JD: David James is in Romania teaching a very important course to the pastors, youth pastors, and young people in that nation. The course he’s teaching is Current Theological Trends. I asked David why he chose that course to teach.
DJ: Probably a couple of reasons, one is that Iulian had sent several of his young people to the Word of Life Bible Institute in Hungary for training and I was there in May and I taught this course to second year students.
You know in this part of the world there’s a tremendous lack
of Bible teaching and a lack of clear exegesis that’s largely because of a lack of
training and especially a lack of Biblical interpretation, a lack of a Biblical
hermeneutic that we often talk about.
JD: You know when I travel across the world I find a lack of
sold Biblical teaching on sound doctrine. It seems to be a problem wherever you
may go especially all over the world. But, we frequently hear this defense for
this with people saying something like well doctrine divides but love unites;
your comments.
DJ: It’s true that doctrine divides but, it’s because belief
unites not because love unites. I think about also the importance of doctrine; I
Timothy 1, Paul left Timothy in the church of Ephesus to deal with false
teachers. He list in chapter 1 a series of very serious sins for example, he
said "the law was made for the lawless, for the ungodly, for the unholy, for
murderers, for fornicators, for sodomites, kidnappers, and liars".
Then he says this, “If
there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine”. So it’s the
clearest place in scripture where Paul directly links our behavior, lifestyle
and sound doctrine and he ties them directly together. So, we live based upon what
we believe.
JD: Great thought, we live by what we believe. You know friend,
you and I must study sound doctrine. David James with that report from Romania.
We report this information because it is setting the stage
for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
In order to understand Gods plans for today and into the
future we must study sound doctrine.
II Timothy 3:16 says, that all scripture is given by
inspiration of God and is profitable. It’s profitable for correction, its
profitable for instruction in righteousness, but it is also profitable for
sound doctrine. In addition, Gods prophetic word reviles the future for each and
every one of us. A study of sound doctrine helps us to know how we must live in
light of the truth and Gods prophetic Word that the rapture of the church could
take place at any moment.