A Jerusalem walkway from the time of the Jewish patriarch Abraham protected by a wall of rock has been discovered near the City of David archaeological site by a team from Haifa University and the Israel Antiquities Authority who stated that this wall is the most massive ever discovered in the City of David. The City of David is the original site of the city of Jerusalem which was at one time a Jebusite stronghold and also the site where the Jewish patriarch Abraham met with the King and High Priest of Jerusalem 4000 years ago - the one known as Melchizidek.
Ronny Reich, the lead archaeologist on this project, said a fortification of such a massive scale indicates that Jerusalem became a city-state on its own that was able to deploy and gather the resources to build such a massive wall.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The recent archaeological discovery of a walkway in Jerusalem that may have been used by the Jewish patriarch Abraham is evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem in the past as well as a prophetic significance in the future - according to Bible prophecy.
The City of David in Jerusalem is the site of one of the most significant archaeological digs in Israel and it continues to unearth historic evidence of a Jewish presence in Jerusalem dating back almost 4000 years ago. The newest discovery of a walkway that was fortified by a massive wall may indicate how the Jewish patriarch Abraham met with the priest-king of Jerusalem Melchizidek as recorded in Genesis 14:17-24. There is much speculation as to who Melchizidek was but most scholars believe he was a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. I believe Melchizidek is a prototype of the ministry of Jesus Christ in the last days when He returns to the Earth as the King of Kings and the High Priest as well (Zechariah 6:13).
This historic reference to Abraham in the City of David also speaks of the Abrahamic Covenant that the Lord made with the Jewish patriarch which states that there will be a Jewish nation in the land that God had given to them in the Middle East and that they will live in that land forever (Genesis 12).
Archaeology in finally catching up with the Bible which recorded these events and has also given us the future of the Jewish people and this land. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.