Sheik Raad Salah, the leader of the Islamic movement in Israel and speaking to Moslem students at Haifa University, told them that he would rather die than to give up the Islamic holy site where the Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and suggested the students should be ready to do the same. Sheik Salah also repeated his claim that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was intending on completing his plan to gain control of the Temple Mount and to rebuild the Jewish temple on the site that Moslems believe is holy - the third holiest site after Mecca and Medina.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Moslems that would give their lives to protect and possess the Temple Mount in Jerusalem area actually setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is becoming more and more a center of controversy. The Temple Mount is the third holiest piece of real estate for Moslems. To the Jews, it the most holy site in all of the world and the site of the first and second Jewish temples. Moslems who are ready to die to protect and possess this site would fit a scenario that will be played out in the last days according to Bible prophecy.
Zechariah said that the Temple Mount would be the center of controversy in the end times (Zechariah 12:2). Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Joel said that the Moslem world would come to Jerusalem to take it from the Jewish people (Isaiah 51:3, Ezekiel 36:35, and Joel 2:3). Ezekiel also wrote of a temple on the Temple Mount for the Messiah to rule and reign from that location (Ezekiel 40 - 46). Ezekiel's temple is the temple for the kingdom period in the future. The next temple to be erected on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be the one standing during the seven year Tribulation period (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1). However, this next temple will not be built until after the Rapture when Christians depart from Earth for the heavens. Until that time, no one can build the temple even Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy DeYoung's daily report on current events as they set the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
February 28, 2011
February 25, 2011
Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, is training women to be suicide bombers
Listen to Today's Program 
Feminism is alive in the Gaza Strip as the Islamic terror organization Hamas is training women to be suicide bombers and to shoot machine guns to kill Israelis according to a CNN television crew who traveled blindfolded to a secret location to film the women. Female terrorists are not a new phenomenon in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, but it is rare that a foreign news agency has been allowed to interview them and watch them while they were being trained.
The female terrorists were interviewed while sitting at a table loaded with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and explosives and they said they see nothing unusual in fighting alongside men because women also serve in the Zionist army who they want to destroy.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Women who are eager to be trained as suicide bombers by the Islamic terror group Hamas so that they can kill Jews is evidence of the hatred of Jews that will lead to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
A CNN camera crew, taken blindfolded to a secret training camp operated by the Islamic terror organization Hamas was able to document the training of women as suicide bombers with the mission of killing Jews, this evidence of dedication to a cause that will take the life of the young women is also evidence of the hatred that the Islamist terrorists have for the Jewish people. These young women believe that their god Allah has directed them to wipe the Jewish people off the earth one attack at a time.
For most people in our world today this dedication is hard to understand. As a student of Bible prophecy, I have found in the Bible and a study of secular history that for 4000 years the Jewish people have been the target of evil forces who want to eliminate them from the earth. In addition to the study of history, a close study of Bible prophecy says that this hatred driving one people to destroy another people will only intensify in the last days.
Zechariah, and ancient Jewish prophet, foretells of a time when 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8). Revelation 12:7-17 reveals that evil angelic creatures will try and eliminate the Jews also. Ezekiel 35:5,10 is a prophecy that tells of the Palestinian people working to kill the Jews.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas training female suicide bombers in Gaza is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Feminism is alive in the Gaza Strip as the Islamic terror organization Hamas is training women to be suicide bombers and to shoot machine guns to kill Israelis according to a CNN television crew who traveled blindfolded to a secret location to film the women. Female terrorists are not a new phenomenon in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, but it is rare that a foreign news agency has been allowed to interview them and watch them while they were being trained.
The female terrorists were interviewed while sitting at a table loaded with rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, and explosives and they said they see nothing unusual in fighting alongside men because women also serve in the Zionist army who they want to destroy.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Women who are eager to be trained as suicide bombers by the Islamic terror group Hamas so that they can kill Jews is evidence of the hatred of Jews that will lead to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
A CNN camera crew, taken blindfolded to a secret training camp operated by the Islamic terror organization Hamas was able to document the training of women as suicide bombers with the mission of killing Jews, this evidence of dedication to a cause that will take the life of the young women is also evidence of the hatred that the Islamist terrorists have for the Jewish people. These young women believe that their god Allah has directed them to wipe the Jewish people off the earth one attack at a time.
For most people in our world today this dedication is hard to understand. As a student of Bible prophecy, I have found in the Bible and a study of secular history that for 4000 years the Jewish people have been the target of evil forces who want to eliminate them from the earth. In addition to the study of history, a close study of Bible prophecy says that this hatred driving one people to destroy another people will only intensify in the last days.
Zechariah, and ancient Jewish prophet, foretells of a time when 2 out of every 3 Jews will be killed (Zechariah 13:8). Revelation 12:7-17 reveals that evil angelic creatures will try and eliminate the Jews also. Ezekiel 35:5,10 is a prophecy that tells of the Palestinian people working to kill the Jews.
The Islamic terror organization Hamas training female suicide bombers in Gaza is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 24, 2011
Middle East archaeologists are helping to save the ruins of the Biblical tower of Babel
Following the years of devastation under the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and the ensuing American invasion of Iraq archaeologists are beginning to work on ancient Babylonian sites and hope to save the ruins of the biblical Tower of Babylon and learn how it was built before it crumbled under the weight of confusion.
As a first step, experts are working on a plan to prevent further deterioration of the mud-bricked ruins which were damaged by Saddam's personal building projects.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The meticulous work by archaeologists to preserve the mud-bricked Tower of Babel in Iraq is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
For several decades, the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein worked to restore the site of biblical Babylon which included the mud-bricked building of the Tower of Babel. Since the war torn nation of Iraq is working to restore its country to the glory days of this Middle Eastern state in many areas, they have arranged for archaeologists to work to save the ruins of the ancient biblical site.
The Bible records the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the people of the world at that time who only spoke one language were confronted by a heavenly visitor and the tower was destroyed by the confusion of one language becoming many languages, Genesis 11. This account of Babylon's beginnings found in Genesis 11 is only the start of a significant history for this city. Babylon is where the Jews were held captive for 70 years, II Chronicles 36. Babylon was the city where Alexander the Great became the leader of the known world. Babylon is also the city where the Apostle Peter traveled to start a church to reach that part of the world, I Peter 5:13. Babylon will also be the headquarters for a world economic center and its leader, the Antichrist, Revelation 18. Babylon is the city that will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19.
This will be a total destruction and forever, Isaiah 13,14, Jeremiah 50, 51, and Revelation 16:17-21.
Archaeologists working to preserve the city of Babylon is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
As a first step, experts are working on a plan to prevent further deterioration of the mud-bricked ruins which were damaged by Saddam's personal building projects.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The meticulous work by archaeologists to preserve the mud-bricked Tower of Babel in Iraq is evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
For several decades, the late Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein worked to restore the site of biblical Babylon which included the mud-bricked building of the Tower of Babel. Since the war torn nation of Iraq is working to restore its country to the glory days of this Middle Eastern state in many areas, they have arranged for archaeologists to work to save the ruins of the ancient biblical site.
The Bible records the destruction of the Tower of Babel when the people of the world at that time who only spoke one language were confronted by a heavenly visitor and the tower was destroyed by the confusion of one language becoming many languages, Genesis 11. This account of Babylon's beginnings found in Genesis 11 is only the start of a significant history for this city. Babylon is where the Jews were held captive for 70 years, II Chronicles 36. Babylon was the city where Alexander the Great became the leader of the known world. Babylon is also the city where the Apostle Peter traveled to start a church to reach that part of the world, I Peter 5:13. Babylon will also be the headquarters for a world economic center and its leader, the Antichrist, Revelation 18. Babylon is the city that will be destroyed in one hour, Revelation 18:10, 17, 19.
This will be a total destruction and forever, Isaiah 13,14, Jeremiah 50, 51, and Revelation 16:17-21.
Archaeologists working to preserve the city of Babylon is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
February 23, 2011
The most popular religion in the US is Judaism
Listen to Today's Program 
According to Harvard Professor Robert Putnam as revealed in his recently released book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites the United States" the most popular religion in the US is not Catholicism or Mormonism, it is Judaism.
Putnam, in a previous book he published, indicated that America was losing its social capital, but that Americans were a deeply religious people, more so on average than in Iran for example. Putnam said he thinks what brought about the surprising popularity of these historically persecuted people was that the American public may have learned the lessons of the injustice wrought upon the chosen people in the past.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though a recent survey says that in America the most popular religion is Judaism, the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy contradicts those findings.
Harvard professor and author Robert Putnam has released his findings of a survey taken from among 3000 people, a cross section of America, that reveals Judaism is the most popular religion among Americans. These findings are very interesting; however, they are somewhat difficult to believe when one reads the reports of growing Antisemitism in America and around the world. Some have said that this survey may indicate that there are those who embrace Judaism because of guilt from the way that the world has traditionally persecuted the Jewish people. Whatever the reason for Judaism's popularity in America, the future does not bode well for the Jews.
In a seven year period of time known as the Tribulation Period, the Jewish people will not be very popular and in fact will be the focus of not only persecution but an effort for the complete annihilation of the Jewish people on earth, that scenario is revealed in Revelation 14-19. In these 16 chapters, it is evident that the sources of evil, both man and angels will try to eliminate the Jews from the world, Revelation 12:13-17. Zechariah, another ancient Jewish prophet, says that two-thirds of the Jews will be killed during this same period of time, Zechariah 13:8.
Judaism may be popular today, but in the future, the Jews will be the target for destruction.

According to Harvard Professor Robert Putnam as revealed in his recently released book "American Grace: How Religion Divides and Unites the United States" the most popular religion in the US is not Catholicism or Mormonism, it is Judaism.
Putnam, in a previous book he published, indicated that America was losing its social capital, but that Americans were a deeply religious people, more so on average than in Iran for example. Putnam said he thinks what brought about the surprising popularity of these historically persecuted people was that the American public may have learned the lessons of the injustice wrought upon the chosen people in the past.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though a recent survey says that in America the most popular religion is Judaism, the end times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy contradicts those findings.
Harvard professor and author Robert Putnam has released his findings of a survey taken from among 3000 people, a cross section of America, that reveals Judaism is the most popular religion among Americans. These findings are very interesting; however, they are somewhat difficult to believe when one reads the reports of growing Antisemitism in America and around the world. Some have said that this survey may indicate that there are those who embrace Judaism because of guilt from the way that the world has traditionally persecuted the Jewish people. Whatever the reason for Judaism's popularity in America, the future does not bode well for the Jews.
In a seven year period of time known as the Tribulation Period, the Jewish people will not be very popular and in fact will be the focus of not only persecution but an effort for the complete annihilation of the Jewish people on earth, that scenario is revealed in Revelation 14-19. In these 16 chapters, it is evident that the sources of evil, both man and angels will try to eliminate the Jews from the world, Revelation 12:13-17. Zechariah, another ancient Jewish prophet, says that two-thirds of the Jews will be killed during this same period of time, Zechariah 13:8.
Judaism may be popular today, but in the future, the Jews will be the target for destruction.
February 22, 2011
The Palestinian Authority president says there will be no Jews in a Palestinian state
Listen to Today's Program 
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced recently that in an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, there will be no Israeli Jews living there which includes the almost 500,000 Jews that now are living in the area of Judea and Samaria with over 200 Jewish settlements in the same area including the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
The Palestinian Authority president accused the United States of not putting enough pressure on the Israeli government to stop construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A statement by the Palestinian Authority president that there will be no Jews in a Palestinian state contradicts and confirms the Bible which reveals the end of times scenario for the Jewish people.
As the Jewish people and the Palestinians fail to bring about a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both sides have been using rhetoric that has not helped the peace process. Recently, Palestinian President Abbas made the announcement that in a Palestinian state there would not be any Jewish people. That's in contradiction to the efforts to bring peace to the area by stating that some Jewish settlements and settlers could choose to live where they are living today which is in an area within the borders of what could be the Palestinian state. It is interesting to note there are hundreds of thousands of Palestinians today who are living in the Jewish state. The Bible has insight into the future as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a conflict that has been going on for some 4000 years.
The Israelis and the Palestinians both have ancestors and a history as recorded in the Bible and this record starts in Genesis 25 with the birth of twin boys, Jacob and Esau. A study of Bible history brings us to the facts, Jacob's descendants are the Jewish people of today and Esau's heritage would be the Palestinians of today. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel reveals that in the last days the Israelis will be killed by the Palestinians who will then take the land that God has given the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35.
The Palestinians can say that there will be no Jewish people in a Palestinian state but remember, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas announced recently that in an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, there will be no Israeli Jews living there which includes the almost 500,000 Jews that now are living in the area of Judea and Samaria with over 200 Jewish settlements in the same area including the Old City of Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
The Palestinian Authority president accused the United States of not putting enough pressure on the Israeli government to stop construction in the Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and the eastern section of the city of Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A statement by the Palestinian Authority president that there will be no Jews in a Palestinian state contradicts and confirms the Bible which reveals the end of times scenario for the Jewish people.
As the Jewish people and the Palestinians fail to bring about a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, both sides have been using rhetoric that has not helped the peace process. Recently, Palestinian President Abbas made the announcement that in a Palestinian state there would not be any Jewish people. That's in contradiction to the efforts to bring peace to the area by stating that some Jewish settlements and settlers could choose to live where they are living today which is in an area within the borders of what could be the Palestinian state. It is interesting to note there are hundreds of thousands of Palestinians today who are living in the Jewish state. The Bible has insight into the future as it relates to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a conflict that has been going on for some 4000 years.
The Israelis and the Palestinians both have ancestors and a history as recorded in the Bible and this record starts in Genesis 25 with the birth of twin boys, Jacob and Esau. A study of Bible history brings us to the facts, Jacob's descendants are the Jewish people of today and Esau's heritage would be the Palestinians of today. The ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel reveals that in the last days the Israelis will be killed by the Palestinians who will then take the land that God has given the Jewish people, Ezekiel 35.
The Palestinians can say that there will be no Jewish people in a Palestinian state but remember, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 21, 2011
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, has called on Moslems to remove the United States from the Islamic world
The leader of Iran's supreme council, made up of all Islamic religious high ranking clerics, has called for the Moslem world to remove the United States from the Islamic world, actually meaning the removal of all American forces in the Middle East region. Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, the leader of Iran's supreme council, told a gathering of Shiite and Sunni scholars in Tehran, therefore an international conference on Islam, that the main problem in the Moslem world was the presence of US forces and he urged Moslems worldwide to preserve the peoples movement in Egypt saying that it was the duty of both the people and dignitaries of Arab nations and the entire Islamic community.
Ali Khomeini said that the enemies who say that the Middle East revolution is un-Islamic must be confronted. These popular movements, he said, are Islamic and must be consolidated.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The call by Iran's supreme leader for the Moslem world to rid the Middle East of US forces and consolidate this Islamic movement is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, has called for all Moslems both Shiite and Sunni to consolidate their efforts to change the landscape of the Middle East by removing all Arab and Islamic leaders who have a relationship with the United States or Israel. Ali Khomeini says that the street demonstrations in the Arab world are motivated by the Islamic faith of the protesters. The supreme leader of Iran calls on the Moslem world to remove US forces from any Moslem or Islamic nation and to do so right now. This political scenario being played out in the Middle East is, in reality, setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The ancient Jewish prophets all spoke of these events and the nations in the Middle East that are now experiencing this phenomenon as the main players for the last days. Daniel, in Daniel 11, mentioned Egypt as one of the two nations that will make the first attempt to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Daniel 11:42-43). Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 38:5, mentioned Persia - that would be modern day Iran as one of the leaders of the alignment of nations to attack Israel. Joel in chapter 2 of his prophecy called for a mighty militia from the Moslem world to go to Jerusalem and remove the Jewish state from the Middle East.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, is calling for what Bible prophecy says will indeed happen - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Ali Khomeini said that the enemies who say that the Middle East revolution is un-Islamic must be confronted. These popular movements, he said, are Islamic and must be consolidated.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The call by Iran's supreme leader for the Moslem world to rid the Middle East of US forces and consolidate this Islamic movement is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, has called for all Moslems both Shiite and Sunni to consolidate their efforts to change the landscape of the Middle East by removing all Arab and Islamic leaders who have a relationship with the United States or Israel. Ali Khomeini says that the street demonstrations in the Arab world are motivated by the Islamic faith of the protesters. The supreme leader of Iran calls on the Moslem world to remove US forces from any Moslem or Islamic nation and to do so right now. This political scenario being played out in the Middle East is, in reality, setting the stage for the prophetic scenario that is found in Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The ancient Jewish prophets all spoke of these events and the nations in the Middle East that are now experiencing this phenomenon as the main players for the last days. Daniel, in Daniel 11, mentioned Egypt as one of the two nations that will make the first attempt to destroy the Jewish state of Israel (Daniel 11:42-43). Ezekiel, in Ezekiel 38:5, mentioned Persia - that would be modern day Iran as one of the leaders of the alignment of nations to attack Israel. Joel in chapter 2 of his prophecy called for a mighty militia from the Moslem world to go to Jerusalem and remove the Jewish state from the Middle East.
Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khomeini, is calling for what Bible prophecy says will indeed happen - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
February 18, 2011
A high ranking Islamic terrorist claims that China and India will replace the United States as the superpowers in this world
According to Mahmoud al-Zahar, the chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, the empire of the United States is in decline and will fall because of the country's immorality, promotion of sexuality, and political injustice. Al-Zahar also predicted that China and India will become the new world superpowers because of the large populations of both China and India and these two economies expanding faster than any other nations of the world. Al-Zahar said that he welcomed the revolution of Egypt which brought down the US-backed Mubarak and said that this revolution will sweep the Middle East bringing down other Arab leaders who support the United States and its ally Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Islamic terror leader who predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers is in lockstep with Bible prophecy for the last days.
The chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip made a very profound statement recently when he predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers in our world. Mahmoud al-Zahar most likely does not realize how right on that he is, but the Bible does reveal in the pages of prophecy that the kings of the east, that would be China and India, the kings of the east mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:12 that these kings of the east will gather at Jerusalem just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, as will all nations at that time in history (Zechariah 14:2).
As it relates to America's fall because of immorality and the promotion of sexuality, so stated by this Islamic leader, that is very Biblical as well. In fact, the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy giving us some evidence that America must be off the scene before the end of times scenario found in Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Remember, at the Rapture of the Church, all Christians leave this earth and go to heaven which will take the backbone of this nation of America away leaving the United States as a powerless country.
The Hamas leader that said the United States will fall may not know that he actually was quoting Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The Islamic terror leader who predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers is in lockstep with Bible prophecy for the last days.
The chief of Hamas in the Gaza Strip made a very profound statement recently when he predicted the fall of the United States and the rise of China and India as superpowers in our world. Mahmoud al-Zahar most likely does not realize how right on that he is, but the Bible does reveal in the pages of prophecy that the kings of the east, that would be China and India, the kings of the east mentioned in the book of Revelation 16:12 that these kings of the east will gather at Jerusalem just before Jesus Christ returns to the earth, as will all nations at that time in history (Zechariah 14:2).
As it relates to America's fall because of immorality and the promotion of sexuality, so stated by this Islamic leader, that is very Biblical as well. In fact, the United States is not mentioned in Bible prophecy giving us some evidence that America must be off the scene before the end of times scenario found in Bible prophecy will be fulfilled. Remember, at the Rapture of the Church, all Christians leave this earth and go to heaven which will take the backbone of this nation of America away leaving the United States as a powerless country.
The Hamas leader that said the United States will fall may not know that he actually was quoting Bible prophecy - Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
February 17, 2011
Jerusalem is declared the eternal capital of Israel by the prime minister and confirmed by the Israel Knesset
The headline for this report is correct - howbeit, it is a headline from Israel dating back over 60 years to the time when on December 13, 1949, David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, declared to the members of the Israeli government meeting in Tel Aviv, that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel and the Israeli legislative body, the Knesset, approved the declaration. The Israeli government action followed the United Nations declaration that Jerusalem must be internationalized to which David Ben-Gurion responded that Jerusalem is an intrical part of Israel, its eternal capital, and no United Nations resolution can change such an historic fact.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though the world doesn't recognize the historic prophetic that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel as so declared by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, the Bible confirms this fact and says it is absolute.
In December of 1949 the then prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, made the unilateral declaration that Jerusalem was the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel and that no United Nations resolution could change that fact. Ben-Gurion added that Jerusalem was made the capital of the Jewish people some 3000 years ago, a declaration made by the second king of Israel, King David. The counter-declaration by Ben-Gurion that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel, was a political declaration that is in perfect harmony with many passages in the Bible.
In the Davidic Covenant found in II Samuel 7, the Lord promised the Jewish people that He will give them a place to dwell and that they will move no more (II Samuel 7:10). The Davidic Covenant also confirms that the Jewish Messiah will rule a kingdom from a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and do that forever. In fact, God has committed to dwelling among the Jewish people in Jerusalem forever (Psalm 132:13-14). Even on the new earth called for in Isaiah 65 and 66 and in Revelation 21, the earthly city of Jerusalem will be the center of all spiritual activities (Micah 4:1-3, Isaiah 2).
David Ben-Gurion's declaration over 60 years ago that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel is absolute. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though the world doesn't recognize the historic prophetic that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel as so declared by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, the Bible confirms this fact and says it is absolute.
In December of 1949 the then prime minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, made the unilateral declaration that Jerusalem was the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel and that no United Nations resolution could change that fact. Ben-Gurion added that Jerusalem was made the capital of the Jewish people some 3000 years ago, a declaration made by the second king of Israel, King David. The counter-declaration by Ben-Gurion that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of Israel, was a political declaration that is in perfect harmony with many passages in the Bible.
In the Davidic Covenant found in II Samuel 7, the Lord promised the Jewish people that He will give them a place to dwell and that they will move no more (II Samuel 7:10). The Davidic Covenant also confirms that the Jewish Messiah will rule a kingdom from a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and do that forever. In fact, God has committed to dwelling among the Jewish people in Jerusalem forever (Psalm 132:13-14). Even on the new earth called for in Isaiah 65 and 66 and in Revelation 21, the earthly city of Jerusalem will be the center of all spiritual activities (Micah 4:1-3, Isaiah 2).
David Ben-Gurion's declaration over 60 years ago that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish state of Israel is absolute. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 16, 2011
The Palestinian government says that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, where they now go to pray 3 times every day
Listen to Today's Program 
There is a document on the official mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, a website that claims the Jewish people have no right to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and pray, which they do three times daily, because the report says the Western Wall belongs to Moslems and the Jews have no connection with the Western Wall.
This study by the Palestinian Authority has been denounced by Israel and the United States because it says the Western Wall has always belonged to the Moslems and the Jews have been allowed to pray there because of Moslem tolerance.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the Palestinian Authority that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem is a contradiction to historic fact and the prophetic scenario that focuses on the Temple Mount for the end times.
The report published by an official of the Palestinian Authority stating that Jews have no connection to the Western Wall in Jerusalem since there is no stone in the Western Wall that dates back to the time of King Solomon is partially correct and partially wrong. The correct part is that indeed there are no stones in the Western Wall dating back to King Solomon some 3000 years ago - the reason being that the Western Wall was only built some 2000 years ago by Herod the Great. The incorrect statement is that there is no historic Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
Herod used over 10,000 Jewish laborers to build that wall and it was the western retaining wall used to keep the Temple Mount in tact. King Solomon did build the first temple on the Temple Mount and Herod the Great spent 46 years refurbishing the second temple on that same spot - both of these were Jewish temples. That disproves the Palestinian Authority claim of no Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
In fact, the Bible states that one day the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth and build a temple for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16,6:12). However, before Messiah builds His temple in Jerusalem, there will be a Jewish temple erected on the Temple Mount (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).
Palestinian claims are wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

There is a document on the official mouthpiece for the Palestinian Authority, a website that claims the Jewish people have no right to go to the Western Wall in Jerusalem and pray, which they do three times daily, because the report says the Western Wall belongs to Moslems and the Jews have no connection with the Western Wall.
This study by the Palestinian Authority has been denounced by Israel and the United States because it says the Western Wall has always belonged to the Moslems and the Jews have been allowed to pray there because of Moslem tolerance.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The claim by the Palestinian Authority that Jewish people have no right to pray at the Western Wall in Jerusalem is a contradiction to historic fact and the prophetic scenario that focuses on the Temple Mount for the end times.
The report published by an official of the Palestinian Authority stating that Jews have no connection to the Western Wall in Jerusalem since there is no stone in the Western Wall that dates back to the time of King Solomon is partially correct and partially wrong. The correct part is that indeed there are no stones in the Western Wall dating back to King Solomon some 3000 years ago - the reason being that the Western Wall was only built some 2000 years ago by Herod the Great. The incorrect statement is that there is no historic Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
Herod used over 10,000 Jewish laborers to build that wall and it was the western retaining wall used to keep the Temple Mount in tact. King Solomon did build the first temple on the Temple Mount and Herod the Great spent 46 years refurbishing the second temple on that same spot - both of these were Jewish temples. That disproves the Palestinian Authority claim of no Jewish connection to the Western Wall.
In fact, the Bible states that one day the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to earth and build a temple for the Jewish people on the Temple Mount (Zechariah 1:16,6:12). However, before Messiah builds His temple in Jerusalem, there will be a Jewish temple erected on the Temple Mount (Daniel 9:27, Matthew 24:15, II Thessalonians 2:4, and Revelation 11:1).
Palestinian claims are wrong. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 15, 2011
After decades of decline, the total number of Jews in the world has increased
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According to the Berman Institute and the Jewish Data Bank, there had been a steady decline for several decades in the worlds Jewish population but the trend has been reversed and an increase has been recorded recently even though it is very so slight in numbers.
The number of Jews outside Israel continued its decline but their number increased inside Israel bringing the total Jewish population in Israel to around 5.7 million, the largest number of Jews in any one location anyplace on earth. Out of a world population numbering around 6.9 billion people there are only about 13 and a half million Jews in our world today which is slightly less that .2% of the world's total population
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With less than .2% of the world's total population being Jewish, the world's focus is on these unique people who will be the major players in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Out of a world population that numbers 6.9 billion people, the Jewish people and their very small nation in the Middle East has attracted the attention of the world. It seems that daily some world leader is talking about the Jewish state of Israel and what is happening there as it relates to the existence of this young nation among the nations of the world. The Jewish people came into existence 4000 years ago when Abraham became the Father of the Jews and passed that heritage along to his son and grandson Isaac and Jacob.
Though there have been countless attempts to destroy the Jewish people down through the centuries God has protected a people that He calls His chosen people, that is according to Deuteronomy 7:6-8. In fact, God divided humankind on this earth and he set the bounds for them based upon the Jewish people in this world - that's recorded in Deuteronomy 32:8.
Every student of Bible prophecy is aware that God's plan for the end times will happen in order to fulfill the Lord's promises to the Jewish people. Those promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, (Genesis 15) the Land Covenant, (Deuteronomy 30) the Davidic Covenant, (II Samuel 7) and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31).
Though the Jewish people are small in numbers in our world today, they will be the major players for the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

According to the Berman Institute and the Jewish Data Bank, there had been a steady decline for several decades in the worlds Jewish population but the trend has been reversed and an increase has been recorded recently even though it is very so slight in numbers.
The number of Jews outside Israel continued its decline but their number increased inside Israel bringing the total Jewish population in Israel to around 5.7 million, the largest number of Jews in any one location anyplace on earth. Out of a world population numbering around 6.9 billion people there are only about 13 and a half million Jews in our world today which is slightly less that .2% of the world's total population
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With less than .2% of the world's total population being Jewish, the world's focus is on these unique people who will be the major players in the end of times scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy.
Out of a world population that numbers 6.9 billion people, the Jewish people and their very small nation in the Middle East has attracted the attention of the world. It seems that daily some world leader is talking about the Jewish state of Israel and what is happening there as it relates to the existence of this young nation among the nations of the world. The Jewish people came into existence 4000 years ago when Abraham became the Father of the Jews and passed that heritage along to his son and grandson Isaac and Jacob.
Though there have been countless attempts to destroy the Jewish people down through the centuries God has protected a people that He calls His chosen people, that is according to Deuteronomy 7:6-8. In fact, God divided humankind on this earth and he set the bounds for them based upon the Jewish people in this world - that's recorded in Deuteronomy 32:8.
Every student of Bible prophecy is aware that God's plan for the end times will happen in order to fulfill the Lord's promises to the Jewish people. Those promises found in the Abrahamic Covenant, (Genesis 15) the Land Covenant, (Deuteronomy 30) the Davidic Covenant, (II Samuel 7) and the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31).
Though the Jewish people are small in numbers in our world today, they will be the major players for the last days. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 14, 2011
Iranian President Ahmadinejad says in the new Middle East, there will be no Jewish state of Israel
In a speech marking the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, the president, Ahmadinajad, said that with the help of Allah, the new Middle East will turn into a region without the Zionist regime, the Jewish state of Israel, and the entire world will experience the sweet taste of a world without the Zionist thugs.
Hundreds of thousands of Iranians chanting slogans supporting the Arab uprisings marched in the center of Tehran to mark the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran. Death to Israel was the cry from the crowd in the streets celebrating their overthrow of the Iranian leader and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini to lead the Islamic Republic of Iran and to start the Islamic Revolution throughout the entire Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though the Iranian president thinks there will be no Jewish state in the new Middle East, he is absolutely wrong according to Bible prophecy.
With the street demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt being successful and bringing about the downfall of their longtime leaders, there is developing a new landscape in the Middle East. No political pundit or world leader can predict what the new Middle East will look like, however the Iranian President Ahmadinejad says that the new Middle East will have no Jewish state included in the nations of the region. This continuation of Ahmadinejad's radical rhetoric focused on the Jewish state is once again totally incorrect. The truth is that in the real new Middle East, the Jewish state of Israel will be the major player and Iran will not be included.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote that an alignment of nations will try to eliminate Israel from the Middle East (Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11). Jesus in the heavens will intercede and destroy the attackers of Israel (Ezekiel 38:18-39:6). II Samuel 7 reveals the program for the Jewish people in the future in the Davidic Covenant which calls for Jerusalem to be the capital city and the forever location of a Jewish temple for the Jews. Psalm 132:13-14 calls for Jesus Christ the Messiah to dwell among the Jews for ever in Jerusalem, Israel.
Ahmadinejad in once again wrong. The Jews will be in Israel on earth - forever. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Hundreds of thousands of Iranians chanting slogans supporting the Arab uprisings marched in the center of Tehran to mark the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution which toppled the Shah of Iran. Death to Israel was the cry from the crowd in the streets celebrating their overthrow of the Iranian leader and the rise of Ayatollah Khomeini to lead the Islamic Republic of Iran and to start the Islamic Revolution throughout the entire Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Though the Iranian president thinks there will be no Jewish state in the new Middle East, he is absolutely wrong according to Bible prophecy.
With the street demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt being successful and bringing about the downfall of their longtime leaders, there is developing a new landscape in the Middle East. No political pundit or world leader can predict what the new Middle East will look like, however the Iranian President Ahmadinejad says that the new Middle East will have no Jewish state included in the nations of the region. This continuation of Ahmadinejad's radical rhetoric focused on the Jewish state is once again totally incorrect. The truth is that in the real new Middle East, the Jewish state of Israel will be the major player and Iran will not be included.
The ancient Jewish prophets wrote that an alignment of nations will try to eliminate Israel from the Middle East (Ezekiel 38 and Daniel 11). Jesus in the heavens will intercede and destroy the attackers of Israel (Ezekiel 38:18-39:6). II Samuel 7 reveals the program for the Jewish people in the future in the Davidic Covenant which calls for Jerusalem to be the capital city and the forever location of a Jewish temple for the Jews. Psalm 132:13-14 calls for Jesus Christ the Messiah to dwell among the Jews for ever in Jerusalem, Israel.
Ahmadinejad in once again wrong. The Jews will be in Israel on earth - forever. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 11, 2011
The situation in Egypt has changed from moment to moment as the world watches
With hundreds of thousands of Egyptians flooding into the streets of Cairo, Egypt, calling for President Mubarak to step down, the Egyptian President continues to refuse to step aside and allow for a new government to be put in place which would bring stability to the largest Arab country in the Middle East. Many Arab leaders in the Middle East are worrying that the Egyptian phenomenon could happen in their country and Israel's leaders watch with concern that the outcome could be a matter of life and death for the Jewish state.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As world leaders have pressured Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down and allow for a new Egyptian government, the world has no idea what will happen in this Middle Eastern country. However, Bible prophecy does reveal the future for Egypt and its people.
So many political pundits and world leaders have almost from day to day voiced what Mubarak and Egypt should do or not do. One news gathering organization after the other has embellished the reports of this popular uprising in Egypt and played a unique role in fomenting this almost revolution in Cairo. Most political leaders agree that Mubarak's days as president are over and the Egyptian military can and must play the key role in Egypt's immediate future.
That being said, the true future has already been written as far back as 2500 years ago in the pages of Bible prophecy. When I say the future, I do not mean the next day, week, or even month - but the future as it relates to Bible prophecy. Isaiah 19 looks to a time when Egypt will be loved by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Egyptians will speak the Hebrew language as they join with the Jews to go up to Jerusalem to the temple to worship the God of Israel. However, before the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy, Daniel 11 foretells of the Egyptian military forces coming to Israel and trying to eliminate the Jewish state. The King of the South in Daniel 11:40-43 would be the modern-day state of Egypt.
Whatever happens in the present crisis in Egypt, you can rest assured Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
As world leaders have pressured Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to step down and allow for a new Egyptian government, the world has no idea what will happen in this Middle Eastern country. However, Bible prophecy does reveal the future for Egypt and its people.
So many political pundits and world leaders have almost from day to day voiced what Mubarak and Egypt should do or not do. One news gathering organization after the other has embellished the reports of this popular uprising in Egypt and played a unique role in fomenting this almost revolution in Cairo. Most political leaders agree that Mubarak's days as president are over and the Egyptian military can and must play the key role in Egypt's immediate future.
That being said, the true future has already been written as far back as 2500 years ago in the pages of Bible prophecy. When I say the future, I do not mean the next day, week, or even month - but the future as it relates to Bible prophecy. Isaiah 19 looks to a time when Egypt will be loved by the Lord Jesus Christ and the Egyptians will speak the Hebrew language as they join with the Jews to go up to Jerusalem to the temple to worship the God of Israel. However, before the fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy, Daniel 11 foretells of the Egyptian military forces coming to Israel and trying to eliminate the Jewish state. The King of the South in Daniel 11:40-43 would be the modern-day state of Egypt.
Whatever happens in the present crisis in Egypt, you can rest assured Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 10, 2011
The chief of staff of the Israeli Defense Force has told Israel to prepare for an all out war
The Israeli Defense Force Chief of Staff Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, in his final days in the top military job in Israel, told the nation that they must prepare for a conventional war and then expect that overnight the forces will operate in an all out war. The Israeli army chief of staff added that in the wake of the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, the Israeli army must be ready for a fight to the death on all fronts.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Israel's number one military man, the army chief of staff, tells his nation to prepare for an all out war, a scenario that was predicted centuries ago in Bible prophecy.
General Gabi Ashkenazi, after a long military career, has warned the state of Israel that they must prepare for an all out war that will be fought on a number of fronts. Ashkenazi, recognizing the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, has told his countrymen that the Israeli army will have to face a wider spectrum of threats than his has nation has had to face in its relatively short history.
These sobering warnings come at a time when the Middle East region is ripe with radical activists and actions that give forewarning of a major regional conflict and the target will be the Jewish state of Israel. This is not a new warning if you consider the message of the ancient Jewish prophets that wrote 2500 years ago of the end time scenario we see unfolding in the Middle East today. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Micah all warned of the enemies of Israel combining their militaries to destroy the Jewish state. The prophet Joel said a mighty military militia will form to take the lead in this conflict. Both Daniel and Ezekiel also said that the heavens will intercede to stop the complete annihilation of the Jewish state. Daniel 12:1 reveals that Michael the archangel will stand up to protect Israel in this time of trouble. Ezekiel said that the Lord from heaven will defeat Israel's attackers (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6).
Remember - Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Israel's number one military man, the army chief of staff, tells his nation to prepare for an all out war, a scenario that was predicted centuries ago in Bible prophecy.
General Gabi Ashkenazi, after a long military career, has warned the state of Israel that they must prepare for an all out war that will be fought on a number of fronts. Ashkenazi, recognizing the growing threat of radical Islam among Israel's neighbors, has told his countrymen that the Israeli army will have to face a wider spectrum of threats than his has nation has had to face in its relatively short history.
These sobering warnings come at a time when the Middle East region is ripe with radical activists and actions that give forewarning of a major regional conflict and the target will be the Jewish state of Israel. This is not a new warning if you consider the message of the ancient Jewish prophets that wrote 2500 years ago of the end time scenario we see unfolding in the Middle East today. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Micah all warned of the enemies of Israel combining their militaries to destroy the Jewish state. The prophet Joel said a mighty military militia will form to take the lead in this conflict. Both Daniel and Ezekiel also said that the heavens will intercede to stop the complete annihilation of the Jewish state. Daniel 12:1 reveals that Michael the archangel will stand up to protect Israel in this time of trouble. Ezekiel said that the Lord from heaven will defeat Israel's attackers (Ezekiel 38:18 - 39:6).
Remember - Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 09, 2011
A poster produced by the Islamic terror group Hamas says that Palestine loves President Obama
Listen to Today's Program 
On a poster recently produced by the Islamic terror group Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, President Obama is depicted wearing a keffiyeh, the traditional Arab head covering, and in English under the photo it reads, "abu-Hussein", the name commonly used for President Obama by Hamas, "abu-Hussein, Palestine loves you."
The text of this poster has appeared on the front page of a number of Arab newspapers and attributes the admiration by Hamas towards President Obama as a result of his tendency to be tough on Israel in his public statements and actions.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The admiration for President Obama by the Islamic terror organization Hamas because of his tough stand against Israel is evidence that Bible prophecy is very close to being fulfilled.
The appearance of posters in the Gaza Strip, depicting President Obama wearing an Arab headdress, and referring to the US President as abu-Hussein, is evidence of the admiration that the Islamic terror group Hamas has for Obama. President Obama has made an effort to reach out to the Islamic world and develop a relationship with the Moslems by saying that the United States is not at war with Islam.
This scenario is a page out of the Olivet Discourse, a prophetic message that Jesus Christ gave on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. That Discourse is recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, where Jesus Christ gives signs of His Second Coming to the earth. Luke 21:24 reveals that the Jews would be dispersed across the world from Jerusalem and that happened in 70AD. The verse also says that Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The term, "times of the Gentiles" is referring to the Gentile world having control over Jerusalem and the Jews. Today we see that the Gentiles, President Obama and the Moslem world are working to control both Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
The Hamas poster of President Obama is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

On a poster recently produced by the Islamic terror group Hamas, in the Gaza Strip, President Obama is depicted wearing a keffiyeh, the traditional Arab head covering, and in English under the photo it reads, "abu-Hussein", the name commonly used for President Obama by Hamas, "abu-Hussein, Palestine loves you."
The text of this poster has appeared on the front page of a number of Arab newspapers and attributes the admiration by Hamas towards President Obama as a result of his tendency to be tough on Israel in his public statements and actions.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The admiration for President Obama by the Islamic terror organization Hamas because of his tough stand against Israel is evidence that Bible prophecy is very close to being fulfilled.
The appearance of posters in the Gaza Strip, depicting President Obama wearing an Arab headdress, and referring to the US President as abu-Hussein, is evidence of the admiration that the Islamic terror group Hamas has for Obama. President Obama has made an effort to reach out to the Islamic world and develop a relationship with the Moslems by saying that the United States is not at war with Islam.
This scenario is a page out of the Olivet Discourse, a prophetic message that Jesus Christ gave on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. That Discourse is recorded in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, where Jesus Christ gives signs of His Second Coming to the earth. Luke 21:24 reveals that the Jews would be dispersed across the world from Jerusalem and that happened in 70AD. The verse also says that Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. The term, "times of the Gentiles" is referring to the Gentile world having control over Jerusalem and the Jews. Today we see that the Gentiles, President Obama and the Moslem world are working to control both Jerusalem and the Jewish people.
The Hamas poster of President Obama is indeed evidence that Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 08, 2011
The PM of Canada says Israel is the only nation in the world whose very existence is under attack
Listen to Today's Program 
Speaking at the Antisemitism Conference in Ottawa, ON, the prime minister of Canada said the Jewish nation of Israel is the only nation of the world whose very existence is under attack and is consistently and conspicuously singed out for condemnation.
PM Harper said that history shows the world and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tells the world that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of the world. The prime minister said that we should not forget that there are those who choose evil and would launch another Holocaust if left unchecked.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning from the Canadian prime minister that there is evil in this world that, if left unchecked, would launch another Holocaust is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper in a speech to an Antisemitism conference in Canada warned the world that Israel is the only nation in the world whose very existence is under attack. The prime minister said that evil in our world today is ready to launch another Holocaust, ready to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state. Harper's word of warning about Antisemitism is not being heard by much of the world today and this ideology that wants Jews dead will indeed lead to another Holocaust.
I make that statement based upon the prophetic word that can be found in the Bible. Both Heaven and earth will be the scene for an attack on the Jews, not only in Israel, but around the world. Revelation 12 speaks of evil angels being thrown out of Heaven and when they come to the earth, they will go forth to kill all of the Jews, Revelation 12:7-17. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 foretold of an alignment of nations who will, in the last days, endeavor to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Zechariah, an ancient Jewish prophet, says that two out of every three Jews will be killed in the future, Zechariah 13:8.
Canadian PM Harper's warning is real and the threat of a future Holocaust is real as well.

Speaking at the Antisemitism Conference in Ottawa, ON, the prime minister of Canada said the Jewish nation of Israel is the only nation of the world whose very existence is under attack and is consistently and conspicuously singed out for condemnation.
PM Harper said that history shows the world and the ideology of the anti-Israel mob tells the world that those who threaten the existence of the Jewish people are a threat to all of the world. The prime minister said that we should not forget that there are those who choose evil and would launch another Holocaust if left unchecked.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The warning from the Canadian prime minister that there is evil in this world that, if left unchecked, would launch another Holocaust is a page out of Bible prophecy.
Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper in a speech to an Antisemitism conference in Canada warned the world that Israel is the only nation in the world whose very existence is under attack. The prime minister said that evil in our world today is ready to launch another Holocaust, ready to kill Jews and destroy the Jewish state. Harper's word of warning about Antisemitism is not being heard by much of the world today and this ideology that wants Jews dead will indeed lead to another Holocaust.
I make that statement based upon the prophetic word that can be found in the Bible. Both Heaven and earth will be the scene for an attack on the Jews, not only in Israel, but around the world. Revelation 12 speaks of evil angels being thrown out of Heaven and when they come to the earth, they will go forth to kill all of the Jews, Revelation 12:7-17. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 foretold of an alignment of nations who will, in the last days, endeavor to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. Zechariah, an ancient Jewish prophet, says that two out of every three Jews will be killed in the future, Zechariah 13:8.
Canadian PM Harper's warning is real and the threat of a future Holocaust is real as well.
February 07, 2011
Al Qaeda is still on schedule for world domination
The Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein revealed to the world al Qaeda's master plan for world domination when he interviewed top al Qaeda leaders including the mastermind of many terror attacks Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, revealing a seven stage long term war ending with the world coming under control of the Islamic caliphate - world domination.
Phase 3 followed the 9-11 attacks. Phase 4, expected to last from 2010 - 2013, foresees the downfall of hated Arab regimes including Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Phase 5, to take place between 2013 and 2016, has been described as the period of the formation of a worldwide Islamic state with an Islamic army to lead the fight over non-Moslems in order to set in place global domination.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The master plan for the Islamic terror organization al Qaeda that calls for worldwide Islamic domination is right on schedule but it will not come about according to Bible prophecy.
According to published reports, the master plan for the world domination by al Qaeda is right on schedule. We're now watching phase 4 of the seven stage plan taking place with the street demonstrators in the Arab capitals in the Middle East leading the way for the downfall of hated Arab leaders, basically the moderate Arab leaders that are willing to coexist with a Jewish state in the Middle East. The phase 4 plan also calls for an attack on oil supplies and the United States economy. Already it is evidenced that the plan has been effective in Tunisia and Egypt with Saudi Arabia and Jordan to be the next targets. Ironically the West is downplaying these threats to take over the world by the Islamists.
A student of Bible prophecy, however, would recognize what is happening as the prewritten history recorded over 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets. Joel wrote that the largest military might ever formed on the earth will take place in the last days. It will be a massive Moslem militia according to Joel 2:1-4. Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all add additional information to the end times scenario that we can see unfolding right now. Ezekiel, however, reveals that the Moslem militia will not form this desired caliphate, a global dominion. Jesus will intercede from heaven and destroy the al Qaeda forces (Ezekiel 38:18-39:6). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Phase 3 followed the 9-11 attacks. Phase 4, expected to last from 2010 - 2013, foresees the downfall of hated Arab regimes including Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Phase 5, to take place between 2013 and 2016, has been described as the period of the formation of a worldwide Islamic state with an Islamic army to lead the fight over non-Moslems in order to set in place global domination.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The master plan for the Islamic terror organization al Qaeda that calls for worldwide Islamic domination is right on schedule but it will not come about according to Bible prophecy.
According to published reports, the master plan for the world domination by al Qaeda is right on schedule. We're now watching phase 4 of the seven stage plan taking place with the street demonstrators in the Arab capitals in the Middle East leading the way for the downfall of hated Arab leaders, basically the moderate Arab leaders that are willing to coexist with a Jewish state in the Middle East. The phase 4 plan also calls for an attack on oil supplies and the United States economy. Already it is evidenced that the plan has been effective in Tunisia and Egypt with Saudi Arabia and Jordan to be the next targets. Ironically the West is downplaying these threats to take over the world by the Islamists.
A student of Bible prophecy, however, would recognize what is happening as the prewritten history recorded over 2500 years ago by the ancient Jewish prophets. Joel wrote that the largest military might ever formed on the earth will take place in the last days. It will be a massive Moslem militia according to Joel 2:1-4. Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah all add additional information to the end times scenario that we can see unfolding right now. Ezekiel, however, reveals that the Moslem militia will not form this desired caliphate, a global dominion. Jesus will intercede from heaven and destroy the al Qaeda forces (Ezekiel 38:18-39:6). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 04, 2011
An Israeli official says America does not realize the extent of the catastrophe into which they have pushed the Middle East
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, a former army general, labor party chairman, and a minister in the Israeli government cabinet says that America still does not realize the extent of the catastrophe into which they have pushed the Middle East adding that it's still too early to judge, but this is not the first mistake in Middle East policy made by the present Obama Administration. Ben-Eliezer believes that we must learn from history as he recalled the US dealings with the Shah of Iran by President Jimmy Carter which allowed the Ayatollah Khomeini to come to power in Iran after the fall of the Shah and bringing to power an Islamic republic in Iran.
Referring to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Ben-Eliezer said that there must be progress soon before the American boss in Washington forces a solution on the Jewish state of Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The public diplomacy of the Obama Administration in the Egyptian crisis has caused real concern in the Israeli government but among Arab leaders as well in the Middle East crisis now underway which will have a major impact on the future of this region, according to Bible prophecy.
From the outset of the crisis in Egypt, with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators going to the streets to call for the fall of the Mubarak government, the Obama Administration has been very public in diplomacy which many believe should have been done in private. The prime minister and president of Israel have been outspoken in their support for Egyptian President Mubarak who they say has kept peace in the Middle East for some 30 years. Though Mubarak did not sign the Israeli-Egyptian peace accord, the Camp David Accords, Mubarak has played the key role in maintaining this peace resulting in no major Middle East war for over 30 years. Israeli officials are very concerned about who will take Mubarak's place in the next Egyptian government and whether they will abrogate the peace treaty between the two countries.
This scenario playing out in the Middle East is tangible evidence that politics does set the stage for prophecy to be fulfilled. God established human government (Genesis 9:6) to direct this world to do His will. Revelation 17:17 says that the Lord puts into the hearts of world leaders to do His will. Romans 13:1 says world leaders are ordained by God.
As we watch from afar what happens to the Arab world crisis we can rest assured that God's plan will come to pass. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Referring to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, Ben-Eliezer said that there must be progress soon before the American boss in Washington forces a solution on the Jewish state of Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The public diplomacy of the Obama Administration in the Egyptian crisis has caused real concern in the Israeli government but among Arab leaders as well in the Middle East crisis now underway which will have a major impact on the future of this region, according to Bible prophecy.
From the outset of the crisis in Egypt, with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators going to the streets to call for the fall of the Mubarak government, the Obama Administration has been very public in diplomacy which many believe should have been done in private. The prime minister and president of Israel have been outspoken in their support for Egyptian President Mubarak who they say has kept peace in the Middle East for some 30 years. Though Mubarak did not sign the Israeli-Egyptian peace accord, the Camp David Accords, Mubarak has played the key role in maintaining this peace resulting in no major Middle East war for over 30 years. Israeli officials are very concerned about who will take Mubarak's place in the next Egyptian government and whether they will abrogate the peace treaty between the two countries.
This scenario playing out in the Middle East is tangible evidence that politics does set the stage for prophecy to be fulfilled. God established human government (Genesis 9:6) to direct this world to do His will. Revelation 17:17 says that the Lord puts into the hearts of world leaders to do His will. Romans 13:1 says world leaders are ordained by God.
As we watch from afar what happens to the Arab world crisis we can rest assured that God's plan will come to pass. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 03, 2011
A Hamas leader says that Jews will soon be expelled from all of Israel
Mahmoud Zahar, a Hamas leader in the Gaza Strip, says the Jews of Israel, Palestine as he referred to the Jewish nation, will be soon expelled from the land the same way they were expelled out of France, Russia, and Germany in the past. Zahar said that the only nation that received the Jews after they were expelled from the European nations was the Islamic nation which protected them.
Zahar claimed that the Jews were expelled in the past because they betrayed, stole, and corrupted the countries and that the Palestinians with their blood can liberate their lands and holy sites in all of Palestine.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The declaration by a Hamas terrorist leader that the Jews will soon be expelled from their nation of Israel is an echo of the prophetic scenario that's found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
Mahmoud Zahar, a Hamas terrorist leader has in the past called for the Jews to be expelled from their land and nation of Israel. Now the Islamic terrorist leader says that in the near future the Jews will indeed be put out of the land that they claim as a Jewish state. Zahar has called for all Palestinian factions to unite and if need be shed their blood to liberate what they call Palestine which they say is all of Israel and then they can go to al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem to pray.
This report is evidence that the end of times prophetic scenario found in the Bible is very close to fulfillment. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Malachi, and Obadiah all prewrote history on this matter and foretold of the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the Palestinians of today trying to rid the world of the Jewish people, the descendants of Jacob, twin brother of Esau. Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinians, would return to rebuild (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote that these people, the Palestinians, would kill the Jews and take their land (Ezekiel 35). Obadiah revealed that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would only be resolved when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
Zahar claimed that the Jews were expelled in the past because they betrayed, stole, and corrupted the countries and that the Palestinians with their blood can liberate their lands and holy sites in all of Palestine.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The declaration by a Hamas terrorist leader that the Jews will soon be expelled from their nation of Israel is an echo of the prophetic scenario that's found in Bible prophecy for the last days.
Mahmoud Zahar, a Hamas terrorist leader has in the past called for the Jews to be expelled from their land and nation of Israel. Now the Islamic terrorist leader says that in the near future the Jews will indeed be put out of the land that they claim as a Jewish state. Zahar has called for all Palestinian factions to unite and if need be shed their blood to liberate what they call Palestine which they say is all of Israel and then they can go to al Aksa Mosque in Jerusalem to pray.
This report is evidence that the end of times prophetic scenario found in the Bible is very close to fulfillment. The ancient Jewish prophets Ezekiel, Malachi, and Obadiah all prewrote history on this matter and foretold of the Edomites, the descendants of Esau, the Palestinians of today trying to rid the world of the Jewish people, the descendants of Jacob, twin brother of Esau. Malachi wrote that the Edomites, the Palestinians, would return to rebuild (Malachi 1). Ezekiel wrote that these people, the Palestinians, would kill the Jews and take their land (Ezekiel 35). Obadiah revealed that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would only be resolved when the Messiah Jesus Christ returns to the earth (Obadiah 15-18). Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.
February 02, 2011
The Islamic organization of al Qaeda says that all Middle Eastern Christians are legitimate targets
Listen to Today's Program 
Christians across the Middle East have been put on notice by the Islamic state of Iraq, better known as the Iraqi branch of the international branch of the international Islamic terror organization al Qaeda, that all Christians in the Middle East are now legitimate targets. The ministry of war of the Islamic state of Iraq declares that all centers, organizations, and bodies of Christian leaders and followers have become targets wherever their hands can reach them.
The terrorist leaders said that the doors of destruction are open and that Christian blood will flow like a river in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The threat by Islamic terrorists to kill Christians in the Middle East is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Recently in Baghdad, Iraq a group of Islamic militants entered a church and killed over 60 church goers after they held them hostage for a number of hours. Soon after this horrific attack the Islamic Republic of Iraq, a branch of al Qaeda, declared that all Christians in the Middle East are legitimate targets and their blood will flow like a river. This declaration by Islamic militants on the Middle Eastern Christian community is that page of Bible prophecy that can be found in a number of prophetic passages.
Though true born again Christians will depart the world at the Rapture of the Church there will be many others that will become believers, followers of Jesus Christ in the seven year Tribulation period (Revelation 7:9, I Thessalonians 4:13-18). During the Tribulation period these new believers in Jesus Christ will be martyred because of their faith (Revelation 6:9-11). John the Revelator wrote of the Tribulation saints that will be killed, many of them beheaded, for their witness for Jesus and for the Word of God (Revelation 20:4-6).
Threats from the Islamic militants to kill Christians in the Middle East is indeed a page from Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.

Christians across the Middle East have been put on notice by the Islamic state of Iraq, better known as the Iraqi branch of the international branch of the international Islamic terror organization al Qaeda, that all Christians in the Middle East are now legitimate targets. The ministry of war of the Islamic state of Iraq declares that all centers, organizations, and bodies of Christian leaders and followers have become targets wherever their hands can reach them.
The terrorist leaders said that the doors of destruction are open and that Christian blood will flow like a river in the Middle East.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The threat by Islamic terrorists to kill Christians in the Middle East is a page out of Bible prophecy for the last days.
Recently in Baghdad, Iraq a group of Islamic militants entered a church and killed over 60 church goers after they held them hostage for a number of hours. Soon after this horrific attack the Islamic Republic of Iraq, a branch of al Qaeda, declared that all Christians in the Middle East are legitimate targets and their blood will flow like a river. This declaration by Islamic militants on the Middle Eastern Christian community is that page of Bible prophecy that can be found in a number of prophetic passages.
Though true born again Christians will depart the world at the Rapture of the Church there will be many others that will become believers, followers of Jesus Christ in the seven year Tribulation period (Revelation 7:9, I Thessalonians 4:13-18). During the Tribulation period these new believers in Jesus Christ will be martyred because of their faith (Revelation 6:9-11). John the Revelator wrote of the Tribulation saints that will be killed, many of them beheaded, for their witness for Jesus and for the Word of God (Revelation 20:4-6).
Threats from the Islamic militants to kill Christians in the Middle East is indeed a page from Bible prophecy that will be fulfilled.
February 01, 2011
The Moslem Brotherhood tells their followers to prepare for war against Israel so they can kill Jews
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Leaders and clerics in the Moslem Brotherhood are calling for their followers to prepare for war against Israel and one leading brotherhood cleric has called for killing Jews to the very last one. This is the brotherhood that has played a major role in the chaos in the Arab capitals of the Middle East.
As the Moslem Brotherhood rises to power in the Middle East, Israeli leaders see this as consolidating the power of Hamas and its hold on Gaza, a real concern to the Jewish state because the Hamas charter states unequivocally that it wants to eradicate Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the rise of the Moslem Brotherhood and the so-called revolution in the Arab world, the endtime scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy comes much better into focus.
One of the major players in the chaos spreading throughout the Arab world is the Moslem Brotherhood, an Islamist terror group that has spawned such terror organizations as Hamas and al Qaeda. The ideology of the brotherhood was made clear by one of its leading preachers based in Qatar who in one of his sermons called for Israel and the Jews to be dealt with by Allah, the Islamic god, who should kill the Jews down to the very last one. This same Moslem Brotherhood preacher in a sermon aired on Al Jazeera claimed that Adolf Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jewish people. The brotherhood also supports Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, all Islamic terror groups who want to eradicate this world of the Jews.
The scenario being played out now in the Arab world was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets, a message for the last days. Daniel and Ezekiel both revealed that the Arab world would come to power and move to kill the Jews, Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. The prophet Joel said this would happen when every Moslem would be ready to form the largest militia ever formed on the earth, Joel 2. Even the Psalmist prophet, Psalm 83 called for the Jews to be destroyed and their name be forgotten forever, Psalm 83:4.
The rise to power of the Moslem Brotherhood and their impact on Middle East events is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.

Leaders and clerics in the Moslem Brotherhood are calling for their followers to prepare for war against Israel and one leading brotherhood cleric has called for killing Jews to the very last one. This is the brotherhood that has played a major role in the chaos in the Arab capitals of the Middle East.
As the Moslem Brotherhood rises to power in the Middle East, Israeli leaders see this as consolidating the power of Hamas and its hold on Gaza, a real concern to the Jewish state because the Hamas charter states unequivocally that it wants to eradicate Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
With the rise of the Moslem Brotherhood and the so-called revolution in the Arab world, the endtime scenario that can be found in Bible prophecy comes much better into focus.
One of the major players in the chaos spreading throughout the Arab world is the Moslem Brotherhood, an Islamist terror group that has spawned such terror organizations as Hamas and al Qaeda. The ideology of the brotherhood was made clear by one of its leading preachers based in Qatar who in one of his sermons called for Israel and the Jews to be dealt with by Allah, the Islamic god, who should kill the Jews down to the very last one. This same Moslem Brotherhood preacher in a sermon aired on Al Jazeera claimed that Adolf Hitler was sent by Allah to punish the Jewish people. The brotherhood also supports Hamas, the Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah, all Islamic terror groups who want to eradicate this world of the Jews.
The scenario being played out now in the Arab world was foretold by the ancient Jewish prophets, a message for the last days. Daniel and Ezekiel both revealed that the Arab world would come to power and move to kill the Jews, Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 38. The prophet Joel said this would happen when every Moslem would be ready to form the largest militia ever formed on the earth, Joel 2. Even the Psalmist prophet, Psalm 83 called for the Jews to be destroyed and their name be forgotten forever, Psalm 83:4.
The rise to power of the Moslem Brotherhood and their impact on Middle East events is indeed setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
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