Egypt's Islamists aim to install a global Islamic caliphate, a Muslim
kingdom, that will rule the entire world from the Middle East and it
will be known as the United States of the Arabs according to Safwat
Higazi who recently addressed thousands of Muslim worshipers in Cairo's
largest soccer stadium.
This radical Islamic cleric told the enthusiastic crowd made up of
mostly members of the Muslim Brotherhood that they can now see how their
dream of a worldwide Muslim kingdom will be set in place in the very
near future.
Higazi told the Muslim worshipers that the capital of this caliphate,
this kingdom, will not be Cairo and it will not be Mecca or Medina but
the capital of the United States of the Arabs will be the city of
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The call for a global caliphate, a Muslim kingdom with Jerusalem as its
capital city, is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times.
The Muslim Brotherhood has come to power politically in Egypt and now
the religious element, the Islamists in Egypt are calling for a global
caliphate, a worldwide Muslim kingdom to also come to power. In a recent
gathering of hundreds and thousands of Muslim worshipers held in
Cairo's largest soccer stadium, the Islamic cleric Safwat Higazi called
for the capital city of this caliphate to be Jerusalem, not Mecca or
Medina the two most sacred cities in the Islamic faith. If that end
times scenario sounds familiar, it is because the Bible does lay out in
its prophetic passages that the Messiah, Jesus Christ, will come back to
the earth and setup His Kingdom, a kingdom that God, His Father gives
Him, Daniel 7:13-14.
The Lord's Kingdom on earth will last for 1,000 years, Revelation 20:4-6
and then into eternity future, Zechariah 6:13. The Lord's Kingdom will
be headquartered in Jerusalem, II Samuel 7:10-15 and Zechariah 1:16.
In the last days, the Muslims will come to Jerusalem and to try and
setup a kingdom, but they will be destroyed and the Lord's Kingdom will
rule and reign from Jerusalem.