JD: Does the church today really have a Biblical world view Brannon?
BH: No, all the studies show that just like maybe two or three percent of actual real Christians have a comprehensive Biblical world view. Do they apply a correct Biblical world view to the area of economics to the issue of science or origins? No they don’t. Many of them are buying into socialism now increasingly they buy into theistic evolution or just flat out evolution to believe that God used evolution.
So, no they don’t have a Biblical world view they have bits
and pieces but they don’t have a comprehensive Biblical world view. About four percent
of Christian adults actually could pass a Biblical world view test.
JD: That is alarming is it not?
BH: Well it is because again what it means then the church is
right for being taken over. Many people today think Jesus was a social justice
warrior, we don’t have a place for Israel anymore, we’ve got bad theology, we’re
displacement theology. I mean it’s a mess and it’s because people don’t have a consistent
Biblical world view.
JD: But why is a Biblical world view so important today?
BH: There are six major world views ruling the world. Biblical
Christianity, Secular Humanism, Cosmic Humanism or New Age that’s really the
Oprah Winfrey world view of Cosmic Humanism is really becoming the dominant
world view along with Post Modernism, Islam, and Marxism. Those are your six dominant
world views. There are more than six but those are you six dominant ones.
If you don’t understand what those world views believe about
economics, law, family, social issues, theological end time events you won’t
understand what’s happening. If you don’t understand the worldview of Marxism
then you won’t understand why Marxism is back. If you don’t understand Islam you
won’t understand the war that’s happening on a global scale and their desire to
build a caliphate and what their end time beliefs are. You won’t understand how
it is the Marxis and the Muslims are now actually working together to defeat
their shared enemy of America-Israel. If you don’t understand the world views
you don’t understand the world you see it in bits and pieces but you have no
idea why it’s happening, how it’s happening, and where it’s going.
And yet
Jesus said to the religious leaders of his day, you understand the weather but
you cannot understand the time. And there will be a special blessing for those
who understand and seek to understand Bible prophecy whether it was Daniel or if
it’s the blessing that comes from understanding the book of Revelation. We’re
called to understand the times and know how God would have us respond but you’re
not going to do that if you don’t understand the world views, the philosophy that
are not according to Christ but according to men that are ruling the day.
JD: Brannon Howse explaining the concept of a Biblical world
view and why we need to have one.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
God has a plan for the world and we need to know that plan.
We can through a Biblical world view which explains God’s plan. The Lord’s plan
is actually his word the Bible. Study the Bible and know God’s plan for the
future that is a Biblical world view.