An ancient spring that was mentioned in the Bible as the spring or river
Gihon, recorded in the passage in the Holy Scriptures of the account of
Creation, is now a place of opportunity for religious men to take a
ritual bath in this sacred body of water.
The Gihon Spring in Silwan in the Eastern section of the city of
Jerusalem is the site for Jewish men to perform their traditional ritual
in the immersion pit, the activity religious Jews are required to do
before entering the Temple Mount.
This spring in Jerusalem is considered to be the spot where Adam went after his sin in the Garden of Eden.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Religious Jewish men can now use the one spring in the Garden of Eden to
take a ritual bath before entering the Temple Mount, evidence we are
living in the end times according to Bible prophecy.
The city of Jerusalem zoning board recently approved the construction of
a special project at the Gihon Spring in the City of David which is the
original site of the city of Jerusalem. Religious men will use the
immersion pit being constructed at the Gihon Spring to take their ritual
bath required before they can enter the Temple Mount. However, there is
a problem with this decision by the zoning board. The construction
project is located in Silwan, a Palestinian neighborhood in the area.
This controversy today is part of the scenario that was foretold by the
ancient Jewish prophet Zechariah in Zechariah 12:2. As to the statements
that the site on the Gihon is where Adam went after his sin in the
Garden of Eden, this statement is confirmed in Scripture only as it
refers to the Gihon River being in the Garden of Eden, Genesis 2:10. The
Gihon was the one river in the garden which was located in Jerusalem
according to I Kings 1:33, 45. The Gihon River was the one river in the
garden that became four rivers somewhere outside of the Garden of Eden.
Ezekiel 36:35 says that the Jews will be given back their Garden of Eden in the last days.