Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 28, 2006
The newly agreed to Israeli government has many immediate conflicts to deal with
Already there are questions about the appointment of the Labor Party head Amir Peretz as the defense minister, especially in light of the fact that Peretz in his brief and unremarkable military career spent time fixing tanks and lacks experience to handle an Iranian nuclear threat, possible anarchy in the Palestinian areas, and the dismantling of Jewish settlements. The Disengagement program of PM Olmert from the area of Judea and Samaria will be the biggest task for not only the new defense minister, but PM Olmert as well, especially with a divided nation on the issue of settlements and Jewish settlers who say they will not give up their homes and break up their families.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As one observes the new Israeli government coming to power with the major conflicts that they face, it is evident that what is ahead for this government is stage setting for a scenario found in Bible prophecy for the Last Days. Though other Israeli governments have come together at critical times in history, the Olmert government that has just been formed is at the crossroads for Israel's future like never before in history.
Right out of the gate, PM Olmert will have to deal with possible anarchy in the Palestinian areas between the warring factions working to lead the Palestinian people into the future. Bible prophecy reveals the truth in this area that the Hamas-led Palestinian Authority is a page from Ezekiel and Obadiah about the Edomites, the Palestinian people of today, in a struggle to eliminate the Jewish state.
The Iranian nuclear threat will have to be a focus of the new Olmert government, and again, the prophetic scenario in Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11 indicates that Iran will forge an alliance to destroy the Jewish state. PM Olmert's biggest conflict, however, will be within his own nation and among his own people as the new government will endeavor to dismantle over 60 Jewish settlements and displace almost 100,000 Jewish settlers. This effort may well spawn a second Jewish state called Judah as foretold in Jeremiah 3:18, Malachi 2, and Ezekiel 37:15-23.
Like never before in history, many different lines of Bible prophecy are converging on what looks like the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, or at least the stage setting for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 27, 2006
Rabbi Chaim Richman: Illegal construction on the Temple Mount is an attempt to erase all traces of the holy Temple
Rabbi Richman who conducts guided tours of the Temple Mount says that these tours of the Temple Mount conducted in accordance with Jewish law have taken on crucial significance as a daily reminder to the Israeli government that freedom of worship is being denied the Jewish people.
Daily tours of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem conducted by a rabbi is evidence that this sacred piece of real estate has an important future, that is according to Bible prophecy.
It has been almost thirty years that the city of Jerusalem has been reunited and access to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem has been an opportunity for Jews wishing to visit the sacred piece of real estate known as the Temple Mount. Interestingly, several days after the Israelis reunited Jerusalem, the Israeli government gave custodial responsibilities for the Temple Mount to an Islamic trust who has implemented very strict rules for any Jewish worshippers who want to visit the Temple Mount.
Now, however, the Temple Institute in Jerusalem, the organization who has prepared the priest, the implements, and preconstruction plans for the next Temple to be built in Jerusalem, is in the process of educating all Jews of the spiritual significance of the Temple Mount. As Rabbi Chaim Richman conducts his daily tours on the Temple Mount, he points out where the Holy of Holies was located, where the Sanhedrin stood, and many other facts about Temple operation on the Temple Mount.
These daily guided tours are an ongoing effort to prepare for the next Temple to stand on the Temple Mount. The truth is, however, that there are two Temples in the future. The one that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will build, that's Zechariah 6:12-13. By the way, that Temple will be built by Jesus Christ for the Kingdom Period in the future. However, Daniel, the ancient Jewish prophet, says there will be a Temple on the Temple mount in Jerusalem during the judgment period known as the Tribulation, that's Daniel 9:27. That statement confirmed, by the way, by Jesus Christ, Matthew 24:15 and the Apostle Paul, II Thessalonians 2:4.
Daily guided tours on the Temple mount are evidence that Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.
April 26, 2006
Senior IDF officers say Israel is surrounded by global Jihad
Senior Israeli Defense Force officers and security officials meeting at the Israeli military headquarters in TelAviv, said in a recent briefing that the latest terror attacks in Egypt, though not in Israel, are evidence that global Jihad is surrounding Israel. The fenceless Egyptian-Israeli border is a delicate situation and Israeli security officials admit expanding numbers of infiltrators are getting through undetected into Israel on a daily basis.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The word coming from Israeli military headquarters in TelAviv that the Jewish state is surrounded by global Jihad and al Qaeda is evidence that Bible prophecy may be near to fulfillment. When senior IDF officers at Israel's military headquarters are concerned and say that the recent terror attacks in Egypt's Sinai region are another sign of global Jihad's encroachment on Israel, one must take notice.
Military intelligence believes Sinai has turned into an al Qaeda hotbed whose terror cells were behind all of the latest Sinai terror attacks. Israeli security officials are aware that the al Qaeda presence in the Sinai poses a threat not only to Egypt, but also to the Neged Desert region of Israel and possibly even to Central Israel.
This report is evidence that the present scenario in the Sinai of Egypt is setting the stage for the prophetic scenario for this region to be played out in the future. The ancient Jewish prophets Joel, Daniel and Ezekiel bring to the table prophecy that speaks to this issue. Joel in chapter 2 verses 2 and 3 tells of a massive army, the largest army ever assembled on the earth, that will surround Israel and then attack the Jewish state. Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11 reveal the nations that will join together to attack Israel, nations who today have aligned themselves against Israel and buy into the concept of global Islamic Jihad.
These statements from Israel's military headquarters in TelAviv do indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 25, 2006
Shaul Mofaz: Iran is the worst threat to the Jewish people since Hitler
Even as Israel remembers their lost loved ones, Shaul Mofaz, the Israeli Defense Minister, said that Iran's nuclear program is the most serious threat faced by the Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A statement by Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz that Iran is today the biggest threat since Hitler's Holocaust, a statement actually made on Israel's Holocaust Remembrance Day, is a reminder that Israel's worst holocaust is yet to come, that is according to Bible prophecy. The horrific rhetoric heard from the Iranian President Ahmadinejad that there never was a Holocaust when Hitler's Nazi regime killed 6 million Jews, and his recent statement that Israel must be wiped off the map, has caused many Israeli officials to look at the Iranian threat as a greater threat than Hitler's dastardly acts during WWII.
As the world stands by and watches Iran develop a Nuclear Weapon of Mass Destruction (NWMD), Israel is urging world leaders to stop this madman, President Ahmadinejad, from moving his country into a position of no return with a weapon that could destroy the Jewish state. Iran's NWMD may or may not be used against Israel, only time will tell, but a fatal blow to the Jewish people will happen in the Last Days.
The ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah wrote 2,500 years ago that during the time of Jacob's Trouble, the terrible Tribulation Period of the future, two out of every three Jews will be killed. The worst Holocaust is yet to come with the death of eight million Jews, that's found in Zechariah 13:8
Holocaust remembrance Day 2006 reminds us that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 24, 2006
The art of compromise has brought a political stalemate to an end in Iraq
Iraq now has a new PM designate, Jawad Miliki, a close associate of the incumbent PM Al Jaafari who was seen as a weak leader and inept in battling the bloody insurgency.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With a new PM designate in place in Iraq, this Middle Eastern war-torn nation can continue to rebuild and become the Middle East power that is foretold in Bible prophecy. During the four months since the historic Iraqi elections that has enabled Iraq to setup a permanent parliament, there has been a roadblock to forming the new government and that now has been removed.
The two minorities in the body politic of the Iraqi people, the Sunnis and the Kurds, had refused to accept the Shiite endorsed candidate for PM, Al Jaafari, a man they considered too weak to lead the nation and its rebuilding into the future. With this recent compromise, the way is clear for the PM designate, Jawad Miliki, to form the government of Iraq and be about rebuilding his nation. This achievement by the Iraqi politicals is inline with what must happen in Iraq in order for this nation to play the role that Bible prophecy calls for it to play in the Last Days.
John, writer of the prophetic book of Revelation in the New Testament, reveals that Iraq, in the Scripture referred to as Babylon, that this nation will be the superpower of the future headquarters for the one-world, economic, political, governmental system, that's found in Revelation 18. The one-world political leader of these times will be the Antichrist headquartered in Babylon, that's Revelation 13, 17. By the way, this superpower will be brought down in the End, just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, that's Revelation 16:17 and following.
These recent political activities in Iraq are indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 21, 2006
A White House protester draws attention to China's major problems
President Hu of China said a good China-US relationship is of strategic importance in the Asia-Pacific region and in the world at large; however, the two national leaders were unable to resolve their differences on Iran's nuclear ambition, state execution, abortion, and the freedom of worship in China.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A meeting at the White House between the presidents of China and the US not only attracted attention to current significant problems, but a future scenario prophetically as well, that is according to Bible prophecy. When the president of the world's most populated nation and the president of the world's superpower nation meet, this is an event that must be noticed.
Many observers of current events see major problems in the relationship between these two major forces in our present world. The least of which is the economic issues. Human Rights Watch says that China is the world's leader in public government executions by far. Pro-life advocates say that government directed abortions in China are killing millions of children and many because they are girls instead of boys. Christian leaders say that the suppression of the freedom of religion in China should not allow China to sit at the table with world leaders whose nations give all religions the right to assemble and worship after their own choosing.
The prophetic scenario that comes to mind as we watch President Bush and President Hu on the White House lawn is found in Revelation 16:12, a statement that foretells the kings of the East and the leading king, China, these kings moving to Jerusalem to destroy the Jewish people. This will happen very near the time Jesus Christ returns to the earth.
The White House meeting between Bush and Hu does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 20, 2006
The UN has a draft of a proposal to bring about world peace
The UN says an unprecedented outbreak of cooperation between countries, applied through six specific financial tools, would serve as pretty much a cure-all for the world's ills. The authors of this ambitious plan don't expect nations to fold up right away, but to start the ball rolling today for the future.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A UN plan to bring an end to nation states as we know them today, a plan to bring about world peace is a page out of Bible prophecy for the Last Days. World leaders have for decades been looking for a way to bring about world peace, to fight global terrorism, to stop the spread of pandemic disease, and to have a world economically prosperous.
Over five decades ago, the UN was formed to help establish peace in our world through the cooperation of all the member states. Efforts by the UN have been foiled by elements in this world that only want to continue conflict in order to help foster their plans for world domination. Now, a draft visionary proposal from the UN to bring an end to nation-states as we know them and thus bring about world peace.
This report is almost word-for-word the scenario described in Bible prophecy for the End Times. The ancient Jewish prophet, Daniel prewrote history in Daniel 9:27 where we read that the coming world leader, the Antichrist, will bring about world peace, howbeit a pseudo peace that will be short lived. This Antichrist will also setup a nationless world that he rules over from Babylon, Revelation 18.
The new UN draft visionary plan for world peace in a nationless world is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 19, 2006
A world-known religious leader attacks society's obsession with the Da Vinci Codes and the Gospel of Judas
The Archbishop, Dr. Rowan Williams, said that there is a tendency to treat biblical text as if they were unconvincing press releases from some official source whose intention is to conceal the real story. The church leader also rejected the recently discovered leather-bound papyrus believed to be the Gospel of Judas as the authentic writing of Judas, a disciple of Jesus, and said it was an effort to keep the world from finding out what really happened.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Society's fascination with bringing secrets to light as portrayed in "the Da Vinci Code" and "the Gospel of Judas" is evidence that we are living in the days of the Return of Jesus Christ, that is according to Bible prophecy.
Ron Brown's fictional novel, The "Da Vinci Code", has sold over 40 million copies and has been made into a Hollywood movie, because our world today has an unquenching appetite for the secret; howbeit, false stories behind the events of history.
The recent discovery of "the Gospel of Judas" is an authentic document, a document dating to the second century, but it was not the disciple of Jesus Christ who wrote "the Gospel of Judas," because right after Judas betrayed Jesus, he went out and hung himself. Both "the Da Vinci Code," which says Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had children by Him and "the Gospel of Judas" are tangible evidence that we are living in the days of the Lord's return to earth.
The Apostle Paul wrote to young Timothy that in the Last Days, men would want to learn but never come to the truth, that's II Timothy 3:7. Paul warned that false teachers would come and try to deceive, II Timothy 3:6; and from this form of godliness that denies the Lord, Paul said to turn away, that's II Timothy 3:5.
The world's obsessions with "The Da Vinci Code" and "the Gospel of Judas" are evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 18, 2006
Russian President Putin: World cannot solve nuclear security problems without Russia
The Russian president asked if anyone could imagine solving nuclear security problems without the involvement of Russia, a key nuclear power.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As the world watches the Kremlin, under Russian President Vladimir Putin, take tight control of his nation, a scenario is unfolding that seems to match the Last Days scenario recorded in Bible prophecy. More and more world leaders and political pundents have been voicing concern about the aggressiveness of Vladimir Putin to to take control of the government of Russia and the people of his nation.
Putin's greatest political achievement of 2005 was bringing Chechnya back into the fold after more than a decade of conflict. Nevertheless, human rights watchers say that abuse including abductions by government forces as well as rebels are rampid in Chechnya. Vladimir Putin proudly proclaims that Russia's position on the Middle East differs from that of the US and the EU. Putin says that Russia has never declared Hamas a terrorist organization, but quickly added that Russia does not support and accept everything that Hamas has done.
As is the case with the news stories that we cover on this broadcast, this story is a definite match for the scenario laid out for the End Times and found in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophet, Ezekiel wrote of a place called Magog, Ezekiel 38:2. Magog, the leader of a coalition of nations that can only be described as the nations of the Middle East today. This alignment between the nations will come against Israel to endeavor to eliminate the Jewish state in the Last Days. Magog of Ezekiel 38:2 is the modern-day nation of Russia, the leader of the alignment of nations talked about in Ezekiel 38.
Vladimir Putin's powerful presidency in Russia is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 17, 2006
Pope Benedict has called for peace and coexistence in the Middle East
The Pope also affirmed Israel's just right to exist in peace while calling on the International Community to help the Palestinians to move towards statehood. Speaking on Iraq, the Pope called for peace to finally prevail over the tragic violence that continues to claim victims and he called for those caught up in the conflict in the Holy Land to be able to find peace.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A religious leader calling for peace in the volatile Middle East is very similar to a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy in the Last Days. World leaders have spent many hours and much personal energy in an effort to deal with the Iranian nuclear crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the chaotic violence in Iraq.
Now, Pope Benedict is weighing in on the call for peace in the Middle East and for a solution for each of these problem areas. The Pope, a high profile religious leader in our world today, yields much influence in the matters facing our world and his efforts added to the mix could well make a difference. Or should I say, one day a religious leader from Rome will impact the world in these areas of conflict resolution in the Middle East.
However, that religious leader will not be Pope Benedict, but instead the Antichrist who will head up a one-world religion in the first half of the seven year Tribulation Period; that is a prophetic scenario that is found in Daniel 9:27 along with the prophecies of John the Revelator in Revelation 17. The Antichrist will bring peace, howbeit a pseudo-peace and short-term in existence on the world scene, that's Daniel 9:27. This Antichrist will lead the one-world religion, Revelation 17, and it will be headquartered in the city of Rome.
Indeed current events and current personalities are involved in setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 14, 2006
Nine Filipinos marked Easter celebrations with crucifixion
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, the site of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ some 2,000 years ago, Christian pilgrims from around the world mark the Passion Week events under tight security even as the Jewish people mark Passover, the first of the seven Jewish holy days.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Self-imposed flagellation followed by a gruesome crucifixion to mark the Easter celebrations is evidence that we are living in the Last Days, seemingly close to the time of our Lord's Second Coming, that is according to Bible prophecy.
The very thought that tourists from around the world would crowd into a small Filipino village to watch men allow themselves to be beaten with bamboo whips and broken glass embedded paddles is a very gruesome thought; to then watch these same men endure the pain to atone for their sins or to bring blessings to their families is an experience that indicates the Last Days are here and the Lord's return is close at hand, that is according to the prophecies written by the Apostle Paul some 2,000 years ago.
Paul wrote to Timothy, his co-worker, that he could recognize the Last Days when he saw men having a form of godliness, but denying the power of the work of Jesus Christ for us; that's found in II Timothy 3:5. Self-imposed flagellation and the crucifixion by these Filipino men is not only a gruesome experience, but it has nothing to do with atonement for one's sins. The Apostle Paul says that from such religious activity should one turn away; that's is also found in verse five.
The death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is indeed the Gospel and all that is needed for the atonement of sin, and by the way it is also proof that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 13, 2006
The US's control of internet traffic worries world
The decision by the United States to indefinitely retain oversight of the main computers that control all Internet traffic has caused growing concern from foreign officials. These officials say that the growing use of the Internet brings about the debate of whether or not it is of benefit to everyone for one country to maintain the checks on the Internet.
The US's declaration to continue the control of the Internet is in response to rising security threats and increased reliance on the Internet globally for communication and commerce.
Internet users around the world interact with big US computers that act as the master directories. These supercomputers direct email traffic and web browsers from the users computers to the servers where the websites or other data is stored. With a single attack against these supercomputers, someone could make some or all of these sites unreachable.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the NewsA central control center for Internet traffic which is now located in the US, will one day play a key role in a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy. World leaders are voicing concern about the control of all Internet traffic resting in the hands of one country. In the face of these concerns the US has released an official document stating that they will indefinitely retain oversight of the computers controlling Internet traffic.
The truth of the matter is that one day, in the not too distant future, the Internet traffic control center will be out of the hands of the US, and in the hands of the one-world, economic, governmental, and political leader - the Antichrist.
The apostle John, in his prophecy - the book of Revelation, wrote that there will be a day when all communications and commerce will be under the control of the Antichrist, or his associate, the False Prophet. That is found in Revelation 13:16-17. Both of these men are members of the satanic trinity. This one-world leader will be headquartered in the literal city of Babylon. This is spoken of in Revelation 18, which also reveals that the Antichrist will control international communications and commerce.
Concerns voiced by world leaders today that the United has these controls will not be revived when they learn that the control will actually shift into the hands of the Antichrist. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 12, 2006
Jews around the world will sit tonight as families to remember the Exodus from Egyptian bondage
Passover and unleavened bread are the first two of the seven Jewish feasts that almost all Jewish people celebrate on a yearly basis, feasts that reveal the historic background of the Jewish people.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As Jewish people around the world celebrate Passover, which is the feast that commemorates the Exodus from Egyptian bondage, there is a reminder that Jesus Christ has or will fulfill prophetically, all of the Jewish feasts. A close look at the record of the Gospel accounts of the week referred to as Passion week, the week that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, will reveal that indeed Jesus did fulfill at least the four spring feasts.
More on that in a moment, but let me remind you that all seven of the Jewish feasts had not only a historic significance, but they also have an agricultural and a prophetic importance as well. Jesus Christ was crucified on Passover, the afternoon of Passover, after eating of the Passover Seder the night before. The Lord was buried on Unleaven Bread, the second of the spring feasts, and Jesus was resurrected on the Feast of Firstfruits, which Leviticus 23 said followed the Passover on the next Sunday.
On the Feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came and filled the new believers on the feast that Christ said would be a fulfillment of His departure; that's John 16. That leaves three fall feasts which Christ will fulfill as well on the proper day sequences. Jesus Christ comes back to the earth at the Second Coming, not the Rapture but His Second Coming, on the Feast of Trumpets. Jesus will enter the Temple that He builds here in Jerusalem and goes into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement and He starts the Millennial Kingdom on the Feast of Tabernacles.
Celebration of Passover is indeed a reminder that Bible prophecy in the Jewish feast will be fulfilled.
April 11, 2006
Hamas says Israel has declared war on the Palestinians
Thousands of Palestinians poured into the streets of Gaza protesting Western aid cuts and the spike in Israeli military strikes since the election victory by Hamas and their taking control of the PA in late March.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The statement by the Hamas-led PA that Israel had declared war against the Palestinian people has a political significance for today and a prophetic significance for a future tomorrow. The announcement by the Israeli government that they had suspended formal security ties to the PA government amounted actually to a declaration of war according to the Hamas-led PA.
This political scenario that is being played out by Israel and the PA is edging closer and closer to a prophetic scenario between these two peoples for the Last Days. Genesis 25:23 records the words of God to the mother of twin boys, Esau and Jacob. First, God told the boys mother, Rebecca, that the two boys would become nations; and second, God told Rebecca that they would fight each other throughout all generations.
Esau became the Palestinian people of today and Jacob, the Jewish people of our day. Malachi, the ancient Jewish prophet, said that God would protect the Jewish people and have indignation against the Palestinians forever; that's Malachi 1:3-4. Another Jewish prophet, Obadiah revealed that in the Last Days, God would make the Jews the fire and the Palestinians the stubble or the kindling and the Palestinians would be devoured by the Jewish people and that would be forever; that's found in Obadiah 16-18.
The Hamas claim that Israel has declared war against the Palestinian people is indication that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 10, 2006
Russia and China are forging ties to counter balance US global influence
President Putin added, during his visit to China which marked the fifth time he has met with the Chinese president in less than a year, that Russia and China are an example of an open international partnership that is helping to develop a better and more just world order.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Both Russia and China are major players in the world today, but Bible prophecy reveals that Russia and China dominate the world during the Last Days. News report after news report reveal how Russia and China are making economic, political, and military advances in our world that has caused other world leaders to sit up and take notice.
China has been on a fast paced program to strengthen its military preparedness. In fact, China has worked to open up the sea lanes between the South China Sea and the oil producing Arab countries to guarantee the flow of oil to China. Russia's President Vladimir Putin has manipulated the political system in his own country to position himself for leadership in the future.
The ancient, Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel in the Old Testament and the apostle John in the New Testament reveal to a student of Bible prophecy how China and Russia will be major players in the last drama of the End Times. Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38 refer to Russia as the Magog of Ezekiel 38:2 and the tidings out of the north in Daniel 11:44. The apostle John wrote in Revelation 16:12 of the kings of the east at the time of the End and China is the major king of the east.
The developing ties between Russia and China do set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
April 07, 2006
Israeli government has an interactive website for new immigrants to learn Hebrew in their homes
The Israeli government hopes that the new Hebrew language website which has tabs for English, Russian, French, Spanish and Arabic speakers will be used by Jews around the world who plan to immigrate to Israel. The Israeli Minister of Immigrant Absorption said that it is of the utmost importance to strengthen the language skills of immigrants as a part of enabling them to be a part of the Israeli society.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Learning Hebrew online on the internet is in reality a fulfillment of Bible prophecy for the last days. For almost 2,000 years the Hebrew language was considered a dead language, not used for commerce, education, or even daily conversation. In the late 1800's, a Jewish man named Eleazar ben Yehudah and his new wife immigrated to Israel from Europe. Ben Yehudah told his wife, "We are God's chosen people, living in God's chosen land; therefore, we must speak God's chosen language, Hebrew".
The new Israeli immigrant set out to make biblical Hebrew conversational, even inventing new Hebrew words. Ben Yehudah developed a Hebrew dictionary which included his new Hebrew words and he also developed the method of teaching Hebrew, the Ulpan. Now, the Israeli government has put ben Yehudah's method of teaching Hebrew on the internet to help all learn the Hebrew language.
The reality of this story is that one man revived the Hebrew language after almost 2,000 years, which is exactly what the Bible said would happen. Jeremiah 31:23 reveals God's promise to give to the Jewish people their language when they returned to their land. The prophet Zephaniah said that in the last days God would return the pure language, Hebrew, to the Jewish people, Zephaniah 3:9.
Hebrew being taught on the internet in Israel is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
April 06, 2006
Jesus Christ did not walk on water, but floating ice on the Sea of Galilee
Professor Nof studied a small section of the cold fresh water surface of the Sea of Galilee near the town of a salty spring along the lake's western shore the floating ice on the lake.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A Florida State University Professor's explanation that Jesus actually was walking on a patch of ice in the Sea of Galilee and not performing a supernatural miracle, is evidence that the Return of Jesus Christ to earth is drawing very close. Professor Nof's research was done in the area, some 10,000 sq. ft. on the coast of the Sea of Galilee on the western side of the lake near the town of Tabgha.
The main problem with the professor's research is that he studied the wrong side of the lake and the section of the lake that supposedly Jesus Christ had walked on the water. Tabgha is the traditional site of the Feeding of the 5,000 and the act of walking on the water. However, the biblical account of this supernatural miracle says that it happened on the eastern side of the lake near Bethsaida; and that is found in John 6:1-21. The phrase, "went over the sea", used in the text is a nautical term; that's found in John 6:1, 17. This indicates that these events occurred on the eastern side of the lake, not on the western side.
This report is evidence of the soon Coming of Jesus Christ as related by Peter in II Peter 3 where he said when the time approaches, people will deny miracles performed by Jesus Christ; for example: the Creation, all in six days, and that the world-wide Flood ever took place; this is found in II Peter 3:1-7.
Jesus Christ performed His miracles while here on earth to confirm He was the Son of God in the flesh and His Second Coming, a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, will indeed be another miracle that will happen seemingly very soon.
April 05, 2006
High resolution satellite images may have detected evidence of Noah's Ark in Turkey
A group made up of scientists and adventurers are trying to get permission from the Turkish government to visit Turkey's Mt. Ararat to investigate what was spotted in high resolution satellite images taken last year at the height of a record warm summer. Images of what they claim to be the remains of the Biblical boat, Noah's Ark.
A Honolulu business man, Daniel McGivern, the leader of the group says that he is convinced that these new photos unequivocally show a man-made object, that if excavated and tests are run on any collection of samples, will prove that it indeed is Noah's Ark. McGivern says that the expedition to Turkey's Mt. Arafat has not taken place because the government of Turkey will not issue a research visa, which McGivern says, is sad, but it is their country.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As the search goes on for the remains of Noah's Ark on Mt. Ararat in Turkey from some 4,500 years ago, Bible prophecy refers to Noah's Day as an indicator of the time of the Return of Jesus Christ. Many teams have traveled to Turkey's famous Mt. Ararat in search of the biblical boat called Noah's Ark, all to be confronted by failure.
One such team was headed by a dear friend of mine, the late astronaut, Jim Erwin, who did believe that the remains of Noah's Ark could and one day would be found in the area that the Bible records was the landing site of the boat after the world-wide Flood 4,500 years ago. Different team leaders in search of Noah's Ark have conflicting ideas as to the actual location of what may be left of the boat, and no one has been successful yet in the search for Noah's Ark. However, as these scientists and adventurers continue to search, Bible prophecy refers to Noah's Day as an indicator the times in the Last Days that will mark the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
Matthew 24:37 is a record of what Jesus had to say about this subject 2,000 years ago. He said,"As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when I return to the earth". After the Ark landed, Noah and his family actually ended up living in Babylon where Noah's great grandson, Nimrod, was a king of all of human kind in that day. Genesis 10-11 reveal to us that Babylon then is Iraq today.
As it was in the Days of Noah, the focus of the world was on Iraq, as it is today. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and maybe very soon.
April 04, 2006
Less than 25% of Christians have enough Bible knowledge to place key events in the order they appear
The Bible Society carried out a survey of regular church-goers which reveals that 78% of those people were unable to put a series of ten popular Bible stories in order: events like Noah's Ark, Solomon's building of the Temple, Jesus feeding the five thousand and other similar incidents.
The survey, a quick-fire quiz style, was designed to assess the assumption that Christians possess an in-depth knowledge of the Bible.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A lack of Bible knowledge, and in particular Bible prophecy, will hinder the understanding of the times in which we live and the urgency of the moment, related to Bible prophecy and the End Times. Christian leaders in the world today believe that the significance of God's Word, the Bible, is for living out the Christian faith in our world today.
The shocking fact is that 75% of regular church goers do not even have enough Bible knowledge to recognize the order of events unfolded in the Bible. And even a larger percentage of those same people do not understand the times in which we're living as unfolded by Bible prophecy, which is actually 30% of the Bible's content. Jesus said that He would send the Spirit of Truth, the Holy Spirit, to teach us things to come, in other words prophecy; that's found in John 16:13.
Through the Apostle Paul, our Lord told us to study the scriptures, II Timothy 2:15, so that we could discern the times in which we live today. Jesus also said through the Apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation, that the scriptures found in Revelation 4-22 will reveal those things to happen yet in the future.
Bible prophecy will be fulfilled and it behooves followers of Christ to understand the urgency of the moment by reading the Bible prophecy passages in His Word.
April 03, 2006
Muslim custodians of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem say the Jews never built a Temple on the Temple Mount
The revisionist history of the Palestinians is that the first and second temples are lies fabricated by the Jews; and the Mufti of Jerusalem, a very high ranking Muslim cleric, says that there are no remnants proving the Jewish claims that there was a Temple on that site.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Muslim claim that there never was a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem defies history and sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. Jewish history scholars find it difficult to understand how the Muslim revisionist historians can say that there was never a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
General Titus, the commanding officer of the Roman army, the ones that destroyed the second Temple in 70 AD, said that the Jewish Temple was the most magnificent building he had ever seen just before his men took it apart stone by stone. By the way, the Roman destruction of the Temple actually fulfilled a prophecy made forty years before the fact by Jesus; that prophecy made in Matthew 24, when He said there would not be a stone upon a stone of the Temple in the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Josephus, the famous first century historian, wrote extensively about the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. History aside, the Bible gives account of the Temple being built by Solomon, a task taking seven years to complete the Jewish place of worship and sacrifice; that's I Kings 6, all 38 verses. The Jewish scribe, Ezra records the return of the Jews to Israel into Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple; that's Ezra 1-6. The prophet Zechariah says that God has chosen the Temple Mount to be the place where His Son, Jesus Christ, will return to; that's Zechariah 1:14-16, there to build a Temple; Zechariah 6:12, and where He will then rule and reign from that Temple for a thousand years; that's Zechariah 6:13.
The astounding statement by the Mufti of Jerusalem, Shiekh Zabri, that there is no evidence there was ever a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.