Temple Mount are evidence that Bible prophecy is moving closer to fulfillment.
Recent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem with a focus on the Temple Mount as the center of the conflict have drawn attention of the world to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Jews say these purchases of land in their historic homeland is a part of the endtime return to the land by the Jewish people as foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets.
Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah and Obadiah, all Jewish prophets, wrote thousands of years ago that this scenario I have just reported would be the case before the Messiah returns to the earth. Malachi says that the Palestinians, Biblical Edomites, descendants of Esau, would return to rebuild in Israel, Malachi 1.
Ezekiel revealed that the Edomites, modern day Palestinians, would kill the Jews and take their land, Ezekiel 36. The prophets Jeremiah and Obadiah said the Lord would defeat the Palestinians and they would be as if they had never been, Jeremiah 49:18 and Obadiah 15-18.
The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict today is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas is claiming that Israel and world Zionism are acting everyday to Judaize the city of Jerusalem by spending billions of dollars on behalf of the holy city as the Jews are buying more and more land in this controversial city.
The Palestinian leader also said that the Arab world must spend more to protect the city of Jerusalem as a Moslem city that will be the capital of a Palestinian state and Mahmoud Abbas said the Moslem world must do more militarily for Jerusalem.
The recent riots in Jerusalem over access to the Temple Mount by Moslems and Jews seem to have been a preplanned event and comes with calls by the PA to have Palestinians continue clashes on the Temple Mount in order to protect al Aqsa, the Temple Mount, and to prevent the Judaizing of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Violent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in Jerusalem over the Temple Mount are evidence that Bible prophecy is moving closer to fulfillment.
Recent clashes between Jews and Palestinians in the city of Jerusalem with a focus on the Temple Mount as the center of the conflict have drawn attention of the world to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Jews say these purchases of land in their historic homeland is a part of the endtime return to the land by the Jewish people as foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets.
Ezekiel, Malachi, Jeremiah and Obadiah, all Jewish prophets, wrote thousands of years ago that this scenario I have just reported would be the case before the Messiah returns to the earth. Malachi says that the Palestinians, Biblical Edomites, descendants of Esau, would return to rebuild in Israel, Malachi 1.
Ezekiel revealed that the Edomites, modern day Palestinians, would kill the Jews and take their land, Ezekiel 36. The prophets Jeremiah and Obadiah said the Lord would defeat the Palestinians and they would be as if they had never been, Jeremiah 49:18 and Obadiah 15-18.
The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict today is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
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