Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu in his first public comments on the crisis in Egypt told his cabinet that Israel was anxiously monitoring the developments in Egypt and the region and he called on world leaders to join Israel in efforts designed to continue and maintain stability and security in the Middle East region.
Israeli President Shimon Peres said that his country has great respect for President Mubarak and he told the visiting Costa Rican ambassador that a fanatic religious oligarchy is not better than lack of democracy.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As Israeli leaders say they respect Egyptian President Mubarak who has worked to keep peace in the Middle East, I must remind you that Middle East peace is both good and bad, according to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak came to power soon after the signing of the Camp David Accords, the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. Mubarak has worked tirelessly to help maintain that peace over the last 30 years as he continually met with all parties to keep these fragile peace agreements together including the Oslo Accords, the peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. In reality, the Israeli government fears and Egyptian government replaced by an Islamic state that would abrogate the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty and most likely move against the Jewish state.
I mentioned earlier peace in the Middle East is good but it can be bad as well. Let me take a moment to explain. At the beginning of the seven year Tribulation period of great chaos in the Middle East, the world dictator, the Antichrist, will confirm - not sign - but confirm a peace treaty that is already in place, for example the Camp David Accords (Daniel 9:27). This will then be the beginning of the Egyptian military trying to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Daniel 11:40-43). The good peace, real peace, will only come to the Middle East when Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, returns to the earth.
Remember, before that happens, there will be a false peace and Egypt will attack Israel. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 31, 2011
January 28, 2011
Street demonstrators in Arab capitals call for long serving moderate Arab leaders to step down
Following the example of the street demonstrators in Tunisia, young people and Moslem radical groups are joining forces as they go to the streets in an effort to bring down the long serving moderate Arab leadership of a number of Arab nations, a phenomena that has spread to many locations as the embattled leaders fight to retain their power.
In the capitals of Algeria, Yemen, and Jordan similar demonstrations have erupted in protest to the leaders of these Arab states having been in power for decades and the street demonstrators vow to bring these governments down as well.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Street demonstrations in the Arab capitals of the Middle East to some may seem to be a sign of a popular uprising calling for reform. But a closer look at the elements involved in these demonstrations will reveal the end of times scenario being played out as called for in Bible prophecy.
After the street demonstrations in Tunisia were successful in bringing down the longtime leader of their government, this phenomena started to spread across the Middle East. Many young people using Facebook and other social networks to coordinate their efforts took to the streets in Cairo, Egypt and were quickly joined by the Moslem Brotherhood, the largest opposition group in Egypt and also a radical Islamist terror organization.
One analyst who has been watching these street demonstrations very closely said they remind him of the young people who went to the streets to bring down the Shah of Iran in 1979 which brought about the Islamic Revolution of Iran. No one can deny how the Iranian Islamic Revolution has fueled radical Islamic terror throughout the Middle East and around the world.
The political aside, these street demonstrations are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario found in the Bible to be fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history and foretold of a day when there would be a mighty militia to come to power and to go to Jerusalem in a move to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel (Joel 2:2-4). Micah wrote 2500 years ago that many nations will gather against Israel to defile the Jewish people (Micah 4:11-13).
The overthrow of moderate Arab leaders does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In the capitals of Algeria, Yemen, and Jordan similar demonstrations have erupted in protest to the leaders of these Arab states having been in power for decades and the street demonstrators vow to bring these governments down as well.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Street demonstrations in the Arab capitals of the Middle East to some may seem to be a sign of a popular uprising calling for reform. But a closer look at the elements involved in these demonstrations will reveal the end of times scenario being played out as called for in Bible prophecy.
After the street demonstrations in Tunisia were successful in bringing down the longtime leader of their government, this phenomena started to spread across the Middle East. Many young people using Facebook and other social networks to coordinate their efforts took to the streets in Cairo, Egypt and were quickly joined by the Moslem Brotherhood, the largest opposition group in Egypt and also a radical Islamist terror organization.
One analyst who has been watching these street demonstrations very closely said they remind him of the young people who went to the streets to bring down the Shah of Iran in 1979 which brought about the Islamic Revolution of Iran. No one can deny how the Iranian Islamic Revolution has fueled radical Islamic terror throughout the Middle East and around the world.
The political aside, these street demonstrations are setting the stage for the prophetic scenario found in the Bible to be fulfilled. The ancient Jewish prophets prewrote history and foretold of a day when there would be a mighty militia to come to power and to go to Jerusalem in a move to eliminate the Jewish state of Israel (Joel 2:2-4). Micah wrote 2500 years ago that many nations will gather against Israel to defile the Jewish people (Micah 4:11-13).
The overthrow of moderate Arab leaders does indeed set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 27, 2011
At the Jewish death camp in Auschwitz, and many capitals across the world, national leaders stopped to remember the Holocaust of 6 million Jews
The memory of 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis during World War II has been honored around the world on International Holocaust Remembrance Day and at Auschwitz, one of the largest death camps operated by Hitler's Nazis, the German President, Christian Wulff, was joined by Polish leaders to mark this day saying that Germany has learned the lessons of the past. Even though International Holocaust Remembrance Day was honored worldwide, there are still many world leaders who deny there ever was a Holocaust and some are even calling today for more Jews to be killed.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As the world paused to remember the 6 million Jews killed during World War II on this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day, there are those calling for millions of Jews to be killed today, a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day saw many world leaders pause to honor the memory of the 6 million Jews killed during World War II at the hand of Hitler's Nazi forces. Many of these world leaders have said this Holocaust Remembrance Day should alert humankind of the reality of another holocaust if we do not learn from this dastardly event, an event that many say is the darkest chapter in history. But even as the world remembers the 6 million Jews murdered in the past one world leader, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, denies there was ever a holocaust and he is calling for the Jewish state of Israel to be wiped off the earth.
This radical rhetoric from Ahmadinejad sets the stage for a future holocaust which is foretold in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets wrote of a future holocaust of Jews during the Time of Jacob's Trouble as revealed in Jeremiah 30:7. Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that two out of every three Jews will be killed during that time (Zechariah 13:8). John the Revelator foretold of a time when even evil angelic creatures will come to earth to try and eliminate all the Jews (Revelation 12:7-17).
Stopping to honor the memory of 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis is only a reminder of the worst holocaust to come. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As the world paused to remember the 6 million Jews killed during World War II on this year's Holocaust Remembrance Day, there are those calling for millions of Jews to be killed today, a precursor to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day saw many world leaders pause to honor the memory of the 6 million Jews killed during World War II at the hand of Hitler's Nazi forces. Many of these world leaders have said this Holocaust Remembrance Day should alert humankind of the reality of another holocaust if we do not learn from this dastardly event, an event that many say is the darkest chapter in history. But even as the world remembers the 6 million Jews murdered in the past one world leader, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, denies there was ever a holocaust and he is calling for the Jewish state of Israel to be wiped off the earth.
This radical rhetoric from Ahmadinejad sets the stage for a future holocaust which is foretold in Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets wrote of a future holocaust of Jews during the Time of Jacob's Trouble as revealed in Jeremiah 30:7. Zechariah wrote 2500 years ago that two out of every three Jews will be killed during that time (Zechariah 13:8). John the Revelator foretold of a time when even evil angelic creatures will come to earth to try and eliminate all the Jews (Revelation 12:7-17).
Stopping to honor the memory of 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis is only a reminder of the worst holocaust to come. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 26, 2011
If oil hits a certain price, the world will no longer want Israel to exist
Listen to Today's Program 
The head of Israel's National Economic Council, Eugene Kandel, recently told a gathering of energy and business people here in Israel that there is a price per barrel of oil at which Israel will no longer be able to exist and the world will no longer want Israel to exist.
Kandel said various energy agencies forecast the price of oil will reach $200 per barrel during the next decade because of the rising demand from the Far East and there is increasing dependency in India and China on oil from the Persian Gulf.
Kandel told the conference attendees that if Israel does not do something, those countries dependent on Middle Eat oil will be dependent on countries that are unfriendly to Israel, countries that will no longer want Israel to exist.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the ever-increasing demand for oil in our world today, the price for crude oil will rise above $200 per barrel which will cause the world no longer to want Israel to exist, a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Each of us, as we fill up our car gas tanks, are very aware of the ever rising price of oil, a direct result of the ever expanding demand for oil. There are many petroleum experts that say oil will rise in price to $200 per barrel and most likely in the next decade. These oil producing nations hate Israel and would like to have the Jewish state go away.
The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel both prewrote history, a prediction that we see unfolding today. Daniel refers to Syria and Egypt, Daniel 11:40-43, as a part of an alignment of nations who want Israel no longer to exist. Ezekiel wrote in chapter 38 additional names of nations that will look for a way to destroy Israel, that coalition includes: Turkey and Libya, plus Iran, the second largest producer of oil in our world. Even the Psalmist in Psalm 83 mentions Saudi Arabia, the world's largest producer of oil, as one of the alignment of nations that do not want Israel to exist and will do something about it one day, a day not too far into the future.
The price of oil is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

The head of Israel's National Economic Council, Eugene Kandel, recently told a gathering of energy and business people here in Israel that there is a price per barrel of oil at which Israel will no longer be able to exist and the world will no longer want Israel to exist.
Kandel said various energy agencies forecast the price of oil will reach $200 per barrel during the next decade because of the rising demand from the Far East and there is increasing dependency in India and China on oil from the Persian Gulf.
Kandel told the conference attendees that if Israel does not do something, those countries dependent on Middle Eat oil will be dependent on countries that are unfriendly to Israel, countries that will no longer want Israel to exist.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the ever-increasing demand for oil in our world today, the price for crude oil will rise above $200 per barrel which will cause the world no longer to want Israel to exist, a scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Each of us, as we fill up our car gas tanks, are very aware of the ever rising price of oil, a direct result of the ever expanding demand for oil. There are many petroleum experts that say oil will rise in price to $200 per barrel and most likely in the next decade. These oil producing nations hate Israel and would like to have the Jewish state go away.
The ancient Jewish prophets Daniel and Ezekiel both prewrote history, a prediction that we see unfolding today. Daniel refers to Syria and Egypt, Daniel 11:40-43, as a part of an alignment of nations who want Israel no longer to exist. Ezekiel wrote in chapter 38 additional names of nations that will look for a way to destroy Israel, that coalition includes: Turkey and Libya, plus Iran, the second largest producer of oil in our world. Even the Psalmist in Psalm 83 mentions Saudi Arabia, the world's largest producer of oil, as one of the alignment of nations that do not want Israel to exist and will do something about it one day, a day not too far into the future.
The price of oil is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 25, 2011
The Vatican has called for a special conference on the rise of political Islam
Listen to Today's Program 
172 Catholic bishops from Islamic countries will meet at the Vatican to discuss the ghetto mentality among Middle Eastern Christians and the future of Catholic communities in the Middle East due to the rise of political Islam. The leader of the Chaldean Catholic Church, in Babylon Iraq, said recently that the urgent reasons for this meeting are that Christians are fleeing from the Middle East and extremist Islam is invading the area.
The Catholic Church has pointed to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the factor behind all unrest in the Middle East, declining to denounce the repression of Christian life in Moslem countries for fear of retaliation.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The rise of political Islam as the reason for the ghetto mentality of Middle Eastern Christians is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
For a number of years, Christians have been leaving the Islamic countries of the Middle East due to the rise of political Islam and the reported persecution of these non-Moslem peoples. As evidence of this one can look at the demographics of the little town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Bethlehem was once populated with Palestinians that embraced Christianity with 85% of their population claiming to be Christian - only 15% would say they are Moslem. Today the demographics have changed. Now 85% of Bethlehem's population is Moslem and only 15% Christian. Reports reveal the reason for these demographic changes is the rise of political Islam.
Bible prophecy does reveal a scenario that has the headquarters for the Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, as the location for an end time false religion as revealed in Revelation 17. Since Islam is a religion that will not cooperate with other religiousities in leadership of our world today, one or the other, Islam or pseudo-Christianity must be removed from world dominance which is the scenario that can be found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where it says that the Islamic nations will be wiped out as they try to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

172 Catholic bishops from Islamic countries will meet at the Vatican to discuss the ghetto mentality among Middle Eastern Christians and the future of Catholic communities in the Middle East due to the rise of political Islam. The leader of the Chaldean Catholic Church, in Babylon Iraq, said recently that the urgent reasons for this meeting are that Christians are fleeing from the Middle East and extremist Islam is invading the area.
The Catholic Church has pointed to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as the factor behind all unrest in the Middle East, declining to denounce the repression of Christian life in Moslem countries for fear of retaliation.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The rise of political Islam as the reason for the ghetto mentality of Middle Eastern Christians is a precursor to the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
For a number of years, Christians have been leaving the Islamic countries of the Middle East due to the rise of political Islam and the reported persecution of these non-Moslem peoples. As evidence of this one can look at the demographics of the little town of Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ. Bethlehem was once populated with Palestinians that embraced Christianity with 85% of their population claiming to be Christian - only 15% would say they are Moslem. Today the demographics have changed. Now 85% of Bethlehem's population is Moslem and only 15% Christian. Reports reveal the reason for these demographic changes is the rise of political Islam.
Bible prophecy does reveal a scenario that has the headquarters for the Catholic Church, Rome, Italy, as the location for an end time false religion as revealed in Revelation 17. Since Islam is a religion that will not cooperate with other religiousities in leadership of our world today, one or the other, Islam or pseudo-Christianity must be removed from world dominance which is the scenario that can be found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where it says that the Islamic nations will be wiped out as they try to destroy the Jewish state of Israel. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 24, 2011
Arctic air blasts prompt warnings across almost half of the United States
The National Weather Service has warned people that the harsh winter weather conditions may be harmful if you are exposed to the arctic air blast that has affected almost half of the continental United States and they urge people, if they must go into the winter elements, dress appropriately. There have been reports of numerous deaths, a result of exposure to the below freezing conditions with some areas dropping into the 50 degrees below zero temperatures that can cause physical harm within minutes.
This winter, many locations are reporting record snowfall and temperatures dropping lower then they have in many years, a phenomenon that has prompted many to ask, "Whatever happened to Global Warming?"
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Frigid weather conditions this winter has caused many to question the phenomenon of Global Warming. However, I must remind you that there will be ecological problems to a massive degree in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.
The former Vice President and United States Senator from Tennessee, Al Gore, has not been very noticeable during this winter's record breaking conditions with the increase in snowfall and below zero temperatures. Gore's Global Warming warning has been met with counterattacks on his approach to projecting Global Warming or Climate Change as a danger to our planet. In fact the Bible disproves the possibility of Global Warming as a result of man's misdeeds.
Colossians 1:16 says that Jesus Christ was the creator of all things in our world. The following verse, Colossians 1:17, says that Jesus Christ holds all Creation together and nothing can affect our world unless Jesus allows it. In Genesis 8:22 God told us that there would be hot and cold conditions, summer and winter, and they would not cease. However, I must remind you that during the seven year Tribulation period on this earth the Bible foretells of ecological judgment on the earth and in the heavens (Revelation 8, 16). During the Tribulation period, a time of judgment, the Lord will use these judgments to bring the earth and earth dwellers under submission for His kingdom to come.
Frigid winter conditions are a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
This winter, many locations are reporting record snowfall and temperatures dropping lower then they have in many years, a phenomenon that has prompted many to ask, "Whatever happened to Global Warming?"
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Frigid weather conditions this winter has caused many to question the phenomenon of Global Warming. However, I must remind you that there will be ecological problems to a massive degree in the future - that is according to Bible prophecy.
The former Vice President and United States Senator from Tennessee, Al Gore, has not been very noticeable during this winter's record breaking conditions with the increase in snowfall and below zero temperatures. Gore's Global Warming warning has been met with counterattacks on his approach to projecting Global Warming or Climate Change as a danger to our planet. In fact the Bible disproves the possibility of Global Warming as a result of man's misdeeds.
Colossians 1:16 says that Jesus Christ was the creator of all things in our world. The following verse, Colossians 1:17, says that Jesus Christ holds all Creation together and nothing can affect our world unless Jesus allows it. In Genesis 8:22 God told us that there would be hot and cold conditions, summer and winter, and they would not cease. However, I must remind you that during the seven year Tribulation period on this earth the Bible foretells of ecological judgment on the earth and in the heavens (Revelation 8, 16). During the Tribulation period, a time of judgment, the Lord will use these judgments to bring the earth and earth dwellers under submission for His kingdom to come.
Frigid winter conditions are a reminder that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 21, 2011
There are Jews in Israel preparing for service in the rebuilt Jewish temple
A group of religious Jews who live in the Jordan Valley near the ancient city of Jericho are taking practical steps to prepare for the building of the third temple in Jerusalem by preparing descendants of the Kohanim, the priests, and the Levites for service in this next temple. These Jewish leaders have established a training center where temple priests can learn exactly how to conduct the daily temple services and offer the required sacrifices as dictated by the Jewish laws from the Biblical book of Leviticus.
The training center will include an exact replica of the temple where the student-priests can learn to do their duties which are required and this training center, the organizers believe, comes at an historic time marking the beginning of the work for the third temple.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the establishment of a training center in Israel to prepare the Jewish priests to operate a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem we see Bible prophecy ever so close to being fulfilled.
Recently, the Moslem violence on the Temple Mount focused the world on a controversial piece of real estate and an even more controversial project on this site - the rebuilding of a Jewish temple. Moslem concerns about the Jews taking the Temple Mount to build a temple there have been fueled by the number of projects going on to prepare for the eventuality of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Institute, for example, has prepared all the implements to be used in the next temple. The Harrari Harp Factory has made the harps to be used when the next temple is erected on the Temple Mount. Gershon Solomon's Temple Mount Faithful have the cornerstone by which they hope to start construction of the next temple. Now, near Jericho in the Jordan Valley of Israel, there is a training center to teach the priests and the Levites how to serve in the next temple.
Bible prophecy says that there will be a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the last days (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). This a temple that will be built during the seven year Tribulation period, that time of testing yet in the future.
As evidenced by this report, the next temple has been prepared for and construction could start very soon. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The training center will include an exact replica of the temple where the student-priests can learn to do their duties which are required and this training center, the organizers believe, comes at an historic time marking the beginning of the work for the third temple.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the establishment of a training center in Israel to prepare the Jewish priests to operate a rebuilt temple in Jerusalem we see Bible prophecy ever so close to being fulfilled.
Recently, the Moslem violence on the Temple Mount focused the world on a controversial piece of real estate and an even more controversial project on this site - the rebuilding of a Jewish temple. Moslem concerns about the Jews taking the Temple Mount to build a temple there have been fueled by the number of projects going on to prepare for the eventuality of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem.
The Temple Institute, for example, has prepared all the implements to be used in the next temple. The Harrari Harp Factory has made the harps to be used when the next temple is erected on the Temple Mount. Gershon Solomon's Temple Mount Faithful have the cornerstone by which they hope to start construction of the next temple. Now, near Jericho in the Jordan Valley of Israel, there is a training center to teach the priests and the Levites how to serve in the next temple.
Bible prophecy says that there will be a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem in the last days (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). This a temple that will be built during the seven year Tribulation period, that time of testing yet in the future.
As evidenced by this report, the next temple has been prepared for and construction could start very soon. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 20, 2011
A CBS television news reporter denounces an archaeological dig in Jerusalem
CBS television network anchor Lesley Stahl, in the CBS television program 60 Minutes, takes aim at the archaeological dig at the City of David in Jerusalem casting doubt on the validity of the archaeological findings in the City of David excavations and the unity of the city. Stahl has claimed there is no proof that the City of David excavations are really connected to the Biblical King David who reportedly defeated the Jebusite stronghold of Jerusalem and made it the political capital of the Jewish people some 3000 years ago.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by CBS anchorperson Lesley Stahl that the City of David in Jerusalem is not valid is in contradiction to Bible history and in opposition to Biblical prophecy for this location in the last days.
CBS anchorperson Lesley Stahl, in the CBS television program 60 Minutes, made an effort to destroy the authenticity of the City of David, the original 10 acre plot for Jerusalem found on the slopes of the Kidron Valley in the city of Jerusalem. Stahl accused the Israeli government of using the archaeological excavations as a political tool to indoctrinate the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force. The CBS reporter said that having the IDF soldiers to come through the tunnel through which King David captured the city is an implicit message that King David captured this city for the Jewish people back then some 3000 years ago and thus now belongs to the Jews today.
Lesley Stahl is correct about two things. King David did capture the Jebusite stronghold of Jerusalem 3000 years ago (II Samuel 5). The CBS TV anchor is also correct about the fact that Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people today - and that is found in the Davidic Covenant, God's promise to the Jews about Jerusalem as found in II Samuel 7. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, said that He will come back one day to build His temple in Jerusalem and rule and reign from this spot among His people, the Jewish people, forever (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13, and Psalm 132:13-14.)
CBS TV anchor Lesley Stahl can make all the claims she wants about the City of David and Jerusalem. However, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by CBS anchorperson Lesley Stahl that the City of David in Jerusalem is not valid is in contradiction to Bible history and in opposition to Biblical prophecy for this location in the last days.
CBS anchorperson Lesley Stahl, in the CBS television program 60 Minutes, made an effort to destroy the authenticity of the City of David, the original 10 acre plot for Jerusalem found on the slopes of the Kidron Valley in the city of Jerusalem. Stahl accused the Israeli government of using the archaeological excavations as a political tool to indoctrinate the soldiers of the Israeli Defense Force. The CBS reporter said that having the IDF soldiers to come through the tunnel through which King David captured the city is an implicit message that King David captured this city for the Jewish people back then some 3000 years ago and thus now belongs to the Jews today.
Lesley Stahl is correct about two things. King David did capture the Jebusite stronghold of Jerusalem 3000 years ago (II Samuel 5). The CBS TV anchor is also correct about the fact that Jerusalem belongs to the Jewish people today - and that is found in the Davidic Covenant, God's promise to the Jews about Jerusalem as found in II Samuel 7. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, said that He will come back one day to build His temple in Jerusalem and rule and reign from this spot among His people, the Jewish people, forever (Zechariah 1:16, 6:12-13, and Psalm 132:13-14.)
CBS TV anchor Lesley Stahl can make all the claims she wants about the City of David and Jerusalem. However, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 19, 2011
Israel's foreign minister tells European leaders and world leaders to fix world problems before they tell Israel what to do
Listen to Today's Program 
At a dinner meeting in Jerusalem between the foreign ministers of France and Spain hosted by Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, Lieberman told the European leaders to fix Kosovo and the problems in Cyprus before they tell Israel how to fix the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Foreign Minister Lieberman said that world leaders need to also work at solving the problems in Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan, and the Sudan if they expect the Israelis to take their advice on solving problems. Lieberman reminded the European leaders that Europe sacrificed Czechoslovakia in 1938 when they placated Hitler and that Israel is not going to be the Czechoslovakia of this time period.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
European Union leaders were angered when Israel's foreign minister told them to fix Europe's problems before they tell Israel what to do. This incident is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The hardline foreign minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, was very blunt recently when he told the foreign ministers of France and Spain that Israel might listen to their suggestions to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when Europe has fixed their own problems. Lieberman reminded these European Union leaders that Europe destroyed Czechoslovakia in the late 1930's when they placated Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime and Lieberman added that Israel is not going to be another Czechoslovakia.
The efforts by the European Union to be involved in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians is in line with the prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible. Daniel 7:7-24 reveals that the Revived Roman Empire will come to power with a leader that will force a peace on Israel that results in great harm to the Jewish state. The European Union today is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire of Daniel's prophecy if not the actual fulfillment of this prophecy. The Revived Roman Empire leader, the Antichrist, I do believe is alive and well on the Earth at this time as well.
Europe's efforts to tell Israel how to resolve their problems is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

At a dinner meeting in Jerusalem between the foreign ministers of France and Spain hosted by Avigdor Lieberman, the Israeli foreign minister, Lieberman told the European leaders to fix Kosovo and the problems in Cyprus before they tell Israel how to fix the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Foreign Minister Lieberman said that world leaders need to also work at solving the problems in Somalia, North Korea, Afghanistan, and the Sudan if they expect the Israelis to take their advice on solving problems. Lieberman reminded the European leaders that Europe sacrificed Czechoslovakia in 1938 when they placated Hitler and that Israel is not going to be the Czechoslovakia of this time period.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
European Union leaders were angered when Israel's foreign minister told them to fix Europe's problems before they tell Israel what to do. This incident is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The hardline foreign minister of Israel, Avigdor Lieberman, was very blunt recently when he told the foreign ministers of France and Spain that Israel might listen to their suggestions to solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict when Europe has fixed their own problems. Lieberman reminded these European Union leaders that Europe destroyed Czechoslovakia in the late 1930's when they placated Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime and Lieberman added that Israel is not going to be another Czechoslovakia.
The efforts by the European Union to be involved in the Middle East peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians is in line with the prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible. Daniel 7:7-24 reveals that the Revived Roman Empire will come to power with a leader that will force a peace on Israel that results in great harm to the Jewish state. The European Union today is at least the infrastructure for the Revived Roman Empire of Daniel's prophecy if not the actual fulfillment of this prophecy. The Revived Roman Empire leader, the Antichrist, I do believe is alive and well on the Earth at this time as well.
Europe's efforts to tell Israel how to resolve their problems is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 18, 2011
The IDF has a new weapon that can fire around a corner
Listen to Today's Program 
Two new weapons have been developed in Israel that will improve the use of personal weapons for members of the IDF in a combat situation, new weapons that will save Israeli lives but be a threat to life for any of Israel's enemies that choose to attack the Jewish state in military combat.
One such weapon, the Gilboa, is an assault rifle based on the old M-16, a weapon of war that now has all of the necessary improvements for a combat situation. The other weapon in the Israeli arsenal is the Corner Shot, which is a special Israeli technology which allows soldiers to shoot from behind a wall, in essence around the corner using a video camera and a special rotating rifle.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Brand new technology in Israel has allowed for the production of specialized weapons of war for the IDf soldier, but according to Bible prophecy, these weapons are not Israel's future, the Messiah is Israel's future.
Since the founding of the modern day state of Israel, this young Jewish nation has had four major wars and a number of military confrontations. The fact is that the IDF now has the Gilboa and the Corner Shot, two new technologies that have produced advanced combat weapons. The most amazing of these two weapons is the Corner Shot, an assault rifle that can rotate and actually shoot from behind a wall around a corner. It has a video camera and a screen that will assist the combat soldier.
An alignment of nations will come against Israel in the last days to destroy the Jewish state, Ezekiel 38. The Lord also told the prophet Ezekiel to tell the Jewish people that Jesus will protect them as foretold in Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Even the name Israel which means, "I will fight for you", words of the Lord, are evidence that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will intercede for the Jewish people. In a secular world, it is good news to see IDF soldiers with high tech weapons, however in a spiritual world, remember, the Lord will protect His people.
The Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth to save the Jewish people as He has done down through 4000 years of history.

Two new weapons have been developed in Israel that will improve the use of personal weapons for members of the IDF in a combat situation, new weapons that will save Israeli lives but be a threat to life for any of Israel's enemies that choose to attack the Jewish state in military combat.
One such weapon, the Gilboa, is an assault rifle based on the old M-16, a weapon of war that now has all of the necessary improvements for a combat situation. The other weapon in the Israeli arsenal is the Corner Shot, which is a special Israeli technology which allows soldiers to shoot from behind a wall, in essence around the corner using a video camera and a special rotating rifle.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Brand new technology in Israel has allowed for the production of specialized weapons of war for the IDf soldier, but according to Bible prophecy, these weapons are not Israel's future, the Messiah is Israel's future.
Since the founding of the modern day state of Israel, this young Jewish nation has had four major wars and a number of military confrontations. The fact is that the IDF now has the Gilboa and the Corner Shot, two new technologies that have produced advanced combat weapons. The most amazing of these two weapons is the Corner Shot, an assault rifle that can rotate and actually shoot from behind a wall around a corner. It has a video camera and a screen that will assist the combat soldier.
An alignment of nations will come against Israel in the last days to destroy the Jewish state, Ezekiel 38. The Lord also told the prophet Ezekiel to tell the Jewish people that Jesus will protect them as foretold in Ezekiel 38:18-39:6. Even the name Israel which means, "I will fight for you", words of the Lord, are evidence that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will intercede for the Jewish people. In a secular world, it is good news to see IDF soldiers with high tech weapons, however in a spiritual world, remember, the Lord will protect His people.
The Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth to save the Jewish people as He has done down through 4000 years of history.
January 17, 2011
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu calls on the world to stop picking on the Jewish settlers
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has shown support for one of the most viciously maligned populations in the world, the Jews who live in Judea and Samaria, the heart of the Biblical lands of the modern-day state of Israel, a group of people that the prime minister says deserves to live a normal life like everyone else. Netanyahu said one of his most difficult decisions as prime minister was the decision to suspend new construction in Judea and Samaria for the ten month moratorium, a decision that almost brought down his government.
The Israeli prime minister said that this issue of Jewish settlements seems to be the make or break issue in the peace process which has brought the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria under unjustified attack for almost half a century.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The issue of construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as that issue which may make or break the Middle East peace process is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu put in place a ten month moratorium on construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria in order to get the Middle East peace process back on track. The Palestinian Authority, under President Mahmoud Abbas, waited to the month before the moratorium was to be over before he came to the tables for direct talks in the United States and European Union driven peace process. The two sides in this process, the Israelis and the Palestinians, are being very hard lined on the issue of construction in Judea and Samaria with the Israelis saying that they have a right to build and the Palestinians saying no talks if construction continues.
This ongoing debate will either be resolved or the peace process is dead. This scenario, the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians, was foretold some 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets. Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, would return to rebuild in this land of controversy (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote that God promised the land of Judea and Samaria to the Jewish people (Ezekiel 34). Ezekiel also wrote that the Palestinians, Biblical Edomites, that the Palestinians would rise up to take the land from the Jewish people (Ezekiel 35).
The final status on this Israeli-Palestinian conflict was recorded in the prophetic book of Obadiah verses 15 - 18. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The Israeli prime minister said that this issue of Jewish settlements seems to be the make or break issue in the peace process which has brought the Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria under unjustified attack for almost half a century.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The issue of construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria as that issue which may make or break the Middle East peace process is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu put in place a ten month moratorium on construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria in order to get the Middle East peace process back on track. The Palestinian Authority, under President Mahmoud Abbas, waited to the month before the moratorium was to be over before he came to the tables for direct talks in the United States and European Union driven peace process. The two sides in this process, the Israelis and the Palestinians, are being very hard lined on the issue of construction in Judea and Samaria with the Israelis saying that they have a right to build and the Palestinians saying no talks if construction continues.
This ongoing debate will either be resolved or the peace process is dead. This scenario, the conflict between the Jews and the Palestinians, was foretold some 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets. Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinians of today, would return to rebuild in this land of controversy (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote that God promised the land of Judea and Samaria to the Jewish people (Ezekiel 34). Ezekiel also wrote that the Palestinians, Biblical Edomites, that the Palestinians would rise up to take the land from the Jewish people (Ezekiel 35).
The final status on this Israeli-Palestinian conflict was recorded in the prophetic book of Obadiah verses 15 - 18. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 14, 2011
Saudi Arabia has declared war against the Islamic terror group al Qaeda
The leadership of Saudi Arabia has been targeted by the Islamic terrorist group al Qaeda as have a number of Arab regimes in the Middle East and al Qaeda claims the reason for this focus on Arab leaders and their governments is because Arab leaders have become atheists and no longer abide under the leadership of Allah, the Islamic god. Al Qaeda points out that Saudi King Abdullah has implemented a massive building project in the heart of Mecca, the Moslem holy city, and al Qaeda jihadist websites are calling for the king to be killed saying that the death of this leader of atheism would be among the most pious acts for a Moslem. Meanwhile the Saudi kingdom has activated its powerful intelligence and security agencies to kill or capture its Islamist foes.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
It is ironic that the founding nation for the Islamic faith, Saudi Arabia, has now called for the end of the Islamic jihadist group al Qaeda especially in light of the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The king of Saudi Arabia and and many of his family members are under the threat of death by the radical Islamic terror organization al Qaeda and basically because King Abdullah has become an atheist according to the al Qaeda leaders. Radical Islam has become more and more a threat to Arab leaders in the Middle East mainly because they are perceived to be secular and are even moving away from the Islamic faith and becoming atheists. Ironically, Saudi Arabia has been the home base and the financial provider for many of the most radical terror organizations including the group that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. It is also ironic that the Islamic faith was founded by Mohammad in the 7th century in Arabia and at that time Mohammad said that he was a direct descendant to Ishmael, the first son of the patriarch Abraham.
The Biblical record does reveal that Ishmael did go to start one nation in the place that we know today as Saudi Arabia (Genesis 25:18, 17:20). Ishmael did not father the Arab world according to Genesis 10:6-10 but he did father the Islamic faith according to its prophet. Ultimately Saudi Arabia will be radicalized and play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
It is ironic that the founding nation for the Islamic faith, Saudi Arabia, has now called for the end of the Islamic jihadist group al Qaeda especially in light of the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The king of Saudi Arabia and and many of his family members are under the threat of death by the radical Islamic terror organization al Qaeda and basically because King Abdullah has become an atheist according to the al Qaeda leaders. Radical Islam has become more and more a threat to Arab leaders in the Middle East mainly because they are perceived to be secular and are even moving away from the Islamic faith and becoming atheists. Ironically, Saudi Arabia has been the home base and the financial provider for many of the most radical terror organizations including the group that brought down the twin towers on 9-11. It is also ironic that the Islamic faith was founded by Mohammad in the 7th century in Arabia and at that time Mohammad said that he was a direct descendant to Ishmael, the first son of the patriarch Abraham.
The Biblical record does reveal that Ishmael did go to start one nation in the place that we know today as Saudi Arabia (Genesis 25:18, 17:20). Ishmael did not father the Arab world according to Genesis 10:6-10 but he did father the Islamic faith according to its prophet. Ultimately Saudi Arabia will be radicalized and play a key role in the end time scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy - prophecy that will indeed be fulfilled.
January 13, 2011
Two global strategists, both advisors to President Obama, call for the United States to break ties with Israel
George Friedman, the publisher of Stratfor, a newsletter on strategic global planning, in his most recent book, "The Next Decade" has called for the Obama administration to have the United States to break ties with its main Middle East ally Israel, and increase its cooperation with the Islamic world especially Iran and Pakistan. Friedman's comments are in concert with a former consultant to President Obama, Tony Cordsman, who argues that the United States strategic alliance with Israel was harming Washington's interests in the Middle East.
Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.
George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible that can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Friedman said that Washington has been in a confrontation with the Islamic world, which consists of 1 billion people, and a decline in US support for Israel was vital for what he termed the survival of the United States empire.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Strategic global planners calling for the United States to break ties with Israel will not save the United States empire as they believe but will do the opposite according to Bible prophecy.
George Friedman and Tony Cordsman, both not household names, but major players in United States strategic planning have called for the Obama administration to reorder its foreign policy in the Middle East and begin by breaking ties with Israel, America's long time strategic partner in that region. In essence, both men believe that the United States confrontation with the Moslem world, because of America's war with Al Qaeda, has brought harm to the American empire's ability to survive over the next decade. Friedman, in his recent book "The Next Decade" says that the United States must develop a greater partnership with Iran and Pakistan instead of the Jewish state of Israel.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago that God would destroy those Middle East nations that try and eliminate Israel from the face of the earth - that is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 where both Iran and Pakistan are mentioned in Ezekiel 38:5 as Persia. God told Abraham 4000 years ago in Genesis 12:1-3 that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed - that principle is still applicable today. Since the United States is not found in Bible prophecy, one can conclude that America will not be a major factor before the return of Jesus Christ to the earth.
If America takes the advice of strategic global planners over the Bible that can be assured that God will deal with them. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 12, 2011
The Egyptian president warns of global terror if Middle East peace talks fail
Listen to Today's Program 
Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has warned several world leaders including Israeli PM Netanyahu that if the Israeli-Palestinian peace process collapses, violence and terrorism will erupt in the Middle East and all around the world.
Mubarak's warning comes on the heels of a similar warning from the Jordanian king, King Abdullah, who said recently that if there is no resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there will be a major war in the Middle East which could draw the Western nations into this conflict.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning from Egyptian President Mubarak that a collapse of the Middle East peace process could bring about global violence and terrorism is in line with the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Egyptian President Mubarak is only one of several Middle Eastern leaders that say a collapse of the Middle East peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians could spark a Middle East war. Jordan's King Abdullah and Syrian President Assad have both warned that the Middle East could erupt into a full blown war if there is not a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Politically, it is looking like these talks are headed toward failure. Prophetically, there will be a peace agreement, howbeit a short-term peace in the Middle East, that will eventually lead to the Middle East erupting into an all out war.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago of this end times scenario. Daniel wrote that the Antichrist, a world dictator, will bring about peace which will signal the beginning of seven years of destruction in the Middle East, Daniel 9:27. Daniel, joined by Ezekiel, also wrote that the war will be a Middle East conflict, violence that will include all of the Middle Eastern nations, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11.
As it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, again Ezekiel along with Malachi and Obadiah, wrote that the Jews and Palestinians will continue to fight until the Messiah returns to earth, Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the prophetic book of Obadiah.
Middle Eastern leaders are correct, there will be conflict in the future in the Middle East.

Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak has warned several world leaders including Israeli PM Netanyahu that if the Israeli-Palestinian peace process collapses, violence and terrorism will erupt in the Middle East and all around the world.
Mubarak's warning comes on the heels of a similar warning from the Jordanian king, King Abdullah, who said recently that if there is no resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, there will be a major war in the Middle East which could draw the Western nations into this conflict.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning from Egyptian President Mubarak that a collapse of the Middle East peace process could bring about global violence and terrorism is in line with the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Egyptian President Mubarak is only one of several Middle Eastern leaders that say a collapse of the Middle East peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians could spark a Middle East war. Jordan's King Abdullah and Syrian President Assad have both warned that the Middle East could erupt into a full blown war if there is not a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Politically, it is looking like these talks are headed toward failure. Prophetically, there will be a peace agreement, howbeit a short-term peace in the Middle East, that will eventually lead to the Middle East erupting into an all out war.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote 2500 years ago of this end times scenario. Daniel wrote that the Antichrist, a world dictator, will bring about peace which will signal the beginning of seven years of destruction in the Middle East, Daniel 9:27. Daniel, joined by Ezekiel, also wrote that the war will be a Middle East conflict, violence that will include all of the Middle Eastern nations, Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11.
As it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, again Ezekiel along with Malachi and Obadiah, wrote that the Jews and Palestinians will continue to fight until the Messiah returns to earth, Ezekiel 35, Malachi 1, and the prophetic book of Obadiah.
Middle Eastern leaders are correct, there will be conflict in the future in the Middle East.
January 11, 2011
The United States and the European Union say that the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks will fail if Israel does not stop building in Biblical lands
The United States has requested that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu extend the construction moratorium in Jerusalem and the area of Judea and Samaria, referred to as the West Bank, in order to keep the Palestinians from walking out of the peace talk negotiations as they have threatened to do.
Meanwhile, Catherine Ashton, the Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union, while in Israel has told both the Israeli and the Palestinian leaders the peace process will fail if Israel continues to build in the Jewish settlements and Ashton has applied pressure on Israel to continue the moratorium on building.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US and European pressure on Israel to stop building in Biblical lands, their promised land, is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The United States and the European Union are both guilty of applying pressure on the Jewish state of Israel to stop building in a portion of the state that dates back 4000 years ago in Jewish heritage. Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria referred to by world leaders as the West Bank, this real estate is the center focus of the United States and the European Union as they endeavor to manipulate the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Pressure to stop construction in these Jewish areas applied by the United States and the European Union has undermined the entire peace process by giving the Palestinians an issue to hold over the Israelis and hinder any honest approach to this peace process.
This scenario is exactly what Jesus said would happen in the last days. In His Olivet Discourse, as recorded in Luke 21:24, the Lord told the Jewish people that Jerusalem would be trodden down controlled by the Gentiles until He returned to the Earth. Daniel, and ancient Jewish prophet, wrote this same scenario in Daniel chapters 2 and 9 as he foretold that the Gentiles would have control of the Jewish people until Jesus Christ comes back to resolve this conflict. By the way, the United States and the European Union are Gentile world powers. John, who wrote the book of Revelation, reveals the plan of God to bring Gentile world powers to defeat (Revelation 6-19).
United States and European Union pressure on the Jewish state of Israel is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Meanwhile, Catherine Ashton, the Chief of Foreign Policy for the European Union, while in Israel has told both the Israeli and the Palestinian leaders the peace process will fail if Israel continues to build in the Jewish settlements and Ashton has applied pressure on Israel to continue the moratorium on building.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
US and European pressure on Israel to stop building in Biblical lands, their promised land, is a precursor to the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
The United States and the European Union are both guilty of applying pressure on the Jewish state of Israel to stop building in a portion of the state that dates back 4000 years ago in Jewish heritage. Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria referred to by world leaders as the West Bank, this real estate is the center focus of the United States and the European Union as they endeavor to manipulate the peace process between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Pressure to stop construction in these Jewish areas applied by the United States and the European Union has undermined the entire peace process by giving the Palestinians an issue to hold over the Israelis and hinder any honest approach to this peace process.
This scenario is exactly what Jesus said would happen in the last days. In His Olivet Discourse, as recorded in Luke 21:24, the Lord told the Jewish people that Jerusalem would be trodden down controlled by the Gentiles until He returned to the Earth. Daniel, and ancient Jewish prophet, wrote this same scenario in Daniel chapters 2 and 9 as he foretold that the Gentiles would have control of the Jewish people until Jesus Christ comes back to resolve this conflict. By the way, the United States and the European Union are Gentile world powers. John, who wrote the book of Revelation, reveals the plan of God to bring Gentile world powers to defeat (Revelation 6-19).
United States and European Union pressure on the Jewish state of Israel is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 10, 2011
Jordan's King Abdullah says a failure in the Middle East peace talks could lead to war in the region
Jordan's King Abdullah told talk show host Jon Stewart, on a recent appearance on The Daily Show that if Middle East peace talks fail there could be a war in the Middle East and the United States will be involved in this war which could spread throughout the entire region. Abdullah said that the lack of ability to move the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks forward as well as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are factors in the success or failure of bringing peace to the region.
The Jordanian king said that his country has a vested interest in the success of the peace talks reminding Stewart that the future security for the Israelis and the Palestinians is security for Jordan as well.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordanian King Abdullah's warning of a Middle East war, if the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks fail, is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Jordan's King Abdullah on the Jon Stewart talk show, The Daily Show, was almost prophetic as he warned of a war in the Middle East if the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks fail. The king said that Jordan was between Iraq and a hard place, with a hint of humor, however the king is speaking truth about a region of the world that he knows very well. Jordan's population is made up of Palestinians who have moved into Jordan over the last 60 years and number almost 3.5 million, 70% of Jordan's total population. King Abdullah is eagerly watching as the peace talks move ahead with many bumps on the road to success.
The king may not realize that his warning of a Middle East war happening in the next year is a page right out of Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets did not name the exact time but they did prewrite history pertaining to the Middle East war in the future (Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11). Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, and Obadiah were more specific in their prophecies as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Malachi 1 reveals that the Edomites, modern-day Palestinians, that the Edomites will return to power and build borders that the Lord calls borders of wickedness. Ezekiel 35 predicts the Palestinians will kill Jews and take their land. Both Obadiah and Jeremiah say that when the Messiah comes back to the Earth, the Edomites, today's Palestinians will be destroyed.
King Abdullah's warning of a Middle East war is correct. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
The Jordanian king said that his country has a vested interest in the success of the peace talks reminding Stewart that the future security for the Israelis and the Palestinians is security for Jordan as well.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Jordanian King Abdullah's warning of a Middle East war, if the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks fail, is in essence a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Jordan's King Abdullah on the Jon Stewart talk show, The Daily Show, was almost prophetic as he warned of a war in the Middle East if the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks fail. The king said that Jordan was between Iraq and a hard place, with a hint of humor, however the king is speaking truth about a region of the world that he knows very well. Jordan's population is made up of Palestinians who have moved into Jordan over the last 60 years and number almost 3.5 million, 70% of Jordan's total population. King Abdullah is eagerly watching as the peace talks move ahead with many bumps on the road to success.
The king may not realize that his warning of a Middle East war happening in the next year is a page right out of Bible prophecy. The ancient Jewish prophets did not name the exact time but they did prewrite history pertaining to the Middle East war in the future (Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11). Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Malachi, and Obadiah were more specific in their prophecies as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Malachi 1 reveals that the Edomites, modern-day Palestinians, that the Edomites will return to power and build borders that the Lord calls borders of wickedness. Ezekiel 35 predicts the Palestinians will kill Jews and take their land. Both Obadiah and Jeremiah say that when the Messiah comes back to the Earth, the Edomites, today's Palestinians will be destroyed.
King Abdullah's warning of a Middle East war is correct. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 07, 2011
Christians are under attack in the Middle East and are being killed because of their faith
A number of Christian communities and churches in the Middle East have been the target of attacks by radical Islamist terrorists with many of the attacks deadly and scores of Middle Eastern Christians have been killed for no other reason that that they are Christians. These attacks are widespread throughout the Middle East, however the Christian communities in Iraq and Egypt are the main focus of these horrific attacks with both nations reporting that these attacks have taken place against churches during weekly services with many Christian worshipers being killed.
Radical Islamist websites have been circulating lists of churches with instructions on how to attack them with one al Qaeda video calling for the jihadist to blow the church up at a time when they are packed with worshipers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A campaign to attack the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East by radical Islamists is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Christian communities and churches in both Iraq and Egypt have come under attack by radical Islamists who are calling for the destruction of the cross in their internet communications to followers of the Moslem faith. The call on videos produced by al Qaeda to blow up churches while they are celebrating special holy days or anytime when the churches are packed with worshipers is evidence of the intense campaign going on by the radical Islamists to destroy the Christian community in the Middle East.
One radical Islamist website has been calling for attacks against the churches in Europe as well with instructions on how to attack the churches. This report is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to attacks on Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
A study of Bible prophecy reveals that people of faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ, will be under attack with great force during the seven year Tribulation period to come. Revelation 6:9-10 talks about those who will be slain because of their testimony and their love for the Word of God, the Bible. Verse 10 of Revelation 6 says that those who are being killed for their faith will ask God to intervene for their safety because it will be so bad.
The ever increasing attacks on Middle Eastern Christians by radical Islamists is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Radical Islamist websites have been circulating lists of churches with instructions on how to attack them with one al Qaeda video calling for the jihadist to blow the church up at a time when they are packed with worshipers.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A campaign to attack the Christian communities and churches in the Middle East by radical Islamists is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Christian communities and churches in both Iraq and Egypt have come under attack by radical Islamists who are calling for the destruction of the cross in their internet communications to followers of the Moslem faith. The call on videos produced by al Qaeda to blow up churches while they are celebrating special holy days or anytime when the churches are packed with worshipers is evidence of the intense campaign going on by the radical Islamists to destroy the Christian community in the Middle East.
One radical Islamist website has been calling for attacks against the churches in Europe as well with instructions on how to attack the churches. This report is only the tip of the iceberg as it relates to attacks on Christians in the Middle East and around the world.
A study of Bible prophecy reveals that people of faith, those who believe in Jesus Christ, will be under attack with great force during the seven year Tribulation period to come. Revelation 6:9-10 talks about those who will be slain because of their testimony and their love for the Word of God, the Bible. Verse 10 of Revelation 6 says that those who are being killed for their faith will ask God to intervene for their safety because it will be so bad.
The ever increasing attacks on Middle Eastern Christians by radical Islamists is indeed a page out of Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
January 06, 2011
Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, is training women to be suicide bombers
Listen to Today's Program 
Feminism is alive in the Gaza Strip as the Islamic terror organization Hamas is training women to be suicide bombers and to shoot machine guns to kill Israelis according to a CNN television crew who traveled blindfolded to a secret location to film the women. Female terrorists are not a new phenomenon in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, but it is rare that a foreign news agency has been allowed to interview them and watch them while they were being trained.
The female terrorists were interviewed while sitting at a table loaded with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and explosives and they said they see nothing unusual in fighting alongside men because women also serve in the Zionist army who they want to destroy.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Women who are eager to be trained as suicide bombers by the Islamic terror group Hamas so that they can kill Jews is evidence of the hatred of Jews that will lead to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
A CNN camera crew, taken blindfolded to a secret training camp operated by the Islamic terror organization Hamas was able to document the training of women as suicide bombers with the mission of killing Jews, this evidence of dedication to a cause that will take the life of the young women is also evidence of the hatred that the Islamist terrorists have for the Jewish people. These young women believe that their god Allah has directed them to wipe the Jewish people off the earth one attack at a time.
For most people in our world today this dedication is hard to understand. As a student of Bible prophecy, I have found in the Bible and a study of secular history that for 4000 years the Jewish people have been the target of evil forces who want to eliminate them from the earth. In addition to the study of history, a close study of Bible prophecy says that this hatred driving one people to destroy another people will only intensify in the last days.
Zechariah, and ancient Jewish prophet, foretells of a time when 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8). Revelation 12:7-17 reveals that evil angelic creatures will try and eliminate the Jews also. Ezekiel 35:5,10 is a prophecy that tells of the Palestinian people working to kill the Jews.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas training female suicide bombers in Gaza is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Feminism is alive in the Gaza Strip as the Islamic terror organization Hamas is training women to be suicide bombers and to shoot machine guns to kill Israelis according to a CNN television crew who traveled blindfolded to a secret location to film the women. Female terrorists are not a new phenomenon in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, but it is rare that a foreign news agency has been allowed to interview them and watch them while they were being trained.
The female terrorists were interviewed while sitting at a table loaded with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and explosives and they said they see nothing unusual in fighting alongside men because women also serve in the Zionist army who they want to destroy.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Women who are eager to be trained as suicide bombers by the Islamic terror group Hamas so that they can kill Jews is evidence of the hatred of Jews that will lead to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
A CNN camera crew, taken blindfolded to a secret training camp operated by the Islamic terror organization Hamas was able to document the training of women as suicide bombers with the mission of killing Jews, this evidence of dedication to a cause that will take the life of the young women is also evidence of the hatred that the Islamist terrorists have for the Jewish people. These young women believe that their god Allah has directed them to wipe the Jewish people off the earth one attack at a time.
For most people in our world today this dedication is hard to understand. As a student of Bible prophecy, I have found in the Bible and a study of secular history that for 4000 years the Jewish people have been the target of evil forces who want to eliminate them from the earth. In addition to the study of history, a close study of Bible prophecy says that this hatred driving one people to destroy another people will only intensify in the last days.
Zechariah, and ancient Jewish prophet, foretells of a time when 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8). Revelation 12:7-17 reveals that evil angelic creatures will try and eliminate the Jews also. Ezekiel 35:5,10 is a prophecy that tells of the Palestinian people working to kill the Jews.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas training female suicide bombers in Gaza is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
January 05, 2011
Middle East Peace Envoy Tony Blair says there will be serious trouble if the Middle East peace talks do not resume soon
Listen to Today's Program 
The special Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, told CNN that Israel and the Palestinians will be in serious trouble if they do not resume peace talks in the near future and said that behind the scenes, a lot of work was being done to restore direct negotiations.
Blair acknowledged that the level of confidence between the two sides was low, but said that talks can be put back on track. Blair noted that the efforts by the Palestinians to garner support for an independent state, which he said would indeed put pressure on Israel but he added such unilateral steps are never as effective as steps taken in mutual agreement.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning by Peace Envoy Tony Blair that there will be serious trouble in the Middle East if Israeli-Palestinian peace talks do not resume soon is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain and now the Peace Envoy for the Middle East peace process representing the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia, the Quartet; the Quartet peace envoy has warned of serious trouble in the Middle East if the Israelis and the Palestinians do not come back to the table soon to get the peace talks back on track. Blair does not believe a unilateral announcement of an independent Palestinian state will help the process and certainly will not bring about peace between the two parties. Blair has been working behind the scenes with both the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus the US and the EU in an effort to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This report is very similar to a prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible where it speaks of the quest for peace in the Middle East in the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of a world leader coming to power, one from the European community that would then bring peace to the Middle East, howbeit a short-lived peace, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27. This is not an effort to name the personalities of this prophetic scenario, but only to draw attention to God's pre-written history that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Once again, current political events are setting the stage for prophetic events to come to past.

The special Peace Envoy for the Quartet, Tony Blair, told CNN that Israel and the Palestinians will be in serious trouble if they do not resume peace talks in the near future and said that behind the scenes, a lot of work was being done to restore direct negotiations.
Blair acknowledged that the level of confidence between the two sides was low, but said that talks can be put back on track. Blair noted that the efforts by the Palestinians to garner support for an independent state, which he said would indeed put pressure on Israel but he added such unilateral steps are never as effective as steps taken in mutual agreement.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning by Peace Envoy Tony Blair that there will be serious trouble in the Middle East if Israeli-Palestinian peace talks do not resume soon is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Tony Blair, the former PM of Great Britain and now the Peace Envoy for the Middle East peace process representing the US, the EU, the UN, and Russia, the Quartet; the Quartet peace envoy has warned of serious trouble in the Middle East if the Israelis and the Palestinians do not come back to the table soon to get the peace talks back on track. Blair does not believe a unilateral announcement of an independent Palestinian state will help the process and certainly will not bring about peace between the two parties. Blair has been working behind the scenes with both the Israelis and the Palestinians, plus the US and the EU in an effort to bring resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
This report is very similar to a prophetic scenario that can be found in the Bible where it speaks of the quest for peace in the Middle East in the last days. The ancient Jewish prophet Daniel wrote 2500 years ago of a world leader coming to power, one from the European community that would then bring peace to the Middle East, howbeit a short-lived peace, Daniel 7:7-24 and Daniel 9:27. This is not an effort to name the personalities of this prophetic scenario, but only to draw attention to God's pre-written history that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Once again, current political events are setting the stage for prophetic events to come to past.
January 04, 2011
Middle East archaeologists are hoping to save the ruins of the biblical Tower of Babel
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Following the years of devastation under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the ensuing American invasion of Iraq archaeologists are beginning to work on ancient Babylonian sites and hope to save the ruins of the biblical Tower of Babylon and learn how it was built before it crumbled under the weight of confusion.
As a first step, experts are working on a plan to prevent further deterioration of the mud-bricked ruins which were damaged by Saddam's personal building projects.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The meticulous work by archaeologists to preserve the mud-bricked Tower of Babel in Iraq is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
For several decades, the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein worked to restore the site of biblical Babylon which included the mud-bricked building of the Tower of Babel. Since the war torn nation of Iraq is working to restore its country to the glory days of this Middle Eastern state in many areas, they have arranged for archaeologists to work to save the ruins of the ancient biblical site.
The Bible records the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the people of the world at that time who only spoke one language were confronted by a heavenly visitor and the tower was destroyed by the confusion of one language becoming many languages, Genesis 11. This account of Babylon's beginnings found in Genesis 11 is only the start of a significant history for this city. Babylon is where the Jews were held captive for 70 years, II Chronicles 36. Babylon was the city where Alexander the Great became the leader of the known world. Babylon is also the city where the Apostle Peter traveled to start a church to reach that part of the world, I Peter 5:13. Babylon will also be the headquarters for a world economic center and its leader, the Antichrist, Revelation 18. Babylon is the city that will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19.
This will be a total destruction and forever, Isaiah 13,14, Jeremiah 50, 51, and Revelation 16:17-21.
Archaeologists working to preserve the city of Babylon is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Following the years of devastation under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the ensuing American invasion of Iraq archaeologists are beginning to work on ancient Babylonian sites and hope to save the ruins of the biblical Tower of Babylon and learn how it was built before it crumbled under the weight of confusion.
As a first step, experts are working on a plan to prevent further deterioration of the mud-bricked ruins which were damaged by Saddam's personal building projects.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The meticulous work by archaeologists to preserve the mud-bricked Tower of Babel in Iraq is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
For several decades, the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein worked to restore the site of biblical Babylon which included the mud-bricked building of the Tower of Babel. Since the war torn nation of Iraq is working to restore its country to the glory days of this Middle Eastern state in many areas, they have arranged for archaeologists to work to save the ruins of the ancient biblical site.
The Bible records the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the people of the world at that time who only spoke one language were confronted by a heavenly visitor and the tower was destroyed by the confusion of one language becoming many languages, Genesis 11. This account of Babylon's beginnings found in Genesis 11 is only the start of a significant history for this city. Babylon is where the Jews were held captive for 70 years, II Chronicles 36. Babylon was the city where Alexander the Great became the leader of the known world. Babylon is also the city where the Apostle Peter traveled to start a church to reach that part of the world, I Peter 5:13. Babylon will also be the headquarters for a world economic center and its leader, the Antichrist, Revelation 18. Babylon is the city that will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19.
This will be a total destruction and forever, Isaiah 13,14, Jeremiah 50, 51, and Revelation 16:17-21.
Archaeologists working to preserve the city of Babylon is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
January 03, 2011
Pope Benedict has called for a religious peace summit
Pope Benedict has announced that he will organize a summit with all religious leaders to discuss how they can promote world peace and at the same time, the Pope says he condemns inter-religious violence including attacks against Christians in the Middle East. Speaking at the Vatican, the Pope said the aim of the summit would be to renew the effort of those with faith of all religions, to live their faith as a service for the cause of peace.
Pope Benedict's announcement of the summit comes as many Christians have come under attack in the Middle East and he fears that this violence is driving the Christians out of the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Pope Benedict's call for a summit of religious leaders to discuss people of faith bringing about a worldwide peace is a page out of Bible prophecy.
The increasing attacks on Christians in Iraq, Egypt, and Africa has motivated Pope Benedict to call for a summit of all religions leaders to deal with these dastardly attacks by one religions group over another. The Pope hopes to bring together these people of faith and to encourage them to live out their faith in a way that promotes peace instead of persecution. The former Pope, the late Pope John Paul, hosted a similar summit in 1986 which was attended by Jewish, Moslem, and Christian leaders.
What is interesting to me, as a student of Bible prophecy, is that a summit of religious leaders from all religions could work together to bring about world peace. Bible prophecy lays out a similar scenario for the end of times. Revelation 17 reveals that a one world religious leader will establish a one world religious organization that will rule the world by bring resolution to violence through religion. This one world religion will be headquartered in Rome, Italy - that is according to Revelation 17:9. Please do not read anything into these prophecies other than what the prophecy actually says. However, this upcoming religious summit does seem to be setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Pope Benedict's announcement of the summit comes as many Christians have come under attack in the Middle East and he fears that this violence is driving the Christians out of the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Pope Benedict's call for a summit of religious leaders to discuss people of faith bringing about a worldwide peace is a page out of Bible prophecy.
The increasing attacks on Christians in Iraq, Egypt, and Africa has motivated Pope Benedict to call for a summit of all religions leaders to deal with these dastardly attacks by one religions group over another. The Pope hopes to bring together these people of faith and to encourage them to live out their faith in a way that promotes peace instead of persecution. The former Pope, the late Pope John Paul, hosted a similar summit in 1986 which was attended by Jewish, Moslem, and Christian leaders.
What is interesting to me, as a student of Bible prophecy, is that a summit of religious leaders from all religions could work together to bring about world peace. Bible prophecy lays out a similar scenario for the end of times. Revelation 17 reveals that a one world religious leader will establish a one world religious organization that will rule the world by bring resolution to violence through religion. This one world religion will be headquartered in Rome, Italy - that is according to Revelation 17:9. Please do not read anything into these prophecies other than what the prophecy actually says. However, this upcoming religious summit does seem to be setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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