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PA President Mahmoud Abbas in a recent speech denied that there was ever
a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem which is part of a
campaign to eradicate Jewish history at the Temple Mount as well as the
rest of the land of Israel.
By Abbas' denial of the Jewish Temple
at the same time he has undermined the teaching of the New Testament
and the life of Jesus Christ because if there was no Temple in
Jerusalem, the biblical account of Jesus chasing the money changers out
of the Temple would mean that there would be no truth to biblical
history and Christian theology.
Abbas has also stated that there
will be no peace, security, or stability unless the Jewish occupiers,
the settlements, and the settlers are evacuated from the Palestinian
holy city of Jerusalem and its sacred site.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
denying that there was ever a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem the PA
President Mahmoud Abbas not only denies Jewish history, Christian
theology, but the truth of Bible prophecy as well.
PA President
Mahmoud Abbas has been a person that stands in the face of history by
first denying that the Holocaust ever took place. In recent years,
Mahmoud Abbas has been leading the charge against biblical history in
his denial of there ever being a Jewish presence on the Temple Mount in
Jerusalem. This denial contradicts both secular history and biblical
history as well.
The Old Testament records the fact of the first
Temple in Jerusalem being built by King Solomon, II Chronicles 3. Abbas
contradicts the biblical account of the second Temple in Jerusalem built
by Zerubbabel who led 50000 Jews back to Jerusalem from the Babylonian
captivity in order to build the second Temple, Ezra 1-6. The Gospel of
John tells us that Herod the Great took a number of years to refurbish
the second Temple that stood in Jerusalem in the times of Jesus Christ,
that's John 2:20.
In fact, the account of Jesus throwing the
money changers out of the Temple found in John 2:13-16 took place at the
beginning of the ministry of Jesus and a repeat of that same activity
by Jesus at the end of His ministry, Matthew 21:12-13, proves that there
was a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount and Jews were present there for
over 1000 years. Zechariah 6:12-13 says that Jesus Christ, a Jew, will
return to the earth and build another Temple on the Temple Mount in
PA President Abbas is wrong. Bible prophecy has been and will be fulfilled.