JD: Since you were born in Iran I wanted to talk first, with you, about the situation in Iran; they’re a little bit concerned about Donald Trump coming in as president, the possibility that he might try to change the nuclear deal. Give us an insight into what’s Iran doing at this point in time and are they really scared of Donald Trump?
SH: I’m not surprised that the Islamic regime is spouting what they are in relationships with these elections. It is historic, and I think they are looking at the fact that it’s very likely this deal could be torn up and the United States would remove itself.
I think this is a situation too in what we saw with the
election with Ronald Reagan; the way Iran was posturing itself with Jimmy
Carter, of course with the hostage crisis back starting in 1979. And then look
what happened when Ronald Reagan took over and on the very day of the
inauguration the Ayatollah released the hostages back then. I think Iran right now is
posturing. I think they are scared for various reasons; I think things are
going to be very different in this administration in regards to what appeared
to be, Dr. DeYoung, under Obama, a doctrine of just absolute appeasement. We were
bending over backwards to appease Iran, of course there was connections within
the administration, Valerie Jarrett who was one of the Obama confidants in the
White House, her parents lived in Iran, she’s half Iranian. You then have the
son in law of John Kerry who is Iranian who is connected to the higher ups in
the Iranian regime. I think Iran should be concerned and I think we should
remove ourselves from this deal that released a hundred fifty billion dollars
to the number one sponsor of Jihad terrorism in the world.
JD: Iranian born broadcast partner, Shahram Hadian, with this report on
Iran and a President Trump prospective. We report this information because it
is setting the stage for Bible prophecy to be fulfilled.
Jimmy's Prophetic Prospective on the News
Iran is a key player in the end of times scenario which will
unfold in the Middle East.
Iran is first mentioned as Persia in Ezekiel 38:5, that was
the name of the Islamic Republic in the Middle East until 1936. Today Iran is
on a list of Middle Eastern nations who plan to try and destroy the Jewish
state of Israel. This will come about as they align themselves with other Middle
Eastern nations and it will happen in the first 6 months of the Tribulation
period, that’s Ezekiel 38:8 & 5 when Israel is dwelling safely in the land.
This scenario is absolute. Bible prophecy will indeed be fulfilled.