JD: Politics sets the stage for prophecy to be fulfilled and when you look at some of these laws that our Congress is discussing and getting ready to either vote in favor of or vote against there may be a Biblical element that we may need to talk about. David you sent me an article from the Christian headlines website entitled “Things that Christians should know about the Equality Act”. The first one that I remember was the author notes that this bill it endangers the church; how so?
DJ: The conclusion would be that the churches at some point in the future won’t be able to hire or refuse to hire someone based on their belief. The bill contains the phrase an individual shall not be denied access to a shared facility including a restroom or locker room and dressing room that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity. So this means but there couldn’t be not only issues related to employment but there couldn’t be strict segregation based on biological sex with public restrooms and locker rooms and churches or Christian educational institutions. And if it’s the conviction of such ministries that only men should teach the Bible and theology whether they be Bible institutes or colleges or seminaries or mission organizations for example then the legal noose is clearly tightening in this country.
A group called The Alliance for Defending Freedom has said
that the Equality Act is also set to repeal the Religious Freedom Restoration
Act of 1993. This means that people will no longer be able to use religious
free exercise as a defense for their actions. So I think it remains to be seen
how much protection will be afford by this separation clause in the First Amendment.
JD: David James Bible in hand with a Biblical explanation why
the Equality Bill is dangerous for the Church and Christians.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Let me remind you that this broadcast is not a political
program. However, I must also remind you that often times the political is
setting the stage for the prophetic to be fulfilled. Also there are a number of
Biblical principles that we must stand up for as we oppose this legislation.
David mentioned these principles. God’s word speaks also to the relationship
that we must have to our elected officials. I Timothy 2 tells us that we must
first pray for our political leaders even before we pray for the pastor, the
missionary or any other Christian. That prayer will result in us living a
quiet, peaceful, Godly life as we await the Rapture of the church.