An independent producer in Israel has a short documentary that can be seen on Youtube which reveals the real truth about the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and the relationship of the Jews and the Palestinians to this very sacred piece of real estate which has become the center of controversy in our world today. This video presentation documents the fact that the Temple Mount is the focus of Jewish worship while Mecca in Saudi Arabia is the focus of Moslem worship and in fact when Jews pray they look towards the Temple Mount while Moslems face Mecca in their prayers with their backs toward the Temple Mount.
Even a distinguished Palestinian professor states in one of his books that the Jews have a connection to the Temple Mount and he quotes the Koran that states that the Jews will indeed return to their God given land and to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A Jewish produced documentary on Youtube has raised the protest of Palestinians but at the same time sets the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled. An independent producer has produced a documentary that can be seen on Youtube which documents the history of the Temple Mount and its importance to both Jews and Palestinian Arabs. This video points out that the Koran, the Moslem holy book, never even mentions the city of Jerusalem much less the Temple Mount. The documentary reveals that the Temple Mount is sacred to the Jewish people while it is a place of recreation for Moslems where they picnic, play soccer, and even use it as a base for violent riots.
In the Jewish Bible, Jerusalem is mentioned over 600 times and the Holy Mountain of God, the Biblical term for the Temple Mount in Jerusalem is the site of two previous Jewish temples and the location for the Messiah's Temple in the future (II Samuel 7 and Zechariah 1:16). Zechariah 12:2 states that Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will be the center of controversy in the end of times and the debate between the Jews and the Palestinians is effectively fulfilling that prophecy. The Messiah Jesus Christ will return to Jerusalem one day and build His temple on the Temple Mount where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 6:12-13).
The controversy surrounding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will continue until Jesus returns. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.