The global Moslem population now stands at 1.57 billion people meaning that one in four people on the Earth practice Islam according to a report by the Pew Forum, the most comprehensive of its kind, a survey that has provided precise numbers for a population whose size has long been subject to guesswork.
The project also presents a portrait of the Moslem world with some surprises including information that there are more Moslems in Germany, China, and Russia than there are in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Libya.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
The latest global survey that reveals one in every four people on the Earth practice Islam is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment that ever before.
For a number of years the size of the Moslem population in our world has been subject to guesswork with estimates ranging anywhere from 1 billion to 1.8 billion people. Now we have been provided with the precise numbers by the Pew Forum on religion and public life, a report that indicates the total population of the Moslem world is 1.57 billion people on Earth, that's one in every four people of the global population.
It is also interesting to note that only 40% of Moslems live in the Middle Eastern Arab countries with the rest scattered around the world with large numbers living in Asia. This information is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to fulfillment in light of the prophecies for the last days. Daniel 11, Ezekiel 38, and Psalm 83 list the nations that will come against Israel in the last days to wipe the Jewish state off the Earth. The lowest common denominator of these nations that align themselves against Israel is that they are Moslem. The ancient Jewish prophecy Joel states that a mighty militia will be formed to attack Israel (Joel 2:3-4) and the hate that radical Islam has for the Jews sets that prophecy in motion. This latest report on the global population of the Moslem world is evidence that Bible prophecy is closer to being fulfilled that ever before.