Two websites in Iran are calling for Moslems to kill Jews and annihilate
Israel and that they will do this in less than nine minutes, a plan
that has legal and religious justification for the attack on the Jewish
state which also includes Jewish people worldwide.
In fact, Iran already has a strategy in place for an offensive attack
that would target key Israeli sites using land-to-land missiles or their
nuclear weapon of mass destruction mounted as a warhead on their long
range Shahab 3 missile that can hit any target in Israel.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
A call by the supreme Islamic leader of Iran for Moslems to rise up and
kill Jews and annihilate the Jewish state of Israel and be able to do
that, as they say, in nine minutes is a page right out of Bible prophecy
for the last days.
Several years ago, Iranian President Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be
wiped off the face of the earth and he has continued this radical
rhetoric up until today. It is amazing to me as I watch world leaders
not doing anything serious to stop this call for the planned destruction
of an entire nation, the Jewish people. I mentioned that this scenario
actually is a page out of Bible prophecy for the end of times. The
ancient Jewish prophet Ezekiel wrote 2500 years ago that Iran, mentioned
as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, would rise up to try to slaughter the Jewish
people in the last days.
In the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, Ezekiel 34 and 37, the Jews have
returned to the land of their forefathers and now consider the Iranians
as the number one threat to their existence. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and
Psalm 83 all mention an alignment of nations that will join Iran in an
effort to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. In fact, Psalm 83:4
says this coalition of nations will rise up to cut Israel off from being
a nation in this world and work so that the name of the Jewish state,
Israel will be forgotten forever. Ezekiel 38:18-39:6 reveals that the
Lord will intercede from Heaven and actually destroy Iran and all the
nations in their coalition.
Politically, Iran wants to wipe Israel off the earth. Prophetically, Iran will be the nation destroyed by the Lord.